
Chapter 740 Redistribution of Immortal Patterns

Chapter 740 Redistribution of Immortal Patterns
It's just that Liu Chen didn't plan to say it now, lest they worry.

It's better to leave quietly while they are practicing in seclusion, and go to the Land of Nine Nethers first to see if they can find the three great demons of heaven and earth.

After all, there are mysterious restrictions in the mysterious realm, and those who are strong in the transformation stage cannot enter, and they are all strong in the Nascent Soul stage.

So they stay here, very safe.

Not long after, Liu Chen led everyone to find a relatively safe and secret place in the mysterious realm.

"Just here."

Liu Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly, and immediately memorized the contents of the ancient pamphlet, then sat down at a random place, and began to refine the fairy pattern.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen was not idle either.

On the way to find the three great demons of heaven and earth, they will definitely collide with the Ascending Immortal Palace, so it is better to improve their strength first, even if it is only a little bit.

Anyway, it doesn't take a stick of incense to refine one immortal pattern, and it doesn't take long to refine twenty immortal patterns.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately sat cross-legged, made a gesture with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, the remaining nineteen fairy lines on his arm shone with golden light.

There was only a humming sound, and the fairy pattern released a strong golden light. Gradually, this golden light gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely.

Then the fairy pattern disappeared.

After a while, there were only eighteen fairy patterns left on Liu Chen's body, and one was missing.

At this time, Bing Feixue and the others had just found the way to refine the fairy pattern, and it would take at least two hours to refine a fairy pattern.

After getting familiar with it, the speed may be faster.

However, it was impossible to reach Liu Chen's terrifying speed, and he actually refined a fairy pattern in the time of half a stick of incense.

If the spirit master appeared here mysteriously at this moment, he would definitely be very shocked.

Because Liu Chen refined the fairy pattern faster than him.

The third fairy pattern flickered and also released a dazzling golden light.

At the same time, Liu Chen also had a new imprint on the center of his eyebrows. This imprint is golden in color, but it is unclear what the exact pattern is.

But the moment the golden mark appeared, it competed with the power of the flower of the dead.

There was only a buzzing sound, but the power of the golden mark was still too weak, and it quickly shrank into a ball, hiding in the corner between Liu Chen's eyebrows.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.

Gradually, as Liu Chen refined more and more fairy patterns, the power of the golden seal gradually became stronger, but it still hadn't reached the point where it could compete with the Flower of the Undead.

Estimated according to the current speed, at least [-] fairy lines need to be refined to have a chance of surpassing the flower of the dead.

However, Liu Chen now only has twenty fairy marks all over his body.

"One more refinement!"

Liu Chen was overjoyed, he never thought that refining the fairy patterns was so easy, at this moment, no less than ten fairy patterns have been refined.

The sound of humming sounded, Liu Chen was no longer satisfied with the refinement of one fairy pattern after another, so he immediately made a formula with both hands, and connected points with his fingers.

The three fairy lines on the arm shone with dazzling golden light.

It is unbelievable to refine three immortal patterns at the same time.

Throughout the ages, except for those talented Zhuo Lun who have the ability to refine multiple immortal patterns at the same time, there have never been many people who have dared to do so.

The main reason is that it is too difficult, and it takes a long time to refine one fairy pattern, not to mention refining three fairy patterns at the same time?
The time will only be longer, it is not as good as refining one by one.

Unknowingly, Liu Chen's cultivation quietly increased. Although the change was not great, Liu Chen could feel that he had indeed become stronger.

The realm of transforming gods!

Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, hoping to step into the realm of transforming gods as soon as possible, and then he would have the qualifications to challenge the Hall of Immortals.


Liu Chen shouted loudly, and the last three golden lines on his arm quietly disappeared.

Until now, all the twenty immortal patterns have been refined by Liu Chen, and the golden mark on the center of the eyebrows gradually became clear, which turned out to be a long sword.

The sword's edge is sharp, even if you just glance at it, you will feel as if your eyes have been pricked by a needle, which is very uncomfortable.

Not only that, but the power of the golden seal has also increased a lot, barely able to compete with the flower of the dead.

"Perhaps, I can destroy the Flower of the Undead without looking for the three great demons of heaven and earth."

Liu Chen was full of confidence and high-spirited.

"All you need is enough fairy patterns. When the power of the golden seal is stronger than the flower of the dead, and then cooperate with the blood of the ice demon, it will definitely destroy the flower of the dead!"

Liu Chen opened his eyes and shot bursts of light, obviously his cultivation has improved a lot.

"Chen'er, the fairy lines on your arm...are all...refined?" Liu Guanyun was shocked, staring at Liu Chen's arm, not leaving for a moment.

Hearing this, Liu Chen realized that, except for Bing Feixue, everyone else had already finished.


Liu Chen smiled slightly, and after sweeping his eyes, he found that Liu Chengfeng, Liu Guanyun, and the long-nosed old man had refined two fairy lines each.

And Liu Chen refined twenty immortal patterns, ten times faster than them.

At the same time, Bing Feixue also refined ten immortal patterns, and is refining No.11 immortal pattern.

"It's also incredible."

The long-nosed old man shook his head, looked at his own arm, and then at Liu Chen's arm, his eyes filled with disbelief.

They are both demons, so why is there such a big difference?
After the long-nosed old man refined the second fairy pattern, he felt a little uncomfortable in his body, so he stopped immediately.

But at that moment, he noticed Liu Chen and Bing Feixue, and he didn't expect that one was more terrifying than the other.

They only refined two celestial patterns, but they felt unwell and couldn't continue. Bing Feixue had refined ten celestial patterns and hadn't stopped yet.

But Liu Chen easily refined twenty immortal patterns.

"Do you have any special method?" The long-nosed old man asked immediately.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, looked at the long-nosed old man with a smile on his face, and said, "The method is in the booklet I gave you."

"As for the matter of refining the fairy pattern, I don't think there is any rush, it should be done slowly."

The long-nosed old man has a black line on his forehead, you are refining the fairy pattern so fast, of course you are not in a hurry, anyway, it only takes a while.

But we don't know how long it will take to refine twenty immortal patterns, how can we not be in a hurry, we can't stay in the fairy tomb for a lifetime.

"Chen'er, with our talents, it is almost impossible to refine fifty immortal lines. Instead of doing this, it is better to give you the remaining immortal lines."

At this time, Liu Guanyun spoke slowly, and immediately made a formula with both hands, and suddenly bent her fingers, thirty fairy lines flew out of her arms.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chengfeng didn't hesitate, followed by making a formula with both hands, with a little flexion of his fingers, thirty fairy lines flew out.

A total of sixty fairy patterns floated in the air, shining with dazzling golden light, which was particularly eye-catching.

Sixty Immortal Marks!

Anyone who enters the fairy tomb wants to get it, even if it is only ten fairy patterns, but here there are sixty fairy patterns.

The most important thing is that they want to give these sixty immortal patterns to Liu Chen!

"You need these fairy patterns more than we do."

Liu Chengfeng looked serious, and said solemnly: "With your speed of refining fairy patterns, if you can refine these sixty fairy patterns, you can definitely step into the realm of transforming gods."

"At that time, the flower of the dead will be solved."

"What about you?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly, and said.

Hearing this, Liu Guanyun and Liu Chengfeng looked at each other, shook their heads with a wry smile, and said, "Our talents are limited, and it is very likely that we will stop at the peak of the fourth order in this life."

"But with these twenty immortal patterns, maybe we can also step into the realm of transforming gods and become a fifth-order demon. As for the higher realm, we dare not think about it."

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, staring at the sixty fairy patterns in the sky in silence for a long time, and finally put away the fairy patterns with a wave of his sleeve.

Immediately, another sixty golden lines appeared on the arm.

The long-nosed old man hesitated, waved his big sleeve, and said, "I'm sure I won't be able to refine fifty immortal patterns, so instead of saving them for waste, I'll give you some."

As soon as the words fell, the old man with a long nose clasped the formula with both hands, suddenly bent his fingers, and thirty fairy lines appeared on his arms immediately.

"Thank you!"

Liu Chen said sincerely, and immediately accepted the thirty immortal patterns without hesitation.

Until now, there are ninety fairy lines on Liu Chen's arm, just as the human body's limit for absorbing fairy lines is one hundred.

The remaining ten immortal patterns, handed over to the Lord of Reincarnation, are perfect.

With these ninety immortal patterns, Liu Chen is absolutely sure to hit the realm of transforming gods.

Time was running out, Liu Chen immediately sat cross-legged, adjusted his breathing, and began to refine the fairy patterns. Liu Chengfeng and others wisely did not disturb, but spread out and took charge of vigilance.

A day later, Bing Feixue slowly opened his eyes, bursts of light burst out from his eyes, and his aura increased a lot, becoming even stronger.

However, there are still [-] fairy lines left on her arm, but her aura is ready to move, as if she is about to break through at any time.

"Why hasn't Liu Chen woke up yet?"

Bing Feixue looked at Liu Chen worriedly, and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chengfeng immediately explained: "Chen'er refined the fairy patterns extremely fast, and we gave him another ninety fairy patterns. It may take a long time before he wakes up."

"I see."

Bing Feixue suddenly realized, and immediately stood beside him knowingly, watching Liu Chen in a trance.

And at this moment, the Land of Nine Serenities.

"Tsk tsk tsk, with so many of you, didn't you still have nothing to do with me in the end?" Voldemort stood at the end of the yellow spring, looking at the Void Demon and the others with a smile.

Following Voldemort's gaze, he saw that the feet of the Void Demon and the others were petrified and unable to move.

And beside Voldemort, there was still a giant ice and snow beast, and the two were obviously in the same group.

"We can't do anything to you, and you can't do anything to us!"

The demon lord snorted coldly and said in disbelief.

Hearing this, Voldemort laughed even louder, and said: "When the water in the underworld comes up, you will all be turned into stone."

"Of course, although you can't die, you will be trapped here for the rest of your life."

(End of this chapter)

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