The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1444 The Best Jade

Chapter 1444 The Best Jade
After devouring heaven's punishment several times, the power of thunder gathered in Gao Jiuding's body at this time is really not lacking. Even Gao Jiuding has a lot of water of thunder calamity. With so many resources, if he wants to cultivate a thunder body, he should not Disaster.

"No, that guy is not very rich, he doesn't even have a spiritual object." Gao Jiuding muttered with some dissatisfaction, this is a little greedy.

At this moment, there is nothing else inside the entire ring, maybe all the spirits have been refined into pills?So it's normal not to find any spiritual objects.

In fact, Gao Jiuding didn't even think about it, how could spiritual things be so easy to see?
The second generation of immortals like the princess of the water clan are the truly wealthy people, and they can take out nine ten thousand-year-old water lotus seeds at will.

However, this time is still a big harvest. Originally, Gao Jiuding had almost nothing, but now he has become rich again. It really is a gold belt for murder and arson.

Now, he has 500 million top-grade blood crystals. Although he feels that he can't improve his cultivation much after absorbing them, doesn't he still have top-grade blood crystals?

Moreover, there are [-] more powerful amethysts, this is a huge wealth!
Putting away these things, Gao Jiuding thought about what he was going to do in the future. In the future, he would definitely find trouble with those foreign masters, and only in this way could he accumulate some good things as quickly as possible.

Since the human race is hostile to most of the alien races, and these alien race masters are all very rich, it is really unreasonable not to make up their minds. They will be killed anyway, so it is better to let him get rich.

"Cultivate the Thunder Fighting Body first. It's not difficult to think about it. After you finish it, you can condense the Thunder Beads. This can be regarded as the foundation!" Gao Jiuding made up his mind and acted immediately.

He wanted to obtain more means of attack. Of course, they were just backup means. They were his trump cards. Firearms were more powerful than cold weapons and fists at any time.

However, ordinary methods need to be accumulated, but thunder beads do not need to be accumulated. As long as the method is correct and you have enough lightning power, you can have as much as you want.

And this one is the foundation, how can a person survive here without the support of the foundation?

After Gao Jiuding's comprehension, it took five days to pass, and he finally succeeded in cultivating the Thunder Fighting Body, and also condensed the Thunder Bead along the way.

Of course, because he didn't have jade in his hands, he could only rely on the method of volleying the ban to seal the power of thunder.

But doing so is really too strenuous, and the thunder beads formed in this way are not very stable.

However, the thunder beads he condensed are not only the simple power of heavenly thunder, but also other methods of lightning supernatural powers, such as the thunder beads of the water and fire gods, the thunder beads of the earth god, the thunder beads of the earth god, etc. .

Even, using Gao Jiuding's own means to condense the thunder beads, the power displayed is much stronger than originally imagined.

This situation made Gao Jiuding very satisfied, and this time it was a huge harvest.

"It's time to search and see if there are any classics for sale, as well as star maps. By the way, I need to buy some formation disks. Forget it, the formation disks are not good enough. I should buy some top-quality jade. This thing can build teleportation formations. It's okay now, you can also get some Thunder Talismans and Thunder Beads!"

Glancing at the storage ring in his hand, the Lei Clan youth has so many supplies, why doesn't he have a array or something?
Gao Jiuding got up a little dissatisfied, and was about to go out to look for jade in the market.

He thought, now it is better to complete the ultra-long-distance teleportation array as soon as possible, and then contact Song Yue and others to take them over.

Recently, Gao Jiuding felt more and more lonely. He was alone, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't occupy a territory.

Just like now, if there is an accident, you don't know where you will end up, so it's better to occupy a piece of land and develop it carefully to make a fortune.

"It's broken, it seems that the jade document is gone!" Just now when he thought of contacting Song Yue, Gao Jiuding discovered that his jade document seemed to have been destroyed in the Dead Sea world.

He felt that he had forgotten something before, and it turned out that he didn't have the jade document with him. He planned to find out the location and then contact Song Yue. Now it's all over, and the communication tools are gone.

Of course, it's just that Gao Jiuding's communication tool is gone, and Huo Ling still has it. However, he also needs to refine two more portable jade documents.

Gao Jiuding knew that Huo Ling was in contact with Song Yue and the others, so he didn't rush to report his current situation, but if he didn't report, he couldn't delay for too long.

"Just go to buy some jade, and refine some portable jade documents!" As soon as he came to the market, Gao Jiuding began to search carefully.

Walking through small stalls one after another, he bought a lot of classics, all kinds of classics, no matter whether they were useful or not, as long as he didn't have them, he bought some of them all.

After buying a large number of books, Gao Jiuding found that there seemed to be no jade to buy in the market!

There are a lot of things sold in these stalls, but there is no jade, so I have to find some shops to have a look.

"Boss, do you have jade for sale here?" Gao Jiuding entered a shop and found that it was a shop selling various utensils, and asked directly if there was any jade for sale.

"Jade?" In the shop, a middle-aged man looked surprised, and he looked Gao Jiuding up and down.

He didn't expect that someone would come to ask about jade, he definitely didn't have this thing here.

After looking at it for a while, he didn't see anything, so he smiled and said, "Little brother, if you want to buy jade? We don't have the materials used by formation masters here. You should probably go to the biggest shop in the east. It is the largest store in Zongcheng, and it has everything in it."

"Thank you!" Gao Jiuding thanked, then turned and left, walking towards the east of the market.

Along the way, while looking, he saw countless stalls on both sides, and the goods on them were a dazzling array, but unfortunately none of them were what he wanted.

What's more, these things are just ordinary things, and they sell everything, but I don't see any jade sellers. It seems that the quantity of these jade stones is still very rare, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Soon, he came to the east, just in time to see a huge building.

This should be the biggest store that the middle-aged man mentioned. The whole store occupies a very large area, at least as big as a football factory.

He didn't stop, and went directly into it, only to find that the space inside was larger, which was obviously expanded by using space technology.

The things here are complete, with weapons and armor on one side, living utensils on the other side, and even many strange things.

"Hello, sir, may I help you?" A tall and beautiful woman walked over and asked softly.

Her aura is not very strong, and her blood energy is not high. It seems that she is at most a two-turn body trainer, and she is considered a very weak existence here.

Gao Jiuding nodded and asked, "Hello, is there any jade for sale here?"

"You want to buy jade? A craftsman? Of course we have it here!" The woman was surprised at first, and then brought Gao Jiuding to a row of shelves.

There are many stones here, and what surprised Gao Jiuding is that these stones are really jade, but they have not been processed.

"Sir, these are the jade stones from our store. There are not many of them. What do you think you need?" The woman asked with a smile, her voice was soft and moving.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't care, he picked up a piece of jade, his consciousness penetrated into it, and found that it was really jade, but unfortunately the quality was very poor.

He shook his head, put it back directly, and then took another piece to check, it still looked the same.

Part of the outer rock formations of these jade stones has been removed, and part of the jade meat is exposed inside, but the quality is too poor.

Gao Jiuding inspected them one by one, and found that the quality of these jade stones was not high, definitely not up to his requirements.

If it's just refining the portable jade ultimatum, the quality is almost nothing. He can remove the impurities by himself, but it won't work if it is used to deploy the teleportation array.

If it is not a good quality jade, it will not be able to describe the pattern, even if it is refined and the quality is improved, it will not be stable.

There are hundreds of quick jade stones on the entire shelf in this store, but unfortunately there is none he needs.

This made Gao Jiuding a little strange: "Why is the quality of your jade so low? Isn't there any better one?"

The woman smiled and said: "Sir, are you talking about high-grade jade? We have it in our store, but people have ordered it a long time ago, and now it is no longer available."

"Order?" Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, and then he raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling something was wrong again.

Apart from being used as the foundation of the formation, these jade stones really don't have much use, unless they are useful to those who know how to refine weapons or know how to use talisman formations.

He thought for a while and asked, "Do you know where else these jades are sold?"

The woman was a little disappointed. If Gao Jiuding bought things here, she could get a little rebate, and this was her life. It was not easy to find a good job in Zhongzong City.

It is even more difficult to find a safe job. Her strength, which is only two ranks, is the existence of the lowest level.

"Sir, it's like this. Because the jade in our store is ordered by the military, there are no good ones for the time being. If you really need it, you can pay a deposit. Next time you have it, it will be distributed to you as soon as possible. You What do you think?"

This woman still wanted to make a business. The jade here is very expensive. Moreover, she didn't want to give up this opportunity when she finally saw someone who looked like a craftsman come to buy jade.

If you can get in touch with a refiner, or even just a talisman master or a formation master, it is a huge opportunity.

Because only some big forces, or only people from Zhongzong City's military would buy these things. If she really got to know Gao Jiuding, she would not be short of business in the future.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's expression changed. He looked at the girl, and finally decided to order some first, otherwise he really didn't know where to find them if he needed them in the future.

"Okay, tell me about the price, I only want top-grade jade, even better!" Gao Jiuding said directly, wanting to order a batch of jade.

(End of this chapter)

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