The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1251 The Field of Gravity

Chapter 1251 The Field of Gravity (200 Monthly Ticket Plus Updates)

Gao Jiuding spotted a bug king and kept adjusting his direction.

The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda lures the insects to fly to the other side, and it does not need to fight the insects head-on.

The weapon spirit of the pagoda is a bit weak, but its main ability is suppression and defense, and it is almost useless for fighting.

These worms absorb aura too fast, Gao Jiuding doesn't want the pagoda to collect these worms into the inner space of the pagoda, so the pagoda can only suppress another insect king as much as possible.

The multiple domains formed by a large number of insects above the peak of the blood core are still very powerful, even if it is a pagoda, it is difficult to resist.

If there are too many overlapping domains, the power may be even more terrifying than that of the Dharma Master!
Fortunately, the flexibility of the insect swarm is relatively poor, and it is not that difficult to avoid the overlapping areas of multiple domains.

Gao Jiuding rushed towards the purple-red void worm by himself, condensed a magical power from a distance, and threw it over.

I saw a khaki big handprint piercing through the void, and instantly entered the worm's purple-red domain.

The big handprint was flying within the purple-red domain, and it had already shrunk a circle before sticking to the worm's body in the void. It was obvious that part of the power was sucked away by the worm's domain.

"What a powerful devouring ability!" Gao Jiuding was a little surprised. Such a powerful devouring ability is simply a nightmare for creatures in close combat. As long as they enter its domain, they will be continuously sucked away vitality and strength. It will only get weaker and weaker as it fights, but it will become stronger and stronger.

Snapped!The big handprint, which was a big circle smaller, finally stuck on the bug's carapace.

The Xuanhuang big handprint formed by the condensed Xuanhuang Qi is still very powerful, but this kind of earth-type supernatural power can only slow down the speed of the insects.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding backhanded an ice soul cold light magical power, and threw it out again.

But Gao Jiuding's supernatural power is not very good. Although he can easily display the supernatural power of ice soul cold light through the ice soul cold light pearl, the power of this supernatural power depends entirely on the power of the ice soul cold light pearl. .

The most powerful effect of the ice soul cold light here is to freeze and slow down the speed of the bugs.

When the cold light entered the worm's body, it immediately played a role, causing the worm's body to shake, as if it was a little unstable.

But just shaking for a while, those void insects have stabilized their figures, and their compound eyes like flies looked towards Gao Jiuding.

A group of insects seemed to be irritated, and they squeaked at Gao Jiuding twice, then flapped their wings behind their backs, and rushed towards Gao Jiuding like a flash of lightning in the void.

"It's so fast!" Gao Jiuding realized that his speed was far behind them, and the power of the ice cold light didn't seem to have much effect on the bug.

In fact, in Gao Jiuding's induction, the ice soul cold light magic power is slowly shrinking, obviously it has been sucked away by the insect's devouring field, and I believe it will not be long before the power will be sucked dry.

Gao Jiuding looked at the fuchsia bug that rushed over. He didn't choose to run away, but directly opened the domain, but this time it was not the power domain, but the gravity domain.

In fact, Gao Jiuding should be most familiar with the field of gravity, whether it is in the treasure house of the Golden Wolf Palace, on the stone bridge in the Beast Control Dojo, or when he faced the golden skeleton at the ruins of the ancient city later, he would let him Gao Jiuding has a deep impression on the field of gravity.

Besides, Gao Jiuding also knows the gravity circle, and he is still a soil repairer.

Soil repair can instantly arrange a gravity circle, and layer upon layer, forming layers of restrictions around the body.

This is actually equivalent to volleying bans, and it uses the spirit to arrange formations to form layers of restrictions in an instant. This is the domain. The more restrictions you arrange and the larger the range, the stronger the power.

This is the nature of domains, so Gao Jiuding was the first to succeed in the domain of gravity. As for the domain of fire, although he also succeeded in cultivation, the power does not seem to be great.

That is to form a big fire circle around him in an instant, and that is not so powerful!

Unless this circle of fire is formed by the real fire of the sun, then Gao Jiuding himself is the little sun?
Obviously, he still can't do this, so Gao Jiuding is most willing to use the gravity field.

The khaki-yellow domain spreads from Gao Jiuding's body. This domain is arranged with a mysterious yellow aura. It is heavy and condensed, just like the substance.

The gravity field overlapped with the rushing purple-red field, but there was no collision effect!

The domains of the two different colors almost completely overlapped each other, and Gao Jiuding and the insect king almost collided with each other.

Boom!Gao Jiuding's fist collided with the insect king's claw.

The sharp blade-like claws slashed across the armor on the back of Gao Jiuding's hand, drawing a few shallow cracks, but they couldn't completely tear the Dihuang battle armor apart.

"It's amazing!" Gao Jiuding was very amazed at the attack power of the insect king. These void creatures were all very powerful.

Gao Jiuding's fist was not strong enough to knock the insect's claws away.

The worm screamed strangely, and a purple-red light erupted from its body. Its body moved as fast as teleportation, and a series of purple-red claws grabbed Gao Jiuding.

A series of claws that could tear apart the void fell on Gao Jiuding's body, and only scratched some shallow marks on the Dihuang battle armor, and the shallow marks recovered automatically soon.

At this time, some people in the distant starry sky were watching Gao Jiuding's battle through the jade document on Gao Jiuding's chest.

Of course, they originally wanted to see the metal asteroid with their own eyes, but they didn't expect to see Gao Jiuding's battle process.

They were all paying attention to Gao Jiuding's situation. If Gao Jiuding couldn't fight against the bugs, they could only remind Gao Jiuding to retreat.

But when they saw that Gao Jiuding was going head-to-head with the Faxiang-level insect king, even though he was at a disadvantage, the armor could not be torn by even the Faxiang-level insect king. They were all a little surprised.

These guys are all civil servants, and they don't understand Gao Jiuding's power at all, and they don't know that Gao Jiuding is now a monk who kills Dharma Prime Minister like a dog.

However, facing these worm kings who had just reached the Dharma phase, Gao Jiuding felt that it was difficult to deal with them.

Of course, it was also because of such battles that he was not used to it.

Now that he knew the attack power of the insect king, Gao Jiuding was already in a very relaxed mood, after all these insects could not hurt him.

The strength of Dihuang armor is very high, it should be regarded as a top defensive armor.

But this kind of strength is not enough to completely resist the power of the Faxiang level!

The reason why the bug couldn't hurt Gao Jiuding was mainly due to the influence of the gravity field.

The gravity field is very strange, it will not enhance Gao Jiuding's attack power, nor will it increase Gao Jiuding's own gravity, but it can weaken the enemy's strength, and it can also increase the enemy's gravity.

Unless the enemy's strength is strong enough to directly attack and break through the layers of restrictions that form the gravity field, the more attacks, the greater the enemy's consumption. This is a process of ebb and flow.

Of course, the field of gravity is not without its shortcomings, and it is more serious, that is, the stronger the gravity, the greater the pressure on Gao Jiuding.

Those layers of restrictions, do you really think that it will not consume soul and true energy?
Even if it can attract the power of heaven and earth and strengthen the gravity circle, the consumption is not small.

There is also the field of gravity, although it will not oppress Gao Jiuding's body, but it will have a great impact on his moving speed.

The field of gravity is a layer of restrictions. Gao Jiuding also needs strength to pass through these restrictions. Of course, he can also carry all the restrictions and move with him as the core, but this is also a big burden.

After using the gravity field, Gao Jiuding is not afraid of being beaten, but if he wants to escape or attack the enemy quickly, it is difficult to do so because of his slow speed.

Fortunately, this time Gao Jiuding didn't plan to attack the worm king, he just wanted to delay the time and wait for the other worm king to be killed by the pagoda. That's why he chose the gravity field to limit the worm king's attack on him. attack.

Another advantage of the Gravity Domain is that most of the power that forms the domain is formed by prohibition, and the swallowing domain absorbs his power, which is only to absorb a small part of the force gathered by the prohibition, which does not have much effect on Gao Jiuding. influences.

The insect king attacked Gao Jiuding frantically. He dodged for a while at first, but later he dodged lazily.

The insect king's attack power hit the rehmannia battle armor, but the destructive power produced became weaker and weaker, and it had almost no effect on Gao Jiuding in the end.

It was just because he was carrying too many restrictions that Gao Jiuding's movement speed became very slow, and it was impossible to hit the insect king.

Gao Jiuding didn't feel anything about resisting the attack of a law-level bug king like this, but his subordinates who were watching the battle were dumbfounded.

Seeing Gao Jiuding floating in the starry sky, he didn't seem to care, allowing the worm king to attack him, and the attack of the worm king was like an itching to Gao Jiuding, and had no effect at all.

The weird and terrifying Devouring Domain didn't seem to be of any use to him, and his strength has never been weakened.

They probably also noticed that there must be something wrong with the yellow light on Gao Jiuding's body, but their knowledge is superficial, and they can't see what kind of ability the Gravity Domain has, they just feel it's amazing.

Although they didn't understand, seeing this scene, a big stone in their hearts fell completely!

Originally they were worried about whether their Patriarch could withstand these miraculous attacks, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all!
At this time, Gao Jiuding also relaxed, and he even started to be distracted, wanting to command the pagoda and kill another insect king with all his strength.

As long as the other insect king was killed, Gao Jiuding's side would be more relaxed.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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