The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1106 Re-entering the Starry Sky

Chapter 1106 Re-entering the Starry Sky
The yin magic bead is the magic bead of the demon general, similar to the golden pill of the monk. It turned out that Gao Jiuding used it to achieve the transformation of yin and yang inside the magic weapon of space.

Now it seems that he is reckless. The biggest function of this thing is to nourish and strengthen the soul, and to cultivate the soul.

Of course, if you just started cultivating the soul, you can't use the Yin Demon Orb, it's best to start by devouring the little devil!
When the soul has grown to a certain level, it will devour the refining demon until it reaches the Yin Demon Orb and Shura.

A devil whose strength has reached the level of the Dharma Phase, whether it is Shura or Mara, is a great tonic!

However, it is even more difficult to refine monsters after advanced Shura or Mara, because their demon bodies are fused with the mind and soul.

That is to say, it is easier for them to integrate their souls into the body, which is equivalent to the natural fusion of souls.

This is talent, which cannot be compared, so as long as you have enough resources to devour, Shura and Mara, it is easy to advance to the Great Shura and the Great Mara!

These two kinds of demons are also called Shura King and Mara King.

In fact, there is not much difference in the body, dharma, and spirit of the devils who started as spirit bodies. Their spirit, energy, and spirit are more integrated into one. Therefore, whether it is the king of Shura or the king of magic, they are also promoted to devil gods.

Demon gods are equivalent to immortals, and it is much easier to cultivate. If there is one difficulty, it is resources.

The way of cultivating the demon god is to devour it non-stop. As long as there are resources, the cultivation speed can break through the sky quickly.

This is also an important reason why the demons are not liked by others and the two races cannot coexist peacefully, because no one likes a guy who wants to eat himself.

Gao Jiuding didn't have a step-by-step method of cultivating the primordial spirit, but he could use the blood god son to devour the devil.

After searching for a long time on, there was no way to buy soul refining exercises. In the end, Gao Jiuding could only place his hope on the Son of Blood.

Therefore, he plans to use blood nerves to practice!
This is also a magical technique, and the leveling up depends on swallowing!
As long as he chooses the target to devour and slows down a bit, he may be able to pave the way to become a demon god.

For Gao Jiuding, it doesn't make much difference whether he eventually becomes a fairy or a demon god. Anyway, he doesn't know how to go to the fairy world, or the demon world.

In Gao Jiuding's thinking, the Immortal World is a place where fairy spirits are concentrated, and the most likely place for this kind of place is in the center of the Milky Way.

And the Demon Realm, don't even think about it, is a place overflowing with demon energy!

That's the darkest, most remote place in the universe!
There is no sun there, and it is dark all year round. If there are some huge stars as gravitational sources, it will naturally be able to gather magic and yin energy to the greatest extent.

"The blood system is not pure magic. It can not only swallow demonic energy, but also immortal energy. This is an advantage!"

After careful deduction, Gao Jiuding discovered that he went to the deep space of the universe, the center of the Milky Way, the place with the greatest gravity, and the place that may attract the highest degree of condensation of immortal energy, he also went.

Since he has such a great advantage, why doesn't Gao Jiuding practice well?
Longevity Mountain cannot be completed in a short period of time, but now there are many incarnations of monsters in the Dharma phase sitting in the Longevity Mountain, and there is also a dragon elephant incarnation of half a step of pure yang realm guarding one side here, Gao Jiuding is also time Enter the starry sky and take a trip as soon as you say it.

After ten years of being bound by Yaoxing, it's time to leave.

Gao Jiuding took a step and came to Hualing Pond. At this moment, he felt the pagoda tremble, and the aura in Hualing Pond suddenly became much stronger.

"The incarnation of the water and fire python has opened up another spiritual vein!" Looking at the Hualing Pond that already had a pool of water, Gao Jiuding laughed. The pool water in it is the purest fairy spirit, but unfortunately it is only thin Paved a pool bottom.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a piece of black iron ore appeared and he threw it into Hualingchi.

The black iron ore fell into the Hualing Pond, was immediately enveloped by the spirit energy, and then began to melt!
The black iron ore wrapped in the spirit energy is rapidly turning into strands of white energy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and is melting into the Spirit Transformation Pond.

This is the power of Hua Lingchi, or the power of the fairy spirit, as long as the quality is not as high as the fairy spirit, everything it encounters will be melted.

The melted product will circulate through the spiritual veins in the entire pagoda space through the five-element transformation array.

Like the black iron ore just now, after dissolving, it will eventually turn into golden aura and a part of gold-type ore!

The golden aura is integrated into the gold-type spiritual veins, and the ore is left as a residue, which will eventually be silent in the surrounding veins. If the amount is large enough, a vein of black iron ore may be derived.

"Decomposition, rebirth, all things can be decomposed, which is amazing! It's a pity that this pagoda can't be taken away, otherwise it would be too slow for Wanshou to refine Longevity Mountain!" Gao Jiuding shook his head, and walked away directly.

Inside the pagoda, he can move instantly again, as long as his divine sense locks the place, he can teleport there immediately.

This time he came to the outside of the teleportation hall. Outside the hall, a fiery red battleship was parked there quietly.

This is the Fire Glazed Warship that Gao Jiuding wants to refine into a natal battleship. The whole body is made of Fire Glaze. At this time, the aura is shining, like a huge translucent fire-red gemstone, which looks very beautiful.

"Patriarch, a long-distance teleportation array is installed inside. As long as you are near the second galaxy of the South Gate, you can teleport back at any time!" Gao Jiuding just appeared, and a young man with a scent of Facebook said.

Seeing the excited look of the young man, Gao Jiuding smiled lightly: "Thanks for your hard work!"

"No hard work, no hard work, we haven't had time to thank the Patriarch, if there is no Patriarch to guide us here, how can we let our family practice and live in peace?" The young man said excitedly.

Gao Jiuding nodded. Those who know how to be grateful should have good character!
"You all get busy, I'll go out!" Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, and the three-meter-high and six-meter-long fire glazed battleship in front of him suddenly shrank sharply, and when it became the size of a palm, it fell into Gao Jiuding's hands.

"The Patriarch is mighty!" Hearing the movement here, many people immediately came to the teleportation hall, and most of these people were technicians from the earth.

Gao Jiuding just nodded, and quickly walked into the teleportation hall.

While walking, Gao Jiuding refines the battleship in his hand. It has undergone remodeling, but there are not many modifications. The main reason is to increase the internal space and install a teleportation array.

There are quite a few teleportation formations in Longevity Mountain. With Wanshou's help, it is not difficult to move one of them into the Huoliuli battleship.

"The nine treasures have been fulfilled, and another Dao Hong furnace has been replaced. This is a top-tier second-tier battleship, right? The peak combat power of the foundation is too weak, and it needs to be improved as soon as possible!" Gao Jiuding's mind sank into the battleship in his hands. Inside, understand the situation of the battleship.

"Eh? This Great Dao Hong Furnace has also been modified?" Gao Jiuding was trying to see if he could catalyze a spiritual prohibition after refining the outer shell of the battleship and starting to integrate the nine treasures, so that the battleship would be born with spirituality.

Unexpectedly, just as he mobilized the aura inside Dao Honglu, he found that Dao Honglu was completely different from before.

"Imitated the characteristics of Hualingchi? Daohong Furnace already has a five-element transformation array, and it also has some characteristics of the demon refining pot. I didn't expect to further strengthen this characteristic!" Gao Jiuding carefully observed the new version of Daohong. furnace.

In this way, the internal restriction has been modified, so that Dao Honglu's ability to devour and transform is stronger, right?

All substances can be converted into aura, which can be used as the power of the battleship, and the most important thing is that some ores that cannot be converted into aura will be integrated into the battleship to strengthen the outer shell of the battleship and make it easier for the battleship to advance.

It turned out that with the help of the little fox, Gao Jiuding created the Hualing Pond on the Fox to help the Fox advance. Unexpectedly, this idea was directly moved into this small battleship.

Since it can be easily achieved on a battleship, is it possible to do the same in Longevity Mountain?
Of course, instead of building a Great Dao Hong Furnace, a Hualing Pond will be built. By then, Longevity Mountain will be restored, right?
Thinking of the countless resources in the starry sky, Gao Jiuding was a little excited.

As long as the Longevity Mountain can be lifted into the sky, it is not too difficult to restore it to its previous heyday.

Considering the digestion ability of Hualingchi, combined with several large spiritual veins in Longevity Mountain, the Hualingchi derived from Longevity Mountain should have a devouring ability that is stronger than that of Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, right?
"Don't worry, take your time!" Gao Jiuding didn't think too much, directly received the battleship, and immediately activated the teleportation array.

With Hualingchi, whether it is the pagoda, the Longevity Mountain, or his newly remodeled battleship, it is easier to advance. As long as the resources are sufficient, the speed will definitely be very fast!
The teleportation array shone with a strong aura, and when it reached the limit, Gao Jiuding disappeared.

In a daze, Gao Jiuding appeared in a familiar place. Ten years ago, he teleported into the demon star from here. He never expected that he would come back after ten years.

Walking out of the teleportation array, Gao Jiuding looked at the dotted buildings outside in surprise. Has this place become a base?
"Senior, do you need a guide?"

"Senior, ten low-grade spirit stones"

Looking at the young people around him and listening to the familiar words, Gao Jiuding smiled wryly in his heart, he is now a real senior!
Without saying anything, Gao Jiuding directly released the fire-glazed battleship, and entered the battleship in a flash.

After urging the battleship to fly high into the sky, Gao Jiuding looked at the situation below.

The surrounding area was pitch black, and only the area covered by the formation was brightly lit. This place was still the dark planet, but at this moment, the star seemed to have moved its position, and it became closer to the Nanmen [-] galaxy.

After activating the mirror image radar and observing the surrounding situation, Gao Jiuding discovered that the surrounding starry sky should have been cleaned up. The monster groups that were everywhere before had disappeared, and of course, all the asteroids around him had also disappeared without a trace.

Those are all resources. With the number of monks coming here, how could they stay?

 Thanks for the fast update, the king of heaven and earth, and the little cute brother Yuchen for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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