The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1372 Ignite Soul Fire

Chapter 1372 Ignite Soul Fire
At first, Gao Jiuding just tried to see if he could comprehend the soul forbidden law of the ghost clan, but he didn't expect that the next step would be so smooth, as if he could understand it at a glance.

Although I only understand part of it, if I combine this part part by part, and try it again, I will naturally learn it completely.

After discovering this, Gao Jiuding ignored it and started practicing immediately.

The more he comprehends, the more he feels that the soul of this ghost clan is very restrained.

Maybe it's because they belong to the spirit body and the spirit race, and the ghost race has specialties in this aspect, so these soul restrictions are more complicated and more effective than what Gao Jiuding has seen before, and the effect on the soul is unexpectedly good. Whether it is confinement protection or defensive counterattack, it has a strong effect.

For a long time, Gao Jiuding has been practicing alone, and it is difficult for him to learn from other people's cultivation experience, but this time is an opportunity.

There are countless mysteries contained in the forbidden law of the ghost clan, which even brought some new understandings to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding has always wanted to figure out the mystery of the ghost clan, but it was a pity that a giant hand that covered the sky was drawn out that time.

But now, being able to comprehend this forbidden law of the ghost clan is really a huge gain.

Gao Jiuding didn't notice that silver-white electric arcs were intertwined in his soul consciousness, and these electric arcs naturally formed some runes. If you look carefully, you will know that these runes really want to form ghosts. The basic rune of genocide.

It was these mysterious silver arcs that made it easier for him to comprehend the forbidden soul law of the ghost race.

Otherwise, for a mysterious and very strange and powerful race, how could outsiders be able to comprehend their secrets casually?
I don't know how long it has been since this comprehension. In short, when Gao Jiuding fully woke up, he didn't know how long it had been. He only woke up when he felt a crisis.

"Is there any mistake, Shen Wu was also struck by lightning?" At this moment, over the valley, a cloud of dark clouds gathered, rolling and mighty, forming a large black and dense thunder cloud.

It was actually a thundercloud, intertwined with lightning and continuous thunderbolts, which oscillated for thousands of kilometers.

At this moment, the entire valley was shrouded by that thundercloud. Under the terrifying pressure, more than 1 ghosts and beasts roared in terror, but unfortunately they could not move.

What surprised Gao Jiuding was that he didn't seem to have advanced to the middle stage of the law, but how did he attract the thunder and heavenly disaster?
His face suddenly came to his senses, was it a kind of heavenly punishment that he attracted after he comprehended the soul restriction of the ghost clan?No, it cannot reach the level of divine punishment.

There was thunder in the void, and Gao Jiuding suddenly woke up from his wild thoughts. When he saw the thunder cloud above his head, he immediately wanted to curse.

He stared angrily at the dark clouds above his head, where thunder flickered and intertwined into a huge sea of ​​thunder.

"Damn it, if I comprehend a little of the secret technique of the ghost clan, you will be a catastrophe? Are you unwilling to kill me?"

Gao Jiuding was really angry, he just comprehended a little secret technique, but he actually led to the catastrophe, is there any reason for this?

Gao Jiuding was very familiar with the situation at this time, he had encountered this situation before when he hit the realm of cultivation.

However, this thundercloud was not as terrifying as the previous one of Heaven's Punishment, so although Gao Jiuding was angry, he was not afraid or nervous, but eager to try.

"Could this catastrophe be caused by my comprehension and practice of the secret art of the ghost clan's soul? Could it be a forbidden art?" Gao Jiuding stared at the thunder cloud pressing down on his head, thinking about what was going on.

If it is really a catastrophe caused by the ghost clan's soul forbidden method, then this kind of secret technique must be a forbidden technique, because Gao Jiuding only knows some forbidden techniques, which will lead to the catastrophe.

Does the cultivation of the ghost clan's forbidden technique have to go through the baptism of the catastrophe?Otherwise, how to explain the appearance of this thundercloud?

Or, just because he practiced this thing, it will lead to catastrophe?
Gao Jiuding couldn't get answers to these things, they were just guesses.

However, he has now confirmed that the forbidden technique he just realized must be very powerful.

"So that's it!" Soon Gao Jiuding found some records from the soul memory of the ghost commander.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the so-called forbidden technique is a kind of forbidden technique, which is powerful and tabooed by the heavens.

Practitioners must go through the baptism of the catastrophe, otherwise they will not be able to practice such a forbidden technique successfully.

"Is it really a forbidden technique that I comprehended?" Gao Jiuding's expression became a little strange.

This forbidden technique is not something that can be learned at will, even within the ghost clan, it is not something that ordinary ghost clan can comprehend.

And Gao Jiuding was able to comprehend it, which made Gao Jiuding feel a little weird.

No matter how he thought about it, he didn't feel right, but now was not the time to think about it, because the thundercloud in the sky was about to smash down.

Gao Jiuding stared at the thunder calamity formed in the void, his expression changed, he wondered if he could swallow it directly, and continue to strengthen the thunder pool in the blood sea space.

Gao Jiuding has long wanted to develop in an all-round way, at least five elements, ice, wind, thunder and eight magical powers must be cultivated, because he is more and more aware that with the improvement of his realm in the future, there are some shortcomings that need to be made up.

Not to mention other things, when you reach the pure yang realm, you must be involved in the practice of rules.

Although Gao Jiuding didn't have a complete inheritance, he devoured the souls of some Mao Gods and gained some knowledge of cultivation. He has realized that if he wants to become a fairy or a god, he must understand a certain rule.

The easiest way to comprehend the rules is actually to cultivate a domain first, because a domain means a kind of law of heaven and earth.

However, Gao Jiuding has an inherent weakness in this aspect, because his original inheritance does not have the advantage in this aspect.

"It doesn't seem right, supernatural powers are also a primary experience of rules!" Gao Jiuding once again realized that supernatural powers, domains, and rules are three in one, and it is a step-by-step level.

Cultivate all kinds of supernatural powers first, and then work hard to form a domain, and then as your strength increases, you will definitely be able to comprehend one aspect of the rules.

This point may not be so important in the pure yang stage, but Gao Jiuding believes that it will definitely be important after advancing to the realm of immortality.

Because he vaguely noticed one thing, that is, the strength of the immortal depends on the number and depth of the rules of comprehension!

Therefore, it is definitely beneficial to learn more secret arts and supernatural powers without overwhelming yourself.

"Then come on!" Gao Jiuding knew that to practice forbidden techniques, one must rely on forbidden techniques to fight against the catastrophe, so as to purify and comprehend forbidden techniques in order to truly succeed in cultivation.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he flew into the sky and rushed straight into the thundercloud.

In an instant, endless thunder rolled over, bombarding him continuously, trying to destroy this creature who practiced forbidden arts.

boom!The thunder light flickered, Gao Jiuding shot into the thunder cloud, and a faint blue will-o'-the-wisp fire condensed from his hands. This is the fire of the ghost clan, but what is shocking is, how can Gao Jiuding, a human race, have such power?
This is a supernatural power belonging to the ghost race. It cannot be cultivated and cohesive if it is not from the ghost race. Gao Jiuding is only a human race, so how did he do it?
Gao Jiuding didn't understand this, so he didn't think much about it. He used what he had learned and blatantly smashed into the thunder cloud.

When the soul ignites a big fire, it is the will-o'-the-wisp, but the will-o'-the-wisp that Gao Jiuding urges is more pure, and what burns is the power of his soul.

Stimulating the will-o'-the-wisp naturally consumes the power of the soul, but with Gao Jiuding's current strength of the soul, this loss has no effect at all.

With the appearance of ghost fires or soul fires, Gao Jiuding found that the thunder clouds outside became different.

At this moment, he looked at the will-o'-the-wisp he fired in horror, and it burned for nine days almost in an instant. The freezing temperature directly froze the thunder that filled the sky in all directions.

Even, those thunders directly exhausted their energy and went out silently.

At this time, the Thunder could no longer pose any threat to Gao Jiuding!
Gao Jiuding's soul fire melted directly, or neutralized the power of Thunder?

This kind of forbidden technique belongs to the supreme forbidden technique of the ghost clan. It is a forbidden technique for the soul. How can its power be so terrible?
Even the pure sun thunder can melt, isn't that a bit too scary?

"Yin and Yang combine?" This was the only explanation Gao Jiuding could think of.

Thunder fire, yin fire, one yin and one yang, naturally cancel each other out?
The power of Soul Fire surprised Gao Jiuding and even scared him a little.

Gao Jiuding stared at a pair of big eyes, looking at the dark fire that he shot, it was finally drowned by the endless catastrophe.

It was not a crime of war. After all, the thunder clouds formed by the thunder clouds were too dense and dense, while the soul fire emitted by Gao Jiuding was only one piece, and the number was not equal.

"The Forbidden Technique is really powerful!" Gao Jiuding looked at the power of the Forbidden Technique in shock. This is only his own comprehension, and it is not considered a formed Forbidden Technique, but this kind of Forbidden Technique possesses such terrifying power!
At this time, Gao Jiuding really wanted to know, if this soul fire hit someone, what would be the result?The flesh and blood disappeared, and the soul was swallowed?
Where the soul fire passes, everything withers, and all life force is absorbed by the soul fire, so that the soul fire continues to grow?Isn't this the usual method of the ghost clan?
As a human race, he can also use the methods of the ghost race to plunder the flesh and soul, so as to strengthen his own soul?

"It seems to be hurting the harmony of heaven, no wonder the baptism of heavenly thunder was brought in!" Gao Jiuding was really surprised, he thought what would it be like if he completely succeeded in cultivation?
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding was completely excited, would he be afraid of Tianlei?As long as he survives this catastrophe, he will have a powerful method in the future.

The next moment, I saw Gao Jiuding waving his hands, constantly drawing and intertwining, which was continuing to activate the forbidden technique of the ghost clan.

"No, I don't have the ghost body of the ghost clan, and naturally I don't have the blood power of the ghost clan. I can't condense the power of the ghost clan at all. Then how can I cultivate this forbidden technique?"

Next, Gao Jiuding was completely dumbfounded, because he couldn't condense the power of the ghost clan.

He didn't know how to hit that blow just now.

(End of this chapter)

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