The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 178 Stalactite Gourd Skewers

Chapter 178 Stalactite Gourd Skewers

Looking carefully at the aura distribution of the stalagmite fragments, Gao Jiuding carefully peeled off the outer stone layer bit by bit.

It is really not difficult to peel off the outer stone layer of the stalagmite fragments as thick as a small arm, and the internal situation of this stalactite has also exposed part of it.

Following the star-shaped white light, Gao Jiuding easily peeled off a string of round beads, two palm-sized long strings of large beads.

Holding a string of white beads like candied haws, Gao Jiuding was a little confused, why not stone gourds?
Four round beads are connected in series. Is this to make candied haws?
No, is this two stone gourds strung together?

Gao Jiuding carefully looked at the string of beads in his hand, big and small, exactly two pairs of beads, one big and one small, these beads were linked together, it looked like they were strung together, but after careful inspection, he found that these were two stone gourds , connected together.

Gao Jiuding thought again, and a small bright flashlight appeared in his hand. He took a light on the string of beads in his hand, and layers of orange-yellow concentric rings appeared on the round beads.

Seeing such a situation, Gao Jiuding burst into laughter.

"One floor, two floors and nine floors?" Gao Jiuding couldn't help laughing.

After laughing enough, Gao Jiuding turned his head and looked around, but he didn't attract the little fox?
This made Gao Jiuding laugh even louder. The little fox must have noticed his actions. Does it have the face to come here?Absolutely a guilty conscience!
"Luck is a good thing!" He really is God's own son.

Recently, the consumption of stalactites has been a bit serious, so he slowed down the speed of cultivation and began to practice with water as he didn't have many stalactites.

But he is used to the good life of big fish and big meat, now let him clear porridge and side dishes, can he bear it?

There is no way, there are not enough heaven and earth spirits, so I can only cultivate slowly with my heart down, but this is definitely a kind of torment.

It's different now, he actually found two stone gourds at once, yes, Gao Jiuding is sure, what he has in his hands are two stone gourds, real complete stalactite gourds, stalactite gourds that can produce stalactites.

The gourd in the hand is illuminated by a strong flashlight, and the nine layers of orange concentric rings prove that this is the highest-order stalactite gourd.

The gourd mouth on the top has an obvious round hole in the center of the mouth, and the traces of aura that Gao Jiuding saw emanated from this round hole.

It used to be surrounded by a layer of stalactites, and Gao Jiuding couldn't accurately perceive the spiritual energy emanating from the stone gourd, but now, the source of the spiritual energy is too obvious.

"This is overflowing spiritual energy!" Gao Jiuding's true energy was slightly injected into the stone gourd on the upper layer, and he felt that it was full of stalactites that had overflowed outwards, which made Gao Jiuding's face even more serious. It's a smile.

"After cutting it off, the top stone gourd won't show its bottom, right?" Gao Jiuding looked at the stone gourd in his hand. The two stone gourds would naturally be separated. Now the bottom one should be fine, after all, its bottom is complete.

Now the question is, are these two stone gourds connected?

Gao Jiuding guessed that they might be connected, because Gao Jiuding had already studied the formation of stalactites.

The formation of ordinary stalactites can also be said to be a miracle. Generally in limestone, water containing carbon dioxide penetrates into the cracks of limestone and dissolves the calcium carbonate in it.

When the water with dissolved calcium carbonate drips from the roof of the cave, due to the evaporation of water and the escape of carbon dioxide, the dissolved calcium becomes solid again (called solidification).

The ones that grow gradually from top to bottom are called "stalactites".

Stalactites and stalagmites only grow about 1 mm per year. Over time, these deposits will form a variety of spectacular natural creations.

The spiritual objects in Gao Jiuding's hands are also formed in this way. Such spiritual objects need tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to form in the cave after a long history and under certain geological conditions.

During this process, slowly accumulating drop by drop will form round bodies. Because of the natural gathering of spirits, after forming a complete formation of gathering spirits, they will accumulate again, which are round beads. The process of formation.

Of course, this is Gao Jiuding's speculation, but he believes that this speculation is correct because the evidence is in his hands.

As true energy poured into the stone gourds, he already knew the situation inside the two stone gourds.

Under the power of heaven and earth, or coincidence, stalactites kept piling up, and finally formed these two stone gourds.

The reason why it is called gourd-shaped is entirely because of the concentric layers that form the spirit-gathering array, and they shape the shape of the gourd.

Although the two gourds are connected, they are not one. They are piled up layer by layer. The lower stone gourds are formed, and the upper stone gourds will continue to pile up. I don’t know how many years have passed before the two stone gourds are finally formed. The two of them are not interlinked, and each is an independent entity.

Knowing this, Gao Jiuding directly broke the two stone gourds easily, and the two stone gourds were easily separated.

"It's really full!" Gao Jiuding's face was full of joy, and his cultivation base could increase rapidly again.

"I don't know if there are any stone gourds like this among other stalagmites?" Gao Jiuding looked at the scattered stalagmite fragments, and his eyes were already shining.

With a knife in my hand, I naturally have a knife in my heart. I have been playing with a scalpel for seven or eight years. When I use a small knife, it is natural to use my fingers. Unfortunately, I am disappointed again and again, and in the end I leave a field of small stones.

"People can't be greedy!" Although a little disappointed, who is Gao Jiuding? He is the little prince of luck, the son of God, and there are more than a dozen complete stalagmites in the space of his pagoda!

Gao Jiuding will not destroy a complete stalagmite. After all, he already has two stone gourds in his hands. The stalactites produced inside them are of higher quality than the original one, which is enough for him to use in the near future.

Greed is the driving force behind human progress. Looking at the two stone gourds in his hands, Gao Jiuding was still not reconciled.

Stone gourds are piled up non-stop. Since two piles have been piled up, will a long string of stone gourds be piled up over countless years?
What he has in his hands now are just two stone gourds, maybe there are ten or eight more?
Thinking of the stalagmite as tall as a person, if there are stone gourds inside these stalagmites, how many stone gourds can a stalagmite as tall as a person wrap inside?

"A dozen? At least ten?" Gao Jiuding felt itchy.

"Okay, don't look at it, the pagoda has been upgraded!" Just when Gao Jiuding was thinking about going to the asteroid again, the little fox suddenly appeared again.

Gao Jiuding shook his head regretfully, with Xiaoyuan's energy to live a life, it is impossible for her to leave behind anything containing aura, so the stalactite in his hand should be all.

"Why are those asteroids broken? If they are complete, how many good things must there be?" Gao Jiuding ignored the little fox, but sighed triumphantly about life!
"If the planet isn't broken, you won't be able to find so many good things!" The little fox said angrily.

"Let's go, go and see what my baby has become!" Gao Jiuding laughed, and walked directly to the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

At this time, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda has completely lost its brilliance, and its radiance is soaring to the sky. No matter how it looks now, it looks like a khaki stone pagoda.

"The gods are self-obscuring? The stone gourd is the same. If it wasn't for the overflowing spiritual energy, I wouldn't have been able to find it!" Gao Jiuding said with satisfaction.

"Don't mention the stone gourd, can you win? It's really disrespectful!" The little fox said in a vicious voice.

Gao Jiuding chuckled, just admit defeat, this is still a bit of a gamble!
After seeing the situation inside the pagoda, Gao Jiuding couldn't laugh anymore: "The water in the space is gone? So much water, why is it all evaporated? If it evaporates, shouldn't it rain?"

Although he kept teasing the little fox, Gao Jiuding's mind had long been concentrated in the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

But at first glance, Gao Jiuding became anxious. The inside of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was full of dense clouds, and the complete situation could not be seen clearly. However, Gao Jiuding could tell the lack of water inside at a glance.

It turned out that the rivers were densely covered and flowed continuously around the mountains. Even if they were evaporated, it would rain heavily. But now, there are only clouds and mists left in the space, and there is no rain at all. The most important thing is that it was originally surrounded by mountains. The water flow that stopped quenching the mountain disappeared.

The aura in the space of the pagoda can't escape, could it be all absorbed by the pagoda?

With a thought, Gao Jiuding immediately entered the space, looked around, and found that the strong fire aura had weakened too much!
There is a fire spirit vein underground here, and it should be normal for the fire spirit to overflow, but the fire spirit in the space is not very sufficient.

The little fox also appeared, seeing Gao Jiuding's complexion, it immediately said: "It is water that caused all this, I am also very surprised, now it seems that the effect of ice crystals and black ice has appeared, this is the combination of water and fire , This can be regarded as a great situation formed by mistake.”

"It's okay? It looks like it's consuming a lot of spiritual energy, what's wrong with it?" Gao Jiuding said dissatisfied.

"The aura hasn't disappeared. Everything in the world here needs to be nourished by the aura. In the end, it naturally became like this. This is also the result of the mutual restraint of water and fire. That's why I say you are a fool.

If there is no suppression of water vapor, no confinement of mountains, this place should be a flaming mountain, overflowing with fire aura, this kind of space is suitable for fire cultivators, not for you!
Although the consumption of water vapor is a bit high now, the two have reached a balance. The balance is reached under mutual restraint, and the two sides will not consume too much. It is the best result to suppress the anger under the mountains.

Only in this way can the fire spirit veins grow better, the fire aura is restrained, and all the fire aura is imprisoned in the mountains and soil, forming a fire spirit field. Are you not satisfied with this? "

 The id was taken by a dog, this id is pissing, but, I am really grateful, after reading this brother, I rewarded this book, it’s just such a lonely book, it’s still very fulfilling to read, thank you!The monthly ticket is still [-] plus more, and the recommended ticket is [-] more! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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