The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1495 Spiritual Pillar

Chapter 1495 Spiritual Pillar
Gao Jiuding came back, and finally returned to the inside of his own power, and let go of the original anxiety in his heart.

Moreover, when he saw the aura erupting from the entire city, he was both excited and surprised.

Tens of millions of people gathered in the entire city, everyone carrying weapons, exuding soaring blood, interweaving into a general trend in the void.

"Fight!" There was a roar, accompanied by an explosion of rushing momentum, countless people shouted for a fight, causing the armies of the two races that were rushing forward to stop, looking a little surprised.

Under this starry sky, the foreign races have had an advantage for too long. They have already forgotten how powerful the human race is.

Before they came here, they didn't know it, but when they came here, they realized that the human race here could no longer be bullied.

Now in the ancient bronze city, tens of millions of people are eager to fight, and they don't have the panic and worry of those other races they encountered in the past.

In front of the human race battle city, there is a strong blood, and the intensity of its desire to fight is completely beyond their cognition.

This kind of desire that everyone wants to fight, to improve, and to get rich rewards makes them afraid, because they know very well that the fastest source of cultivation resources is war.

Compared with the hesitation of the two great alien races, these subordinates of Gao Jiuding have really been tempered.

Originally opening up a new battlefield has brought huge benefits to countless people, but now the orcs and blood races have taken the initiative to kill them. Isn't this a benefit for them?

"We have such a strong background, what else is there to be afraid of? Let's fight!" Li Xitong immediately ordered that when the war comes, it will be a tragic battle between the three clans.

As for the human race, facing the attacks of the two powerful races alone, although there is a lot of pressure, they have nothing to fear.

Because they have a strong background, it is almost impossible to destroy them.

The orc team that just arrived here stopped neatly and did not attack. They seemed very cautious.

In the distance, the army of blood races arrived, a large area of ​​darkness, with no edge in sight.

These blood races are much stronger than what Gao Jiuding encountered before. They are riding tall and ferocious iron-blooded giant beasts, standing there quietly.

"What a strong fighting spirit. It seems that it is very difficult to destroy this human city." Inside the orc clan, a powerful orc general said cautiously.

However, within the Orc Legion, there were a few figures with disdain on their faces.

They felt that the powerful aura in this ancient bronze city was simply vulnerable compared to them.

One of the orc youths sneered: "These human races are really weak, compared to the ancient times, they are really vulnerable."

"Yes, not to mention the ancient times, the human race is really in decline now."

These people are all ancient masters resurrected from the fairy tomb. Several masters belonging to the orc tribe came to this orc tribe to become strong men.

Of course, they are strong themselves, because these four orc youths are all masters of ancient times, and the lowest one is in the realm of gods. To deal with An Shenxiu and other demigod combat power, or people with rank five combat power, Isn't it easy to grab?
It's a pity that they don't know what a wrong choice it was to come here.

If they knew that this city was the monstrous force that continuously bombarded and killed them ancient masters, and even he himself was in it, would they still have the guts?

"Humans deserve to die. If we can't kill that human evildoer, let's kill all these human races. Let me see how many evildoers they can produce?" There was a burst of anger from the blood race, and some blood races were very angry. This is an ancient master .

There are a total of three ancient masters returning from the blood clan, gathering these blood clan people who were suppressed and beaten, and trying to kill this human city.

And one of them sneered: "There are human warships here. This thing is very powerful, but it is not as terrifying as those battle stars in ancient times. We can seize those technologies and even capture those human craftsmen to build them for us."

"Yes, go in!" These ancient masters were frightened away by Gao Jiuding, so they came here, but it's a pity that they didn't know that there was an existence they feared in the city, and they would die if they came here.

On the city, Song Yue and the others looked solemn, but they were ready for a bloody battle.

They sensed that there were many terrifying auras within the two major races, much stronger than them.

"What should we do? How do we deal with those powerful auras?" Mo Dahu said cautiously.

However, Li Xitong turned cold and snorted, "Then use a thousand rune cannons to deal with them together, if that's not enough, then aim all the rune cannons at them."

hiss!As soon as this idea came out, everyone gasped, it was too cruel.

These rune cannons have undergone several researches and improvements, and their power is even more terrifying. They can even destroy everything as long as they can withstand greater energy.

Now, it's really fun to bombard those masters with all the runes.

Think about that scene, what kind of scene is it like when thousands of cannons are fired and all of them are bombarded on those masters?
"You don't have to do this!" However, before they were excited to make a decision, a plain sentence came, which made all the senior executives present stunned, and then ecstatically, they all turned to look.

Sure enough, I saw a young man coming from the air. His black hair was very flowing, his handsome face was full of confidence, and he had a faint smile, which warmed the hearts of everyone who saw it. This was Gao Jiuding. came back.


"It's the Patriarch!" There were exclamations, and Mo Dahu and the others became excited.

But Song Yue, An Shenxiu and other women were so excited that they were almost speechless.

I haven't seen you for so many years, and he is finally back!
It's been five or six years, and it's been a long process.

Now, finally seeing Gao Jiuding again, their original worries were completely let go, and they could finally relax.

When he came back, everything would be different, no matter how difficult it was, it would no longer be a problem.

This is a kind of cohesion of people's hearts, a kind of trust in him within the forces.

Gao Jiuding was moved in his heart, and he was full of gratitude to these friends, partners, and companions who have been following him. People need mutual trust and mutual help. People are most afraid of loneliness, and Gao Jiuding has been alone for too long.

"Okay, very good!" Gao Jiuding patted Mo Dahu, Gao Dayang and others on the shoulders with a smile on his face, feeling very satisfied.

He could tell at the first glance that Mo Dahu and the others had all cultivated in the Dharma Aspect stage. Although they were all in the Dharma Aspect stage, this was their true body. Presumably their incarnations at this time would have stronger combat power, right?

Now the backbone of his subordinates have become very strong and have grown even faster.

Think about it, he himself has only recently broken through Chunyang and entered the real realm of gods and spirits.

Of course, his deity is different from the local aboriginal deities.

Gao Jiuding came to Song Yue and other women, and nodded with a smile. Seeing them, Gao Jiuding felt more comfortable.

"That's right, you didn't disappoint me." Gao Jiuding was really in a good mood.

At this moment, countless people around saw that those high-level people were surrounded by a young man, full of joy.

Among them, most people suddenly came to their senses, isn't this the Patriarch who has never appeared?

"It's the Patriarch, the Patriarch is back!"

"The head of the family is back!" In an instant, cheers erupted from the entire city wall, and countless soldiers became excited.

Soon, the shouts became higher and higher, even mobilizing all the human beings in the entire city. They all knew one thing, the Patriarch returned.

Some people didn't understand at first, but after hearing the cry, they were immediately excited.

It was rumored that the Patriarch had been in seclusion for several years, and now he finally appeared. He is the backbone of everyone and the spiritual pillar of everyone.

This is a strange place for all of them, and it is also very dangerous. In this kind of place, they need a spiritual support even more.

"This is the Yaochi fairy peach I got from the fairyland of the fairy clan. You eat it one by one, and let me see your ability!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand and took out some red peaches, and handed them over.

"This is?" Mo Dahu and the others were dumbfounded, thinking they had heard it wrong, as if they were talking about the fairy peach from the Yaochi of the fairy clan?

And the next moment, everyone immediately grabbed it, gobbling it up in two or three mouthfuls, and they still looked unsatisfied after eating.

Song Yue and other women were more reserved, although they were full of surprise, they quickly ate the fairy peach.

Everyone present was a little weird, and it felt a little unreal to eat the legendary fairy peach.

"Go, let me see, how far have you grown? Can you kill those ancient masters in the realm of the gods? Pay attention to them all, and kill them for me!" Gao Jiuding said with a cold expression.

"Kill!" Mo Dahu and others immediately took the order, and at this moment they felt a majestic energy rushing through their bodies.

These guys all knew that the medicinal power of Xiantao was radiating, and they all had thoughts of venting, so the only thought was to kill them.

Gao Jiuding had already returned, and with him in charge, naturally there would be no problem.

Sure enough, as the commanders of the major legions returned and led their respective teams to sweep out with a bang, the bronze gate opened.

"Brothers, kill them all!"


As soon as the four major city gates opened, a terrifying torrent suddenly emerged, forming a mighty army and sweeping away.

These legions are all giant beast legions within the forces, and they have already grown to the point where they shocked all races.

At this time, the legions of the blood race and the orc race suddenly realized that this human city was not as simple and weak as they thought, but exceeded their imagination.

"Impossible, how come there are so many powerful cavalry?"

"I've never seen it on the battlefield before. It's not true."

I originally thought that these human races could only rely on those huge and powerful warships to support their blows, but I didn't expect that without those warships, these human races would not be easy to mess with just relying on individuals!

(End of this chapter)

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