The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1024 Killing Supernatural Ability

Chapter 1024 Killing Supernatural Ability

Gao Jiuding nodded, not saying anything, how could he still say that what he was ashamed of was not that he was sorry for the Yaozu, but that he wanted to patronize this place a second time?

Now life and death are the same, will you become angry when you see him later?
This must not be said, because it is hated by people. If the Beast Controlling Sect didn't attract the hatred of the monster race, how could it be possible to perish with their powerful strength?

However, even if there is no Beastmaster Sect, there is still a Devil Star!

The demon clan on Devil Star is not a good bird. Now that they are in charge, they have not seen how easy the life of the demon clan is.

Gao Jiuding sighed in his heart, he certainly does not object to the coexistence of monsters, but people who are not of my race must have different minds!
For these monster clans, Gao Jiuding had to guard against them, so even if he brought out the descendants of the Xueyuan clan, Gao Jiuding would not let them grow, at least he had to control them.

However, since I said that I will not be refined into the second incarnation, then I will definitely not be refined, so these descendants of the Xueyuan clan can only be cultivated as war pets!
Having made a decision, Gao Jiuding didn't want to stay here any longer, as long as he has enough strength in the future, he can still open this cave.

The ax of the sun, moon and seven stars in Gao Jiuding's hand suddenly slashed forward, tearing a gap in the space in front of him. He concocted it as before, grabbing both sides with both hands, tearing the gap fiercely, and several people filed out and disappeared. .

There were only a few snow kites left, staring blankly at the gap in the space in front of them, and murmured: "I hope my Xue kite clan still has a chance!"

At this time, outside the Snowy Mountain, a ray of light was majestic and majestic. When it fell towards the hill, it could even give people an overwhelming momentum. The ray of light converged, and a thin monk with an unshaven figure showed his figure, step by step towards the mountain. Qiu Zhong came.

A group of people on the hill greeted them, and one said respectfully: "Patriarch!"

And the other said with a playful smile: "The ancestor of the black wolf is also here!"

This frightened-looking monk was none other than the No. 1 Dahe Patriarch of the Sun Tribe.

Patriarch Dahe looked at the two people who were talking, his voice was low and hoarse, and he said, "Why, didn't you block anyone?"

One young man shrugged his shoulders and made an innocent expression, while the other showed a look of shame, and said, "Yes, we may have caught the whole set of others, and we didn't find that group of people."

Patriarch Dahe nodded, and said: "No discovery? It's only been a few days? We can still wait, we must not let go of the things in the Daxue Mountain, such a treasure land often cannot find all the treasures in decades!

There are people who are more greedy and stay inside for a year or two at one go, and whoever enters it?The children from Tiejianmen definitely didn't come out, is there any sign of them now? "

The serious young man shook his head and said, "The whereabouts of those people are secretive, and we have never found out where they are."

Patriarch Dahe said: "That was also expected, but once the people who enter the Snow Mountain appear, the children's people will definitely respond, and at that time, we will not be able to let them go again! "

Serious and humane: "Patriarch, don't worry, we have made more careful arrangements this time, those people can't fly without wings!"

Another unscrupulous young man said: "Don't speak too soon, I remember you also said before, let people destroy them, but in the end? The ancestor of the black wolf has been trying to settle accounts with us!"

Glancing at the Heilang Patriarch next to him, the serious young man blushed and said, "No one would have thought that those people would have the power to kill hundreds of monks in the hemolytic period. No matter how powerful the child is, he has only practiced for a few days?"

Patriarch Dahe snorted coldly, and said: "That person should have a great opportunity, and his cultivation is growing very fast, this time we must not let them go, by the way, no one from the Snow Wolf Sect or the Golden Wolf Sect has been found? "

"Reporting to the ancestor, I didn't find it!"

"It seems that they are stuck in the mountains, so be careful, except for our allies, no matter who breaks in, don't let them go!"

"Where are the people from Zixiao Sect?"

"It's all the same, kill if you can, run if you can't!"

Returning to the secret place in Fengmo Cave, Gao Jiuding and others did not leave immediately!

Luan Changming conducted another carpet-like search in this relic, and everyone had no choice but to stay and wait for him.

Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry at this time, he simply started sorting out the gains from the cave in the secret room, and at the same time began to refine the alchemy furnace that could soon become a spiritual treasure after condensing it.

As for the five snow kite eggs, Gao Jiuding had ordered Zhan Jiyan to conceal the matter, but after returning, he recalled the others to the pagoda.

In the pagoda, there are also forests now. Gao Jiuding built a lair in a forest, and there were five more eggs of snow kites in the lair, and on top of this lair, there was an Ice Soul Orb, which was shining glow.

Xueyuan likes the cold light of ice soul, and with the light of ice soul air light, these snow kite luan will hatch.

At this time, the space of the pagoda was completely covered by the God Realm of Time and Space, and the area became extremely large. Gao Jiuding was so hidden that it was really not easy to find.

Of course, Gao Jiuding is not afraid of being discovered. Now that more than 1000 people have entered the pagoda space, Gao Jiuding will not let them idle. Naturally, they are evenly allocated to the nine-story space, and let them sort out and count everything in the space.

Zhan Jiyan and the queen bee landed in the same place. He saw Wind Wing holding many bottles and cans, walking around his body constantly, and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

Wind Wing said: "These things are the seeds of the rare and rare plants that the Patriarch brought out from the cave just now. I hope they can be cultivated in the pagoda cave, and asked me to take care of them."

Zhan Jiyan smiled and said: "When it comes to cultivating spirit grass, wood monsters are still powerful. It's a pity that the owner didn't catch some wood monsters for us to refine. However, as a queen bee, you often pick flowers, so you should know something about it?"

Wind Wing could only choke speechlessly, he just refined a queen bee as an incarnation, who said he knew how to plant and cultivate medicinal materials?
In the cave, Luan Changming laughed like crazy: "Hahahaha, I found it, I found it, let me tell you, why did Patriarch Xueyuan also participate in the battle to exterminate the Beast Sect? Keep your own harvest and inheritance?"

Gao Jiuding was also very interested in the inheritance of the Xueyuan clan, so he hurriedly asked Luan Changming to pass this set, the animal skin scroll in the spirit-sealing box that was sealed by layers of spirit-sealing talismans.

Rolling up the animal skin in his hand, Gao Jiuding let out a "huh" and said: "The animal skin of Chunyang Yaoxiu is a big deal!"

The animal skin scroll that can be made from the fur of Chunyang Yaoxiu's body, the things recorded on it are naturally not trivial!

Gao Jiuding rolled up the animal skin and carefully opened it, and then there was a slight light in his eyes!

He carefully checked the contents recorded in the animal skin, and then his expression became more and more strange, which made Luan beside him growl and become more uneasy.

"Patriarch, what exactly is it?" Luan Changming asked curiously.

Gao Jiuding threw the animal skin roll into Luan Changming's hand, and said, "Look for yourself!"

Supreme supernatural power: ice soul cold light!

Three basic supernatural powers: Frozen Thousand Miles, Bone Scraping Divine Wind, Ice Fire Divine Dagger.

That's not to mention, in addition to these four kinds of killing supernatural powers, there are some strange supernatural powers, and Luan Changming seems to pay more attention to those strange supernatural powers.

Luan Changming just took a look, and then covered the animal skin roll. He squinted to the left and then to the right, as if he was afraid of being seen.

In fact, when he read the contents of the animal skin scroll just now, he read it in a low voice. Everyone was attracted by the inheritance he found, and they naturally listened to what he read out.

Generally speaking, great supernatural powers or supreme supernatural powers are nothing more than two kinds of attack and defense. It can also be regarded as one of the supernatural powers.

And this set of inheritance skills of the Xueyuan clan's supreme supernatural powers is even more peculiar, it can be called a side door of the side door!

Not to mention majoring in Ice Soul Cold Light, but the inheritance of this set of exercises from the beginning to the end is all for the purpose of attacking and killing the enemy!

It has to be said that it is definitely not without reason that the Xueyuan clan can be passed down to this day.

Ice, wind, ice fire, cold light, almost powerful killing supernatural powers, these are all included.

"Look carefully, there are some more in the back, I think, some of them may be the relics of the Beastmaster Sect!" Just when everyone was shocked by the four magical powers, Gao Jiuding pointed to the animal skin scroll and said.

"These supernatural powers are good, but they don't look like the methods of the Beast Master Sect!" Luan Changming said while pulling some supernatural power scrolls.

Gao Jiuding gave him a blank look, and said: "Of course not, those are obviously supernatural powers used to steal chickens and dogs!"

The magical powers in Luan Changming's hands now definitely belong to the side door of the side door, and they are all some strange magic powers.

From beginning to end, those supernatural powers are not aimed at attacking and killing the enemy, but are teaching people how to dodge, how to escape, how to hide, how to break through formations, how to identify treasures, how to avoid tracking, in short, how to save their lives supernatural powers.

Among all these supernatural power inheritances, the most extensive and profound one is how to break through the formation. At the beginning, the ancestor Xueyuan tried every means to obtain the Sun, Moon and Seven Stars Axe, in order to achieve something on the way to break the formation.

There is no formation in the world that cannot be broken, it just depends on the length of time, strength, and clumsy method of breaking the formation!

The Sun, Moon and Seven Stars God Ax lies in the ingenuity of breaking the formation, and the ignorance of gods and ghosts, and the price paid mainly lies in time.

That patriarch Xueyuan spent an untold amount of time managing this relic in order to plan for the rare and rare herbs in the Ice Pond Cave, and finally found the weakness of the Ice Pore Cold Light Formation, and made it on top of the Formation. A gap was opened.

However, in the end, man's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. No one thought that in the end, Patriarch Xueyuan was killed by his fellow clan in the cave, which made all his calculations come to naught.

(End of this chapter)

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