Chapter 198

There is a big difference between secret techniques and exercises. Secret techniques are applied to others, but exercises are used on oneself.

There is an essential difference, one is someone else's death, and the other is one's own death. Secret techniques can be sloppy, but skills can't be questioned at all.

The description method of the secret technique can be vague, but there can be no slight difference in the route of practice!
Because one is to hurt others, and the other is to hurt oneself, uncertain exercises cannot be used, but uncertain secret techniques can be used for experiments on others, which is too different.

"The appearance of the Blood Slave Seal was an accident?" After carefully analyzing the information provided by Ma Rulong, the more he studied, the more ridiculous Gao Jiuding found it.

There are only 800 characters of hieroglyphs, but Ma Rulong has researched tens of thousands of words of experience. According to Ma Rulong's research, that secret place is the holy land of an ancient tribe, where its wizards practiced and lived.

In ancient times in Africa, wizards or gods had unparalleled authority. They often controlled everything in the tribe, including the lives of the people in the tribe. To be precise, it should be the soul, because wizards controlled their beliefs.

The initial blood slave mark was used on wild animals. After all, animal taming is a good means of auxiliary survival, which is also reflected in other ancient peoples.

For example, today's chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, sheep and horses are all domesticated, especially dogs, which are domesticated wild wolves and belong to fierce beasts.

In the ancient African continent, some people also played animal taming, and wild beasts were not so easy to tame. Some wizards thought of communicating with wild beasts, and then controlling the souls of wild beasts.

As long as the beast understands the meaning of the wizard, it can better tame the beast.

The idea is good, but it is not easy to implement.

The life of a wild beast is worthless, no matter how low the success rate is, and after a long time, you can still figure out some ways!
And at this time, the wizard discovered that it is actually easier to succeed in controlling humans than controlling wild animals.

Especially wizards, who control other people's beliefs and can trick others into dying for them, are more likely to control human beings, which is why the blood slave mark appeared.

You can fool others to die, so let people let go of their hearts completely, without a trace of resistance, it seems that it is not difficult, after all, ancient people are easy to fool.

Even this kind of behavior once became the criterion for judging whether a person's beliefs are pious or not.

If you are devout, you will easily succeed with the Blood Slave Mark. If you are not pious, if you don't trust wizards, you will naturally fail. One can imagine the fate of such a person.

Such a situation can only appear in the age of ignorance. Now, it has become a difficult thing to make people trust unconditionally!

This kind of means of controlling others has become tasteless, it is a pity to discard it, and it is tasteless to eat.

Otherwise, Ma Rulong would not have traded it so easily.

"The success rate comes from trust. How can others be willing to control other people's spirits?"

Gao Jiuding stroked his chin and stood up. He re-logged on and bought a set of talismans, a complete set of talismans with the same body and heart.

"Is this thing really reassuring?" Gao Jiuding laughed as he played with a set of talismans in his hand.

If it weren't for the blood slave mark traded by Ma Rulong, he would never have accepted Cui Yi's proposal easily.

This set of talismans was the choice of Cuiyi and the others, which made Gao Jiuding laugh involuntarily!
This thing can make both parties feel at ease, and it is the basis for them to quickly establish mutual trust. If the blood slave mark is added, what will be the effect?
"It's all blood sacrifice training, it shouldn't be difficult!" Looking at the information of the conjoined concentric talisman, the smile on Gao Jiuding's face became more and more intense. He has done the blood sacrifice magic weapon more than once.

"What are you smirking at? Do you want to see what's going on in the warehouse?" Just as Gao Jiuding was secretly having fun, the little fox suddenly appeared.

"Warehouse?" Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment before reacting.

"Yes, through the surveillance camera, you can see some unexpected situations." After speaking, the little fox turned on the surveillance system, and a group of people appeared on the monitor.

"Huh? You started training again? They're getting along well recently, aren't they?" Watching the surveillance video, Gao Jiuding laughed. Ten beauties surrounded six men and were beating them brazenly.

Although the physique of these six men is not very strong, their attack methods are very fierce. After all, they are not good things. People like them, without any force, how can they control their subordinates and do many evils?

But these six people were beaten like dogs by a dainty beauty.

"You won't be beaten to death, right?" Looking at the very fierce Cui Yi, Gao Jiuding felt a toothache.

"No, she has a sense of proportion. Look, there is no vital point to attack. The places that can be hit are all the parts where the pain nerves are concentrated. Not everyone can do this!" The little fox zoomed in on a surveillance screen, pointing at the beaten A white man said.

"Why are these guys being beaten again?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Competition. If you are treated unfairly, you will naturally complain. How can you not be beaten?" The little fox chuckled.

Gao Jiuding stroked his chin and looked at the surveillance screen. Cui Yi's movements were very skillful and experienced, and he looked like a veteran.

No matter how those six big men resisted, they could only be beaten, and they were beaten like rascals, Gao Jiuding couldn't bear it anymore.

"Is there really something wrong with these ten beauties?" Gao Jiuding asked looking at the group of laughing beauties who seemed to be used to it.

"Why is there a problem? They made it very clear that 10 yuan of low-grade spirit stones buys out everything they own and cuts off all karma between them and the secular world." The little fox said unhurriedly.

Gao Jiuding is speechless, can the family relationship be cut off at will?Can friendship be cut off just by cutting it off?What about love?What about other relationships?

Man is the most complicated animal, and no one can tell clearly.

Gao Jiuding doesn't trust outsiders very much, but this set of talismans in his hand is still useful.

"Look at these people, if there is any abnormality, report it!" After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding became busy again.

Since he was going to spend some time here, Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time.

Next, he began to practice step by step, eating, reading, studying ancient Chinese, practicing the blood slave seal, and finally practicing the conjoined and concentric talisman.

Gao Jiuding has many ideas about conjoined concentric symbols, and these ideas need to be verified, and the best candidates for verification are those ten beauties.

Because when using conjoined concentric symbols, they will not resist!
If you don't resist, the possibility of success will increase infinitely.

The Blood Slave Seal, as the name suggests, is to write a seal with blood. In foreign countries, it is not called a rune, but a seal, or it is directly called a magic circle.

In simple terms, it is to use blood to draw a magic circle, the most important thing is the blood, followed by the circle.

If he didn't get that blood nerve, he could only practice according to Ma Rulong's research materials!

In this way, he needs to specially refine a magic weapon to sacrifice blood essence.

But now, he just used his own body to warm up and train that drop of blood essence.

Gao Jiuding had done it more than once by using the essence and blood to refine the magic weapon, and this process of writing the blood slave seal was just to make the blood refining technique more complicated.

When other people use the Conjoined Concentric Talisman, they only need to drop a drop of blood essence to use it, and there is no need to practice at all.

But doing so is just to allow both parties to achieve telepathy.

If you want to attach the blood slave mark, you must sacrifice a drop of blood essence and write a blood talisman, which is the blood slave mark.

After a period of sacrificial training, Gao Jiuding felt that this drop of blood was becoming more and more spiritual, and it could be said that it was connected with him.

This feeling is amazing, facing this drop of blood essence, Gao Jiuding is like facing another self.

It's not a new life in the complete sense, but a part of his body, a part that can be commanded by him like a finger.

After achieving this level, this drop of blood essence can be sacrificed into the Conjoined Concentric Talisman.

Looking at the Conjoined Concentric Talisman in his hand, Gao Jiuding felt that the runes on it were too complicated, it looked like a tree with these ten branches.

This is a team formation talisman for 11 people. If it is simply used to form a team, the price is obviously high, but if it is used with the blood slave seal, no matter how expensive the price is, Gao Jiuding can accept it.

Things were easier than Gao Jiuding imagined. The blood essence that had been meticulously sacrificed by him could easily form a perfect formation under his command.

Gao Jiuding has copied this blood slave seal countless times. Now he does not use his hands, but uses his divine sense to copy it. He feels it is easier. He easily let this drop of blood essence blend into the conjoined concentric talisman.

Carefully feeling a set of conjoined concentric talismans in his hand, Gao Jiuding seemed to be inspecting the mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth.

"This is to practice conjoined concentric talismans as magic treasures! After dripping blood to recognize the master, this set of talismans has become a magic weapon for recognizing the master, and according to the characteristics of this set of talismans, it can also parasitize in other people's bodies. If it succeeds Now, what's going to happen?"

Looking at the completed talismans, Gao Jiuding laughed again. Those beauties will not become magic weapons after being sacrificed by his blood, right?
The more he deduced, the more Gao Jiuding felt that this idea was reliable.

The Blood Slave Seal has some similarities with the Blood Refining Technique. For example, practicing conjoined concentric talismans is no different from practicing other magic weapons.

If there is a real difference, it is also the drop of blood essence. Using the blood refinement technique to practice the magic weapon, there is no need to specially cultivate this drop of blood essence, but now to use the blood slave mark, you must cultivate this drop of essence blood and control this drop of blood essence. Form a blood array!
This drop of specially cultivated blood is very spiritual, and this is where the power of the blood slave mark lies.

"If you use this kind of essence and blood to sacrifice magic weapons, what will be the effect?" Gao Jiuding was a little bit analogous.

(End of this chapter)

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