Chapter 1484

Gao Jiuding has no jealousy, let alone the idea of ​​killing the heroes of his clan, but instead supports the left and right. This is an outstanding representative of broad-mindedness, and it is easier for him to gain the approval of the strong by doing so.

Gao Jiuding was narcissistic, but Fu Lie beside him suddenly said nervously: "Brother Gao Jiu, let's leave quickly, most of the ancient masters buried in the entire tomb have not died, and there are many ancient masters Tianjiao is about to recover, look, the fairy tomb is about to shatter."

When he obtained the inheritance, Fu Lie sensed that most of the arrogant figures in these tombs did not die.

"What, many ancient masters are not dead?" At this moment, the faces of everyone present changed instantly when they heard this.

This is a horror story, who knows who are the people who have been revived?What if there are a large number of demons and immortals?
At this time, even Xi He and the others felt fear, which was the fear of the ancient masters.

At this moment, when I heard that there are still many ancient masters who are still alive, while feeling incredible, I also feel lucky.

Gao Jiuding was startled, and looked at Fu Lie in horror, who nodded affirmatively, and then he felt that the matter was serious.

How many ancient Tianjiao characters are there in the entire fairy tomb?There are all ethnic groups!
Even since the ancient times, there have been arrogance figures in every era. If all these people were resurrected, what would it be like?
You must know that in the entire fairy tomb, only the human king in the center is an outstanding person belonging to the human race, and the rest are all arrogant figures of various races, and none of them belong to the human race.

"You want to ask if the Human King is still alive? I can be sure that there are no bones in the tomb, only a fairy sword, and the inheritance comes from that sword!" Fu Lie said with a serious face.

Gao Jiuding really wanted to ask, but he was dumbfounded when he heard it now. There is no corpse. Does it mean that there is no ancient hero in the human race?How to deal with it in the future?

Gao Jiuding felt the pressure, because the hatred he drew was really not small.

However, at this moment, he felt that his power had not dissipated, and immediately thought of taking this opportunity to bombard and kill more ancient masters, otherwise the future would be a trouble.

"Then kill, as much as you can." Gao Jiuding immediately made a decision, he wanted to kill.

As soon as these words came out, the others became nervous, even Xi He was very nervous, because at this moment, Gao Jiuding was no longer something they could compete with, unless the geniuses of all clans in the entire fairy tomb were resurrected at the same time.

Boom!Suddenly, the fairy tomb began to shake.

Fu Lie's complexion changed, and he shouted: "Be careful, the fairy sword in the tomb is about to come out. At that time, the fairy tomb will collapse. We will not only have to face countless ancient masters of various races, but also face that one... The first emperor of the Heavenly Clan, this is the tomb where the first emperor was sealed."

"The first generation of Heavenly Emperor?" Gao Jiuding was shocked, he was frightened, the whole fairy tomb was used to suppress the first generation of Heavenly Emperor of the immortal clan?

Before everyone could react, the king's tombstone was suddenly shattered, and a ray of light shot up into the sky, splitting into the sky.

"Immortal sword?" The monks of other races shouted and retreated one after another.

They felt the aura from that sharp edge, which was extremely terrifying, as if it wanted to split the body and even the soul. This is the weapon of the first generation of human kings, and not everyone can easily peek at it.

After a while of clanging, a rusty iron sword appeared in Fu Lie's hand. Although it looked very frustrating, it gave people the feeling of being unstoppable. Is this the weapon of the first generation of kings?

"Hurry up, the fairy tomb is going to explode!" Fu Lie shouted, raised his sword and slashed into the void.

With a click, Jian Guang split a huge crack in space, and then, he waved his hand and rolled up the three human men and women, and rushed directly into the crack.

The rest of Gao Jiuding and the others quickly followed and also rushed into the crack.

Xi He and the others were not stupid, they followed quickly, but at this time her expression was extremely complicated, her mood fluctuated violently, and she couldn't calm down. This is what she wanted, but the current situation is far beyond her imagination .

boom!The moment they left, the entire fairy tomb was shattered, countless rays of light were shattered, and the tombstones turned into powder one after another.

Outside a barren mountain, a crack suddenly opened in the void, and then a series of figures rushed out quickly.

It was Gao Jiuding and others who came out in the lead, followed by Xi He and other strong men from various ethnic groups.

The crowd dispersed quickly, each standing at a long distance, staring at the crack with surprise on their faces.

I saw that there were many fragments flying out of that crack, which were fragments of the tombstone.

"Here we come!" Gao Jiuding said with murderous intent all over his body.

He stared at the huge crack, his consciousness went deep into it, and he immediately sensed a powerful aura sweeping out, and someone flew out.

As soon as a figure stepped out of the crack, in an instant, the void shook violently, and the terrifying power came overwhelming.

Then thunder appeared all over the sky and gathered on the figure.

"This seat has finally been resurrected!" An excited roar shook all directions, and there was a wave of anger in it, obviously endless anger.

However, before the figure reacted, he felt the crisis approaching.

This figure is an ancient master of the Thunder Clan, he has the fastest escape speed, so he stepped out of the crack first, but was hit by Gao Jiuding swiftly.

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat, and they saw Gao Jiuding incarnated as Ji Guang, swinging his fist and hitting that figure on the chest.

boom!One punch, just one punch, knocked out that ancient Thunder Clan genius.

Even before the other party could react from the astonishment, he was shot dead.

No one could see that everything about Thor was swallowed up by Gao Jiuding in an instant under the cover of the divine light of the Taiyin Poking God.

"It's a bit unpalatable, so let's put it in the soul-hunting banner and refine it slowly in the future!" At this time, Gao Jiuding was not short of blood, so he immediately began to dislike the poor quality of this Thunder Clan.

Compared with the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, the thunderbolts accumulated by the God of Thunder are too mixed.

Of course, even compared to Immortal Soul, this Thunder God is still several levels behind. At this time, Gao Jiuding remembered that he still has a pair of powerful soul-absorbing banners, which can deal with these gods.

Killing an ancient god with one blow made Xi He and the others' faces change wildly. Their fear of Gao Jiuding reached the extreme.

There is no way, this guy first bombarded and killed the four masters in the fairy tomb, and now he is blocking the exit of the crack, wanting to kill.

"Gao Jiu, isn't it a little too much for you to do this?" Xi He stood up in surprise and stopped.

She knows that there are still many ancient masters of the Moon Clan in the fairy tomb, if he kills like this, wouldn't he also kill all the ancient masters of her clan?

The Wind Clan cultivator and a few others stood up immediately. They stimulated the divine power in their bodies, exuding a dangerous aura.

Even if they lost to Gao Jiuding, they had no choice but to stand up, because it was a great thing for the clan that the ancient masters of various clans lifted the seal.

Gao Jiuding did this clearly because he didn't want to give these ancient masters a chance to be born.

This approach stimulated the powerful people of all races present, so these people had to stand up.

However, before they could continue talking, a figure flashed over.

Standing behind Gao Jiuding, Fu Lie held a celestial sword across his chest, showing his sharpness and intimidating.

"Brother Gao, I will accompany you crazy today, but my strength is limited, and we don't have much time, so we can kill as many people as possible, or kill these people together?" Fu Lie said coldly, threatening to kill Just the strong men of all races present.

But Gao Jiuding did not agree. There are many races here, and they have nothing to do with the human race. Moreover, he knows that the human race needs some powerful allies under this starry sky. Even if they use it, they must have some races that can be used.

"Thunder Clan, Ghost Clan, Wolf Clan, Dragon Clan, Water Clan, Blood Clan, whoever appears, will be killed without mercy!" Gao Jiuding read out these races word by word.

These bone-chilling words put enormous pressure on the hearts and minds of everyone present.

Among the remaining few people, the Fengyun and Fengyun couples breathed a sigh of relief, they really didn't want to be hostile to this human monster.

And the female cultivator of the Phoenix Clan had a complex expression, and after a change, she also withdrew.

Then, Yaohu felt a lot more relaxed.

The fox demon backed away immediately, and the remaining orc princess looked at Gao Jiuding's back, finally sighed, and backed away.

"This guy is too monstrous." The Stone Clan stone man sighed.

And those three human beings were so excited that they couldn't speak. At this moment, their only feeling is that their blood is boiling. On the human side, there are always some strong men and heroes who stand up at critical moments.

"Hahaha I'm alive again!" Suddenly, a huge breath surged from the crack, and then a figure leaped across and appeared in front of everyone.

This is a burly young man with a strong aura, and the most important thing is the bloody aura!

"Blood clan, kill!" A cold angry shout came, accompanied by a terrifying force that swept down, awakening the young man who had stepped out of the crack.

He didn't even have time to get angry, he could only resist hastily.

Click!I saw a figure waved his fist, and with a click, it directly shattered the blood youth's heart.

At this moment, the ancient master of the blood clan was stunned. He looked at the figure in front of him dumbfounded. It was a human being.

A human being was devouring his power, this was his last consciousness, and he was ruthlessly obliterated like this.

Gao Jiuding was extremely ruthless, he stared at the crack, and soon saw one figure after another rushing out, and more and more, even a large group of people appeared all at once.

Boom!A large group of terrifying gods rushed out of the crack, and he roared as he rushed out.

"The first Heavenly Emperor of the Immortal Clan is about to be born, hurry up and go!" he roared, more of which was fear.

The strongest of the immortal clan, everyone present was moved, but only Gao Jiuding did not change at all.

He only knew that if all the arrogances of all races ran out, the human race would be in trouble.

Therefore, he immediately spotted the masters of some races, and directly transformed into a vast domain of gods, swallowing all these dozens of arrogances of various races.

(End of this chapter)

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