
Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Heihuang and Sword Mosquito stood there in a daze, never expecting that there was a powerful five-clawed golden dragon beside Liu Chen.

"Stupid! Didn't you say that he only has the strength of the late stage of transformation, so he can be dealt with easily?"

Sword Mosquito's complexion darkened, he glared at Heihuang fiercely, and scolded.

Hearing this, Heihuang was silent, with a face full of resentment, staring at Xiaoqing beside Liu Chen, and said in a deep voice: "The matter has developed to this point, what's the point of complaining to each other!"

"At this time, you might as well think about how to kill Liu Chen!"

"Hehe, I think you are really stupid. There is a five-clawed golden dragon in the late fifth stage beside him, and you still want to kill Liu Chen."

The sword mosquito smiled coldly, and immediately flew towards the distance.

"We are all held in his hands now. If we can't kill him, we will be controlled by him in the future, and even die in his hands."

"We still have a way to go now, and that is to try our best to kill Liu Chen."

"Otherwise, none of us will have a good life!"

Heihuang's voice was sharp, and every word fell into the ears of the sword mosquito. It sounded very harsh, and he wished to slap Heihuang to death.

"Do you threaten me?"

Sword Mosquito's face was gloomy, and deep in his eyes revealed a deep killing intent, not to kill Liu Chen, but to kill Heihuang.

If it wasn't for Heihuang, he wouldn't have been in this muddy water.

It's good now, not only did he not kill Liu Chen, he reaped the benefits, but also trapped himself in it.

"I'm telling the truth, don't you understand yourself?"

Heihuang said coldly.

"I said, have you two discussed it?"

Liu Chen punched suddenly, and the wind of the fist immediately separated the black phoenix from the sword mosquito. The unicorn iron arm on the right arm quickly spread out, exuding a powerful aura.

"Originally, I just wanted to protect myself in the fairy world, not to provoke anyone, and I don't want anyone to provoke me!"

"But you have forced me again and again, and you really want you to live, but you can't find a suitable reason."

Liu Chen murmured to himself, and immediately his face darkened, bursts of light erupted in his eyes, and a monstrous killing intent burst out.

It shot towards the Black Phoenix and the Sword Mosquito like a substance.

Now it's not about whether Heihuang and Sword Mosquito should kill Liu Chen, but Liu Chen already has the intention to kill them.

Liu Chen knew that blindly giving in and compromising would only make them push forward.

It just so happened that both Black Phoenix and Sword Mosquito caught Liu Chen. Even if Liu Chen killed them and the matter came to light, Liu Chen didn't need to be afraid of anything.

They wanted to kill Liu Chen, but unfortunately their skills were inferior and they died under Liu Chen's sword.

What's more, Liu Chen was backed by Immortal Immortal Venerable, Gu Jian Immortal Venerable and Qian Zhan Immortal Venerable, even if they were angry, they would not dare to do anything to Liu Chen.

"What an arrogant tone. Are all the disciples of Immortal Immortal Venerable a virtuous person? They are exactly the same as your big brother Xie Bing."

Jian Mosquito turned around, stared at Liu Chen coldly, and said with murderous intent: "You and a five-clawed golden dragon still want to kill us, it's simply a fantasy."

"I am very confident in my strength, and I am also very confident in Xiaoqing's strength. Killing you is easy."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately made a formula with both hands, and shouted: "Xianshu! Light curtain sword rain!"

The originally cloudless sky was instantly covered by a golden lightsaber, blocking all escape routes of the Black Phoenix and the Sword Mosquito.

No matter which direction they fly away, the golden lightsaber in the sky will fall down and hunt them down.


At the same time, Xiaoqing roared, and a vast dragon's power exploded, which was countless times stronger than the breath of Liu Chen and others.

It was as if a mountain suddenly fell in the already turbulent lake, completely disturbing the lake.

Five-clawed golden dragon!

Even in the dragon clan, it has a very high status, just because of two points, the dragon flame of the five-clawed golden dragon can be used to refine elixir, and its combat effectiveness is also the strongest.

The strongest dragon in the fairy world, Long Zhantian, is the five-clawed golden dragon.


Xiaoqing opened his bloody mouth towards them, and suddenly there was a gust of wind, and little sparks could be vaguely seen spitting out of Xiaoqing's mouth.

"I, Liu Chen, have killed countless people, and there are not many more than the two of you!"

After the words fell, Liu Chen took a bold step forward, his aura instantly increased several times, and then he punched suddenly.

The unicorn danced wildly with its iron arms, and a black unicorn burst out, rushing towards the black phoenix.

Seeing the situation, Heihuang didn't dare to be careless, after all, the person who can kill Jianxin must have the strength to fight against the late stage of Huashen.

That's why, Heihuang would bring Sword Mosquito with him, because he believed that it would be more sure for two late-stage powerhouses to deal with Liu Chen at the same time.

"Phoenix Fire!"

The black phoenix opened its mouth suddenly, spewing out a cloud of black flames, and directly attacked Liu Chen.


Liu Chen smiled slightly, Xiaoqing immediately understood, roared, and spewed out dragon flames!

The golden dragon flame was like a beam of light, hitting the black phoenix fire straight, and directly broke into two pieces.


Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon flame swept across, and the phoenix fire was directly annihilated within the dragon flame.

With just one blow, it's up to the judge.

Xiaoqing's dragon flame is far above Heihuang's phoenix fire.

"Immortal art! The sword pierces Changhong!"

At this time, the Sword Mosquito slashed towards Liu Chen with the force of a thunderbolt.

not good!

Liu Chen yelled that it was not good, and retreated reflexively, a trace of deep fear appeared in the depths of his eyes.

You must know that Jian Xin used this move to directly kill the Dzogchen powerhouse in the Huashen Realm, which shows the power of this move.


At the critical moment, Xiao Qing let out a growl, and lay her body sideways, protecting Liu Chen behind her. Her pupils were shining with golden light, and the golden scales all over her body gave off a special texture.

Golden blood!
Liu Chen looked at Xiaoqing who was not far away in shock. He never expected that the golden bloodline would become so powerful after his cultivation reached the late fifth stage.

Xiaoqing's blood concentration, even if it didn't reach full blood, was at least [-]%.

Sword Mosquito raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a triumphant smile, and said contemptuously, "What do you think of the five-clawed golden dragon?"

"In the end, it was cut in half by me!"


Xiaoqing roared angrily, and her body swelled several times in an instant, occupying a part of the sky, like a huge monster.

Standing behind Xiao Qing, Liu Chen was so insignificant that it seemed that only Xiao Qing sneezed, and Liu Chen could be blown tens of thousands of miles away.

Suddenly, the long sword in Sword Mosquito's hand crashed down and slashed heavily on Xiaoqing's body. Strangely, it didn't stir up any energy ripples.

Most of the power of Jian Guan Changhong has been removed.

The bigger Xiaoqing's body was, the more evenly the power of the sword penetrating Changhong was removed.

Sword Mosquito suddenly had the illusion that his magic had hit the cotton, and he felt like he was not using his strength.

For this immortal technique, he is very confident, even a Dzogchen powerhouse at the stage of transforming the gods would not dare to accept it.

However, it didn't seem to cause much damage when it landed on Xiaoqing's body.

"Xiaoqing's defense is too terrifying."

Liu Chen was speechless secretly, admiring Xiao Qing's defensive power, if such an attack fell on Liu Chen, he might even be split in half with Nascent Soul.

And Xiaoqing blocked it so easily, it's unimaginable.

"how can that be……"

Sword Mosquito stared blankly at Xiaoqing, his eyes glazed over. If it wasn't for the serious depletion of spiritual power in his body, he really thought that everything that happened just now was fake.

The strength of the Dragon Clan is not just because of Long Zhantian, but because the Dragon Clan itself is strong.

Although Xiaoqing has golden blood, and his defense is stronger than that of ordinary golden dragons, golden dragons in the late fifth stage may not be able to block this move.

It's just not as easy as Xiaoqing.

"It's not impossible, it can only be said that your knowledge is too short."

Taking advantage of the moment when the sword mosquito was stunned, Liu Chen had already circled behind him, stabbing out with a sword mercilessly.


With a thud, the golden lightsaber pierced through the head of the sword mosquito.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen slammed hard with his right hand, releasing a powerful force that directly shattered the head of the sword mosquito.

The Nascent Soul of the Sword Mosquito buzzed, how could it dare to stay here, and quickly fled towards the distance.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Liu Chen smiled bloodthirsty, sacrificed the Jiuli Pot without saying a word, made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers.

"Suck me!"

As soon as the words fell, the Jiuli Pot burst out with a terrible suction force, directly sucking the Nascent Soul of the Sword Mosquito into it.

"too strong!"

Heihuang was so emotional that he didn't dare to fight Xiaoqing at all, so he ran away towards the distance.

"Anyway, the sword mosquitoes are all killed, so you can stay together."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and in a flash, a figure appeared in front of Heihuang, and his right hand slowly dropped.

Swish swish!

It may be because of Xiaoqing's strength that Heihuang lost his sense of proportion, and he didn't even notice the light curtain sword rain in the sky killing him.

Puchi Puchi!

In an instant, Heihuang's body was pierced with countless holes by the lightsaber, and his physical body quickly collapsed.

"Jiuli Pot!"

How could Liu Chen let go of such a good tonic, so with a wave of his sleeve, the Jiuli Pot started again, bursting out with a strong suction force, directly sucking the Nascent Soul of the Black Phoenix into it.

The battle is over!

Liu Chen shook the Jiuli Pot, and he could still feel that there were two relatively strong Nascent Souls struggling inside, which should be Sword Mosquito and Black Phoenix.

In half a day at most, the two of them will be refined into elixirs by the Jiuli pot.

"Look what's good."

Liu Chen was overjoyed, and immediately grabbed the savings bags of Jian Mosquito and Hei Huang.

"Except for the fairy stone, there seems to be nothing worth noting."

Liu Chen shook his head in disappointment, and immediately flew towards the Mission Pavilion.

The two disciples of Lian Zhan Gu Jian Xian Zun and Qian Zhan Xian Zun probably sensed it too, but Liu Chen was not afraid.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, anyway, there is the Yuanshen card of the Immortal Immortal Venerable in his hand.


With a buzzing sound, Xiaoqing immediately turned into a small pocket snake, entwined on Liu Chen's shoulder, and flew to the Mission Pavilion one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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