
Chapter 801 put a long line to catch big fish

Chapter 801 put a long line to catch big fish
"Nixian in the realm of transforming gods, can you exchange [-] mission points for killing one person?"

Liu Chen stood in front of them, because Liu Chen didn't crush the jade tablet, so they didn't know that Liu Chen was also a Nixian.

But at this moment, seeing what Liu Chen and Jian Xin were talking about made them feel sick.

"In the early stage of becoming a god, one person can exchange for [-] mission points."

"At the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, twenty thousand, at the late stage of the transformation of the gods, thirty thousand, and so on..."

Jian Xin explained slowly.

"it is good!"

With a smile in his eyes, Liu Chen yelled "Hello", and immediately said, "There are four Nixians here, and [-] task points. I want to know how many points I can meet the three immortal emperors?"

"30 million!"

Kenshin replied.


Suddenly, Liu Chen lowered his voice, walked to Jian Xin, and said via voice transmission: "[-] mission points are not enough for us to share equally."

"It's better to push them to a desperate situation, but give them a chance to attract more companions."

"Wouldn't it be better to wipe them all out at that time?"

Hearing this, the corners of Jian Xin's mouth rose slightly, and he looked at Liu Chen with deep meaning, and asked, "We've already driven them to a desperate situation, but how can we give you a glimmer of hope?"

"It's easy!"

With a smile on his face, Liu Chen said lightly, "Let them go!"

"Let them go?"

Jian Xin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Liu Chen in disbelief. He suddenly suspected that Liu Chen was also a Nixian, but then he smiled and shook his head.

If Liu Chen is really a rebel, that would be great.

It's just that he knows very well that this is almost impossible.

How could the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable be Ni Xian.

"Do you understand the principle of putting a long line to catch big fish?"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and continued: "We pretended to have a dispute to create opportunities for them to escape."

"Then hunt them down, with your powerful fighting power in the late stage of becoming a god, even if they come to help, you should be sure to deal with them, right?"

"That's natural!"

"Under the Great Consummation Stage of Transformation, no one can be my opponent!"

Jian Xin smiled confidently, and shook the long sword in his hand as he spoke, it was truly invincible.

"it is good!"

Jian Xin pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, agreeing to Liu Chen.

Both of them had their own little calculations in mind, Liu Chen wanted to create opportunities for them to escape, as to whether they could escape, it depended on their own abilities.

And Jianxin wanted to attract more Nixian experts, even if he didn't kill the last Nixian, he only wanted to kill Liu Chen.

Even if he has completed the task given by Gu Jianxianzun.

"Zhengchou didn't have a chance to do it! You asked for it yourself! You can't blame others!"

An imperceptible coldness flashed in the depths of Jian Xin's eyes, and he immediately stabbed Liu Chen with a sword, very sharply.

Although he didn't mean to take Liu Chen's life, he made it clear that he wanted to seriously injure Liu Chen.

"It's just acting, there's no need to work so hard, right?"

Liu Chen frowned, looked at Jian Xin with displeasure, and immediately pulled back, dodging the blow without any risk.

"Since it's acting, you have to be real, otherwise how can you fool them!"

After saying that, Jian Xin jumped up, and the long sword in his hand was unsheathed in an instant, and stabbed Liu Chen with a tongue of lightning and fire.

"What about the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable? Dare to insult my master, I must teach you a lesson today!"

Jian Xin shouted again and again, and his offensive became more and more fierce. With his strength in the late stage of transformation, Liu Chen was powerless to fight.

"Since you know that I am the disciple of Immortal Venerable, and you still dare to attack me like this, my senior brother will definitely not let you off lightly!"

Liu Chen was also furious, and immediately punched out, and the unicorn iron arm burst into a strong light, and hit the long sword.

The long swords in the hands of Qilin Iron Arm and Jian Xin are also real treasures, but the grade of the long sword is obviously higher than that of Qilin Iron Arm.

And Jian Xin's strength is also higher than Liu Chen's.

This punch not only failed to hurt Jian Xin, but was also bounced away by the counter-shock force.


Liu Chen let out a muffled snort, and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Watch me teach you a lesson!"

Jian Xin didn't intend to let Liu Chen go, and continued to kill him.

His purpose is very simple, not to take Liu Chen's life, but it is better to make Liu Chen lose his combat power, so that when he meets Ni Xian next time.

It can easily kill Liu Chen.

The ten mid-stage powerhouses next to him looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do for a while.

One side is the disciple of Ancient Sword Immortal, and the other may be the disciple of Immortal Immortal.

If they helped Liu Chen, they couldn't beat Jian Xin, and if they helped Jian Xin, the responsibility would probably be pushed on them afterwards.

It's a dilemma.

At this moment, the four Nixians took the opportunity to escape and flew desperately towards the distance.


Liu Chen yelled and signaled the ten powerhouses at the transformation stage to catch up.

"whispering sound."

The corners of Jian Xin's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sneer.

Obviously the scene should end here, but he struck out with a sword again.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

In desperation, Liu Chen had no choice but to move the unicorn iron arm to block the blow.

A sword fell, and a white mark was clearly visible on the black unicorn iron arm.

"It's just acting, there's no benefit in being so involved!"

Liu Chen said lightly, his whole right arm went numb, he gradually lost consciousness, and his body was seriously injured.

"In order not to let them see the flaws, I can only fake the show, and you should understand me."

Jian Xin smiled slightly, very satisfied with Liu Chen's current state, and immediately chased forward.


Liu Chen snorted coldly, his eyes filled with cold killing intent, and immediately followed.

Those four Nixians were extremely fast, but unfortunately they were too injured to fly fast at all, and the ten mid-stage Transformation Gods behind them were about to catch up.

In desperation, he had no choice but to crush the jade tablet.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, frowned, and a deep worry emerged in his heart, hoping that a strong man would appear and rescue them all.

Must be strong!
Liu Chen prayed secretly, and continued to fly forward.

After chasing for a long time, the distance from the Ancient Sword Immortal was getting farther and farther. The ten powerhouses at the transformation stage thought that something was wrong, so they all stopped and discussed: "The distance from the Ancient Sword Immortal is getting farther and farther. Going deep alone, I'm afraid they will fall into Ni Xian's trap instead."

"Your point makes sense, why don't we withdraw first and make plans after reuniting with Ancient Sword Immortal Venerable."

"It's a pity. They could have killed the four Rebellious Immortals, but they escaped like this."


Everyone sighed in unison.

At this moment, Jian Xin caught up and shouted: "What are you doing stopping! Catch up with them!"

After saying that, Jian Xin flew forward alone.

The ten powerhouses at the transformation stage had no choice but to follow.

After a while, Jian Xin stopped, blocked the retreat of the four Nixians, and said with a smile: "It's pretty fast."

"If I slow down a bit, I really can't catch up with you!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen and others also arrived and surrounded them.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Liu Chen and Jian Xin were also a little disappointed.

"What a pity!"

Jian Xin raised the long sword in his hand, said meaningfully, and immediately slashed down with the sword, and the sharp sword light erupted instantly.

The sword body hummed, and when it was less than two fingers away from the top of Nixian's head, a blue light flashed, knocking away the long sword in Jian Xin's hand.

"what happened?"

The ten powerhouses at the transformation stage turned pale with fright, and looked around again and again, only to see a shirtless figure flying towards them.

"Why is there only one person here?"

Jian Xin hadn't seen the man's face clearly yet, but was very disappointed.

If a group of Nixians came out, they might be able to kill Liu Chen, but now there is only one person, so it may be difficult to start.

Gradually, the man walked in.

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized that person's identity at a glance!

"Passing water!"

Jian Xin's heart skipped a beat and sank to the bottom of the valley. He stared at the gentle man walking towards him in horror, and immediately felt the intention to retreat.

"Tsk tsk, Kenshin, long time no see."

The corner of the passing water's mouth slightly raised, revealing a meaningful smile, and said lightly.

"Passing Water, why did you appear here?"

Jian Xin clenched the sword in his hand, and wanted to rush up to fight, but he was afraid of the strength of the passing water.

"This is the north of Immortal World, why can't I appear here?"

Paishui walked towards the four Nixians without fear, shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly.

Watching the passing water walk past, the ten powerhouses at the transformation stage consciously got out of the way, watching the passing water save the four Nixians, but they did not dare to step forward.

"Hmph! You are lucky today!"

Jian Xin put away his long sword and said viciously.

Hearing this, Passing Water smiled disapprovingly, looked Jian Xin up and down, and mocked: "I should be the one who said this to you."

"When Immortal Gu Jian is not in the north of Immortal World, you can come to me alone, just the two of us, to catch up on the old days, or to learn from each other."

"whispering sound!"

Jian Xin turned his head and clenched his fists, watching the passing water slowly disappear in front of his eyes, the kind of aggrieved, perhaps only he can understand.

"let's go!"

Jian Xin was furious, and immediately waved his sleeves and returned immediately.

Seeing the situation, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, proud in his heart, but he still sneered: "Didn't you confidently declare that you are No. 1 in the late stage of Transformation God?"

"Hmph! Don't mock me at this moment!"

Jian Xin turned his head, stared at Liu Chen with a cold expression, and said via voice transmission: "Don't think I don't know, you and Passing Water have met before, and he also gave you the unicorn iron arm."

"The two of you must have some ulterior secret. I even suspect that you deliberately attracted the passing water."

"The reason why you did this is to save those rebels!"

"You are also a reverse fairy!"

Jian Xin was aggressive, with a cold killing intent flashing in his eyes, his aura was overwhelming.

With such an obvious killing intent, even the ten powerhouses at the stage of transforming gods standing nearby felt it.

What's going on?

The ten powerhouses at the Transformation Stage looked at each other in blank dismay. Until now, they still didn't know what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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