The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1115 Major Discovery

Chapter 1115 Major Discovery (200 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

"Is that kid crazy?" In the unknown pitch-black universe, a jasper stove emitting a faint red light was flying rapidly.

Inside the jasper stove, Tie Lan shook his head, put down the jade certificate with a smile on his face, that kid Gao Jiuding really had good luck.

After entering the realm of self-cultivation for more than ten years, he actually has such a body of cultivation.

Although Tie Lan didn't say it clearly, what kind of eyes did she have?
Her hundreds of years were not in vain. Although it was a few light-years away, he could tell from Gao Jiuding's appearance that he should have at least the cultivation level of the peak of Jindan.

This is not difficult to see, because Gao Jiuding's outward appearance already has a tendency to become jade!
That exposed body with Yingying is no worse than her body in any way.

"Could it be the effect of the body forging technique?" Although Gao Jiuding was determined to have reached the peak of Jindan, Tie Lan was still a little unwilling.

In more than ten years, she has walked the road that would take her hundreds of years to complete, which made her feel that her entire life was spent on dogs.

Therefore, the only possibility is that Gao Jiuding has obtained a superb body forging technique. His physical strength may have reached the peak of Jindan, but his cultivation level must not reach it.

She also believed that Gao Jiuding would not lie to him, so she believed Gao Jiuding when he said that he had just entered the Golden Core Stage.

As a result, Tie Lan's heart began to itch, what kind of body training technique could Gao Jiuding give her?

And the Taiyang Zhenhuo Jue, does it really work for her cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage?
If it really works, it will be able to condense a sky-level spiritual fire technique, which is equivalent to a heaven-level technique. This is not easy, because Gao Jiuding said that it was created by him, which is already Not genius can be measured.

Just as Tie Lan was analyzing Gao Jiuding's situation, the jade document in front of it emitted a bright aura.

"The teleportation array has been activated?" Tie Lan casually picked up the portable jade tablet, and immediately found that there was an extra storage bag in the space embedded inside the portable jade tablet.

Taking out the storage bag, Tie Lan refined it casually, and then poured it down.

"Clatter." A large pile of books immediately overwhelmed Tie Lan.

Tie Lan looked dully at the pile of books in front of him, could these not all be secret books?
With a wave of his hand, all the books were stored in the space bag again, and Tie Lan's mood became a little complicated.

"Dragon Bone Fist, Sky Tiger Palm, Black Tiger Fist, Cloud and Dragon Three Appearances, what kind of mess are these?"

After taking out the books, Tie Lan's expression changed just after a little inspection.

Tie Lan was very disappointed, these looked like ordinary outsider kung fu, such as the Eagle Claw Kung Fu book in her hand, is this body forging secret technique?
But after a closer look, Tie Lan was surprised: "Well, it's really interesting. By absorbing spiritual energy and tempering the muscles, bones and skin, it is indeed a secret technique of body training. Although the finger claws are the most powerful ones, there is no one Strong body support, fingers and claws are not so easy to cultivate!

This is whole body strengthening. Only when the strength of the whole body reaches a certain level can it support stronger fingers and claws. It is indeed a good skill, and it can be condensed into supernatural powers! "

Tie Lan looked at the exercise chart, if he cultivated according to this exercise, from the tendons, bones, to the skin, he practiced step by step, and in the end, the fingers of a person would not be a pair of magic weapons?
The cultivation process recorded in this cheat book is very detailed, from the beginning of training the tendons, to the condensing of the skeleton, until the appearance of the skin, practice step by step, the body condenses the runes, perfects the physical structure, and expands the foundation of cultivation!

After cultivating in this way, although the body cannot be as powerful as the palm of the hand, it is definitely not bad.

This kid Gao Jiuding has a heart, because Tie Lan can see that these exercises are all practical cheats after modification!

At this time, Tie Lan took out the Dragon Bone Fist that he saw earlier!
This is a technique for cultivating root bones. After cultivation to great success, although the internal skeleton of the body cannot be compared with the real keel, it is not much different.

"Is there such a technique? And it's all developed based on the bodies of various divine beasts, monsters, and spirit birds?"

After reading the books, Tie Lan was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

Although these exercises are a bit one-sided, it is undeniable that they are all top-level exercises. Even the simplest Mang Niu Quan can improve the overall physical fitness after practice.

These are definitely body forging secrets, each of which has its own unique characteristics!
If you pick out a few books and combine them to practice together, maybe it can really strengthen her body.

"Gao Jiuding is really rich, he has a sect that specializes in studying monsters!" Tie Lan put down the secret book, and his mind became active.

A lot of exercises were given away, and each book has its own characteristics, which are obviously used to train beginner disciples.

Of course, Gao Jiuding is quite kind, and he gave away so much at once. For a master, it will definitely be useful to learn from it.

Those who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul realm are considered to be master-level powerhouses. As long as you give them some inspiration, it is not difficult to innovate!
For example, the current Tie Lan already has a modified exercise, so it is not difficult to develop a set of body-building secrets suitable for his own cultivation.

"Young disciples can only choose one book. Experts can read more and learn from it. This is a big favor. It seems that we will continue to give some benefits in the future!"

Tie Lan made a decision, and immediately packed up a lot of secret books.

She looked at the densely packed brand-new animal skins, although each book had flashes of inspiration, but these are all newly made, right?
"I don't know the difference between these secret books and the original ones? When I see Gao Jiuding, I must ask him to read it!"

Tie Lan's eyesight is still very strong, she knows that such a supernatural power technique must have something magical in the first place.

The transcribed secret book only records the cultivation method, but the original should have strange effects attached.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding didn't know what Tie Lan was thinking, he was busy now, if he knew what Tie Lan was thinking, he would definitely give him a thumbs up.

The originals of these cheats are all skeletons!
These skeletons are naturally very miraculous, as long as the input of spiritual energy is activated, these skeletons will re-interpret their original exercises!

Otherwise, how could Gao Jiuding obtain so many top body forging secrets?

It is not easy to rely on practice, condense runes into the bones, and keep the bones for an unknown number of years without decay.

Of course, Gao Jiuding is not stupid, what he sent out were selected and deleted exercises, so don't look at the quantity, but the quality is really not high.

The reason why Tie Lan valued it so much was mainly because of the serious chronology of cultivation techniques in the cultivation world on Earth.

In the age of the end of the Dharma, just refining qi, the aura is not enough. Where can there be extra aura to exercise the body?
After a long time, it is conceivable that the body training technique has been lost. Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was already laughing from ear to ear!

He has more rewards than Tie Lan, so good people still have to do it often. Isn't this good people have good rewards?

While Gao Jiuding was talking to Tie Lan, Huo Ling had already made a major discovery.

After collecting a large number of demon heads non-stop, the demon swarms on the periphery of the asteroid belt were almost wiped out.

Without the harassment from the demon group, Huo Ling naturally wanted to get close to the asteroid belt, so it immediately chose an asteroid with a diameter of more than 200 meters as a place to stay.

It is the largest asteroid in the periphery of the asteroid belt, and it has the strongest aura response.

As soon as the Fire Spirit warship landed on this asteroid, Gao Jiuding felt the difference.

At that time, he was talking to Tie Lan, but suddenly, his sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, which surprised him, and then he felt a wave of information.

After he comprehended this piece of information, Gao Jiuding was delighted.

When he looked up, he saw a strong yellow aura, and these auras were rolling in the sky, what is it if it is not a mysterious yellow aura?
Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that when he approached this asteroid, he discovered the mysterious and yellow aura, and it seems that the quality is not low!

"Come closer!" Looking at the river of asteroids flowing fast in front of him, Gao Jiuding ordered immediately.

Huo Ling's speed is not slow, because with the help of the Spiritual Exploration Formation, it was the first to discover the gathering place of the mysterious yellow energy not far ahead.

"It's rather strange, why are these dark and yellow auras scattered outside?"

Because the distance is only a few hundred meters, the Huoling battleship came to an asteroid in an instant.

This asteroid is not too big, only about [-] meters, but there is a thin layer of mysterious yellow gas on it.

In the eyes of Gao Jiuding, this kind of aura is too conspicuous. The asteroid with a size of 300 meters is completely covered by a layer of black and yellow aura. How can it not be conspicuous?
Gao Jiuding activated the protective energy outside his body, flew out of the battleship, and landed on the asteroid.

With a thought, a yellow breath was absorbed into his body.

The yellow breath entered his body, and he immediately felt that the billowing tide was rich in earth aura.

There was only a trace of yellow breath, but after entering his body, it immediately turned into a tide of Qiantang, which surprised Gao Jiuding, and then he was full of surprises.

The quality of these Xuanhuang Qi is indeed very high, completely reaching the heavenly quality, this is definitely a major discovery!
At this time, Gao Jiuding's body training has reached the lowest level of the heavens, which is the physique of the early phase of Faxiang.

Even with his physique, he can feel the strength of this mysterious yellow aura, which only shows that these mysterious and yellow auras are at least C-level heavenly.

Heaven-level C-level spirits are randomly distributed on an asteroid with a diameter of 300 meters, and it is still on the periphery of this asteroid belt, which is a bit strange no matter how you look at it!
You must know that there are many demon groups here, why didn't those demon leaders refine these mysterious and yellow auras?

"Could it be because this is the outskirts of the asteroid belt?" Gao Jiuding refined the dark yellow aura with a strange expression on his face.

 Thanks to the king of the queen, the king of the earth, and the brothers who sell the stalls at a good price for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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