The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 151 Can't Live Alone

Chapter 151 Can't Live Alone
I didn't notice, there are already 1072 rewards this month, and nine chapters have been added before, this is Chapter 10, no delays or arrears! !
"How could such a big guy slip through the net? It couldn't have been guarded by demons before!" Gao Jiuding said in disbelief.

In this chaotic place, Gao Jiuding has been staying for three days. He knows exactly what kind of asteroid can reach his defensive area.

How could such a big guy with a diameter of [-] kilometers, a miser in the City of Light, be let go?
"There are no demon generals, only some big ones. We can deal with them. It seems that the City of Light is also weak." After the scan was clear, the little fox laughed.

It was the first time for Gao Jiuding to see the little fox lose his temper. It seems that after swallowing the devil in this asteroid, the little fox should have a significant growth.

Seeing the little fox becoming more and more substantive, Gao Jiuding didn't know whether to be happy or be wary!

"Fortunately, I bought the lidar, and thanks to the supercomputer assistance, otherwise, with my computing power, I really wouldn't be able to intercept it!" At this time, the little fox was completely on fire.

"Do you need my help? We still have [-] Holy Light spaceships. At a critical moment, we can release them to distract the big devil." Gao Jiuding reminded.

The current little fox is a bit smug, just like him before, Gao Jiuding had to remind him, because his life was also controlled by the little fox.

"Aren't you excited? This is a huge gain!" The little fox looked at Gao Jiuding strangely and said.

Gao Jiuding is really not that excited. This asteroid is huge, but the material is not very advanced, nor is it a spirit stone. How excited can he be?
In the past few days, every time I harvested tens of meters, nearly a hundred meters, I felt very exciting and excited at first, but now it's nothing more than that.

"If there is a middle-grade spirit stone, I will be excited, but why is there no middle-grade spirit stone here?" Looking in the direction of the city of light, Gao Jiuding sighed secretly!
There is no need for the little fox to answer, Gao Jiuding also knows why, the asteroids where there are demons will appear, are all the focus of the city of light, right?

Only where there are demon generals can middle-grade spirit stones appear. In this case, it is impossible for the masters in the City of Light not to know.

Just when Gao Jiuding was worrying about gains and losses, another communication came in!

"Brother, do you need help? Every spaceship must not leave its own defensive area!" It was Li Rusong again, caring as always, but no matter how he heard it, he felt that he had malicious intentions!

"Can you eat it alone? You can't live alone!" A vicious voice came. This person was no longer malicious, but wanted to snatch it openly, but Gao Jiuding didn't believe that he could snatch it under the watchful eyes of everyone. mine star.

"I can't live alone? I'm used to eating alone!" Gao Jiuding directly turned back. Here, who is afraid of whom?He Gao Jiuding swallowed his anger, these people don't want to plot against him?

"Brother, don't be angry, we're evenly divided, no matter what it is, I'll help you intercept it, as long as half is enough." This person is rather cunning, and from his tone, Gao Jiuding could hear a lack of confidence.

"Change another direction to attack!" Ignoring these guys, Gao Jiuding decisively issued an order.

The little fox cooperated tacitly with Gao Jiuding, it immediately controlled the spaceship, flew to the other side of the big guy, and continued to attack the place where the golden light was not exposed.

"Black iron ore!" There was a hint of surprise in the little fox's voice. After a series of impacts, a large piece of shell was torn off, revealing all black iron ore, which instantly reduced the value of this big thing.

Gao Jiuding was also obviously relieved. If it was all golden crystals, then there would be a big problem. Fortunately, what was exposed on this side was black iron ore.

"It's only a few minutes, and if you don't have enough experience, you can't stop it." Another message was sent, this time the tone was not so urgent.

"Fools, why do people want to intercept it within a few minutes? Mark it, can't it be intercepted in the future?"

"What the hell, you're the idiot. We need to stick to our defenses. Can't others go after this asteroid?"

"I've already notified the younger generations of the family, it depends on who's speed is faster, and there will be meat to eat if the speed is faster."

"Dream? Where are your descendants? Tens of thousands of astronomical units. When your descendants track it down, decades will have passed?"

"Six to four, you six and we four!"

"Boy, don't hesitate. If you are too greedy, you will lose your chance."

Listening to the yelling in the communicator, Gao Jiuding seemed to have come to the vegetable market?

Now he understands that these guys can't break into his defensive area!
Of course, Gao Jiuding couldn't leave the void he was guarding, so if this asteroid flew out of his defensive area, he would have a high possibility of missing the treasure star.

How could Gao Jiuding let such a thing happen to him?

"Little fox, can you do it?" Gao Jiuding asked, after attacking so many times, why hasn't it been intercepted?

"Even if I'm a fox, I can't say no! With the help of supercomputers, it's easy to calculate the orbits of the surrounding stars. No matter how powerful the kinetic energy of this asteroid is, I can still make it stop and watch me." Said After finishing, the little fox continued to control the spaceship and retreated quickly.

The spaceship didn't even turn around and flew backwards. This was the first time Gao Jiuding had seen such a showy maneuver.

In fact, think about it, this kind of operation is very simple, it just changes from forward to backward!
It turns out that if the spaceship wants to stop, it must carry out reverse propulsion to offset the forward inertia, but now that the inertia is eliminated, it continues to propel backward.

The speed of the spaceship was very fast, and the target was clearer. It only took more than ten seconds to arrive at a group of asteroids.

Among this group of asteroids, there is a big guy with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. There are not many such asteroid groups in the Kuiper belt, but there are definitely many.

The family of asteroids with a diameter of more than ten kilometers in the main star was attacked one by one by the little fox in an orderly manner, changing the orbits of the asteroids one by one, making them fly towards the surrounding main star.

The little fox's target was the main star, not the big guy in the distance. After several attacks, the group of asteroids that originally orbited the main star fell on the main star one by one.

Asteroids, carrying a huge impact force, kept pushing the main star, forcing it to change its flight path.

During this process, the main star did not suffer loss, but because a large number of asteroids fell on it, its volume continued to increase.

The little fox's operation is very precise, not only changing the flight path of the main star, but not hurting it at all, but also allowing it to continuously accumulate strength, allowing it to rapidly increase its speed.

"Artificial star?" Looking at the main star that kept increasing in size, Gao Jiuding was surprised from ear to ear.

Why is Jupiter so large?

Maybe Jupiter is not small in size, but no one can deny that it intercepts most of the asteroids entering the inner solar system, which is one of the main reasons why it is so big. Now the little fox is doing the same thing,
The main star's gravitational force is not too strong, but as long as the force is right, it was originally attracted to the asteroid family, and it easily fell into it and became a part of it.

Such a combination is not very stable, but the precisely calculated little fox does not want it to exist for a long time.

"It's started!" The little fox shouted excitedly when the main star was big enough and carried enough kinetic energy.

Gao Jiuding watched the little fox, increasing the size of the main star little by little, and accelerating it little by little. During this process, the flight path of the main star also changed greatly.

It absorbed a large number of asteroids, carrying endless power, and accurately appeared in front of the asteroid with a diameter of one hundred kilometers.

The collision between the two has become a foregone conclusion, this is the role of the little fox, and also its ability!
"Bump!" There was a huge impact sound, and the main star shattered in response, and the asteroid with a diameter of [-] kilometers was also uncomfortable. A large number of remnants collapsed, and the remaining main body also began to slow down.

"We have done this kind of thing countless times, do you know how to do it?" The little fox continued to attack the surrounding asteroids, changing the flight paths of these asteroids, while not forgetting to show off to Gao Jiuding.

"The effect of force is mutual. I never thought that I could affect a planet with just one finger!" Gao Jiuding said, rolling his eyes.

The little fox did not let him down. This asteroid has a huge mass and carries strong kinetic energy. To make it stop, it must first offset the kinetic energy it carries, and then offset the gravitational force of the surrounding large planets!

Of course, the gravitational force of the sun is also added. Only when all external forces are offset, the asteroid will come to rest.

In the vacuum of the universe, it is not so easy to keep a huge asteroid completely still!
It turned out that the asteroid that Gao Jiuding faced was too small in size and carried little kinetic energy. Generally, the impact of the same asteroid would be able to offset this part of the kinetic energy.

It's different now, an asteroid with a diameter of more than [-] kilometers, but the gravitational force is not small!
You know, the diameter of the moon is only over 1000 kilometers, but its gravitational force is one-sixth that of the earth.

Don't think that this is a cosmic vacuum, there is no gravity, and you can stop a high-speed flying asteroid with a slight push!

If this is the case, then if you stomp your feet, the earth will not sink millions of kilometers?

The operation this time is obviously different from the previous one, because the little fox wants to keep the asteroid as much as possible instead of expel it!

"Bang bang bang" the little fox calculated accurately, manipulating the surrounding asteroids again and again, hitting that giant!
Gao Jiuding watched it continuously shatter, slow down, and change its trajectory!
"Spiritual material has been produced, what is it?"

"Black iron ore?"

"So unlucky? Such a hard asteroid is actually made of black iron ore?"

 There are 322 monthly tickets, 1100 plus updates, and only more than [-] recommended tickets, which is still far away from adding more!

(End of this chapter)

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