The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1184 Break and then stand

Chapter 1184 Break and then stand

clang!Sparks flew, and the general of the Yaozu slashed three times in a row, blocking the attack of the three of them.

Then, he swung his backhand quickly, slashed across with the knife, and with a puff, a figure flew out directly, spilling a blush.

The demon girl also seemed to be very concerned by the demon generals, so she was given special care and was the first to be injured!

There was a huge scar on the demon girl's chest. Fortunately, she avoided it in time, otherwise she would really have to be reimbursed.

The witch's face was furious, but she was also terrified in her heart. She was almost killed after only meeting each other.

boom!Then, another figure flew across and vomited blood. The young man's face was pale, blood trickled down from the corner of his mouth, and he was also injured.

He quickly slid 20 meters before standing up with an ugly face, staring ahead, and finally the middle-aged man was left alone.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man held the sword in both hands, lowered his waist and shook his strength, and gave a loud shout. The sword was like a rain curtain, and there was a desolate and simple atmosphere, murderous, and rumbled past.

This sword created a powerful aura, which shocked the hearts of everyone present.

Especially the demon girl and the young man, the two of them never thought highly of the middle-aged man, and they planned to kill him.

But at this time, his powerful swordsmanship shocked the two of them, and it also made them feel threatened.

Boom!A sword pierced through the sky, and he rushed away with the force of a blaze of flames. The face of the Yaozu general on the opposite side changed slightly in shock, feeling that the danger contained in this sword was a great threat to him.

The monster general's expression changed, without any hesitation, the blade vibrated, gathering all the strength of the whole body to drive the blade down, the surrounding space was shattered, and the aura was powerful.

Clang!There was a loud noise, like the clash of gold and iron, and like the roar of a bell, it was deafening.

The strength of the two was exhausted, but it was a pity that the middle-aged man was still defeated. His whole body flew out like a scarecrow, smashing more than 30 meters away.

At this time, the Yaozu general lowered his head, and was shocked to find that the battle armor on his chest was broken into a small piece, blood was flowing, and he was injured by the sword just now.

His face was shocked, and his heart was extremely angry. He was actually hurt by a weak human race?This is simply a shameful humiliation, absolutely unforgivable, and a great blasphemy.

Roar!The general of the monster race roared like a beast roaring, his breath gushed out, and a bloody evil spirit swept across, making the faces of all the people present turn pale, and their bodies kept retreating.

This is a powerful force, which shocked everyone to retreat. It is really impossible to imagine the power of the monster general.

Gao Jiuding's expression changed. After all, he was not a Faxiangqi monk, so he was also affected.

There were only the incarnations of Song Yue and Yihu in the arena, and they didn't show anything special, but because they were always on the periphery and didn't attack the Yaozu general, they didn't attract attention.

Of course, it was also because the female guard beside Song Yue attracted the attention of many monster generals.

At this time, the female guard's pretty face was pale, and her heart was extremely shocked, but she didn't back down. She seemed to be helping Song Yue and Yihu to counteract this powerful oppression.

"Damn it, this guy is too strong, we are no match at all." The witch also lost her usual elegance at this time, she stood here and yelled crazily.

Indeed, they were no match for this Yaozu general together. After a few encounters, it was difficult for them to compete.

The strength of a higher realm is not a simple calculation of one plus one at all, but the difference in strength level. Ten thousand catties is different from twenty thousand catties. Unless the strength of four people is added to one person, it is difficult contend.

"Patriarch, are you alright?" One of Gao Jiuding's guards quickly came to the ruins and pulled up the injured Gao Jiuding with a worried expression on his face.

This time, the Yaozu general he met was the most powerful enemy, which made everyone feel a lot more crisis.

Gao Jiuding glanced at his guard secretly, but didn't say anything.

He stood up, wiped the dust and blood off his face, and said, "Go and see what's going on with the others. Take them away and be careful not to be affected."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward in a flash!
Gao Jiuding stood together with the demon girl and the other three, staring at the demon general who was approaching step by step in front of him. The majestic power and terrifying aura were shocking.

"We have no way out. If we don't kill him, we will die. Why don't we fight!" Gao Jiuding said impassionedly.

He threw away a broken bronze spear, his face was cold, and his words contained clanking killing intent.

What he meant was that if you don't want to run away in embarrassment, it's better to kill once, and it's time to go all out.

"Kill!" The four figures roared, and they all rushed forward to meet the monster general. They were going to fight desperately.

This time, the four of them had to show their cards, otherwise they would really have to explain it here.

Gao Jiuding was the first to rush to him, slamming his fists in anger. He rumbled like an enraged tyrannosaurus, which made the general of the Yaozu feel a little shocked.

This punch is very powerful, gathering the strength of Gao Jiuding's whole body!

Gao Jiuding's blood boiled and roared with the power, and with a bang, it hit the bone knife thrown by the monster general, causing a terrifying wave of air.

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and a gun roared through it, the air whistling, full of murderous intent.

The timing of this shot was very precise, and it actually pierced the Yaozu general's shoulder, causing severe trauma.

At this moment, two more figures approached, each with the most powerful blow, blasting the body of the Yaozu general.

For a moment, blood spattered, the ground rumbled, and the four strong men finally wounded the monster general.

The demon girl's shot came roaring like a wild lion, piercing through one shoulder of the demon general, blood spattered, and the scene was horrific.

And in that young man's hand was also a pitch-black long spear. Like a falcon coming to kill, he fiercely pierced the monster general's stomach, causing huge damage.

Roar!With a roar, in an instant, a strong wind blew up in all directions, and the evil spirit exploded!
Immediately afterwards, the faces of the four figures changed, and they felt a mighty force coming!

With a bang, the four of them flew around like celestial maidens scattering flowers.

None of these four people could continue to severely injure the Yaozu general, so they were sent flying out, and landed again injured.

But this time the injury was a bit more serious, especially when Gao Jiuding faced the attack of the monster general, the blood in his body flowed backwards, as if he was going to be blown to pieces.

puff!Gao Jiuding's face was blue and red, and he spat out a mouthful of reverse blood before he stood up with difficulty.

One of his arms trembled, bright red blood dripped down, and several fingers were almost broken off his fist.

Although he was hurt, Gao Jiuding was full of surprises when he felt the situation inside his body.

After breaking and then standing, he really did not make a mistake in his judgment.

His physical strength has reached an astonishing level, which is the result of his repeated physical training.

At the current state, he can only do not take the usual path, otherwise, he will have no way to break through the shackles of the body again in the current state.

And breaking and then building is definitely the easiest way.

However, with Gao Jiuding's physical strength, he couldn't easily damage even the psychic magic weapon, so he was in a dilemma.

But this time, Gao Jiuding saw hope in the face of a monster general in the Faxiang period with super attack power.

Sure enough, even if he didn't use blood shadow supernatural powers, mana, and simply used physical power, this monster general could only destroy his body, and it was not difficult to cause him devastating damage.

It's better not to kill him at once, so that Gao Jiuding's body can change.

Gao Jiuding has no shortage of resources, so if his body is damaged, he will recover immediately, and the recovery speed is very fast.

In the process of recovering from damage again and again, Gao Jiuding's body will become stronger!
When Gao Jiuding was secretly having fun, the other three were not in a good mood. They stood up each with a very ugly expression on their faces!

All three of them were severely injured to varying degrees. They each stared at the berserk monster general in front of them, with blood flowing all over their bodies. This was the scar left by the four of them together just now.

"Human race, you are damned, this general will tear you apart!" The monster general was berserk, his heart was filled with anger, and finally lost his last sanity, turned into a crazy beast, and roared towards the four of them.

"Kill!" Yao Nu and others roared to kill, facing the Yaozu general without retreating at all.

At this time, either you die or I die. The only way to survive is to join forces to kill these monsters, so that they can have a chance to benefit.

People die for money, birds die for food, if it is not for the benefit, these guys will definitely not follow the monster general.

With a bang, the earth shook, and smoke and dust billowed all around, raging in all directions.

Five figures were fighting, and the four of them teamed up to deal with a monster general, but they were still suppressed, and even blasted out continuously.

At this moment, even Song Yue and Yi Hu looked shocked!
Gao Jiuding and others teamed up to deal with a terrifyingly powerful monster general, but they were still beaten.

"It's too scary!" A young man on the periphery trembled. He was one of the young man's subordinates, and he was lucky that he hadn't died yet.

On the side, one of the middle-aged man's subordinates also looked shocked, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Whoosh!Suddenly, there was a roar from the side, and there was a sharp clang, and with the clang sound, it went straight to the vital parts of the Yaozu general's body.

This is the most powerful ability of Song Yue's guards. The occasional support on the side, although unable to kill the Yaozu general, can cause a little trouble and opportunity.

The five masters joined forces to fight against the general of the monster clan. Unfortunately, human beings are still too weak.

clang!A bone arrow was knocked down, clanging and hitting the ground.

The Yaozu general's face was irritable. He was really annoyed by the arrows that shot at him from time to time. Although he could shoot them down easily, it was still very troublesome.

He stared ferociously, and it turned out that there was a beautiful figure shooting towards him from the ruins in the distance.

This is the female guard. Her own strength is strong, condensed into a huge force of ten thousand catties, and a strong bow is about to break.

collapse!The war bow roared, and the long arrow pierced the sky!
The long arrow whined, like a ghost sound from hell, and the sharp tip of the arrow flashed a terrifying edge, roaring rapidly, and arrived in an instant.

The female guard kept firing her bow, and shot nine sharp long arrows in a row, rushing towards them with a howl!

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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