Chapter 242
Cultivation is difficult, and it is difficult to ascend to the blue sky!
Law couple wealth and land are indispensable for everything. At this time, Gao Jiuding dare not say that he can continue to practice smoothly!

Gao Jiuding said: "Put everything in the study room, you can figure it out, let me remind you first, after you recognize the master with a drop of blood, you have to wait for the treasure to automatically attract spiritual energy and open up the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian. Body, very simple.

With the treasure tool to guide, it is easy to see inside. After seeing clearly the aura in one's body, a sea of ​​dantian qi is opened up, and only after the qi is drawn into the body can one formally practice.

At this time, you need to calm down and carefully perceive the spiritual energy in your body. The process of cultivation is to control this spiritual energy, and after refining it will form a true energy that can be controlled by yourself.

And how can we refine the aura?This requires the help of the natal magic weapon. Yours is the Minghong Fire Phoenix Knife, and I use the Earth Spirit Stone. With it as the power source for gathering spirits, we can attract the spiritual energy in the body and gather it towards the dantian.

In this process, we need to open up the meridians and refine more aura. This is the process of refining and transforming qi. The practice is actually to teach us how to refine and transform qi. This is also what we need to practice. How to get as much spiritual energy as possible? Refining and refining essence and aura, and transforming them into true qi, this will be the focus of our cultivation for a long time to come.

Refining and transforming qi requires running exercises. Recently, you should get familiar with the wood-burning knife art, at least you must memorize it thoroughly, especially the exercise route, those meridians and acupoints need to be memorized carefully. If you can clear it It's even better if you know where it is.

That's enough, I've told you all that needs to be said. When you calm down, you can recognize the master with a drop of blood. After refining the natal magic weapon, opening up the Dantian Qi sea, and accumulating enough spiritual energy, I will help you open up the meridians. Start formal cultivation, what should be busy now, just go and do it! "

"It's really not suitable for cultivation now!" Wu Qingxian said softly.

"Sister Wu has been practicing mind training since she was a child, I never thought you would be excited!" Li Xitong said to his companion with a smile.

"It's because Li Xitong is able to keep her heart and look carefree, but in fact no one is more careful than her!" Zhou Yaxian said.

"You are also very good, I didn't even see if you were excited!" Chen Kexin muttered.

"You all performed very well, at least you didn't jump up!" Gao Jiuding laughed and said, he is really satisfied with these beauties who are blue and beautiful.

It's a pity that so many beauties, so many elites, so many beauties with both wisdom and beauty, all belong to him.

Every time he thinks of this, Gao Jiuding can't help shouting happily, the feeling of all the beauties in the world entering my room is really wonderful.

"Alright, alright, let's start working, Li Xitong, you go and watch those refiners, don't let them waste our materials!"

"Those of you who have the opportunity to study the cheats, please be honest with me. Introducing Qi into the body is not easy. You can't practice secretly by yourself. Be careful in the end, and the most critical moment, you will lose the chain.

If you have a problem with your own cultivation, go crazy, or hurt your meridians, don’t blame us for being cruel. At that time, you will really become vases. Excuse me, don't I need to remind you of this?Well, you're not kids anymore, I'm starting to assign work. "

"Chen Kexin, prepare your meals. Those guys are pigs. When they get an opportunity, why don't they let go of their bellies? Don't cook carefully, they just need a big pot of rice!"

"Zhou Yaxian, don't you want to find someone to help refine the materials? This is your strong point, don't hire some spies from other forces!"

"Wu Qingxian, don't go anywhere, just stay in the room and study the Burning Wood Knife Art. We will all count on you then!"

"Zhang Xiaohe, Zhou Yushu, you two study the saber technique, and we will learn from you when the time comes. If we can't let us learn quickly, we will peel off your skin carefully!"

In an instant, An Shenxiu turned into a queen and began to arrange work directly. This was the first time Gao Jiuding had seen such an Shenxiu.

It turned out that he was only in the communication channel, listening to An Shenxiu's strategizing and commanding, but this time he saw it with his own eyes, and the aura was really like a female president.

So, temperament is really not an act of pretending. This kind of innate aloofness is the so-called nobility, right?
Elegant and extravagant, we are talking about a woman like An Shenxiu.

It was still bustling with people just now, a group of people were chatting, laughing, arguing, throwing themselves into their arms, but in a blink of an eye, the building was already empty, leaving nothing but desolation.

"Hey, I'm getting used to being alone more and more!" Gao Jiuding shook his head and walked towards the kitchen. He seemed to be hungry again.

"Hey, Beauty Kitchen, what are you going to do if you don't cook?" Just as she walked to the door of the kitchen, she saw Beauty Kitchen coming out in all her attire.

Chen Kexin wore a pure white off-the-shoulder dress, her beautiful collarbone looming.

The material of the skirt was so white that it seemed to be transparent, with a slight glow. Gao Jiuding knew that it was a silk fabric made of spirit silk.

This is just an ordinary dress, without any function, even the defense is the same. Its only advantage is that it is beautiful, and in order to be beautiful, someone is willing to spend Lingshi to buy it.

"What's wrong? Am I more beautiful? I've wanted to dress up and go shopping for a long time, but I never dared to. Now I finally have the chance!" Chen Kexin smiled happily.

"Going out in such a suit? Isn't it good?" Gao Jiuding continued to stare at Chen Kexin.

This beauty, dressed in such a way, is simply a sin, and if she goes out, can't she be peeped at?

However, Gao Jiuding really can't say more, because this outfit is really out of the ordinary!

Although the material is thin and a bit transparent, it doesn't show at all. The hem of the skirt curves from high to low. It is gracefully puffed up, only revealing the beauty's white and slender legs like jade. Are you exposed?
Eyes fixed on the corner of the beauty's skirt, the corners of the skirt are covered with dots of diamonds, like countless beautiful morning dew.

Such a beautiful scenery, such a beauty, even if you don't expose it, you can't go shopping casually!
"You can't dress up like this, especially when you go out to meet your friends. It's even more disrespectful to your friends. Do you have any other clothes? Come, let me give you a reference." Gao Jiuding directly grabbed the kitchen beauty and pulled her Pushing and hugging into the room.

Chu Meiren looked confused, she didn't know why Gao Jiuding's reaction was like this!
"When you go out to do errands, you should dress generously and not too casually. Look, these trousers are very good. How beautiful are the green flowers?"

"This is a camouflage uniform. We wore it during military training. It has not been used for a long time. I wanted to throw it away, but it was a memory, so I kept it!"

"What are you talking about? How can you throw away such good slim-fit trousers?"

"The camouflage uniform is still slim? What look in your eyes?"

"You really make me sad, look, there are so many good fashion hats, and the size can be adjusted at the back, how disrespectful is the long hair shawl? Put a ponytail, this hat is really suitable to wear!"

"This is a camouflage military cap, it really matches these camouflage pants!" Chen Kexin was already gnashing his teeth.

"Also, what the hell are these high-heeled shoes? Do you know that wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time will deform your feet? What a pity that such beautiful little feet are deformed? These shoes are good, light and breathable, and nourish your feet. Just wear them!"

"Fortunately, there are no yellow rubber shoes now. This pair of camouflage sneakers can really look fashionable. Hey, you can wear shoes when you wear them. Why are you taking off my socks?"

"Stockings are too ordinary, all women wear them, how can you show your difference? Or put on this pair of thicker ones, it will look good, by the way, and this fashionable jacket , the best match for you!"

"I just go out in a jacket?"

"Okay, it's normal to dress up like this. Just now, you can't see people with your dress. That is, you met me. Otherwise, you would feel ashamed after going out. How embarrassing?"

"Pfft!" Chen Kexin burst out laughing. Men, they all hope that other women's women don't wear clothes, but they also want their own women to be fully wrapped up. It was just thinking of this that Chen Kexin laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Gao Jiuding was a little embarrassed, so his voice was a little louder. It was justified because the voice was louder. Have you ever heard of it?To be the first to win, the momentum must not be lost.

"Stop laughing, but you can't go out like this!" Finally Chen Kexin said.

"Why can't it work?" Gao Jiuding looked at it, this outfit was much more pleasing to the eye than the one just now.

"Going out like this, it's not easy to find someone available!" Chen Kexin said helplessly.

"An available person? A vegetable seller? It's hard to find such a person?" Gao Jiuding believed that women dare to lie about anything for the sake of beauty.

Chen Kexin spread her hands and said: "Not only the people who cooperate with us to sell vegetables, but also other people, the eldest sister told me, you can't just rely on Zhou Yaxian to spread the crisis, find more people, find different people, so that we Will not be manipulated.

Especially craftsman apprentices, as long as our conditions are not too harsh, we can still find some. After all, we have no shortage of resources, and we can also provide them with opportunities to practice! "

"So that's how it is. The way to show your strength is very simple, just wait!" Gao Jiuding took out his jade scepter, intending to buy some equipment that can show his strength.

In today's society, dogs see people as inferior, and some luxury equipment is still necessary.

There are all kinds of equipment on, there are good things, and there are more weird ones, especially the kind of garbage that is just good-looking and useless. .

(End of this chapter)

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