
Chapter 900 Special Abilities of the Spirit Race

Chapter 900 Special Abilities of the Spirit Race


Liu Chen murmured inwardly, and looked around subconsciously, leaning back against Bing Feixue, not in the mood to observe the soul boy in the void.

Because the soul boy in the void is currently facing the double blow of the ice demon's arrow and the black ice giant, even if he can withstand it, he won't be able to get out for a while.


Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen slapped the spirit beast bag, and Xiaoqing flew out of it, rising in the wind, turning into a giant, immediately protecting Liu Chen and Bing Feixue.

Golden scales shone all over his body, and a pair of captivating pupils revealed a golden color, which looked very weird.

"The spirit boy's ability to hide his breath is very strong, Xue'er must be careful."

Liu Chen frowned, feeling uneasy, and reminded cautiously.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue nodded heavily, and immediately closed his eyes, the strange rune on the center of his brow erupted again, flashing a dazzling light.

She was going to consume the remaining bit of extreme coldness in her body, and also wanted to sense the location of the soul boy.

There was a buzzing sound, and an extremely cold air burst out instantly, sweeping in all directions, and a thin layer of white mist appeared in the originally black void.

Within the scope of the white mist, no one could escape Bing Feixue's perception.

Since entering the Mochizuki family, Bing Feixue has not only improved greatly in cultivation, but more importantly, in strength.

In fact, many methods of the Mochizuki family are related to the blood of the Ice Demon, but it is a pity that most of the Mochizuki family's bloodlines have degenerated or disappeared.

A large number of fairy arts or special methods are dust-covered and no one can learn them, just like a treasure, but no one can open it.

It just so happened that Bing Feixue appeared there, and with the help of the complete bloodline, it only took a few months to master two powerful fairy arts and many special methods.

The current perception is one of them. Although it does not have an attack effect, it can make people in the dark invisible, which is very practical.

Sure enough, after a while, Bing Feixue sensed the location of the soul boy, so she winked at Liu Chen.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen immediately understood, and immediately formed a formula with both hands, ready to directly cast Thunder Fury.

Because Lingtong doesn't necessarily know that Liu Chen and Bing Feixue know his whereabouts, as long as he continues to hide in that position.

Liu Chen could kill him with one blow with Thunder Fury.

No matter which soul boy is the clone, as long as one of them is killed first, the rest will be much easier.

"Immortal Art! The Wrath of Thunder!"

Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, immediately roared, and suddenly bent his fingers, the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and several thick thunderbolts fell, which looked extremely spectacular.

Suddenly, Liu Chen flexed his fingers and controlled the lightning to descend, like a thunder dragon roaring angrily, hitting that place.

With a bang, the Thunder Dragon exploded instantly, turning into a thunder snake that filled the sky, and gradually collapsed.

Gradually, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, everything returned to its original state, and a figure in distress appeared at the place hit by the fury of thunder.

"what happened?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly. He clearly felt just now that when the Thunder Fury fell, it seemed to be blocked by a very powerful force. Only the aftermath of the Thunder Fury explosion hurt the soul boy.

But that bit of damage couldn't deal a fatal blow to the soul boy at all.

"This attack is really strong. If I don't pay attention, it may kill me directly. It's a pity that I know all your methods, but you don't know anything about me."

"Your two celestial arts have been cast, and the power of the special bloodline has faded."

The soul boy slowly walked out of the dark place, looked at Bing Feixue playfully, then fell on Liu Chen, and said slowly: "And you, you have already cast the fairy art, the wrath of thunder, only light is left Curtain Sword Rain."

"In addition to the remaining immortal technique, you also have the Jiuli Pot and the Black Cutter, but neither of these two true treasures can defeat me."

"With all your means, you can't do anything to me, and I just used a clone, that's all."

The corner of the soul boy's mouth was slightly raised, showing a smug smile, his eyes were full of sarcasm, and he pointed a little, and a gray spear appeared in the void.

"A strong person in the Void Refining Realm?"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, he was taken aback, and looked at the soul boy in disbelief.

In Liu Chen's understanding, only the Void Refining Realm can store items in the Void, and there is no need for a savings bag at all.

But the soul boy obviously only has the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of the God Transformation Realm, why can he do this?

If the previous soul boy walked in the void, it can be understood that he has a special treasure, so what about the soul boy in front of him taking things from the void?
"It's because you're still Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng's disciple that you don't even know such basic things?"

The soul boy narrowed his eyes, his face was full of jokes, and he walked towards Liu Chen, explaining: "Everyone in our spirit clan has a special ability since they were born with spiritual wisdom."

"And I am transformed from a stone in the void, so even if I have not stepped into the realm of refining the void, I can still walk freely in the void."

Hearing this, Liu Chen was suddenly delayed, and suddenly understood, staring in horror at the spirit boy who was walking towards him.

Strictly speaking, the Spirit Clan is actually a branch of the Yao Clan, but the members of the Spirit Clan are all powerful, so they are independent from the Yao Clan.

It's just that the strength of the members of the Spirit Race is too strong, so strong that they can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Human Race and the Monster Race.

You must know that such a powerful Dragon Clan belongs to the Monster Clan, but the Spirit Clan is independent of the Monster Clan.

It is conceivable that the strength of the spirit clan is far higher than that of the monster clan, and if one day the dragon clan is also powerful to this point.

I'm afraid the situation in the fairy world will change again, and it will become a Quartet force by then.

Human Race, Monster Race, Dragon Race, Spirit Race.

"It's not a secret. Most people in the fairy world know it, but I never imagined that you, as the disciple of Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng, have such a noble status, that you don't even know about it!"

"It seems that even God wants you to die."

"Since that's the case, what else do you have to resist, just let me kill you."

The soul boy smiled slightly, with endless killing intent in his eyes, and pointed the gray spear in his hand, facing Liu Chen's throat.

At that moment, Liu Chen suddenly felt as if his throat had been hit by some force, and it was difficult to breathe, feeling very uncomfortable.

But the spirit boy was still standing there, and the gray spear in his hand hadn't been shot, why did he feel this way.

"It's uncertain who will kill the deer!"

Liu Chen's face darkened, his eyes gleamed with brilliance, and he immediately made a formula with both hands, and shouted: "Xianju! Light curtain sword rain!"

Liu Chen suddenly understood why the Thunder Fury just now couldn't focus on the soul boy, because he was hiding in the void.

Although Thunder Fury is powerful, it is not so powerful that it can shatter the void and then kill the soul boy.

As long as the soul boy hides in the void, even if Liu Chen has the means to reach the sky, it is impossible to kill him.

"It's useless, you can't hurt me at all."

The spirit boy stepped forward, and disappeared into the void again, but this time, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue could clearly feel his aura.

It was not far away, but the soul boy was moving rapidly, as if he was approaching the clone.

Don't know what exactly he wants to do.

Liu Chen and Bing Feixue turned around at the same time, looking at the soul boy trapped in the void, only to see that the soul boy himself flew in, and stabbed the head of the mysterious ice giant from behind.

There was a humming sound, and the originally ice-blue giant had a trace of gray gas in its body.

Although the gray gas seemed insignificant, Liu Chen believed that since the soul boy did this, he must have his reasons.

Sure enough, less than three breaths after the gray gas entered Xuanbing's body, the strange phenomenon occurred.

The movements of the black ice giant gradually became slower, and the attack trajectory was clearly visible, even without the naked eye to judge.


Liu Chen reminded, Bing Feixue immediately understood, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, controlling the attack of the black ice giant.

But Bing Feixue found that although she had absolute control over the giant black ice giant, the attack power and speed of the giant black ice dropped significantly.

Just at this time, a large number of black wind blades appeared in the void, killing towards the mysterious ice giant.

The soul boy has the special ability to walk in the void, so naturally he will not be hit by these black wind blades, but the giant black ice giant moves slowly, coupled with its huge body, how could it be possible to avoid these black wind blades.

Bang bang bang!
The sound of collisions sounded one after another, and the black ice giant was bruised all over by these black wind blades, and his right arm was directly chopped into pieces.

Bang bang bang!
There are more and more black wind blades, and the power of each wind blade is very powerful, enough to make the Void Refining Realm power back, and even kill the Transforming God Realm powerhouse.

Although the defense of the giant black ice was very strong, even if it was stronger than Xiaoqing, it still couldn't stop the attack of such a wind blade.

After a while, the majestic black ice giant was cut into pieces of icy blue ice by the black wind blade, scattered in the void.

But at this moment, the spirit boy came out from the void, looked at Liu Chen and Bing Feixue with a smile in his eyes, and his face was full of teasing.

"You can't be my opponent, die!"

The spirit boy smiled triumphantly, and thrust out the spear in his hand, but the target of the attack was not Liu Chen, but Bing Feixue.

There was a buzzing sound, Bing Feixue hadn't been hit by the spear yet, but with a muffled groan, he flew upside down, with blood spurting from his chest, it was very strange.


Liu Chen exclaimed, his eyes filled with horror, and immediately blocked Bing Feixue with his back, only to see her chest was bloody and bloody, which was shocking.

"Xue'er! Take it quickly!"

Liu Chen didn't dare to delay, and immediately fed Bing Feixue Bai Xuedan, and immediately protected her tightly behind him.

After taking Bai Xue Dan, Bing Feixue's wounds instantly healed, her whole body was refreshed, and her spiritual power was replenished to its peak.

(End of this chapter)

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