Chapter 1474

Gao Jiuding raised his hand casually and slashed down with his palm. After a bang, the blood youth's head shattered, and finally exploded into a puff of powder and dissipated.

This young man of the blood race is very powerful, but he was strangled by the immortal clan before, losing more than half of his strength, and now he was suddenly attacked by Gao Jiuding, who first burned his soul, then devoured his soul, and finally controlled his blood. This naturally made the blood youth unable to resist and was shot dead on the spot.

Gao Jiuding killed this guy, slowly picked up a storage treasure, completely ignoring the people around him.

Among these people, the men and women of the Fengyun tribe reacted the fastest, and they retreated quickly, far away from Gao Jiuding.

And the princess of the orc clan was even more vigilant, and the princess of the Feng clan's eyes flickered.

The fox not far away giggled and said, "Hehe, that guy is so funny, he is asking for his own death, and he deserves it if he dies."

Yaohu's words are correct, the blood race was originally hostile to the human race, and Gao Jiuding was always targeted by the blood race when he was in that shattered small world.

But now, this guy is actually babbling, which will definitely attract Gao Jiuding's attack, and they have all seen Gao Jiuding's combat power before.

Therefore, at this time, it is not wrong to say that the blood race is courting death.

People have to be self-aware, and if they think too highly of themselves, they will end up like blood youths.

"You are too much, if you do this, you are not afraid that we will join hands to kill you?" At this moment, the two wolf brothers became angry, and they backed away while scolding Gao Jiuding for his behavior.

What they meant, as if they wanted to unite with the people present to kill Gao Jiuding, was really speechless.

These two guys also didn't see Gao Jiuding kill a strong man at the peak of the gods with one blow, so they still have the heart to kill Gao Jiuding at this time.

Gao Jiuding just glanced at their brothers and didn't pay attention. He returned to Xi He's side and was carefully observing the Xiantao Garden in front of him.

The others had complex expressions, and just glanced at Gao Jiuding, as if nothing happened, and began to study the restrictions outside the Pantao Garden.

They didn't pay attention to those two Sirius at all. After all, they were not of the same race. It would be better if they were dead.

The face of the Phoenix Clan member was very bad, she stared at Gao Jiuding for a while, and then turned to look at the Fairy Peach Garden.

As for the demon fox, he said with a coquettish smile: "You two stupid wolves, if you want to be killed, you can do it yourself. I don't dare, and I don't want to go against this hero of the human race."

Her words made Gao Jiuding a little speechless, maybe this demon fox wishes for him to die, right?
If she provokes her like this, even if she thinks about the shrinking Sirius brothers, she will definitely make a move, right?

Sure enough, the two brothers of the wolf family were angry, but the anger had just ignited, but seeing that everyone ignored them, they realized that something was wrong, and immediately calmed down.

"Brother of the human race, can you break through this killing formation?" At this time, a monk from the Feng clan came quickly and asked.

When he asked this, the others all looked at Gao Jiuding. These guys were all secretly guessing, could Gao Jiuding have a solution, but how could this be possible?
The monks of the Phoenix Clan pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Here, there is a maze formation on the top, and a killing formation of the immortal race below. It is estimated that it is still on the Ten Thousand Immortals formation. It is not easy to break through."

This was the first time she spoke, and her voice was so clear and moving that even Gao Jiuding was surprised.

However, what he was more concerned about was that the princess of the Phoenix Clan actually saw that this was a killing formation.

"That's right, this killing formation is very likely to be the second-ranked fairy formation among the immortal clan, and it seems to be called the Feixian Great Formation!" Xi He said suddenly.

The monks of the Phoenix family seemed to be talking to Gao Jiuding, but why did she talk at this time?Is there any secret between the two?
The others all looked at the two women in amazement. Xi He came with Gao Jiuding, so it's okay to ask for help, but what about this phoenix?
"Flying Immortal Formation?" Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, why did he feel weird, another immortal killing formation, but why is it called Feixian Formation?
Gao Jiuding frowned slightly, and the silver light shone in his eyes.

He stared at the Taoyuan in front of him, and soon he noticed a slight difference, it seemed that the crisis just now was gone, which made him feel a little strange.

The Phoenix cultivator not far away also felt strange, she murmured: "There shouldn't be a flying fairy formation here, could it be that it was arranged by the fairy clan? Just to prevent the fairy peaches from Yaochi from being stolen?"

"I think it's very possible!"

"Yes, after all, with the preciousness of fairy peaches in the Yaochi of the fairy clan, it is normal to set up a fairy array to prevent them."

The wolf brother responded immediately, with a look of joy on his face.

The two brothers looked at the cultivator of the Phoenix clan, their eyes lit up. Even outsiders could see what the two brothers were thinking. Did they like this cultivator of the Phoenix clan?Or is it trying to get her attention?

You know, there are very few people in the Phoenix family who marry outsiders!
It's a pity that before the two of them got excited, there was a sense of oppression from the side.

Then, Gao Jiuding discovered that the Dragon Clan cultivator came quickly from the sky, and just after landing, the Dragon Clan bloodline was eyeing the two brothers.

The dragon monk stared at them and said with a sneer: "Two wild wolves, I advise you not to think about the phoenix, or I will swallow you."

These words are very domineering, and they really have the demeanor of the dragon clan. They are worthy of being the strong dragon clan.

Did he regard the monks of the Phoenix clan as subordinates of his dragon clan?

It seems that there is a good show to watch, but it is a pity that the two wolves dare not speak out.

Gao Jiuding felt a little weird, he glanced at a few people, but didn't say much.

He felt that the breath of the big formation seemed to disappear, as if it was a one-time killing formation, and it disappeared after one attack.

Thinking of this, he immediately set off and jumped towards the Fairy Peach Garden.

This movement immediately aroused everyone's vigilance, even Xi He was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly followed and flew up without the slightest hesitation.

Others can only be dumbfounded, they haven't figured out what's going on.

At this time, many people were secretly thinking, did Gao Jiuding want to court death?

However, before these people could figure it out, Gao Jiuding's figure had rushed into the Xiantao Garden, and Xi He who followed him also disappeared.

"Damn, how did they get in?" The two wolf brothers cursed and flew away immediately.

Then, all the people present followed one after another, and they burst into their strongest speeds and rushed in.

At this time, everyone present only wanted to rush in to gain benefits, otherwise it would be a tragedy for Gao Jiuding to take them all.

Even the stone man and the other three human monks followed quickly, wanting to get some benefits.

Besides, Gao Jiuding, as soon as he entered the garden, he suddenly felt a rush of immortal energy, and after taking a breath, his whole body felt comfortable.

This kind of immortal energy is very miraculous, and has incomparably great benefits to living beings, and can cleanse the body and even the soul.

And Gao Jiuding had devoured so many immortal souls just now, and this is the moment when he needs to stabilize the divine soul, so naturally he will not let go of this opportunity.

While flying, Gao Jiuding stimulated the yin and yang grinding disc in his stomach.

At this time, in his stomach, two auras, one yin and one yang, spun rapidly, and soon formed a vortex, attracting everything outside, rushing towards his stomach.

Gao Jiuding opened his mouth wide, devouring everything around him, knowing that he found a place full of spiritual light.

"There!" Gao Jiuding's expression brightened, his speed suddenly increased, and his body immediately turned into an aurora and flashed past.

Gao Jiuding rushed in one direction, where the clouds and mist rose and rolled in all directions, the fairy energy was mighty, and the sun was shining.

Through the rays of the sun, Gao Jiuding could see that there was a garden.

However, Gao Jiuding flew all the way, but was surprised to find that the whole garden was empty, without a single plant.

Moreover, a big tree that I occasionally saw was already scorched black.

There is dust all around, and all the dust is formed by the plants here.

The scorched tree trunk was finally turned into dust and ash by the wind.

"Could it be that all the fairy peach trees have been turned into ashes?" At this time, not only Gao Jiuding had this idea, but everyone who was a little behind also thought of this question. It seemed that the fairy peaches in the entire Yaochi fairy peach garden had already been turned into ashes.

This made everyone disappointed for a while, but very unwilling.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding and others quickly searched around, and they quickly entered the center of Xiantao Garden, where the immortal energy is the strongest.

As soon as he came here, Gao Jiuding suddenly smelled a strong fragrance, which was the aroma of ripe peaches.

He cheered up, flashed quickly, and appeared in front of a tall tree.

In front, a peach tree was as vigorous as a dragon, but it was completely dry.

After inspecting a large circle, Gao Jiuding finally found a few branches on the top of the tree that were emerald green like jade, and these tender green leaves grew on them, and each leaf was also glittering and translucent. Is this breathing immortal energy?

Between a few leaves, the sun is lingering, which looks very magical.

"Xiantao?" Gao Jiuding was ecstatic when he found out.

On the peach branches in front, there are several bright red fruits hanging, which are the fairy peaches from the fairyland.

There are a total of nine fairy peaches, the whole body is shimmering with divine light, exuding a tangy fragrance, and you will feel comfortable after taking a sip. These are the most precious Yaochi fairy peaches of the fairy clan.

There are nine fairy peaches, each of which is the size of a fist, so crystal clear that it makes people salivate just looking at them.

Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate at all, he immediately rushed forward, waved his hands, and put away the five peaches first.

However, when he was about to continue collecting, a strong wind came from behind him, forcing him to dodge quickly, losing the chance to pick all the peaches.

"Go away!" With a roar, accompanied by a terrifying force, the dragon monk was the first to kill, and then Xi He arrived at the same time.

The one who attacked Gao Jiuding was a young man from the dragon clan. As soon as this guy came, he immediately wanted to pick off a fairy peach, but he was forced to retreat by a fist and had to give up.

The moment Gao Jiuding evaded, he gathered his strength and blasted over, forcing the dragon monk to retreat.

As a result, Xi He was one step faster, she copied directly, and the two celestial peaches were picked off, and the remaining two were put away by Gao Jiuding.

(End of this chapter)

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