Chapter 1379
"Professional tour guide for 200 years, monthly subscription only needs ten high-grade spirit stones."

"Driving cranes, eagles, eagles, horses, deer, tigers, everything you need, and the rent is cheap."

"A street of Taobao! All kinds of antique calligraphy and paintings, the latest Taoist utensils, strange and strange treasures, meteorites and gambling stones, there are all kinds of wonders, waiting for your arrival."

"Lingcao, elixirs, all kinds of elixirs, only you can't think of them, and you can't buy them!"

"Xianyuan Inn, the monthly subscription only needs [-] top-grade spirit stones, and free high-level cave experience time! With this coupon, you can also enjoy a [-]% discount!"


Very familiar scene, it seems that there are such a group of people in all the gathering places of the cultivation world!

Gao Jiuding got rid of this group of people very skillfully, and walked to some places where there were few people.

Just after leaving the port, Gao Jiuding saw that there were so many people here!
There were too many people here, and it was the first time he had seen so many practitioners gathered in one place.

"Sir, do you need a tour guide?"

"Xianchang, my side is cheaper"

After walking out of the port, Gao Jiuding was surrounded by another group of tour guides unexpectedly.

Those monks pushed and shoved each other until they blushed and their necks were thick. It seemed that it was not easy to make a living here, so Gao Jiuding planned to spend it.

After coming here, Gao Jiuding really realized that he had come to a cultivation world, not a wild land. Here and the outside city are two completely different worlds, and only here is like a cultivation world .

I paid ten low-grade spirit stones to clean the battleship, five middle-grade spirit stones to buy the palm-sized "Map of the Prosperous Little Immortal World", and spent another ten middle-grade spirit stones to hire a sweet-looking and famous third-rank female nun guide.

"Please make way! Immortal, this way please." The tour guide immediately entered the role and tried his best to open the way ahead.

The peddlers who worked hard to sell, seeing that there was no hope, turned back helplessly and continued to look for the next sales target.

The tour guide led Gao Jiuding around a half circle, and stood on the huge teleportation array with a diameter of 30 meters. There are four teleportation arrays on each floor, and it only needs to input a certain amount of mana to operate, which is very convenient.

With a flash of brilliance, the two were instantly teleported to the square outside the mooring tower.

Gao Jiuding took a look at the palm-sized map. This small world is not small, and the most important thing is the teleportation array leading to the outside world. It is not only a short-distance teleportation array, but also a long-distance teleportation array. Small world is not easy.

The teleportation array leading to the outside world is marked very vaguely, and nothing can be seen after looking at it. Gao Jiuding's attention quickly focused on the inside of this small world.

Many places on the map are blank, while the marked ones are trading markets.

The map is fully subdivided into every store on every street. The notes include detailed introductions, features, and comprehensive ratings, as well as freshly released customer reviews. You can upgrade to the latest version for free when you come back next time, which is also worthwhile. value.

Today, the small world of flowers is controlled by a group of people, not just one person as Gao Jiuding imagined.

This is all conceivable, after all, this small world has not been passed down for many years.

The trading market mentioned before, Taobao Street is the most prosperous, and there are also Weaponry Workshop, Wanbao Pavilion, Animal Market, Human Market, Aircraft Market and so on!
Obviously, the scale of transactions here is very large and prosperous, no wonder it is called Fanhua Small World.

After living here for so many days, Gao Jiuding has some understanding of this place. Small worlds like this can only be found in some powerful cities. This is the foundation and the foundation of their inheritance.

The tour guide glanced at the "Map of the Small World of Flowers" in Gao Jiuding's hand, and asked softly, "Isn't it the first time you have come to the Small World of Flowers?"

Gao Jiuding hummed, and said, "My name is Gao Jiu, this is my first time here, and this place is too big."

"Gao Xianchang!" The tour guide yelled obediently, and did not forget to advertise himself: "I have been in this small world for more than 200 years, and there is almost nothing I don't know. It can be regarded as a living map. Oh!

And I know which places are really good and cheap. Although the "Small World Map" was jointly launched by several major forces, it is actually a bit biased. As long as the store spends money, it can modify relevant information and customer reviews, so the map The introduction and evaluation above are good, but they are not necessarily really good. Many newcomers are easy to follow. "

Gao Jiuding smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Then please, find me a place to stay first."

This is the real realm of self-cultivation. Compared to here, the big city outside is where ordinary people live. Now that he has come here, Gao Jiuding does not intend to leave immediately.

"Gao Xianchang, you are too polite." The tour guide Jiao Didi said.

"I know that there are three very good inns. The first one I recommend is Changsheng Inn. It is a century-old brand with very considerate service and affordable prices, but the location is a bit remote nowadays, in the northwest corner.

Although the Fanhua Inn is newly opened, it is top-notch in all aspects, the location is also very good, and the price is fair. I have a [-]% discount coupon here, and there are some other special inns!

For example, there is a small trading market with a small fair, and a special inn for various exchanges, where you can exchange cultivation experience, runes, formations, and even mental methods. "

Gao Jiuding couldn't help being interested in these special places, but now is not the time to go there, so Gao Jiuding said directly: "Then go to the Longevity Inn first."

The tour guide blinked, feeling something was wrong, but she didn't say anything, but said directly: "Okay, Xianchang, do you need a substitute driver? I know a very cheap substitute driver."

"No, we have mounts." Gao Jiuding smiled and released a huge vicious bird.

There were people riding various ferocious beasts in the city outside, and it shouldn't be a big deal for Gao Jiuding to ride a ferocious bird.

"Ah!" The tour guide was taken aback: "Oh my god, this a four-turn Skyhawk?"

"Tianying? Is it really four turns? It's a pity that it's a silver-like pewter tip!" Gao Jiuding muttered to himself.

The fierce bird, which hadn't appeared outside for a long time, raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry, then spread its wings and set off a gust of wind.

The ferocious bird let out a long cry that shook the sky and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Gao Jiuding looked at the delighted fierce bird, and also smiled. If he didn't look down on it, this guy should have been refined into an avatar by him long ago!

If this is the case, where does it still have thoughts, dislike the stuffiness of the pagoda space?

"Wow! What kind of fairy bird is that? What a great horse! That momentum, that figure, that feathers, that demeanor, that charm, that spirit..."

Many of the monks passing by couldn't reach the four-turn physique, so they were still very curious about such a powerful beast.

Immediately, the sky eagle, which was so handsome, attracted countless people to watch. There were three floors inside and three floors outside, and the crowd was tight!
Many peddlers even rushed over, shouting and asking Gao Jiuding, whether this fairy bird is for sale or not, the price is negotiable.

Gao Jiuding curled his lips, there was no need to discuss it, because he was not short of money.

Also, this thing is clearly a mindless ferocious bird, but in the mouths of these guys, it has become a fairy bird. Isn't it too much to praise this ferocious beast?

Four-turn Tianying seems to be very powerful, even if it is surrounded by everyone, it is not afraid at all.

The peddlers that Tianying stared at viciously, sell your sister!No more talking, I will slap you!
The peddlers are not forgiving, and it’s okay if they don’t sell them. We provide female beasts here, is it okay to breed them?How much do you want?Hey, Lingshi is not a problem!
Gao Jiuding was too lazy to babble, soaring into the sky on the Eagle.

The tour guide stood on the broad back of the sky eagle, his heart fluttered uncontrollably, and his soul was a little fluttering.

"Oh my god, this fairy bird is too handsome!" And this fairy bird is even more powerful, it must have the coercion of a fourth-rank physique practitioner!

Obediently!I was able to ride such an awesome fairy car and brag about it with my little sisters when I went back, so I couldn't be more envious of them!

The tour guide has not come to his senses, but he has already arrived at the Longevity Inn. Isn't this too fast and safe?
People come and go on the flat avenue, which is more than 100 meters wide and paved with all high-quality white jade, and there are various shops on both sides of the avenue.

The Changsheng Inn does not occupy a large area, only the size of three or four courtyard houses, but other shops only occupy an area as large as one or two courtyard houses.

Tianying landed steadily in front of the inn gate, bent down slightly, and spread its wings, allowing Gao Jiuding to slide down through his wings.

The tour guide blinked in amazement, and slid down from Tianying's back in a similar manner, and her little hand reluctantly took the opportunity to stroke Tianying's wings!

Silky smooth and smooth, simply enjoy it!

Such a fairy bird, how many spirit stones do you need to buy it?

Is it more expensive to cultivate?It seems that I have found a big benefactor this time!

The four-turn is equivalent to the law, no matter where it is, it is a minority, of course, this fierce bird must not be able to match the combat power of the law, but here, it is an out-and-out four-turn physique, so it really It's striking.

Gao Jiuding took a look at the Changsheng Inn. This place was incomparable to the place where he lived before.

If we talk about the palace here, the outside is thatched cottages.

Looking at the two five-meter-tall, lifelike big stone lions at the gate, Gao Jiuding knew that these were puppets, their strength should not be weak, and the most important thing was the technology they displayed.

I don't know if there is anything for sale on Taobao Street. Looking back, there are dozens of pairs of ten-meter-high stone lions at the entrance of the Golden Wolf Palace, which must be very imposing.

In just a short while, a large circle of people surrounded the wind-blowing Sky Eagle, and they were all asking: Where did you buy this fairy bird?Can you sell it?
Many cultivators who also rode birds were grinning with toothaches. If they were really not afraid of comparing goods, they were afraid of birds comparing birds!

Looking at the big bird under someone else's crotch, and then at the little bird under him, it only adds to the sadness!
Gao Jiuding rolled his eyes, directly put Tianying into the pagoda, and then walked into the Longevity Inn.

(End of this chapter)

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