The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1047 God and Demon Pill

Chapter 1047 God and Demon Pill

To enter the palace in the center of the pagoda, outsiders must pass through the gravity stone bridge, but Gao Jiuding naturally does not need it!

As the level of refining the pagoda deepened, Gao Jiuding's teleportation power in the pagoda had recovered!
Otherwise, Gao Jiuding's body would not be able to take his eleven women there to prostitute himself in the daytime!
Entering the bamboo building, Gao Jiuding took Gao Xianzhi into his study room. There were more classics here, and they were all very important ones.

For other unimportant, or repetitive, Gao Jiuding has already handed over all of them!

This time Song Yue and the others came together not only to miss him, but also to establish the real foundation of the Gao family. Of course, they also had to rely on the Time and Space God Realm to attack the Golden Core stage.

When the girls came, Gao Jiuding could tell at a glance that the ones who came this time were all their bodies, and the ones who stayed outside to preside over the overall situation were naturally the incarnations of monsters they sacrificed.

The monsters they choose are all monsters at the peak of Jindan late stage. It goes without saying that they are powerful, even if they are now advanced, there is a certain chance!

However, Gao Jiuding still wanted them to accumulate more time.

In this case, they don't need to waste time and stay outside to deal with the sundries. Naturally, they hand over the sundries to the avatars, and their bodies enter the Time and Space God Realm to practice.

The time for them to rise is still too short, and they don't have enough background, otherwise many things can be handled easily, just like now, they can also enter the Time and Space God Realm with their avatars, so that at least they can completely refine the avatar's body.

Now including Luan Changming and others, the second incarnation they refine is nothing more than the soul of a monster that has assimilated the soul of a monster. There is not much refinement level for the body of a monster. The main body advanced Jindan, the mutual influence between the two parties will not be too great.

Only when the body is also refined, and it is truly conjoined, can the supernatural powers of the monster and the supernatural powers of the main body be completely integrated into one. This is Gao Jiuding's recent harvest.

This kind of harvest can only be understood by him by mistake. Otherwise, with his cultivation level, how could it be possible to directly condense the nine runes at the moment of forming the alchemy?Form the best golden pill?

Looking at Gao Xianzhi, Gao Jiuding felt a little emotional, it's better to be the second generation of Xianzhi, there is no need to do anything, as long as she has a good background, her parents will think of it for her.

Gao Jiuding took out an emerald fruit and handed it directly to Gao Xianzhi with a sullen face.

Gao Xianzhi was a little confused: "Before studying, do you have to eat some fruit? Dad is the best!"

Gao Xianzhi, who was a little nervous just now with a sullen face, immediately became excited after he realized that his father and mother were really different.

Gao Xianzhi's eyes are shining brightly, he will practice more with his father in the future!
Before starting to study, I gave such a big and beautiful fruit, but this is completely different from my mother!
If her mother is taking her to study, shouldn't it be the end of study at this time, and can she eat after finishing her homework?
Gao Xianzhi thought of this, and immediately decided to create an established fact and make it a practice.

She took a bite of the fruit, and before she could swallow it, she pursed her lips and said, "Dad, you must maintain good habits and develop habits. You must not fish for three days and dry the net for two days!"

Looking at the juice flowing down the small mouth, the corners of Gao Jiuding's mouth twitched, and with a thought, he activated the water control magical power, and directly sent the juice back into Gao Xianzhi's mouth.

For this regular spiritual fruit, any bit of juice is a treasure, and no bit of it should be wasted.

Back in the day, when Luan Changming and others swallowed the emerald fruit, they didn't talk before they swallowed it. They swallowed it in one gulp, shut their mouths, and waited until they were completely refined before they were willing to speak. Fear, wasting any aura of the spirit fruit.

"Create a habit? Are you still planning to eat one emerald fruit every day?" Finally, Gao Jiuding choked out such a sentence.

Gao Xianzhi was a little disappointed: "Is it not good? I think this fruit is okay!"

"Well, it's okay, but you can't eat too much!" Gao Jiuding said sullenly.

Gao Xianzhi was not disappointed this time: "Can I eat more?"

Gao Jiuding thought for a while, and under his daughter's eager attention, he waved his hand, and a blood-red fruit appeared in front of them: "You can eat one of this before studying every day."

"Well, it's very fragrant. I'll eat it well and never waste it!" Gao Xianzhi immediately stretched out his hand and hugged the fruit in his hand.

The current blood fruit is like blood jade, and it is the same size as an apple. This thing strengthens tendons and bones, nourishes qi and overflows blood, and also purifies blood. It is an absolute gift for monks in the body training stage.

Just got the blood fruit, Gao Xianzhi really wanted to take a bite, but at this moment she was a little confused: "Dad, I'm a little sleepy, but it's not that I don't like studying. Mom said, I'm easy to get sleepy when I'm full. Look at you. The fruit I ate was too big, so don’t blame me.”

Looking at Gao Xianzhi whose eyes were beginning to blur, Gao Jiuding was delighted. This snack food really wants to eat it all the time, but she is still smart until he let him take the blame.

Well, his daughter is smart, so Gao Jiuding cheerfully picked up Gao Xianzhi, put her on the jade couch, and took a piece of animal skin to cover her.

Gao Jiuding looked at the blood fruit clutched in Gao Xianzhi's hand, and was amused: "You are still holding the blood fruit while you are asleep? Well, the grasp is really strong. Take it, this thing is very similar to Phoenix blood, when you get familiar with the taste , Dad will make you juice to drink from now on!"

Phoenix blood can't be used casually, at least Gao Jiuding will never let Gao Xianzhi take a bath, so it can only be made into juice and let Gao Xianzhi drink it slowly, it's the safest way.

After eating the emerald fruit, an iron stomach that melts nothing is strengthened, um, or is it a space stomach?Dimensional stomach bag?It will definitely evolve into a Qiankun stomach bag in the future!
At that time, drink some phoenix blood every day until her body is glowing with blood.

At the beginning, Gao Jiuding was ignorant and didn't know how powerful and perverted he was, but now he knows it all.

"Go to sleep, when the baby wakes up, you will really be on the road of foodie, running all the way, I hope you don't blame dad when you grow up!"

Looking at the little red face, Gao Jiuding happily walked to the side, it is good to have a clone, he can use it for multiple purposes, and there will be no delay in anything.

It is definitely a happy thing to be able to grow up slowly with my daughter.

After Gao Xianzhi was settled, the incarnation of Gao Jiuding did not leave, but began to practice beside him!
When the practice was over, Gao Xianzhi's face was flushed while she was still asleep, and then Gao Jiuding found a few more classics to study.

This incarnation of fire kite is most suitable for learning alchemy. The path Gao Jiuding planned for him is alchemy, because the cost of alchemy is too high, even if he has resources, he can't afford to waste it.

The so-called crafting destroys one life and alchemy destroys three generations, this is no joke!

If the spirit grass alchemy fails, it will be all over, and if the weapon refining fails, there will still be some materials left, and if it is processed, it will take some effort, and there is not much waste.

This is the essential difference between alchemy and weapon refining. With the help of Guan's own animal skin, Gao Jiuding naturally learned alchemy more easily.

Recently, as long as this fire kite incarnation is free, he will deduce various pills in the contemplation space of Guan himself!
If he had gathered enough spiritual herbs for refining pills, he would hold these spiritual herbs and do various tests.

It turns out that Gao Jiuding has experimented with it. As long as he holds the spirit grass, he can visualize the spirit grass with the same medicinal properties as the outside spirit grass in the visualization space!

In this way, he can also use these spirit herbs to make alchemy within the visualization space.

Although the visualization space is not large, it is still possible to place a small alchemy furnace.

Now Gao Jiuding can be considered to understand some of the animal skin of himself. As his cultivation base improves and his spirit becomes stronger, he can visualize more and more things.

Gao Jiuding even wondered if his soul could be cultivated into a primordial spirit, would he be able to expand his visualization space?
If you can really expand this visualization space, it will be of great use in the future!
"Prolonging Life and Longevity Pill, Ice Spirit Pill, Sixth Rank Condensing Magic Pill, Inducing Lightning Pill, God Demon Pill!"

Gao Jiuding looked at the six Jade Eye Slips in front of him. These are the six most useful pills that have been discovered so far. Almost all of them were found in the Daxue Mountain. They are the essence of the Beast Sect.

Not to mention the Yannian Yishou Pill, Gao Jiuding has studied it before, it is mainly used to increase the lifespan of monks, and it is too wasteful to repair the damage caused by body training.

The level span of Bing Ling Dan is very large, and now Gao Jiuding can be refined!
And this time Mo Xiaohu came here, and brought a large amount of production from Bingling Lake, which was just right for refining the pills needed in the two realms of the hemolysis stage and the blood pill stage!

As for the Bingling Pill used in the Faxiang period, there are also, but it consumes too much resources, and the quality is definitely not as good as the sixth-grade Condensation Pill, so Gao Jiuding naturally chose the Six-Prade Condensation Pill.

In the end, only Yin Lei Dan and God Demon Pill are left. Yin Lei Dan has also said before that it is a kind of elixir to help monks overcome the calamity, and it is the elixir for the first thunder calamity in the phase of the law. Now Only the incarnation of the water and fire python can barely be used.

Of course, Gao Jiuding would never allow the water and fire python to incarnate, and now he will go through the first calamity of the Dharma phase, even if it barely touches the threshold of the mid-term Dharma phase, it will definitely not be able to pass through the catastrophe at this time.

The water and fire python has a huge body and unlimited potential. Up to now, Gao Jiuding has not figured out how powerful the nine magical powers he obtained can be exerted. How could he let the water and fire python overcome the calamity at this time?
So Yinleidan is not in a hurry to refine it. Of course, even if it is refined now, Gao Jiuding has no ability to refine it. It can only be a waste of spirit grass.

In the end, only the God Demon Pill is left, which is a kind of medicine that Gao Jiuding found out recently!
(End of this chapter)

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