The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1177 The Peak of the Food Chain

Chapter 1177 The Peak of the Food Chain

Suddenly, there was a clanging sound, and two figures collided quickly, and then the gun in one of them broke into two pieces with a click, and finally fell to the ground.

The witch's face was horrified, and she quickly backed away, staring at the young man in front of her.

The demon girl was extremely shocked in her heart. She wanted to test it just now, but she didn't expect her weapon to be shattered.

"Is this the heavenly weapon?" the witch asked with a serious face.

Gao Jiuding stopped his movements and stared at the weapons in their hands, feeling extremely surprised.

This is the so-called heavenly weapon, and it seems unusual.

He used his fist to fight against these sky-level weapons, feeling terrible, and almost lost half of his fist.

Fortunately, his punch didn't hit the sharp edge of the sword, otherwise he would probably lose all his fists now.

"You two, when did you come in?" The middle-aged man shouted with a gloomy expression.

Unfortunately, Gao Jiuding didn't answer his question, but turned around and rushed into a small door with sudden acceleration.

He saw the eyes of the two people, looking at this small door from time to time, and the other doors have seen nothing, so the only place where there may be something is here.

Such a move by him immediately changed the faces of the three people present, and they all rushed at the maximum speed. Even, the middle-aged man was filled with murderous intent, and rushed in after Gao Jiuding's figure, trying to kill him.

"Put it down, this is mine!" A roar came from the inner room, shaking all directions, the whole ruins rumbled, and then with a bang, the hall completely collapsed.

As soon as the hall collapsed, smoke and dust shot up in all directions, and there was a lot of movement, which even attracted the attention of many people, especially a large group of monsters who noticed this place and rushed over quickly.

A huge ruin of a palace suddenly trembled, and then rumbled down, and the whole huge ruin instantly turned into a pile of dust.

Boom!The earth trembled, smoke and dust soared into the sky, and terrifying air waves swept hundreds of meters around, setting off a huge storm.

Originally, this huge palace hadn't collapsed yet, but it was fought by several figures from inside, which caused the shock and collapse this time.

Sure enough, four figures rushed out of the smoke and dust.

The first person waved his fist and crazily smashed on some falling metal blocks, rumbled continuously, and the shattered metal flew and collapsed.

Gao Jiuding's face was angry, and he swung his fist to hit it. With a crash, the metal shattered.

Then the terrifying fist wind swept across, and the witch at the side looked shocked, but quickly slashed a gun, and the two fought fiercely while rushing forward.

Boom!The figures flickered, and four figures rushed out quickly, each standing on one side, with gloomy and uncertain faces.

Gao Jiuding's face was ugly, and he was holding a shiny and warm jade talisman in his hand, while the witch standing opposite had a gloomy expression, holding an old ancient scroll in his hand.

"Damn boy, you dare to steal my things?" The witch's face was furious, and her words were murderous.

Instead of being angry with Gao Jiuding, she showed murderous intent to the young people beside her, which was very terrifying.

The young man's complexion was extremely bad, and he was staring at an ancient scroll in his hand. It was a bit broken, but it was snatched from the witch.

The four of them rushed into that inner room just now, and when they saw the existence of these things, they rushed straight up without saying a word, and each of them broke out to compete for the strongest combat power.

Because Gao Jiuding was the fastest, he was the first to enter it, and grabbed the radiant and moist jade talisman immediately.

But when he was about to grab an ancient scroll on the side again, he was bombarded by two figures, which caused the failure.

The ones attacking him were of course the demon girl and the young man. They snatched the scroll afterward and tore it back in half. This was the reason for the conflict.

"Hmph!" The young man snorted coldly, and then said: "You beast of the monster clan, have you lost your mind? I won't snatch it, and now I have nothing. If you have the ability, snatch it back."

"Or, you go and snatch what they have, I think those two things are the most precious." The young man said, staring at the two figures opposite with flickering eyes.

The witch's face changed, she looked at a jade talisman in Gao Jiuding's hand, and finally saw the other party put it away calmly.

The witch turned around and looked at the last figure, who was a middle-aged man.

What surprised Gao Jiuding was that although the middle-aged man rushed in last, he got a stove.

That's right, what he is holding in his hand is a huge stove that is one person high, with mountains, rivers and rivers depicted on it, birds and beasts are vivid, as if they are about to roar, this is also a huge stove.

"What did you get?" The young man asked calmly.

These words may seem plain, but they contain an astonishing murderous intent, even an ordinary person can feel it.

No one present was an ordinary person, so he could clearly feel the murderous intent in his heart.

"A stove, nothing unusual, it may be used to burn charcoal for warmth." The middle-aged man replied lightly, and put the stove away with a wave of his hand.

The middle-aged man didn't check, but what he said made the three people present speechless for a while, and they burned charcoal for warmth?Ghosts believe it.

Gao Jiuding didn't believe it even more, it's just that they got it, and it was a bit difficult to snatch it.

He glanced at the other two, and found that after the demon girl checked her ancient scroll, her face was surprised for a moment, and then she put it away calmly.

"This ancient scroll should have recorded some knowledge about refining weapons, but it's a pity they took it away." Gao Jiuding felt a little regretful in his heart.

The young man didn't move at all, he just quietly put away the scroll, as if it was a piece of garbage.

In his heart, he was actually very excited. This thing recorded the knowledge and methods of refining weapons.

"What is that jade of yours? Could it be a high-end treasure? How about showing it to us?" The young man changed his voice and pointed his finger at Gao Jiuding.

"Okay, then come and get it!" Gao Jiuding smiled and nodded in agreement.

It's a pity that the latter's face was gloomy again, and his eyes gleamed coldly, as if he would kill him in the next moment.

What he said was very easy, but he didn't dare to come over to get it, so he came here.Maybe it was a fierce fist that greeted him.

Gao Jiuding's performance just now is really amazing, that fist is just like a heavenly weapon, it breaks whatever it hits, of course this is just an exaggeration.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding frowned slightly and turned to look aside.

The faces of the middle-aged man and the three of them changed, and they all looked in that direction, as if they felt a trace of aura fluctuations.

Then, the faces of the three of them gradually became serious, and they could clearly sense in their hearts that several powerful auras were rushing towards them.

Moreover, each of these auras is very familiar, it is the aura of the demon clan, a very powerful aura of the demon clan.

"There is a monster clan coming!" Gao Jiuding and the three of them looked cautious, and they walked together and waited intently.

The other witch, with a smile on her face, showed a vicious smile at Gao Jiuding and the other three.

The three of Gao Jiuding were still furious just now, but now they come together again, which is really a bit eye-popping.

From that direction, there was a strong aura coming, it was the demon clan coming.

It may be that the battle between the people just now spread, causing the entire hall to collapse and destroy, which caused a huge commotion and attracted the nearby monsters.

"Humans?" In front of the ruins ahead, a group of burly figures rushed forward, a total of twelve monsters.

The four monster clans headed by them have the most powerful aura. All of them are more than three meters tall, full of evil spirits, and extremely tyrannical. These four monster clans are all great commanders!

Gao Jiuding's face was startled, and his pupils shrank. He knew how powerful the leader of the monster clan was.

There were four orc commanders, each of whom was very powerful, and they were difficult to deal with just by looking at their aura.

Moreover, the four monster clan leaders were accompanied by two subordinates each!

Although their cultivation was good, they didn't see it in their eyes. Gao Jiuding only cared about the four commanders.

"Four commanders, let's see who kills the fastest!" Gao Jiuding glanced at the witch, and said in a serious tone.

The meaning contained in Gao Jiuding's words is obvious, this is to kill these monster clans one by one, otherwise troubles will continue.

The witch's face was cold, and she taunted: "The leader of my clan, who commands the existence of a thousand monster warriors, let me see how powerful you are, and see if you will become a pile of excrement."

"Then I'll kill one for you to see!" The young man's face was eager to try, because he had just obtained a heaven-level weapon, so he naturally wanted to try it out to see how powerful it was.

Now that these monster races are coming to your door, they are in a weak position, but they can't be weak.

The middle-aged man didn't speak. He pointed at the long sword in his hand, and his whole body exuded breath. He pointed at a leader of the monster clan coming ahead with killing intent, which made the other party look furious.

"Damn human, dare to blaspheme my great monster clan?" A leader of the monster clan had a ferocious face, and his fangs flickered.

With a roar, he brandished a huge saber and came to kill, the target was the middle-aged man.

The finger of a middle-aged person can be regarded as a kind of blasphemy and a challenge, and it must not be let go, otherwise how will the face be lost?

Yaozu also want face?Of course, the monster race is at the top of the food chain in many places. They really look down on humans. When did they dare to treat them like this with the food they stockpile?
Such a thought flashed through Gao Jiuding's mind, but he didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he kicked his feet suddenly, and the ground cracked in response, but the figure had already rushed out like lightning.

Compared with the history of the monster race, no matter on the earth or on the monster star, the human race has suppressed the monster race for tens of thousands of years!

Even now, the Yaozu is still food and training materials stored by the human race.

Regarding the monster clan, Gao Jiuding has no scruples. He has already killed two monster clan leaders, and now the number is just a bit too much, so he has nothing to hesitate.

With a movement of Gao Jiuding's body, he charged forward suddenly, and he swung his fist to hit him. Suddenly, the wind howled, like a tyrannosaurus roaring, shaking all directions.

This punch was very ferocious. After the fist hit, the air rumbled and moved, full of power.

 Thank you for the 200 coin reward from Shaqiang. Brother!Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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