Chapter 172
Under Gao Jiuding's telepathy, the space in the center of the pagoda has undergone tremendous changes, and the original chaotic mist has rolled up at this time.

With the appearance of earth-type spiritual materials, those breaths quickly devoured the spiritual materials, and in just a moment, those spiritual materials turned into strands of chaotic breaths, replenishing the central space.

"If the spiritual energy is not enough, this pagoda may be ruined!" At this time, the little fox did not intend to let Gao Jiuding go.

Gao Jiuding smiled wryly, and directly wiped the space ring on his finger, a large number of middle-grade earth spirit stones appeared in front of him, and then, these middle-grade earth spirit stones disappeared in the central space of the pagoda.

As soon as the medium-grade earth spirit stone entered the pagoda, it began to explode in an orderly manner. The appearance of a large amount of earth spirit energy immediately made the chaotic central space clear.

Gao Jiuding could clearly perceive that the chaotic breath in the central space of the pagoda was wrapped in spiritual energy and quickly penetrated into the wall of the pagoda.

As more and more earth auras are added, more and more chaotic breaths are absorbed, and they are integrated into the pagoda, continuously strengthening the body of the pagoda.

There is Gao Jiuding's blood essence in the pagoda, so Gao Jiuding is very clear about the changes in the pagoda. He knows that the pagoda is changing, strengthening, and upgrading.

It turned out that the pagoda, which was only the size of a thumb, was slowly expanding and kept expanding!

Not everyone can afford this thing, not only raising a dragon, even upgrading a treasure is not that simple.

Hearing the clicking and clicking sounds of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding felt that it might shatter at any time, which made him start to worry about whether the spirit stones and spirit mines in his hands could hold up.

"It's a pity for these five-color soils!" Looking at the remaining five-color soils, the little fox looked at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding also looked at the ground. The rest of the ground is full of five-color soil, which should be the same as the five-color soil used to pile up soil into mountains. However, these soils are more pure and crystal clear. Seeing such five-color soil makes him It feels like seeing a golden crystal, can this soil also crystallize?
"This thing is most suitable for upgrading the Lingtian, but it's a pity to use it to shape the Xuanhuang Pagoda!" said the little fox.

"As long as it can be used!" Gao Jiuding looked at the pagoda that had swelled to the size of a palm, and immediately made a decision. He could sense in his mind that the pagoda had reached its limit.

"The material used to make this heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is a piece of Xuanhuang stone. The best carrying material must be the Xuanhuang Qi. Unfortunately, after digging up so many golden souls and producing pure gold, I didn't find the Xuanhuang Qi. That ore vein is too broken, and the mysterious yellow energy is lost, otherwise, this upgrade will definitely go smoothly."

"Is it possible that the mysterious and yellow energy exists on that treasure star?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Only huge asteroids are possible!" said the little fox.

Gao Jiuding was full of pity, he was just God's godson, this pie didn't fall on his head.

"There is no mysterious and yellow energy to strengthen the pagoda, and it is a bit reluctant to forcibly integrate a fire spirit vein. Fortunately, it is the fire spirit vein that is integrated, and the materials of the pagoda have also been tempered. Ultimate, as long as enough earth-type spiritual materials are invested, the pagoda can still be upgraded, and you are a fool with good luck!"

While merging into the five-color soil, the little fox was nagging: "Only an asteroid with a diameter of more than [-] kilometers may have a trace of black and yellow gas left. Your luck is not good, you did not get the black and yellow gas, but you can get a little Soil can be regarded as very lucky, and now there is five-color soil to repair the pagoda, which is also considered a blessing in disguise."

"It's a pity that you don't have yin-type spiritual materials. If you have a magic general inner alchemy, plus the night pearl, you can develop the ability to transform yin-yang and five elements into the pagoda!"

"Well, in the future, we must find a way to obtain a suitable treasure ban. If there is a suitable magic weapon level ban, we can take advantage of the opportunity of this pagoda upgrade to directly enter the treasure ban into the pagoda, so that the strengthening of the pagoda will be even more powerful. Upgrading in the future will save a lot of effort.”

"It's not bad now, but there is a situation where water and fire are in harmony. Originally, it could only be the Flame Mountain, but now it has turned into Misty Rain Jiangnan. I really don't know what kind of luck it is!"

The little fox was nagging, nagging, and contemptuous, but in the end, he was more envious.

Gao Jiuding didn't speak, he just listened, he just watched, he just waited for the little fox to keep pretending, and in the process, he also learned a lot of secrets.

For example, where to collect the mysterious and yellow energy, for example, the fire spirit vein and the heavy rain just now are the combination of water and fire. Such a situation should be difficult to form.

Also, the formation of the yin-yang transformation array can actually use the inner alchemy of the demon general.

There is also five-color soil, which should be a very important material, but the little fox has never mentioned it before.

Of course, the upgrade of the pagoda and many situations should be under the control of the little fox, because only it knows best what materials Gao Jiuding has in his hands.

If the little fox hadn't mentioned something, he should have failed long ago. What was the final result?
The miniature spiritual vein collapsed?Or is the pagoda crumbling?Or a thin pseudo-spiritual vein appeared?
He really doesn't know how to describe his current mood. This little fox has rich experience and has helped him a lot. However, the more capable it is, the more worried Gao Jiuding will be that he can't control him.

Now some of the little fox's statements are all part of the secret art of raising dragons, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to know.

Gao Jiuding searched a lot of information on, but all he got was a few words, all of which were cloudy and foggy, without a single truth.

But the little fox spoke clearly without any ambiguity. Gao Jiuding felt sorry for his conscience even if he said that he was not an old demon with such knowledge and experience.

"How long will it take?" Since the little fox didn't want to say anything, Gao Jiuding didn't ask, he just skipped the matter of the five-color soil!
What Gao Jiuding wants to know most now is when the pagoda will be upgraded.

"It depends on whether you have enough spirit stones. If not, you need to add low-grade earth spirit stones, which will be slow!" said the little fox.

"Really need so many spirit stones?" Gao Jiuding frowned, a fire spirit vein inside the space is a big eater of spirit stones, should we add another one now?
"How do you usually worship the pagoda?" The little fox asked back.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, and said naturally: "Of course it is stored in the dantian, and it is cultivated with true energy!"

"Isn't true energy transformed from spiritual energy? Now that the process of nourishing the pagoda with spiritual energy has been accelerated, you are not happy? You can just have fun secretly! I want to remind you that when your strength is insufficient, it is best not to think about using it The pagoda is taken into the sea of ​​qi in the dantian!" The little fox said solemnly.

Gao Jiuding was stunned, are you playing with me?This just prepared a back road, but you won't let me hide?

However, Gao Jiuding's complexion soon collapsed, because he knew that the little fox would not shoot aimlessly.

Sure enough, the little fox said again: "The magic weapon is not something that monks in the Qi refining period can use, not to mention that you are an advanced treasure. Let's see how much spiritual energy it has absorbed now? Are you sure you can support it?" ?”

The corners of Gao Jiuding's mouth trembled a few times, and he sensed the rapidly draining spiritual energy in the central space of the pagoda. This time, Gao Jiuding's face turned completely black.

The pagoda shone with aura, twinkling and shining with golden light. At this time, it was surrounded by a layer of rich yellow light, which looked very magical.

It turned out that he could still use a defective treasure a few times, but now that it is advanced and more powerful, he can't use it anymore?
"This kind of treasure cannot be activated by true energy at all, but needs to be activated by spiritual consciousness, or the primordial spirit. The biggest difference between a treasure and a magic weapon is that the power of a magic weapon depends on the person. And the power of a treasure depends on the weapon, the more powerful the treasure, the stronger the master's spiritual consciousness, the greater the power it will unleash!" The little fox explained.

Gao Jiuding nodded. The little fox really knew everything. He only knew that the treasures belonged to the foundation-building monks, but he didn't know why.

At first he thought it was because the amount of true energy was too low, but now he realized that it was because monks could not release their spiritual consciousness during the Qi training period.

Of course, using true energy to activate the pagoda will make the pagoda more powerful, but this is just icing on the cake, because as a treasure, the pagoda itself is already very powerful!

Not to mention the pagoda itself, but the spiritual veins inside the pagoda, mountains, water veins, and countless spiritual mines. How much true energy is needed to activate them?
Treasures need to be tempered by the soul, or entrusted with the soul, so that they can be controlled flexibly, just like flying swords, ordinary flying swords need to be controlled by true energy, while high-level flying swords must use Yuanshen Yujian .

Previously, Gao Jiuding's blood refinement pagoda was only for him to control the pagoda with his blood essence, instead of relying on his true energy to activate it.

It used to be able to control it because the pagoda is too scumbag, but now it obviously belongs to the pony aircraft carrier. He is a pony, and the pagoda has become an aircraft carrier. Although it is powerful, pony can only watch and can no longer move it.

After the little fox's explanation, what else does Gao Jiuding not understand?In the final analysis, his cultivation base is too weak.

Take out all the earth spirit stones again, whether it is low-grade or medium-grade, Gao Jiuding didn't hold back at all, and all of them were collected into the pagoda space!

It's him who gathers firewood for a thousand days and burns it for a day!

But as long as the pagoda can be upgraded, there is nothing he cannot afford,

Gao Jiuding stared at the pagoda without blinking, watching a large number of spiritual stones being collected into the pagoda, and with the influx of a large amount of spiritual energy, the dense air inside the pagoda became thicker and thicker. In just a short while, the whole pagoda was surrounded by chaos. The enveloping air wrapped it up.

At this time, even if Gao Jiuding was the owner of the pagoda, he couldn't perceive the situation inside the pagoda again.

 There are only a dozen or so monthly tickets left, and there will be [-] plus updates!

(End of this chapter)

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