The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1450 Brilliant Moon Palace

Chapter 1450 Brilliant Moon Palace

Looking at the chalcedony around him, Gao Jiuding was really worried that these corpses would suddenly wake up, which would be a little scary.

The moonlight is dotted, the glow is flowing, everything around is so hazy, it seems unknown and mysterious.

Chen Lin didn't dare to move anymore, he leaned tightly beside Gao Jiuding, motionless.

The two are suspended here, not because of their own effects, but because the world here has a buoyant force, which is very magical.

Otherwise, how could these chalcedony float here?It's like an empty tomb.

Not daring to stay here any longer, Gao Jiuding flew past all the way.

While flying, he observed the figures in the chalcedony. Many women inside the chalcedony were lifelike, with aura that was as if they were still alive.

And there are some with pale and frightening faces, with gloomy breaths, and it is clear that they are corpses without looking at them, and there are many such women, which is too terrifying.

Chen Lin was too frightened to look at it. He regretted bringing Gao Jiuding here now. How could they go back now?People die for money!

"Strange, why are there so many moon clan corpses sealed in chalcedony here?" Along the way, Gao Jiuding felt a little strange.

Looking ahead, there was a piece of chalcedony floating, and there was a figure inside, with complete body and pale face, and even the disheveled hair made Chen Lin tremble.

He guessed that something probably happened here, and these Moon Clan women obviously died suddenly.

However, who is it that seals these protoss within the chalcedony?Or did they do it themselves?

In all directions, there are densely floating young women, women belonging to the Moon Clan, and they are all dead.

In the front, countless chalcedony can still be seen floating, and the bodies of women one after another are sealed inside the chalcedony.

The women I saw at this time all had disheveled hair and pale faces. They were wearing snow-white dresses, swaying gently in the silent air. Their black hair seemed to be dancing without wind, giving people a gloomy feeling. It's hair-raising.

"Brother, brother, why do I feel so uneasy, let's find a way out quickly?" Chen Lin couldn't bear it anymore, the atmosphere here was too dead.

Even, his voice echoed endlessly in this dead world, this feeling was really unbearable for him.

Surrounding them were densely packed corpses of women, no matter how they looked at them, they felt terrifying.

The situation here is too weird, there is an ominous atmosphere lingering in the hearts of the two of them, lingering.

Gao Jiuding floated carefully all the way, looking at all kinds of female corpses, his heart was also trembling.

He wanted to check the situation here. Is this a small world of the Moon Clan? Is there any treasure?

He didn't want to look at these corpses anymore, so he carried Chen Lin quickly across the void, rolling up some clouds.

Suddenly, at the moment when Gao Jiuding passed by, he felt a chill go down his back, and he suddenly turned around, only to find that the countless chalcedony, which had been motionless, were flying rapidly, and the corpse inside was shining brilliantly.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding was in a trance for a moment, he seemed to see a deep light, it was a pair of eyes, looking through the densely packed chalcedony female corpse.A faint cold light was reflected.

"Brother, what...what's the matter?" Chen Lin asked in horror.

And Gao Jiuding's eyes burst out with two three-foot silver lights, staring at the densely packed chalcedony female corpses in front of him, but he didn't notice anything, could it be an illusion?

Just now, he really saw a pair of eyes.But now I haven't found it again, which is really weird.

Could it be a formation?These chalcedony are all formation bases?Only the formation can pull so many chalcedony to rotate!
Regardless of whether these Moon Clans were dead or not, he had to be vigilant. Immediately, Gao Jiuding's arrogance boiled, and he watched everything here vigilantly, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

At this time, Chen Lin was also surprised. He pointed to the distance and said, "Brother, look, what is there, it seems to be a palace."

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding looked up and was surprised to find that there was really a huge palace in the clouds in the distance.

Seen from here, the palace is magnificent, the whole body is crystal clear, white as jade, and it is actually made of jade.

That is the Jade Palace, surrounded by divine light, brilliant rays of light, and fairy mist, it is really a nine-day fairy tower.

Gao Jiuding and the two didn't stop, they quickly crossed the void, shuttling between the chalcedony all over the sky, Gao Jiuding was very vigilant, and was careful every time he approached the chalcedony.

However, those Moon Clan who seemed to be sealed did not change anything.

After piercing endless chalcedony, Gao Jiuding breathed a sigh of relief!

At this time, Gao Jiuding raised his head, the sun was shining in front of his eyes, and the clouds were auspicious. It was like entering the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace, which made people intoxicated.

"What kind of palace is this?" Chen Lin opened his mouth wide, looking up at the huge palace in front of him.

The whole body of this palace is made of jade, which must be a huge magic weapon, otherwise it would not be so radiant and shocking.

And such a huge jade palace is actually floating above the clouds, it is a floating palace.

Gao Jiuding stared at the huge palace in front of him, is it really a magic weapon of levitation?Isn't this magic weapon too big?
How much resources does such a big magic weapon consume?
This fairy palace, which seems to be built above the clouds, exudes an ancient and majestic atmosphere, giving people a feeling of vicissitudes of time, but also heavy and suffocating.

"Moon Palace?" Gao Jiuding was taken aback when he saw the plaque on the palace.

There is no moon here. The moon clan mentioned by Gao Jiuding is basically his translation. People here don't have the concept of the moon.

The satellite of the main star is naturally called the moon by Gao Jiuding, so the protoss on the subsidiary planet, the race that cultivates with the help of the reflected light of the star, is the moon clan.

Although he called the women here the Moon Clan, it felt completely different from seeing the real Moon character appear.

The words formed by the runes, at a glance, naturally know its true meaning. This Gao Jiuding is no stranger, because he has encountered it many times.

However, there is no moon here, how did it come to the Moon Palace?

He stared at the top of the palace, where there was a huge jade plaque, with two ancient characters written on it, vividly expressing the vicissitudes of time. This is a mysterious font, but it is not a human language.

However, the meaning of this font was clearly reflected in his mind. He seemed to know the meaning of this word, which was exactly the two big characters "Moon Palace".

"Is there really a moon palace? Could it be that we have come to the moon? Impossible!" Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, he didn't believe it.

If it was really on the moon, did he teleport back directly?But how is this possible?
Not to mention that he didn't believe it, Chen Lin also had a look of disbelief at this time. Of course, he didn't know the existence of the moon.

Gao Jiuding at this time can only guess that this is a small world of the Moon Clan, and this place is also called the Moon Realm, and the palace here is naturally called the Moon Palace.

So, if there are still living Moon Clan people here, it will be troublesome to break in here by yourself.

Gao Jiuding raised his vigilance, mobilized his energy and blood, and was ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

He looked at the huge moon palace in front of him, and a huge step stretched out, just extending to the feet of the two of them.

At this time, he discovered that these steps are made of precious jade, and there is a mysterious power in them.

The jade light was hazy and the mist shrouded the jade steps in front of it, making people unable to see the edge, but Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate, he immediately stepped forward and walked up the jade steps.

However, just as soon as he stepped on it, Gao Jiuding suddenly felt a heavy pressure. Although it was not very strong, it was at least tens of thousands of catties. This was another gravity circle.

"What a strong gravity!" Taking a step forward, Gao Jiuding felt the gravity increase again.

The gravity that can move Gao Jiuding's face is naturally not to be underestimated, not to mention Chen Lin who followed, he looked very sad.

He felt the heavier pressure, and he was not as strong as Gao Jiuding, so he naturally felt even more sad.

The two of them stood on the first step and found that there were many mysterious traces engraved on the jade stone under their feet. These strange runes, like the runes of the Moon Clan, possessed profound and powerful power.

clatter!clatter!clatter!Gao Jiuding stepped forward and stepped over the steps continuously without stopping at all, as if the increasingly heavy pressure had no effect, making Chen Lin behind him dumbfounded.

Only then did he realize that Gao Jiuding was too powerful, far stronger than he had imagined. Even he had only stepped on the No. 40 steps, and he felt unbearable. If he went up again, the pressure would be ten times stronger than it is now, and it would bruise him. body, but Gao Jiuding didn't seem to feel all of this!
The passage in front is all paved with jade, as if extending to the top of the white clouds, and the steps wind and go straight to the huge palace, which is the Moon Palace.

Gao Jiuding tried it, but he couldn't fly here, he couldn't even jump up, he could only walk up the jade steps step by step.

These jade stones are radiant and radiant, hiding the ancient divine power of the Moon Clan. Even Gao Jiuding can only follow the rules.

This place should have experienced a long and long period of erosion, but it is amazing that it can still have such intact rune power.

The higher he went, the greater the pressure. Halfway there, Gao Jiuding felt as if dozens of huge mountains were pressing on his body, which made him very uncomfortable.

However, his physical body is extremely strong now, and this little pressure is not enough to praise him, but instead he strode forward.

A jade staircase stretches across the clouds in the void, endlessly, as if there is no end, this is the most despairing thing.

Here, you can't fly, and there are mysterious powers around you. You can only walk up the jade steps, and it seems that there is no end.

Gao Jiuding kept walking, stepping up step by step, every time he walked up a step, he felt the pressure doubled.

However, his speed did not slow down at all, and he didn't even care about the majestic pressure at all.

Soon, he disappeared in front of Chen Lin, which made the latter dumbfounded. At this time, Chen Lin couldn't go up. If he retreated, he would have to face those female corpses floating in the sky. It was too scary to think about it, so he stayed Here it is!

(End of this chapter)

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