
Chapter 774

Chapter 774
Three days will go quickly.

On this day, the Great Void Demon and others stood in the air, looked at a small village below, and wondered: "I didn't expect them to hide here."

"This is exactly the dangerous place in Xiling, the land of the southern ring, and the intersection of Zhongtian and earth. They hide here, so they can find out our situation."

Xiang Chunmiao's eyes flickered with killing intent.

Hearing this, the Ice Demon nodded slightly, and continued: "The Gray Demon God disguises himself as a normal human being and lives in this village, while the rest of the Demon God Clan hide in the village. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find them even if they go in."

"It seems that they haven't found us yet. Take advantage of the present, quickly cast the seven-color sky net, trap them firmly, and then annihilate them in one fell swoop."

The Great Void Demon turned his eyes and landed on the old woman, saying solemnly.


The old woman nodded slightly, and immediately winked at Xiang Chunyan and Xiang Chunmiao, and the three of them immediately joined hands to make a formula, and set up a colorful sky net over the village.

The Great Void Demon and others ambushed at the outskirts of the village to prevent the Demon God Clan from suddenly killing them.

"This time! They can't escape!"

The big monster of mountains and rivers was determined to win, and said angrily.

"Colorful sky net!"

The old woman gave a soft cry, the colorful imprints on the center of her eyebrows flickered frantically, and a powerful aura emerged, and immediately after, a large number of colorful filaments appeared in front of her.

Not only her, but also Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan.

The powerful aura in the sky immediately alarmed the powerful demon gods in the village.

In the blink of an eye, countless powerful demon gods swarmed out and rushed in all directions, while six demon gods from the realm of transforming gods went straight up and killed the old woman.

Seeing the situation, the corner of the old woman's mouth rose slightly, showing a contemptuous smile, and said lightly: "It's too late to break through now."


The old woman's complexion darkened, she suddenly pointed her fingers, and Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan made moves one after another.

In an instant, countless colorful filaments connected with each other in the air, gradually forming a colorful net, covering the entire village.


The Green Demon God let out a cold snort, and made a series of tricks with both hands. The powerful supernatural power fell on the seven-color sky net, which could only cause shallow ripples.

Seeing the situation, Yasha and the giant whale looked at each other, and rushed forward with bare hands.

The two fists landed on the same place of the seven-color sky net one after another, and the seven-color sky net was slightly deformed, as if it was about to break open.

"not good!"

The mountain and river demon yelled inwardly that it was not good, and subconsciously rushed over to repel Yasha and the giant whale.

Seeing the situation, the old woman smiled and said nothing, as if she was not at all worried that they would be able to break through the colorful sky net and rush out.

Not only the third patriarch of Ascending Immortal Palace, but even the Ice Demon stood in place, motionless.

He had been trapped by the seven-color sky net before, so he naturally knew the power of this magical power. Unless the three old women came into contact with each other in person, it would be almost impossible for the trapped person to rush out.

Especially among this group of demon gods, the strongest is only the middle stage of the transformation of the gods.

Sure enough, the seven-color sky net deformed and extended infinitely, but it did not collapse. As the Yaksha and the giant whale retreated, the seven-color sky net gradually returned to its original shape.

"Where's the magic cannon?"

The old woman smiled triumphantly, then waved her sleeves and asked.

Hearing this, the three elders of Ascending Immortal Hall immediately slapped the savings bag, moved out all fifteen fairy cannons, and looked at the Void Demon with a smile, the meaning was very obvious.

"Take them all."

The Great Void Demon didn't hesitate, and immediately waved his sleeve, throwing out a savings bag.

The old woman stretched out her hand to grab it, opened the savings bag for a look, then nodded in satisfaction, and immediately ordered the three elders to pour all the spirit stones into the fairy cannon.

Only the sound of buzzing continued, and all the fifteen immortal magic cannons shone with penetrating light, and a terrifying aura permeated the air.

It was like a sleeping scourge that was about to wake up, making them very uncertain, with deep fear in their eyes.

When they broke through the siege before, they had seen the power of the Immortal Demon Cannon, and even the powerhouses at the transformation stage felt the danger.

This time, it was at such a close distance again, it was unimaginable.

And in such a small village, they didn't dare to blow themselves up, otherwise they wouldn't need the Void Demon and others to do it. The power of their self-detonation alone would be enough to destroy them all.

It's no different than mass suicide.

"I've been looking for you for so long, and I'll solve you all at once today."

The corner of the old woman's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile.

The tense nerves of Shanchuan Dayao and others gradually relaxed. The seven-color sky net trapped them, coupled with the power of the fairy cannon, it was enough to seriously injure them.

At that time, all the powerhouses of the transformation stage will be able to wipe out the Demon God Clan together.

"Even if you kill us all, what benefits can you get?"

The Green Demon God knew that it was impossible to rush out by force, so he opened his mouth slowly, looked into the eyes of the old woman, and continued: "It's just a running dog of a fairy, but those high-ranking fairy will not appreciate it at all."

"You have died so many people. After victory, will there be immortals who will take pity on you or give you compensation?"

"Stop dreaming, it's impossible!"

The Green Demon God paused, and then said: "If you are willing to help us, open the Seven-Color Immortal Immortal Bridge, and let us break into the Immortal Realm."

"At that time, I can promise you that you will have a place in the fairy world, and those high-ranking immortals will become your servants!"

"You can boldly imagine the feeling of stepping on a fairy under your feet."

Hearing this, the Great Void Demon curled his lips in disdain, turned his head to look at the old woman, and said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, do it!"

The old woman was stunned, and the image of stepping on the immortal and looking down on all living beings appeared in her mind.

Can't help showing a smile.

"what happened to you?"

Xiang Chunmiao felt that something was wrong with the old woman, so she said with concern.

Hearing this, the old woman shook her head and said lightly, "It's okay."

Immediately his complexion changed, and he said sternly: "Cooperating with you is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. I'm afraid that the moment we open up the colorful Shengxian Bridge, you will cross the river and tear down the bridge."

Hearing these words, the Green Demon God couldn't help but not be disappointed, but hope was kindled in her heart, because she heard the desire for the fairy world from the old woman's words.

"I swear to Lord Demon Emperor with my life that I will never commit any betrayal."

"As long as you are willing to help us capture the fairy world, you will be the new masters of the fairy world."

The Green Demon God had a serious expression and said solemnly.

The new owner of the fairyland.

The old woman was moved.

But at this moment, Xiang Chunmiao scolded and said, "Fire!"

The fifteen fairy cannons erupted instantly, and the muzzle shot out a powerful force, blasting directly towards the village below.

Fifteen beams of light shot out, possessing the terrifying power of destroying heaven and earth, as if the sky was trembling, fearing this power.

Seeing the situation, the Green Demon God's pupils shrank suddenly, and deep fear emerged in the depths of his eyes, and he immediately backed away.

But the village is only so big, where can they retreat?
In desperation, the six demon god clan powerhouses in the realm of transforming gods jointly cast a protective cover to protect the demon god clan powerhouses in the rear.

Fifteen terrifying beams of light hit the protective cover, and in an instant, the protective cover burst, and the beams of light rushed into the crowd.


In an instant, there were screams one after another, and they were quickly annihilated in the blood.

There are many powerful demon gods who were swallowed by the beam of light before they even had time to scream, and disappeared completely.

The Great Void Demon looked at this scene with a smile on his face. With just one blow, the Demon God Clan was severely injured, and the price was only the loss of tens of thousands of spirit stones.



The Great Void Demon said excitedly.

Hearing this, he waved Xiang Chunmiao's big sleeve, signaling the strong man behind him to continue to fill up the spirit stones and recharge the fairy magic cannon.

"and many more."

The old woman's complexion sank, and she stopped talking.

At this moment, the Green Demon God and the others stood up from the smoke with pale faces, and there was no one behind them.

Except for the six powerhouses in the realm of transforming gods, the rest of the demon god clan's powerhouses were all killed by this blow, which is simply inconceivable.

"As long as you are willing to join hands with the Demon God Clan, all previous grievances can be written off."

The Green Demon God said solemnly, his eyes kept on the old woman.

"Don't listen to nonsense. If we let them out right now, I'm afraid we will turn our backs immediately. At that time, it will not be easy for us to find them again."

"That's right, they are all strong in the realm of transforming gods. If they sneak into other places, it will not be difficult to wipe out a country quietly."

"Now they don't have to worry about the future, they can completely set off a bloody storm in the five lands, and they must not let it go!"

The Great Void Demon began to persuade.

The ice devil's face darkened, and he always felt that something was wrong with the old woman's expression at the moment.

But only the three of them can untie the seven-color sky net, no matter how anxious Void Daemon and the others are, they can't do anything.

But at this moment, Xiling is in a dangerous situation, the Purple Demon Valley.

Zixuan and the others are still in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up.

Liu Chen stood above the Purple Demon Valley, glanced at the direction of the battlefield, and said with a smile: "It should be the fluctuation of the fairy cannon just now, it seems that they have found the Demon God Clan."

"The strange thing is that up to this moment, I haven't felt the aura of the God Transformation powerhouse, but the aura of the Immortal Cannon." Bing Feixue frowned slightly, wondering.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled and explained: "If I'm not wrong, the Demon God Clan should be trapped by the seven-color sky net, and they are the turtles in the urn at this moment. To destroy them, only the fairy cannon is enough."

"Since I don't have anything to do there, why don't we go to the South Ring now, hoping to find the entrance of the Demon God Clan to enter the five lands."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately flew to the South Ring with Bing Feixue.

"Put it on."

With a wave of his sleeves, Liu Chen handed Bing Feixue a pair of boots.

(End of this chapter)

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