Chapter 1504
"You drove trolls to attack our human race? Now you want to leave if you don't succeed?" Gao Jiuding's faint words came, but the three masters backed away in horror.

When the three masters heard this, they were immediately terrified. They waved their hands again and again and said: "No, no, it's none of our business. This is what the great priest did. We are just passing by, yes, we are passing by."

Gao Jiuding looked at the three orc masters who were afraid of death with a look of disappointment, feeling a little disappointed in these so-called masters.

Are these the so-called masters?But these masters simply don't have the magnanimity that masters should have, and they don't even have the backbone.

"You are also worthy of being called masters? However, I can give you a chance to talk about how you came here?" Gao Jiuding is still very interested in these guys being able to return to this starry sky.

He was teleported to this starry sky through several small world technical schools, so why are these experts from other races able to come back easily?

It seems that they have common transmission channels, and Gao Jiuding is very interested in these transmission channels.

"Delusion!" An orc master shouted angrily, turned around and ran away.

Gao Jiuding's expression turned cold for a moment, and without talking nonsense, he immediately stepped forward and raised his hand to punch.

The fist was sprayed thin, and with a bang, a violent explosion occurred in the void, and the four figures flew out.

Among the four, the three masters were slightly better, but the great priest was a bit miserable.

The armor all over his body was shattered into powder, cracks appeared in his flesh, blood sprayed and splashed, the scene was extremely horrifying.

"Impossible, how could you be so powerful?" the high priest roared in horror, he couldn't believe that Gao Jiuding would be so powerful.

The high priest's expression changed, and when he finally gritted his teeth, he saw that he folded the scepter in his hand, and it shattered completely with a click.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised by this great priest's practice, but he didn't move, but wanted to see what he was doing.

"The devil god is coming!" Suddenly, the high priest let out a stern roar, and then a terrifying black mist filled his whole body, quickly covering him.

The three masters around were taken aback, they immediately dodged and avoided from a distance.

One of them cursed with surprise on his face: "This bastard has actually attracted the power of a demon god from outside the territory. Does he want to kill us too?"

Boom!As soon as his words fell, the black mist surged out violently.

With a bang, a wave of ripples exploded in the void, sweeping everything around to the ground.

Gao Jiuding's pupils shrunk, and the space shattered?

He could see clearly that the surrounding void had been shattered, and the reason was that ripple.

Gao Jiuding stared at the shattered part of the void in front of him, and saw a huge hazy shadow slowly revealing his figure.

In a haze, Gao Jiuding discovered that the monster summoned by the high priest of the orc race this time was 2000 meters tall, and as soon as he appeared, his might immediately suppressed it overwhelmingly.

It was indeed a gigantic specter. Unexpectedly, the high priest would use his body as a guide to fuse the troll's power into his body, turning into such a thing that was neither beast nor demon.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Gao Jiuding snorted coldly, and then the sea of ​​energy in his body surged, and he rushed over with a punch.

This time it was no longer a silver-white light, but a golden ocean swept out, and the glazed golden body of the high Jiuding Dacheng realm was urged to move. Just this time, it hit the ghost's chest, and it was blown away. go out.

But it's not over yet, before the phantom can react, Gao Jiuding has gathered a limit force.

Between the golden glow, a piece of golden light flipped under Gao Jiuding's palm.

Infinite rays of light intertwined and turned into a giant hand, which directly hit the huge figure.

boom!With a loud noise, the huge phantom was immediately pressed down to the ground.

The surrounding mountain peaks collapsed, and a huge pit was sunken, and the phantom was lying in the big pit, looking a little embarrassed.

Nearby, the three masters of the orc clan looked at each other, turned around and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Instead of staying, they took advantage of this moment to run away, without any intention of confronting Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding just glanced at it, but he didn't pay attention anymore, but flew down, his fists fiercely hitting the phantom's head.

With a bang, the earth raised smoke and dust soaring into the sky.

"Don't kill me!" The specter roared miserably, it was actually begging for mercy, it was the consciousness of the high priest, and it hadn't been swallowed up by the demonic thoughts.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't pay any attention to it at all, he just swung his fists and smashed them down like raindrops.

On the ground, a huge phantom was struggling, but was hit by Gao Jiuding's fists again and again on the head, finally blasting the huge head.

"Ah..." A shrill scream came from within the smoke and dust, the phantom finally collapsed and turned into a thin figure, it was the great priest.

At this time, the high priest had lost his breath, obviously he was dead.

Gao Jiuding took away the treasure stored on the great priest, and a flicker disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

He caught up with a figure who was running away quickly, and this figure was a master who had escaped just now.

"Damn it, how is it possible?" The escaped ancient master shouted in horror. He couldn't believe that Gao Jiuding could catch up after killing the ghost.

However, no matter how hard he dared to believe it, he couldn't change the fate of being killed, so he finally made the last madness, wanting to desperately.

"Want to work hard? You have no chance!" Gao Jiuding sneered and covered it with his palm.

The sky was filled with golden light, and after a bang, the orc master was knocked down from the sky and smashed into the mountain.

However, before he could rush out, Gao Jiuding grabbed him out and held him in his hands.

Before he even begged for mercy, Gao Jiuding twisted off his head, packed up all his treasures, turned around and disappeared here.

"That evildoer is there, we must spread the news and let the old masters come and kill him." In the void far away, there was a figure with a huge aura, roaring angrily.

He knew very well that he couldn't deal with Gao Jiuding, but someone could deal with him.

As long as the news of Gao Jiuding's location is passed on, all the old monsters of other races will come to kill him.

"Really?" Suddenly, a chuckle came from behind, which frightened the orc master's body to become cold and stiff.

This orc master suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of him, staring at him fiercely, isn't he afraid?
"You..." the orc master just wanted to say something, but he felt a crisis coming, and then his consciousness fell into darkness, and he was forever speechless.

His body was instantly pierced by Gao Jiuding, and then his fist shook, and he exploded in the void.

With a flash of Gao Jiuding's figure, the bloody fog disappeared, then he quickly tidied up, turned around and disappeared in a flash.

There are four masters in total, and now there is one left, and he is going to chase the last orc master.

This guy is so fast that he is even about to run back into the orc tribe.

However, with the increase in cultivation, Gao Jiuding's real body can already teleport through space again.

Breaking through the space, directly entering the dimensional space, when it reappeared, it was already near that guy.

Getting closer and closer to the tribe, and seeing that he was about to enter the orc tribe, the guy finally felt relieved.

"I'm finally back. Fortunately, that evildoer didn't come after me, otherwise I would be finished this time." The master said with some gratitude.

However, just as he finished speaking, a figure flashed and stopped in front of him.

This sudden change made the orc master stunned for a while, his eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

He trembled a little, kept backing away, and finally he said in horror: "How is it possible? You were first entangled by the phantom summoned by the high priest, and there were two other guys who helped me delay, how could you catch up?"

Indeed, he planned before that the three escaped and scattered, but he deliberately let the other two run first, and they were in the direction of the outside world.

He himself fled towards the orc tribe here, but he didn't expect Gao Jiuding to catch up.

Gao Jiuding should first chase those guys who are fleeing like the outside world, right?Because in that way, Gao Jiuding's position would be exposed!

"You can die!" Gao Jiuding didn't say much nonsense, he immediately stepped forward and hit with his fist.

The heavy punches swept in like a mountain torrent, putting heavy and dull pressure on the orc master.

He felt that his body was being suppressed, unable to move, he could only watch the fist hit in horror.

With a bang, his body exploded to pieces and he eventually lost all consciousness.

And the only thing left is his blood essence and storage equipment.

The essence and blood will become the nourishment of Gao Jiuding's nutrient avatar. As for other materials, if there is no need to keep them, they will definitely be swallowed up by the stone egg.

Among the four strong men of the orc race, a high priest used his body as a guide and turned into a demon god, but unfortunately he was still killed.

And the remaining three ancient masters scattered and fled, but also failed to escape the bad luck, and were eventually bombarded and killed one by one, and no one could stop them.

"The beast tribe is really not small!" At this time, Gao Jiuding stood in the void, looking down at the huge black shadow in front of him.

Standing here, Gao Jiuding could see an incomparably huge tribe in front of him.

And his goal today is this huge tribe in front of him. As long as he wants to destroy this tribe, he can completely eliminate the latest hidden danger outside the power.

"En?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding was about to go down to attack the tribe, but stopped in surprise. He stared at the orc tribe, feeling that it was not an illusion just now, he felt a powerful aura, although It's fleeting, but it's real.

Soon, he once again felt a strong aura rushing towards him in the blink of an eye.

This is a young man of the orc race. On his skin, streaks of blue and black animal patterns spread, exuding a mysterious aura.

This orc youth has a strong aura, even stronger than the three ancient masters who just killed, is this the background of the orc?
(End of this chapter)

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