The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 230 Mass Manufacturing

Chapter 230 Mass Manufacturing

"Don't be obsessive, it's better to have less daydreaming!" After saying that, the little fox disappeared.

"Hey, I've been tricked!" After the little fox disappeared, Gao Jiuding immediately became dejected.

Who knew regular spaceships could be so easy to build?The tonnage of a Holy Light spacecraft is only 240 tons. How much is such a small amount of materials worth?

Refined yellow-grade materials, such as black iron ore, can be refined into black iron, and a ton of low-grade spirit stones will not exceed 100 yuan. How much is this?

The hull of the 4000 yuan low-grade spirit stone, plus some other five-element materials, will definitely not exceed 1 yuan low-grade spirit stone.

With such a thing, those black-hearted ghosts dare to sell 100 million low-grade spirit stones, their hearts are so black and shiny, right?
Compared with the shoddy spaceship shell, the ancillary equipment inside it is more valuable.

So, for a spaceship of Holy Light, people dare to sell 3000 million pieces of low-grade spirit stones. How dark is it to come up with such a ridiculous price?

"Fortunately, the performance of the Holy Light Spaceship can be compared to the Five-Crystal Battleship, otherwise I will be miserable!" Gao Jiuding could only comfort himself in this way.

The material of the Five-Crystal Battleship is definitely not comparable to that of the Holy Light Mining Ship. You can also see a clue from the name. One is a mining ship and the other is a battleship. Are the two comparable?

He took out the jade shard and looked up the price of rubbing talisman and branding talisman. They were not expensive. Each piece only cost 1 yuan for low-grade spirit stones. Talismans that can be drawn.

Even the treasure talisman and the spirit talisman are not expensive, the treasure talisman costs 1000 yuan for mid-grade spirit stones, and the spirit talisman only costs 100 yuan for top-grade spirit stones.

The five-crystal battleship was built just now, and only a dozen or so treasure charms were used. At most, it was 1 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and it was only 100 million yuan when converted into low-grade spirit stones. It will not exceed 110 million.

The 110 million includes all materials, labor, and consumption. This is the cost of a bare ship.

Even if you buy some auxiliary equipment at a high price, it will only add a few million low-grade spirit stones at most.

If even the auxiliary equipment is manufactured by itself, the cost price of a holy light spaceship will definitely not exceed 300 million low-grade spirit stones.

A spaceship worth 300 million yuan was sold at a high price of 3000 million yuan, a huge profit of ten times. Which monk can bear such a profit?

"You must make it yourself!" Gao Jiuding has never had such a great desire for technology, and the main thing is the branding talisman, which is so easy to use.

At this time, An Shenxiu and Li Xitong happened to come over, and Gao Jiuding immediately asked, "What did you learn from watching other people build spaceships?"

"Not many, mainly molds, we haven't seen how they make them!" Li Xitong said with an unhappy face.

Originally, she thought that casting a spaceship was very difficult, so she took a learning attitude and observed carefully, but in the end she discovered that all the technology was in mold making and alloy formula, and there was no other technical content.

Forget about the alloy formula, that is the skill of the craftsman, they don't peep, but the agreed to observe the casting method, so those craftsmen can handle it?
At first they were very happy, because those refiners were so efficient that they prepared the molds in advance, but later they realized that this was also a kind of technical blockade.

"It's a bit unreasonable. Go to their stewards and let them continue to build five-crystal warships. If there are molds, use their molds. If not, make molds for me on the spot. When you learn to build molds yourself, five-crystal warships will also be built." You can stop the construction!" After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding immediately made a decision.

He has a lot of materials now, so naturally he can build as many spaceships as he can!
"By the way, those refiners asked us to pay for the materials!" After Li Xitong and the others left happily, An Shenxiu, who was left at the end, said.

"If they agree to our terms, they must pay!" Gao Jiuding said.

"But, they want a complete set of five-crystal warship construction materials!" An Shenxiu said.

Gao Jiuding's complexion changed, is this even a trap?

He immediately took out the contract. In the contract, it said two draws and one draw, but it was not marked on how to draw!

At that time, he seemed to be saying that after letting them refine the materials, take half of them, and then don't let them refine the black crystals and wood crystals in the future.

"Tell them that the construction of the first spaceship is free, and we don't need to pay for the materials. Also, they don't need to refine the wood crystal and black crystal in the future, so they have no reason to take half of it. When you go back, tell them by the way, If you want to do it, do it, if you don't want to do it, get out!" Gao Jiuding was a little annoyed when he was almost cheated by Li Rusong.

"If we don't let them refine it, what about our ores?" An Shenxiu hesitated a little, but still asked.

"We build the furnace ourselves, don't forget, we still have six masters!" Gao Jiuding comforted, he could feel An Shenxiu's worry.

"According to the contract, they can't suspend work now, and the loss due to suspend work will be compensated according to their construction speed!" An Shenxiu pointed to the contract and said.

"What do you mean? Afraid of wasting their manpower? At the beginning, I thought they had few people and low efficiency. It seems that Li Rusong didn't think this way. We couldn't provide enough support, so they asked us to compensate for lost work?
Let them refine those ores first, especially those black iron ores, tell them, I will cast hundreds of crocodile-class mining ships in the future, and let them refine the black iron ores with all their strength, I don't believe it, so much black iron Ore is not enough for them to toss! "After carefully looking at the contract, Gao Jiuding realized that he had thought too well.

He is afraid that others will not be able to complete the casting task in a short time, and others are also afraid that he will waste manpower.

As long as the work is not stopped and a spaceship is cast, Li Rusong will get the materials for a spaceship.

Calculated in this way, how could he still be willing to steal and play tricks?Naturally, if one more ship can be built, one more ship will be built.

An Shenxiu opened her mouth, but said nothing in the end, if they really cast hundreds of spaceships, how will they control them then?

Watching An Shenxiu walk out quickly, Gao Jiuding sighed, he must have cultivated a false one, who is so troublesome to cultivate the real one?
How did he get here, all kinds of tedious things?

Shouldn't he retreat once for a few years, and start punching Beishan Nursing Home and kicking Nanhai Kindergarten as soon as he comes out?

"Smelting must be smelted, and alloy materials must be obtained!" Gao Jiuding's mind was concentrated on the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

He didn't rush to observe the six master craftsmen, but sank his mind into the control center of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

"Huh? Has it changed again?" Gao Jiuding looked at a large Tai Chi formed inside the central space, feeling very magical, this space seems to be able to refine anything!

"Is this the change of Yin and Yang? The effect brought by the Yin Lingzhu and Ye Mingzhu?" Gao Jiuding carefully observed the changes inside the space.

It used to be chaotic here, but at this time, yin and yang have begun to divide. This is a good change. Maybe there will be day and night in the space soon.

The emergence of day and night changes must be beneficial to plant growth, and other benefits need to be carefully observed!
Withdrew from the central control space, Gao Jiuding's mind was placed in the fire room of the central mountain range.

These six fire rooms are all built around the space where the fire eyes were originally located. The six fire rooms have opened up six passages, all of which are connected to the fire eyes, forming six ground fire fire rooms.

What came out of the fire room was lava fire, not the spiritual fire hidden in the fire eye.

The fire eye is the fire exit of the fire vein, and the flames emitted have their own spiritual energy, which can be compared to the spiritual fire of heaven and earth.

Compared with spiritual fire, lava fire naturally has less spirituality and is more difficult to control. With the help of spiritual fire, the refiner can flexibly control the flame, so spiritual fire is very important to the refiner.

At this time, there is a spiritual fire hidden in the fire outlets of the six fire chambers. With the help of the spiritual fire, the craftsman can easily adjust the size of the flame, and even let the spiritual fire suppress the flame at will, or even let it out. Fire will no longer come out from the mouth of the fire, this is the function of the spiritual fire.

Of course, these spiritual fires have not been practiced by the refiner, they can only passively accept the urging of the refiner's true energy, and cannot communicate with the refiner's mind, so that they can truly move like arms and fingers. The difference between recognizing the Lord and denying the Lord.

Checking one fire room after another, all the refiners inside were refining weapons, but the first few were all refining materials, which Gao Jiuding asked the little fox to put in the fire room.

Because of the high hopes for these craftsmen, it is better for Gao Jiuding to put long-growth materials, such as geomagnetite, star iron, gold soul, ice soul, fire copper, white copper, etc., and now it is difficult to grind copper And two kinds of heaven-level materials have not been taken out.

"The flame is still a bit weak, even with the help of the spiritual fire, the refining speed is much slower!" Gao Jiuding looked at a smelting furnace, they were all melting materials, and the melting speed was not as satisfactory.

"Mid-grade fire spirit stones, supported by a tiny spirit vein, and a spirit fire, it's still so slow. Could it be that they sacrificed earth-level materials?"

"Huh? What's that?" Suddenly, in the last fire room, Gao Jiuding found that the craftsman was holding a small stove and putting it into the pool not far from the fire exit. Obviously quenching!
Gao Jiuding had seen such a small stove several times, and among the several fire rooms in front, almost every one had one or two such stoves. This is what the refiner eats, so naturally Gao Jiuding would not admit it wrong.

In the fire room, it is not surprising to find a refining furnace. He thought it was brought by these refining masters, but seeing the actions of a refining master, the refining furnace in his hand was obviously made by him just now. what!
Looking back, Gao Jiuding quickly noticed the difference after checking one by one.

"Purple Copper Furnace, Red Copper Furnace, or Red Copper Furnace, only the last one is made of Fire Copper Furnace!" Gao Jiuding was very happy, these craftsmen really lived up to their reputation, and it took only one day to refine all of them. A large number of refining furnaces.

 Thanks to Yuchen Xiaocuti, book friend 20180604144415713, and crazy brothers who are ten years late for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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