
Chapter 924

Chapter 924

"Next time, there is absolutely no need to use spiritual power to preheat the alchemy furnace, it is simply a waste."

The faces of the three white-haired old men turned blue and turned white. Isn't this Chi Guoguo's slap in the face?
Because they just advocated using spiritual power to preheat the alchemy furnace, which resulted in such a situation.

The most important thing was that Liu Chen kept the three of them from getting off the stage in front of so many people from the Dragon Clan. To be honest, the three of them were very upset.

But what can be done, almost everyone is on Liu Chen's side now, even Long Wuji is no exception.

"After a while, how long?"

Long Wuji looked serious, stared at Liu Chen majesticly, and asked slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

Just take advantage of this time to leave the Dragon Clan and first refine enough Invisible Disillusionment Pills. It is best to get those precious medicinal materials from the Dragon Clan at the same time and start refining the Nine-Revolution Absolute Sun Pill.

Calculating the time carefully, it would take at least half a month. After all, Liu Chen really didn't dare to enter the dragon clan without preparing enough invisible disillusionment pills.

Today's method has been used once, if it is used for the second time, it will be difficult not to be suspected.

"Half a month."

Liu Chen said lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, and many people showed vigilance and suspicion in their eyes.

Even if it was a mistake to use spiritual power to preheat the Shenlong Pill Furnace, it would definitely not take more than a day until the preheating effect completely disappeared.

Even if they waited for three to five days, they could accept it, but if they waited for a month, they didn't know what was going on in Liu Chen's mind.

In other words, Liu Chen had other plans.

"Half a month is too long, at most three days."

"Indeed, it doesn't even take a day until the preheating effect of the Shenlong Pill Furnace completely disappears, but you need half a month. What's the reason?"

"Elder Mu, your attainments in alchemy are indeed not low, but will it take half a month to cool down the Shenlong pill furnace?"

"Could it be that you plan to secretly do something that will harm the interests of the Dragon Clan during this half month?"

The three white-haired old men looked gloomy, their eyes gleamed, and they looked at Liu Chen unkindly, wishing to see through Liu Chen.

The eyes of the other dragon powerhouses also showed suspicion. Although they didn't know how to make alchemy, they knew it very well.

It definitely doesn't take half a month to cool down the Shenlong Pill Furnace, at most three days, so what does Liu Chen want to do in the remaining ten days?
This is what they are most concerned about, because the Shenlong Pill is of great importance and absolutely no disclosure is allowed.

The entire fairy world knows that the Dragon Clan is making a big move, otherwise it would be impossible to snatch the fusion holy water, but they don't know what the Dragon Clan is doing.

If they knew that the Dragon Clan was refining the Dragon God Pill, I'm afraid Ye Jun and the Giant Spirit God would interfere, not to mention breaking the Dragon Clan's fantasy.

But it will definitely not allow the Dragon Clan to refine the Dragon God Pill smoothly.

After all, Long Zhantian is already very strong, and he is the number one immortal emperor in the fairy world. If the overall strength of the dragon clan is rising to a higher level.

Or if Long Zhantian's strength has made leaps and bounds, then Ye Jun and Giant Spirit God will face tremendous pressure.

Once that time comes, there will only be one Immortal Emperor in the Immortal World, and Ye Jun and Giant Spirit God are no different from Immortal Venerable in Long Zhantian's eyes.

Or if the overall strength of the dragon clan has risen to a higher level, then the already arrogant dragon clan will inevitably become even more arrogant and will not take anyone seriously.

This is definitely not the result that everyone in the fairy world wants to see.

"You guys are right. It doesn't take half a month to cool down the Shenlong Pill Furnace, it only takes three to five days."

"However, if you want to refine the flawless pill, do you really think that I can easily refine it?"

"Especially the Dragon God Pill, for a powerful pill like this, if I don't make sufficient preparations, if the refining fails, or if I fail to refine the Flawless Dragon God Pill, wouldn't that be my responsibility?"

Liu Chen looked angry, glared at everyone, and immediately waved his sleeves, standing beside the Shenlong Pill Stove, and said indifferently: "Since you are so eager for success, you can wait until a day later and start refining the Dragon God directly. Dan."

"Even if you are lucky enough to be able to refine it successfully, there is absolutely no chance to refine the Flawless Dragon God Pill, not even a chance."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience fell silent, everyone looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, those who questioned Liu Chen before all shut up now.

I even feel a little guilty in my heart, and I shouldn't judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Especially the three white-haired old men, their faces were very embarrassing.

"It turns out that Elder Mu has such a plan."

"Since Elder Mu already had an idea in his heart, why didn't he just say it outright?"

"Yes, if you had said it earlier, these misunderstandings would not have been caused."

The three white-haired old men smiled resentfully and spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's expression darkened, he stared at the three of them with displeasure, and said calmly, "I wanted to explain, but you didn't even have a chance to explain to me."

"Elder Mu, be safe and don't be impatient."

At this time, Long Wuji stood up and stood in front of Liu Chen and the three white-haired old men.

On one side is the alchemist of the immortal clan, and the elder Keqing of the dragon clan, who has very high attainments in alchemy, even higher than the three white-haired old men.

But these three white-haired old men are all treasures of the Dragon Clan. Although they are not as powerful as Liu Chen, they are indeed members of the Dragon Clan.

Of course, Long Wuji didn't want to see conflicts between the two parties. After all, half a month later, the two parties would jointly refine the Dragon God Pill.


Liu Chen flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly, not giving Long Wuji any face.

If it were someone else, Long Wuji would have slapped him to death long ago, but this person is not someone else, but an alchemist of the immortal clan, and he is needed to refine the Dragon God Pill.

Long Wuji didn't dare to feel displeased, instead he smiled and said slowly: "Elder Mu, since you need half a month to prepare, then we will give you half a month."

"Whatever you need, just ask, as long as there is something in the fairy world, we will find a way to get it for you."

Long Wuji promised solemnly, his face full of confidence.

Hearing this, Liu Chen slandered in his heart. He didn't expect the Dragon Clan to be so arrogant and arrogant. It was probably the same attitude when they needed to integrate the holy water, right?
Liu Chen shook his head, and said lightly, "If it weren't for the fact that you promised me a lot of precious medicinal materials, based on what happened just now, I would definitely leave immediately."

Long Wuji smiled apologetically, and immediately waved his sleeves. The three white-haired old men immediately understood. Although they were very unwilling, they still took out a large amount of precious medicinal materials from the void.

Immediately afterwards, Long Wuji grabbed all these precious medicinal materials into a savings bag, stuffed them into Liu Chen's hands, and said with a smile: "Elder Mu, these are only one-third of the reward. Wait until the Wuxia Dragon God Pill is successfully refined." There will be more lucrative rewards.”

(End of this chapter)

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