The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 153 Man-made Treasure Star

Chapter 153 Man-made Treasure Star

Looking at this black iron ore star artificially piled up, Gao Jiuding could only smile wryly, the trouble now is not small, he can't keep staring at it all the time!

We still have to find a way to slow it down, preferably still, so that the surrounding asteroids are less likely to hit it, and it is more conducive to protecting it!

"It can't stop here, and it can't stop completely, otherwise, we won't be able to move it in the future!" The little fox was busy while coping with Gao Jiuding's curiosity.

At this time, the role of the little fox was obvious. Without the help of the little fox, Gao Jiuding would never have been able to do so easily.

Now the little fox wants to control this treasure star, but also accelerates many asteroids around him, attacking the demon swarm rushing from the ecliptic disc.

During this process, under the command of Gao Jiuding, it will also lock those valuable asteroid fragments to impact Baoxing's orbit and slow down its speed.

During the period, the devil was collected and refined, and the little fox was in full swing.

Now the potential of the little fox has been fully tapped out. It is distracted and can do things with precision, which really makes Gao Jiuding admire.

So, there is always something about potential.

Another black iron ore star with a diameter of more than 1000 meters was smashed onto the treasure star. How many times has this happened?
Gao Jiuding found out for the first time that it was a worry to gain more, because he couldn't take it away at all.

The little fox's idea is right, the precious star next to it can't stop, if it stops, he can't let it leave here, now he can only rely on the precious star to fly by itself to move it to a suitable place Location.

This is already a man-made treasure star, the whole star is full of treasures, no matter how racking your brains to calculate, it is indispensable!
"Hey! It's just that the baby's appearance is a bit low!" Gao Jiuding complained a little: "Why are there so many black iron ore?"

His treasure star is about to become a black iron ore star, how can he not complain?
"What you don't want, no one else wants!" The little fox rolled his eyes and said.

"Is that what I mean? I mean, why are there so many black iron ores in the starry sky? Why is there no such thing on Earth?" Gao Jiuding was a little annoyed by the repetitive work. It can be said to be sophistry!
"Are you sure there is no such thing on Earth? You don't even know if it exists!" the little fox said contemptuously.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, it knows the earth very well?He doesn't seem to understand!
Not to mention the earth's crust, mantle, earth's core, and earth's core, he doesn't understand even the deep sea and ocean, not to mention him, the entire human race doesn't understand.

Thinking of the fragments of the earth's core and the earth's crust that those people were talking about just now, Gao Jiuding came to his senses!
People on earth know too little about the earth, a planet with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, they only penetrate a few kilometers underground!
So, who knows what minerals are in the crust, mantle, and core of the earth?
The asteroids flying in front of me are all remnants of the planet after it collapsed. It has not been completely broken up to now. It can be said that it has gone through hardships and is the essence of the original planet. Among these essences, there are more black iron ore. , it is not surprising.

Thinking of the lava flames in the center of the earth, any ore has to be refined into a liquid. After countless years of refining, it is not surprising that some treasures will appear after cooling and shattering, right?

Gao Jiuding thought of a novel he had read before. It was about some cultivators who robbed the treasures exposed after the world collapsed when the world collapsed. How similar is it to the current starry sky mining?

Going deep into a complete planet, you still need to face the threat of magma in the earth's core. It is very dangerous to look for opportunities in a broken world (or simply say that a planet is shattered), but in the vacuum of the universe, it is very dangerous. Can be charged at will.

"Hey, another asteroid flew away, what if there is a spirit stone in it?" Gao Jiuding reminded looking at the careless little fox.

The little fox is slack now, this is absolutely unforgivable!
"Why don't you say, maybe it's a middle-grade spirit stone mine?" the little fox said quietly.

"Be more serious about your work. As your strength grows, your temper will also grow!" Gao Jiuding retorted.

"It has been marked, and you can go to mine when you are free in the future. Besides, you have time to worry about me, why not go to the back to put out the fire!" The little fox pointed in the direction of the spaceship warehouse.

"Fill the fire? By the way, those women won't starve to death after a few days?" At this moment, Gao Jiuding finally remembered that there are still ten beauties in the warehouse behind!
Of course, it's fine to talk about putting out the fire, but starving ten beauties to death is definitely a crime.

"There are still ten big men!" The little fox specially reminded.

"That's human scum, not human!" Gao Jiuding said as a matter of course.

"You have to be careful, they brought some supplies!" The little fox became a lot more serious!
If it hadn't been in a hurry to collect the monster, this performance would have moved Gao Jiuding even more, but now, the effect is greatly reduced.

"What are you careful about? I'm still afraid of being poisoned to death by them? As long as they have something to eat, it saves me a lot of trouble!" Gao Jiuding looked at the starry sky again, and the precious star not far away was his sweetheart. If you have time to worry about those women, it's better to plan for Baoxing's future.

"I'm not joking. Even if they have no intention of harming others, they have to be on guard. What if they carry communication tools!" said the little fox.

"Understood, I will check, no, just scan it carefully, the communication must send out a signal, right? You are the originator of this, I found the wind grinding copper, didn't you notify the Sanmeng? You did it very skillfully Ah, keep it up!" Gao Jiuding said.

"At that time, what was our relationship?" The little fox asked disdainfully.

Gao Jiuding was speechless. Anyway, those people had food and drink, so Gao Jiuding didn't worry anymore. If there was a problem, wouldn't there be a little fox watching!
You know, the entire spaceship is under the complete control of the little fox.

He was silent, and the little fox was busy, it didn't want to talk to Gao Jiuding for a long time.

"There are still too many demons outside, otherwise, those miners would come in handy!" A resource asteroid was marked, and Gao Jiuding was a little melancholy. Why did he have slaves, and he was still struggling alone?
He can't do without struggle, in such an environment, he doesn't dare to run out of the Fox, let alone twenty ordinary people!

Not to mention whether they will be able to drive spaceships and mechs, just a vacuum environment is a big problem.

Ordinary people can't stay in a vacuum and weightless environment for a long time, or they will have serious problems with their bodies. The biggest problem is growing taller, and they will become very tall.

Shouldn't you be happy to grow up?Especially those dwarfs, or women who love beauty, want to grow taller. With such conditions, shouldn't they be rejoicing?

It can only be said that you think too much. In the vacuum of the universe, as long as you stay for a few weeks, you can grow at least eight or nine centimeters. Isn't that surprising?

In a weightless environment, adults also grow taller, and grow rapidly. This is the real situation caused by the weightless environment, and ordinary people cannot bear such a situation.

This is also an important reason why Gao Jiuding didn't send those people to help immediately!
"Send these pills to them, don't idle around if you have nothing to do, practice your driving skills more!" The little fox ignored him, but Gao Jiuding wanted to pay attention to the little fox.

Some useless pills were selected and sent to the folding warehouse at the back by the little fox.

These are all the pills he used to cleanse his body, such as pills for strengthening tendons and bones, pills for washing marrow and so on. He originally wanted to save them for his family to take, but he didn't expect to use them on his subordinates now.

Looking at the busy little fox, Gao Jiuding felt bored. Other people control the spaceship by themselves, as long as they get something, it is a treasure hunting fun, but what about him?
He really saves trouble, but the fun of treasure hunting is gone!
He was a little irritable, which made Gao Jiuding feel that something was wrong, and being irritable is not a good sign. He took out a stack of books and wanted to be quiet.

The longer you spend wandering in outer space, the more irritable you feel, and it becomes more and more unsuitable for a person's life.

The dark void is depressing, and the possibility of danger at any time makes it even more disturbing.

"Strength, we still need to increase our strength as soon as possible. It seems that we are not doing our job properly recently!"

Flipping through the books, Gao Jiuding felt a little bit better, no matter how many resources he had, it would be useless if he couldn't transform them into his own strength.

"The work can be handed over to others. You should think of a way now and see how to make use of the role of those twenty people!" Taking a break from the busy schedule, the little fox heard Gao Jiuding talking to himself, and still didn't forget to remind him.

"Huh? The number of monsters has decreased?" Gao Jiuding found out that the little fox was not refining the monster, but was helping him collect resources when he raised his head!
Most of the asteroids that flew by, the little fox let go, only those asteroids that flew to the hand, it will help to collect, it can be said that it is too lazy.

This kind of performance has already surprised him very much, which is very commendable.

Gao Jiuding marked the resource stars within the range of his sight on the astrolabe disk, and now he didn't have the heart to catch them up and put them away.

"The monsters are thinner, maybe because those who broke into the zodiac circle have gone away, maybe they are all dead, anyway, no one is attracting the monsters, so the number of monsters rushing to the side will decrease!" the little fox explained. One sentence made Gao Jiuding gain a lot of knowledge.

The starry sky was as chaotic as ever, and the City of Light contributed the most. From time to time, it released big moves to illuminate the sun, and such ordinary moves were the deadliest to the devil.

What's more, the city of light can jump, as long as he finds the trace of the magic general, he can jump over at any time within dozens of astronomical units.

The Fox can jump up to five astronomical units at a time, and dozens of astronomical units can easily jump over it. This is the abnormality of the second-level battleship.

(End of this chapter)

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