Chapter 131 The Heifer (Guaranteed update, please subscribe)

Huang Quxing is an inconspicuous yellow man. He was introduced by George Alexander Gustave Eiffel. He is a Malaysian Chinese.

The Shenzhou Li family he mentioned was Li Rusong's family. Li Rusong really stood like a pine and sat like a bell, a very imposing person.

The few other people who didn't speak were all Caucasian, two big Russian men and one British gentleman, their external performance was in line with the impression their country gave Gao Jiuding.

"Okay, don't speak harshly. We are all juniors at the edge of the outer solar system, so it's better to unite!" George said.

"It's just for George's sake, otherwise," Huang Quxing sneered.

"You don't need to do this? It seems that we Chinese are not united!" Li Rusong rolled his eyes and said.

Huang Quxing was so angry that he couldn't speak. If he continued to pester him, he would lose his dignity.

"Okay, okay, there is a newcomer joining our party today, can I make a good impression on him?" George said again.

"That's right, I still have to give the Eiffel family face!" Ma Rulong said.

The others nodded in agreement and asked Gao Jiuding to confirm that this Eiffel is that Eiffel, the one who built the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty in the United States.

The man's name is Alexander Gustave Eiffel, a famous architect in modern times, and many railway bridges he built are still landmark buildings in various countries.

It is obviously not a coincidence that George's name bears the person's full name, and it is certainly not a coincidence that he was able to participate in the French fleet's big operation.

"The main purpose of this gathering is to communicate, to exchange all kinds of information, to exchange all kinds of materials. I'll start by throwing bricks and stones!" After finishing speaking, George clapped his hands.

Everyone's attention was quickly attracted by a group of mature young women. They walked gracefully, twisting their slender waists, and walked slowly.

The number of people was not too many, exactly ten, which made Gao Jiuding see George's preference!
Gao Jiuding chose some mature oriental beauties, while George obviously prefers western milfs!

These women are as beautiful as ever, and their beauty knows no borders or skin color.

These acquainted beauties each held a silver cup and sent it to everyone.

Inside the silver cup is a milky white liquid, which smells like a rich milky fragrance!

"Taste the carefully cultivated spiritual milk!" George picked up the silver cup and took a sip, apparently enjoying it.

"I'll forget it. I heard that your Eiffel family has cultivated a kind of spiritual tea, so I'll drink that!" Gao Jiuding just picked up the silver cup when Li Rusong said.

Gao Jiuding stopped and looked at George, who was obviously very surprised!
He looked at Li Rusong with a look of shock: "This is the spiritual milk specially cultivated according to your ancient Chinese method. You don't like it?"

"It can only be said that the taste is different!" Li Rusong looked at the silver cup not far away with disgust, as if it was a pile of filth.

"You should keep your milk for yourself, anyway, it won't go bad if you put it in a silver cup!" Ma Rulong said with a strange face at this time.

"Why are you pretending to be a gentleman? George, if you don't mind, I want to drink something fresh!" At this time, Gu Willi, who had been silent all this time, said.

"Of course I don't mind, they exist just to entertain distinguished guests!" George said with a happy expression on his face.

After getting the consent, Willy Gu hugged an acquainted beauty standing beside him unceremoniously.

The acquainted beauty took advantage of the opportunity to sit in Gu Willy's arms, and very purely opened a button on her chest.

Gao Jiuding had noticed long ago that these familiar beauties were very well-dressed. They wore corseted dresses, but there was a pocket-like design on their chests. What they opened now was the buttons on the pockets.

And as the button was opened, the pocket-like thing drooped directly, revealing a most beautiful mountain peak.

Obviously this is not a pocket, but a specially designed opening.

He opened the opening of the clothes, revealing a piece of pure white inside, and the bright red in the center is the most conspicuous.

Gu Willie seemed to have been prepared for a long time, he bit the exposed bright red, and tried his best to suck it up.

Gao Jiuding looked at Gu Weili in surprise. Of course, he didn't ignore the familiar beauty. She was really familiar. If it hadn't just given birth, she wouldn't be breastfeeding.

Looking at Gu Willie who was eating like a big baby, Gao Jiuding was beyond shocked.

He has seen reports of such things in China, and some wealthy people at home and abroad like this kind of tone, but he never thought that the world of comprehension can actually see it.

"These heifers are all herbalists raised since childhood. The milk they produce is full of aura and easy to digest. Don't you want to try it?" George said proudly when he saw Gu Willie's appearance.

This is the family background. If there is no foundation, how could it be possible to spend more than ten years of effort to cultivate it specially?
Gao Jiuding could only smile wryly in his heart at this time, are these specially trained medicine men?
Heifer?Cows?I have to say, these big dogs really enjoy it.

Although he was very envious, he couldn't say anything!
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he can still drink milk calmly?Being able to do this is also a realm!

"There's no need to show off. If you really want to, just take a few of your special products, like the silver pot, and we'll be very interested!" At this moment, Ma Rulong said.

George clapped his hands helplessly again, and another group of people entered the room!
The one who came in this time was a familiar beauty. It seems that such a beauty is really George's preference. How lacking of maternal love is this guy, he actually likes big-breasted mature women so much?

Although Gao Jiuding despises it in his heart, he won't say it out loud. At this time, he has already been attracted by the things that the acquaintance beauty sent up again.

Four familiar beauties, each holding a silver pot, put it on the table in the middle, and there was one in front of Gao Jiuding.

The silver pot in front of Gao Jiuding was shiny, with a large lotus flower on each side of the pot wall, covering one-third of the surface of the silver pot, and the other blank areas were covered by some small lines.

George picked up a silver jug ​​and said, "Actually, there's nothing special about my silver jug, it just keeps fresh. Even if it's an oriental medicine, it can keep its medicinal properties for a longer period of time. Of course, if you cook wine, it's a hero It would be even better, because the spiritual energy of the spirit wine will not evaporate!"

"Silverware naturally has the function of sterilizing and keeping fresh. After passing through the hands of your Eiffel family, this characteristic becomes more obvious." Li Rusong also picked up a silver pot and said while looking at it.

"I want one." Huang Quxing said first.

"I want one too!" Li Rusong continued.

Gao Jiuding looked at the others, seven people, four pots, certainly not one for everyone, and he was not too interested in these silver pots.

There are great benefits to using silverware, because when using silverware, a very small amount of silver will dissolve in water in the form of silver ions, which can disinfect the human body.

Silver ions can sterilize bacteria, as long as 1000 billion parts per liter of water is rich in silver ions, it is enough to kill most bacteria.

In addition, boiling water in a silver pot can make the water soft and thin. The ancients called it "like silk water", which means that the water is as soft and smooth as silk, and can be stored for a long time.

The silver jug ​​of the Eiffel family is definitely much better than ordinary silver jugs, but this thing has not yet reached the point where he must.

"You Orientals like to drink tea, don't be polite!" At this time, Usmanov showed a friendly smile to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was surprised, with such a good attitude?
Gao Jiuding did not refuse the kindness: "Then I want one too!"

"Haha, I'm not being polite about the remaining one. Reciprocate, and I'll provide some hieroglyphs for sharing!" Ma Rulong threw out a dozen manuscript papers very boldly.

Gao Jiuding took a quick glance, and found that the hieroglyphic materials that Ma Rulong took out were all the ancient characters on the animal bones that he had obtained from Ethiopia.

This black old man looks very bold, but he is very cunning, because Gao Jiuding and George both have a copy of this information, and now he trades it, Gao Jiuding and George naturally can't use this to exchange some benefits.

Fortunately, he said it was a sharing, not a transaction, so neither Gao Jiuding nor George could say anything.

"Let's trade with spirit stones, this is hard currency!" Huang Quxing threw out a primary storage bag without knowing how many spirit stones were in it.

George picked up the storage bag, glanced at it, and said, "It's too much, as long as 1000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones will do!"

Gao Jiuding glanced at the silver pot, 1000 yuan low-grade spirit stone is not expensive, but the patterns engraved on it are worth the price.

Gao Jiuding is still very curious about Western magic circle and alchemy, and he will not give up this opportunity now.

"The green tea cultivated by our Li family is still good for drinking, I hope all fellow Taoists like it!" Next, Li Rusong took out some tea leaves.

Gao Jiuding glanced at it, and it was no different from the tea leaves he had seen before, except that there was a little more aura.

Gao Jiuding was a little puzzled, the spiritual energy was not so strong, why did other people seem to take it seriously?

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he first said: "If there are more, I want some!"

"Haha, no one doesn't like this thing, let's share it equally!" Ma Rulong said with a smile.

"One or two low-grade spirit stones for 10 yuan, one or two per person!" Another Russian big man, Michelson, finally spoke.

Everyone got one or two spirit teas, and the transaction created a wave of waves!
The other people who did not get the silver pot also began to think about the silver pot of the Eiffel family. However, rare things are more expensive, and George knew this truth well. In the end, he gritted his teeth and did not let go.

 Thank you for the reward of 10000 starting coins from the brother who read the original version for the first time, and celebrate the appearance of the first rudder owner in this book! ! !Thank you い心痛☆ for her reward of 11100 coins, and congratulations on the birth of the second rudder owner in this book!Thanks to the book friend 20180608150956412 for the reward, this is the third rudder master, Sahua!Thanks for the reward of 20000 coins for the hot hand picking flowers, you are the first hall master! !


(End of this chapter)

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