Chapter 101
The few baobab trees in the space grow very fast, and the creatures in other spaces have changed more. It is also after seeing such a good change that Gao Jiuding came in without any worries.

Since the interior of the space can allow the Baobab to grow rapidly, it means that creatures can benefit from it!
Since there is no harm and there are benefits, it is logical for Gao Jiuding to come in.

It has to be said that Gao Jiuding was too cautious. Of course, it is absolutely human nature to have a little fear in the face of the unknown, so Gao Jiuding didn't feel ashamed at all.

"Is it because of water? Water is the source of life, as long as there is enough water, they can grow quickly!"

Gao Jiuding walked up to several eucalyptus trees and looked at them carefully. Sure enough, the moisture stored inside the eucalyptus trees had disappeared!
This shows that these few eucalyptus trees that store water should have grown a lot. However, because they are not small in size, they have grown a little taller, and Gao Jiuding did not find it.

But those baobab trees are different, they already store a lot of water, and they are compared with the few baobab trees around them, so as long as there is a change, it will be obvious.

"These baobab trees have also grown, but they store a little less water, so they don't grow as fast as those ones!" After the research, Gao Jiuding was completely relieved.

After treating the seeds that were used for the experiment just now according to the numbers, Gao Jiuding planted them in an open field one by one.

Whether it's eucalyptus seeds or baobab seeds, the husk is a nuisance and needs to be disposed of, otherwise the seeds won't come out of the husk.

Generally, it needs to be soaked in water for one night to soften the outer skin, and then peel off the outer shell, so that the seeds can germinate!

Gao Jiuding was not so troublesome, he directly cut off most of the shell with a dagger, so that the seeds could germinate after pouring water.

Of course, in this process, spiritual energy is absolutely needed to nourish, otherwise it is really unknown how many of these seeds that have been irradiated by high-energy rays and treated roughly will germinate.

After processing these seeds, Gao Jiuding had another idea about the marine life in the upper space.

Especially on the upper five floors, Gao Jiuding collects too many marine organisms, which can even be said to be densely packed. Such a situation is not conducive to the growth of those organisms.

"Since you want to cultivate spirit plants and spirit beasts, then go through them all!"

Having made a decision, Gao Jiuding did not hesitate to start the operation. Anyway, there are too many aquatic creatures in the pagoda space, and he can't eat them all in a short while, so it's better to fight.

Gao Jiuding stepped out of the space, directly mounted the pagoda on the four-element plate, and activated it through the Dao Dao Hong furnace.

Without the help of the little fox, Gao Jiuding could only control Dao Honglu through the control talisman. He replaced the little fox and temporarily acted as the spirit of Dao Honglu.

Without the little fox, the Great Dao Honglu is just an ordinary magic weapon. To play its role, Gao Jiuding must give orders again and again.

His mind sank into the control talisman, and with a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, Da Dao Honglu immediately sent out a spiritual energy, pouring into the four-element plate.

The four-element disc emits a yellow aura, urging the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to quickly fly out of the spaceship.

Gao Jiuding looked up at the monitor and found that there was almost no spiritual energy consumption.

At this time, the little fox is fully controlling the aura, refining the two big devils, so the aura is increasing almost every moment inside the Great Dao Hong Furnace!

Compared with the increased spiritual energy, the consumption of spiritual energy that drives the four-element plate is nothing at all.

Feeling that it would not affect the little fox, Gao Jiuding began to operate boldly with confidence.

With the change of Gao Jiuding's mind, some creatures inside the pagoda space began to appear quickly, and then disappeared.

Between this entry and exit, a large expanse of sea water engulfs countless marine creatures, accepting high-energy radiation in the outer space.

Because it does not consume its own aura, Gao Jiuding's operation is very simple and the speed is very fast!
Every time the marine life is released, it will not exceed one second, and there is a layer of seawater on the outside.

Every time before the seawater freezes, Gao Jiuding collects the seawater released again, so that the survival rate of marine life can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

One by one, they were taken out one by one to receive high-energy radiation. After the five floors above had been rotated, Gao Jiuding carefully observed the internal situation.

"How many did not die?" Sensing the creatures inside the pagoda space, the death rate is very low. Even if you search carefully, you can't find a large number of dead marine creatures.

"Could it be because the speed is too fast? Will it not receive high-energy radiation?" Looking at the lively marine life, Gao Jiuding was a little distressed.

If they are placed in the void of the universe for a long time, these creatures will definitely die in large areas. If they are placed for a short time, they may not be able to receive high-energy radiation, so that they will not be able to cause mutations. This is really a dilemma.

"If you release it a few more times, I won't believe it, and it won't cause mutations!" Since you can't die if you stay outside for a second, then do it a few more times.

Looking at Da Dao Hong Furnace, Gao Jiuding frowned. He didn't know what the little fox was doing. It took so much time to refine two big demons this time.

After just a glance, Gao Jiuding didn't care about the little fox, and now he's still doing something serious.

This transformation is only the five-story space above the pagoda. The third and fourth floors are the vegetable garden left by Gao Jiuding. He has no idea of ​​letting the marine life inside receive radiation. After all, radiation is not a good thing.

There is enough food left, and the rest can be used for experiments. In this way, the creatures in the upper five layers of space have to be constantly tested.

The rotation is repeated again and again, as long as the marine life does not die in a large area, Gao Jiuding will keep releasing them, putting them into the vacuum of the universe again and again, and receiving high-energy radiation.

Maybe it's because of the seawater package, or maybe it's because the time is too short. Anyway, after more than a dozen rotations, these sea creatures didn't die much.

The most dead are large fish, followed by small fish and shrimps, and the largest number of survivors are adult shellfish, turtles, crabs, and shrimps. It seems that these shelled creatures have a strong self-protection ability.

Whatever you do, as long as you repeat it too many times, you will get bored. In the end, Gao Jiuding ended this boring job.

Looking at the pagoda, the aura is still shining inside, which means that the aura is still being consumed, and there are even other materials, such as wind-milled copper, star iron, and red copper, all of which the little fox needs to refine.

It seems that the little fox let go of his hands and feet this time and started to trick him seriously, otherwise the little fox wouldn't waste so much time.

Sighing, Gao Jiuding put away his agitated mood and found some work again!
The space on the first and second floors of the pagoda is a bit short of water, and now we need to get some water in.

The most indispensable thing in the universe is water. Many asteroids are made of ice. Therefore, Gao Jiuding can get a lot of water by pulling a few asteroids into the spacecraft.

Most of the ice planet he cut out of 20 billion water spirit stones is made of ice!

At that time, the little fox was doing the knife, and many of the pieces that were cut were taken into the spaceship. The ice cubes that were too large did not need to be dealt with, but those pieces had to be dealt with. The smaller the pieces, the more they should not be messed up. Throwing, if you throw it casually, it can only become space junk and fly around in the solar system.

Maybe next time, this kind of flying garbage will hit the high-speed Fox, causing a violent impact. Such an impact may not damage the Fox spacecraft, but it will definitely cause severe consumption.

It is very simple to dispose of such space junk. It is usually thrown into Daohong Furnace and refined into hydrogen and oxygen particles, which are used to propel the spacecraft to fly.

Therefore, there are still some ice cubes in the spaceship warehouse, which have not been consumed.

"I don't know if it will lower the internal temperature if it is directly collected into the pagoda space!" Gao Jiuding took a small piece first, wanting to see the effect.

A piece of ice with a diameter of less than one meter was collected by Gao Jiuding into the outskirts of the forest on the first floor of the pagoda, and it was in the small forest near the eucalyptus. If it had any impact, it would only affect the eucalyptus forest.

In Gao Jiuding's mind, the baobab tree was more useful, so if he had to sacrifice something, it would be better to sacrifice the eucalyptus.

"Huh? It's foggy? Is this the activation of the Five Elements Transformation Formation?" Gao Jiuding quickly understood what happened when he saw the wisps of water vapor in the pagoda space.

Under the gaze of Gao Jiuding, the ice cube turned into water vapor, and a large amount of water vapor floated in the space, and soon formed water droplets, which fell to the ground.

"This forms rain? I just don't know if the temperature has dropped? Hey, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy has accelerated?"

Gao Jiuding's mind is always paying attention to the pagoda, so Gao Jiuding can clearly perceive any changes in its interior.

As the water vapor turned into rain and fell on the ground, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that the spiritual energy needed to move the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda had increased.

"Activate the internal formation and automatically absorb spiritual energy? This will consume a lot of energy!" Gao Jiuding said if he realized something.

Gao Jiuding's thoughts turned, and he entered the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda again. Before he entered, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was still in his palm.

When Gao Jiuding entered the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, the pagoda did not fall to the ground, but was suspended in the air, and began to spin and dance.

Gao Jiuding, who was standing inside the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, was already overjoyed at this moment. He could clearly see the situation outside the pagoda, and he could clearly see the situation within a radius of 20 meters.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the pagoda flew to the sky above a pile of ice cubes, and then the pagoda lowered its height, and easily put away all the ice cubes.

Looking at the ice cubes that appeared out of thin air in the space of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding knew that it was time for him to go out.

The melting of ice cubes does affect the space, but instead of lowering the temperature, it activates the five-element transformation array to convert the ice into water, and then the water vaporizes into rain, moistening the earth!

 Thank you for the rewards from Brothers such as Fragrant Leaf Orchid, Whale Swallowing Thousands of Miles, and Classic Passerby!

(End of this chapter)

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