
Chapter 827 Leave

Chapter 827 Leave
Not long after Liu Chen destroyed the jade slips, Long Jiu's eyes burst into light, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said to himself, "What a cautious guy."

But at this moment, Liu Chen ran all the way back to the cave, Zixuan and Bing Feixue both left the level, and their cultivation had reached the early stage of transformation.

Both of them condensed the immortal character, the immortal soldier.

"Tsk tsk tsk, your talent is too terrifying, even compared to me."

Liu Chen looked at the two in shock and said with emotion.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue smiled triumphantly, took Zixuan's hand, and said with a smile: "That's right, Sister Zi'er and I are both gifted, and our cultivation speed is naturally faster than ordinary people."

"Of course, the help of my husband's elixir is also indispensable."

Zi Xuan smiled sweetly, looked at Liu Chen and said.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, scratched Zixuan's nose, and said, "That makes sense."

"I'm going to make alchemy, you two should stay here with Xiaoqing."

Liu Chen shook the large amount of materials in his hands, smiled bitterly, and immediately walked towards the inside of the cave.

Seeing the situation, Bing Feixue and Zixuan looked at each other. They seemed to have decided on something, but they were hesitating whether to tell Liu Chen or not.

After a while, Bing Feixue took a step boldly, looked at Liu Chen with a serious expression, and said solemnly: "Husband, there is something we want to discuss with you."

"whats the matter?"

Liu Chen asked calmly, busy with alchemy.

"Sister Zi'er and I decided to leave the cave and go to the fairy world."

Bing Feixue spoke slowly, for fear that Liu Chen would not agree.

Before Liu Chen could answer, Zixuan quickly opened her mouth and explained: "If the two of us stay here, even if we practice for a lifetime, I'm afraid we won't have any great achievements."

"Sometimes it can be a burden to you."

"Fool, how can you be a burden?"

Liu Chen's heart trembled, he immediately put down the materials in his hands, walked towards the two of them, and comforted them.

"Sister Zi'er and I have already decided to go out and venture out. You don't have to worry about us. Since we can survive in the five lands, we can naturally survive in the fairy world."

"The fairyland is not used in the five lands. You are unknown here, without any background, and you may encounter any situation. It is very dangerous."

Liu Chen persuaded.

Liu Chen would have died countless times if it wasn't because of the Immortal Immortal Venerable behind him, and Zixuan and Bing Feixue's talents are not counted, the most important thing is that they look like gods.

And Bing Feixue also has a special bloodline, which is too dangerous.

Liu Chen was really worried.

"We know, but we don't want to hide behind your back forever. We want to help you and be your right-hand man."

Zixuan said bluntly.

The atmosphere in the cave was quite silent. Liu Chen looked at Zixuan and Bing Feixue expressionlessly, pondered for a long time, and slowly asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"The fairyland is so big, we haven't decided where to go, but we will come back every once in a while."

"After all, you are the third disciple of the Immortal Immortal Venerable, and you have become famous recently. It is not easy for you to find us, but it is still very easy for us to find you."

Zixuan smiled.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue nodded repeatedly, and said, "Sister Zi'er is right."

"Although the two of you have stepped into the realm of transforming gods, but if you haven't mastered the fairy art and don't have a powerful real treasure to defend yourself, I really don't trust the two of you to go out."

Liu Chen frowned slightly, worried.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue looked at Zixuan, the two smiled at each other, looked at Liu Chen triumphantly, and said, "Who said we haven't mastered fairy arts anymore."

"Could it be that you have realized the fairy art?"

There was a gleam in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes, and he looked at the mark between the two's eyebrows with suspicion.

Zixuan's brows are marked with seven colors, while Bing Feixue's is marked with snowflakes.

"Colorful Immortal Forbidden!"

Fearing that Liu Chen would not believe it, Zi Xuan immediately made a fist with both hands, and suddenly bent her finger, and saw the seven-color marks on the center of her eyebrows slowly floating up, turning into seven rays of light, and falling on Liu Chen's body.

Controlling fairy art!

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Zi Xuan in shock.

"Don't underestimate us, even if a strong person in the middle stage of transformation is trapped by the Qicai Immortal, they may not be able to escape unscathed."

Zi Xuan put her hands on her hips and looked at Liu Chen triumphantly.

"Let me try to see how powerful your Colorful Immortal Ban is."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile. Immediately, he made a gesture with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, his body split into two, unexpectedly two Liu Chen appeared.

But miraculously, both of Liu Chen's bodies were controlled by Qicai Immortal, unable to escape.

"How is it? Have you seen how powerful the Qicai Immortal is forbidden?"

Zixuan made a tactic with both hands, bent her fingers again, and the seven-color fairy forbidden disappeared instantly, and the seven-color imprint on the center of her eyebrows gradually became dim.

"It is indeed very strong. After being trapped, the ability to move is greatly hindered."

Liu Chen was shocked.

If during a battle, you suddenly trap the enemy with the Seven-Color Immortal Barrier, and then perform a big killer move, without any defensive measures, you can easily win with one blow.

"how about you?"

Liu Chen turned his gaze, landed on Bing Feixue, and asked.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue smiled mysteriously, and said: "My fairy art has already started, but you didn't realize it."


Liu Chen raised his brows, a hint of doubt flashed in the depths of his eyes, and immediately looked around, the cave was still the same as before, without any changes.

not good!

Suddenly, Liu Chen's heart trembled, and cold sweat broke out on his back. A strong sense of foreboding emerged, and he jumped up reflexively.

At the same time, two icicles rose from the ground and stuck to Liu Chen's feet, no matter how Liu Chen moved, he couldn't get rid of it.

Immediately afterwards, the huge cave was covered with a thick layer of ice, and the temperature dropped suddenly, and one could feel a biting chill between every breath.

"Hey, don't forget that I also have full blood."

Liu Chen chuckled, the weird rune between his brows flickered, and an extremely cold air slowly descended down his legs, immediately melting the icicles under his feet.

In fact, Bing Feixue had the opportunity to stab those two icicles into Liu Chen's body just now, and even as long as she was willing, any place in the cave could suddenly burst out with strong murderous intent.

Fortunately, Liu Chen also has a full bloodline, so he can control the icicles from fading, but how many people in the fairy world have full bloodlines?

"Immortal art! Extremely cold environment!"

Bing Feixue raised her head and looked at Liu Chen triumphantly, as if telling Liu Chen that my fairy art is also very powerful.

"Awesome, you two are more powerful than me in fairy art."

Liu Chen applauded again and again, but the worry in his heart did not completely subside.

Because Liu Chen knew the horror of the fairyland better than them, and if he didn't go deep, he would die in Huangquan.

"Husband, you should be relieved now? With me and Sister Zi'er joining forces, even if you encounter a strong man in the middle stage of transformation, if you can't beat him, at least you can retreat unscathed."

Bing Feixue vowed.

Zi Xuan stood beside Bing Feixue, nodding repeatedly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned slightly, and said, "Actually, I really don't want you two to leave, but since you insist on leaving, I won't try my best to stop you."

"But before you leave, I have one more thing to give you."

"What good stuff?"

Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue looked at Liu Chen eagerly, and asked.

Liu Chen smiled mysteriously, and immediately took out two Resurrection Pills from the Sumeru Ring, and said, "I got these two Resurrection Pills from Senior Lu."

"It's all the timeless rejuvenation pill. If you encounter an enemy you can't fight against in the future and are forced to burn your soul, you can take this rejuvenation pill first to ensure that you are all right."

Seeing the situation, Zixuan and Bing Feixue widened their eyes, looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, and said in shock: "There is such a miraculous pill that can even cure the burning of the soul?"

"Senior Lu is known as the No. 1 alchemy in the fairy world. He also obtained the alchemy of the Resurrection Pill by accident. It is very old, but the effect is not fake at all."

"I participated in the Immortal Rookie Conference and saw someone using it with my own eyes."

Liu Chen looked serious and said seriously.

Hearing this, Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue nodded heavily, they could basically hear what Liu Chen said.

Liu Chen agreed to them to leave.

"This is the key to my cave. If you are in danger, you can hide in my cave."

"I don't believe that anyone would dare to forcefully break into the cave of Immortal Immortal Venerable's disciple."

"Husband, you are so kind."

Bing Feixue smiled sweetly, and immediately kissed Liu Chen, Zi Xuan was not to be outdone.


Xiaoqing finally couldn't stand it anymore, roared, and immediately flew to the side of the alchemy furnace.

"When you are in danger, don't rush in, remember?"

Liu Chen urged again and again.

Hearing this, Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue nodded impatiently, and said, "Husband, we know."

"We're leaving."

Bing Feixue took Zixuan's hand, and immediately walked towards the outside of the cave.

Seeing the direction in which they were leaving, Liu Chen sighed a long time, feeling a deep worry in his heart.

Let them stay in the cave forever, except for cultivation and waiting, what is the difference between them and house arrest.

Maybe letting them go out on their own, there will be unexpected gains.

Liu Chen collected himself, sat in front of the alchemy furnace, and suddenly felt absent-minded.

It was as if after Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue left, Liu Chen lost something very important in his heart. With his state, how could he refine Long Xue Pill.


In the blink of an eye, it lasted three days, and for three full days, Liu Chen was adjusting his state, not daring to easily refine Long Xuedan.

However, in the past three days, a lot of barrier-breaking pills have been refined.

"It's almost done, let's try refining Longxue Pill first."

Liu Chen took a deep breath, and immediately took out the ingredients for refining Long Xuedan, and placed them on the ground one by one.

Must succeed!Only in this way can Xiaoqing prepare a Longxue Pill!

(End of this chapter)

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