The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1108 Sirius Galaxy

Chapter 1108 Sirius Galaxy
"Let's lock on to Sirius. It's a binary star system with strong gravitational force. There should be a lot of asteroids in it. Even if we don't enter the galaxy, we can still look for some asteroid groups on the outside. It's 8.6 light-years away from us. There will be fewer people!" Soon, Gao Jiuding had chosen a place.

The Sirius galaxy is neither far nor near to them, and a master who has the ability to continuously jump will definitely choose the closer star system first.

Gao Jiuding started late, so he directly chose the farther Sirius galaxy!

Of course, there are many galaxies farther away, such as ROSD154, which is 9.5 light-years away from Gao Jiuding, but Gao Jiuding doesn't know what's going on there, and it's too far away.

In this case, Gao Jiuding might as well choose a double galaxy like Sirius, where there are two big stars, one bright and one dark, and perhaps top-level planets like the demon star and the devil star can be found around.

With the target, Little Fire Spirit's executive ability can be seen to be strong or weak. It quickly locked on the target, turned on the folding mirror radar, and began to continuously jump in space.

The battleship after the advanced spirit weapon can jump at least thirteen astronomical units each time, and as time goes by, it seems that the Daohong furnace is getting better and better, releasing more and more spirit energy at one time, so jumping The distance is getting farther and farther.

It's a pity that the newly born Spirit Weapon-class battleship is significantly different from the Fox and the Xuanwu.

Back then, the Fox and the Xuanwu were able to jump 99 astronomical units just after advanced spirit weapons, much stronger than the Huoling at this time.

The more he knew about this warship named Huoling, the more Gao Jiuding felt that it was really not easy to completely refine a warship.

This is the difference, whether it is the Xuanwu or the Fox, they are all directly manufactured battleship shells, which are finished products!
And the Huolinghao was cultivated by Gao Jiuding a little bit, and it can be regarded as slowly growing up on its own!
Such a warship is easy to control, but its initial strength cannot be compared with the top-level warships directly manufactured.

However, a battleship that is as powerful as an arm is not comparable to those warships cast from molds!
Moreover, the factory-produced warships are not easy to refine, and it is not easy to grow.

The Fox and the Xuanwu had the rapid growth attribute because of the construction of the Hualing Pond. Otherwise, only Dao Honglu could grow for such warships.

But the Huoling is different. The Great Dao Honglu and the battleship are completely integrated together, and they all prosper and make progress together!

Although the speed of progress is a bit slower, its pace of progress will never stop!

After that, the accumulated strength accumulated over time is definitely not comparable to warships manufactured by industry.

"Master, I found the demon group, do you want to capture it?" Just after jumping a few times, and just approaching some solar systems, Huo Ling found the demon group.

Gao Jiuding could see clearly through the mirror image radar that it was just a small group of demons. They gathered on an asteroid with a diameter of only about ten meters. Maybe jumping over it would not even replenish the spiritual energy consumed.

"Look for a demon group with a big demon head. You can ignore such a small demon group!" Gao Jiuding ordered directly.

If this group of little devils were on his way, he wouldn't mind eliminating them. After all, he still needed some little devils to devour them, to see if they were as he imagined, and there would be no hidden danger if they were devoured.

It would be best if the little devil who had never seen the world was really like a blank sheet of paper and could devour it whatever he wanted.

"Master, I found a group of asteroids!" Just after jumping once, Huo Ling reported again.

It's just a distance of more than ten astronomical units, Gao Jiuding can see very clearly, the group of asteroids are faint!
Judging from his experience, even if there are some low-grade spirit stones on it, the number will never exceed one hundred thousand.

At this time, the Fire Spirit consumes only middle-grade spirit stones, and thousands of them at a time, which is equivalent to ten top-grade spirit stones, and [-] low-grade spirit stones, plus the time delay , Such mining does not make much money.

At this time, Gao Jiuding deeply understood why there are so many resources in the inner circle of the solar system. It was not because the seniors were kind enough to stay and train the younger generations, but those resources were meaningless to them!
"Go and have a look, master, am I empty?" Just as Gao Jiuding was hesitating, Little Huoling showed a pitiful expression.

It has just entered the advanced stage, and it is the time when it needs nourishment. An empty stomach is really a waste of time, so it is still meat when the mosquito legs are small.

Gao Jiuding clearly sensed Xiao Huoling's thoughts, and immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, let's go and have a look!" Gao Jiuding was also helpless, now he had nothing but some mid-grade spirit stones in his hand.

He carried a lot of space equipment, but those were all vacated, and they were ready to collect resources.

The starry sky is too big and there are too many resources, so don't bring more space equipment. If you find too many resources and can't take them away, wouldn't it be a loss?

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't have anything to worry about, because he asked his subordinates to install a teleportation array inside the battleship!

If there are too many spirit stones and spirit mines, he will directly arrange to send them away. As for the distance issue, Gao Jiuding will not worry about it now.

After initially taking control of Longevity Mountain, Gao Jiuding realized that the teleportation array in Longevity Mountain was actually very extraordinary.

In fact, if you think about it, you will understand that the Longevity Mountain itself is the treasure that the Beast Sect created to fight the Star Sea. If there is no teleportation array linked to the Beast Sect Mountain Gate, then the sustainable combat effectiveness of this treasure is very doubtful.

After all, it's impossible to bring the entire Beastmaster Sect's combat power every time Longevity Mountain goes to battle, right?
Therefore, when you go out, you only need to have a certain basic protection!
If you encounter danger, it is the right choice to pull the troops at the first time.

If you want to quickly pull a large army from your hometown in the starry sky, you must need a long-distance teleportation array.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding also discovered that there is also a long-distance teleportation array in the hall inside the demon battleship he snatched earlier!

The teleportation distance is not too far, the farthest is only ten light years, but this is enough.

So this trip, Gao Jiuding didn't think about running ten light-years away!
In order to cooperate with the Longevity Mountain and the long-distance teleportation array inside the demon battleship, he planned to wander around within a radius of ten light years.

It is because of the long-distance teleportation array that can shake people at any time, Gao Jiuding has the confidence to rush into the starry sky without the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

In this way, as long as he is still within ten light years, he will not lack combat power and supplies!

Now the demon warship sits in the solar system, Longevity Mountain stays in the demon star of the Nanmen [-] galaxy, and his fire spirit warship wanders outside.

As long as the Fire Spirit battleship does not run ten light-years away, he can use the resources of the entire earth's cultivation world by contacting the demon battleship, especially the Tiandao Network to send shopping.

In this way, his advantage has been magnified a lot. With the demon warship as a communication bridge, Gao Jiuding can casually shop through and teleport it to him.

Moreover, he can also communicate with Longevity Mountain, and get support from high-end combat forces in Longevity Mountain at any time, such as the incarnation of dragon elephant, the incarnation of water and fire python, or the army of monster incarnations under him!
With such confidence, Gao Jiuding ran into the starry sky alone, or did he really think he was not afraid of death?

In the blink of an eye, the Spirit of Fire came within a cluster of asteroids!
This is really a group of asteroids, with a radius of thousands of miles, only dozens of asteroids are scattered here and there, and they are not big!
It seems that because it is too small, the attraction of the Nanmen [-] galaxy is too weak. Is it separated from the Nanmen [-] galaxy?

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding immediately thought that the entire universe is expanding!
It can also be seen from this piece of asteroid that the Nanmen [-] galaxy is also expanding, its scope is expanding, but the internal matter is becoming sparser.

This is not a good thing, because these asteroids with weak gravitational force flew away, didn't the Nanmen II galaxy become weaker?
If just such a piece of asteroid flew away, then there would be no problem, but what about the entire outer sphere of the Nanmen II galaxy, which is like a big sphere?
"No wonder the earth's cultivation world will release a meritorious mission. All the asteroids in the Oort nebula will be pulled into the solar system, which should be able to make up for the loss of asteroids in the solar system?" Although Gao Jiuding was emotional, his movements were not slow .

The Fire Spirit didn't stop for a moment, quickly skipping over asteroids. It was inferior to meat and vegetables, and whenever it encountered an asteroid, it would swallow it directly and immediately send it to Daohong Furnace for refining.

No matter what kind of spirit stone or spirit mine it is, the Fire Spirit will not dislike it, and refine all of them together.

"Master, it's a bit unpalatable. Look, it's dirt!" Gao Jiuding just praised the Huoling's easy to feed, and it fell off the chain.

Looking at the spirit ore spit out by Huo Ling, and it was refined once, the purified spirit ore!
Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, what he swallowed was black iron ore with a lot of impurities, and what he spit out was black iron!

This purification speed is very fast, but unfortunately it is a bit of a waste of spiritual energy.

However, after swallowing dozens of asteroids, they finally harvested some spirit stones!
These spirit stones barely make up for the consumption of mining and refining ores this time, so it's not a loss or a profit!
"Master, we have already flown out of the Oort Nebula in Nanmen [-], why not go to the Oort Nebula in the solar system? There are a lot of asteroids over there. Even if we don't find anything good, we won't lose money!

As long as we enter more asteroids in the solar system, we can go above the sun and collect some fire materials. It would be even better if we can collect spiritual fire! Before Gao Jiuding responded, Huo Ling made another suggestion.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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