The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 245 It's All Drama

Chapter 245 It's All Drama
Li Rusong is an honest and treacherous guy, Gao Jiuding was not happy with his proposal at all: "A middle-grade spirit stone in the market is a catty, and they are all ordinary spirit vegetables. My spirit stones grow in the second-level spirit field." Vegetables are different from ordinary spiritual vegetables!"

"Brother, how much difference can there be? I have hundreds of people, and I'm living with you!" Li Rusong directly mentioned the misbehavior of his subordinates. Those subordinates must have reported to him, otherwise , he would not guess so quickly that Gao Jiuding has a large number of second-level spiritual fields!

"The difference is not big, but there is definitely a difference. Others don't know it, but you should know it. The price is too low!" Gao Jiuding said firmly.

"Brother, I'm a wholesaler. Even if you ask someone to help you sell it, you still need to pay labor costs!" Li Rusong said earnestly.

Gao Jiuding touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Are you so concerned? It's just some spiritual vegetables, so you have no bottom line?"

"It's just some spiritual vegetables? Brother, you are a full man who doesn't know that hungry men are hungry. There are too many people eating in our family. Who do you want to eat and who don't you want to eat? Also, the price of spiritual vegetables on the market now , why was it fired up?
It's not that our same batch of spaceships are all harvested, they are all building spaceships wantonly, so hiring people to work, of course they have to take care of food, no matter how many spiritual vegetables you grow at home, there is not enough to eat! "Li Rusong was also very helpless.

On the family spaceship, although he can't say what he says, he still has a certain right to speak. If he has a right, he has an obligation, and raising people is a very troublesome obligation.

After the voyage, the people on the spaceship are all helpers, and when it is repaired, these people become pure foodies. They can't bring benefits to the spaceship owner, and they will even increase the loss continuously.

Because they don't have jobs, they have more time to cultivate. After a long time of cultivation, they will naturally refine a lot of spiritual energy, but where does the spiritual energy come from?Nature is supplemented through various methods.

In the void of the universe, except for demons who can absorb dark energy, human monks can only absorb spiritual stones, spiritual grains, spiritual fruits, spiritual vegetables and other things that contain spiritual energy for cultivation.

But which spaceship can have unlimited space for them to plant?
Besides, planting doesn't consume spirit stones?

Is it so easy to cultivate a magic weapon of space that can be cultivated?

"I can't help it. I also need to earn some spirit stones to support my family. As you know, I spend a lot of money every day!" Gao Jiuding didn't want to sell it to Li Rusong, even if it was bad.

The spiritual vegetables in his hands are not unsalable, and Li Rusong also said just now that there is a shortage of spiritual vegetables in the market, so why should he wholesale them to Li Rusong at a price ten times lower than the market price?
"Brother, take care, take care, we need a large quantity, and we still receive the goods for a long time. It's not easy for you to find such a good home!" Li Rusong continued to plead.

Gao Jiuding thought for a while and said: "Ten kilograms of spiritual vegetables only need nine medium-grade spirit stones, and the price cannot be further reduced. I believe that no stall will refuse this price. After all, if you sell ten kilograms, you can make a profit." A medium-grade spirit stone!"

"It's not that simple. Those fixed booths all have backstage bosses. They can't help you sell things!" Li Rusong said.

Gao Jiuding smiled lightly and said, "I didn't want to find those people either. What if I were looking for casual cultivators? Find a few more, and they will always sell. There are so many middle-grade spirit stones harvested every day. You think they Would you like to do it?"

Gao Jiuding was really not afraid of not being able to find someone, just like a tour guide like Li Xiangyang, how much money can they make every day?
Earning a few middle-grade spirit stones every day is better than being a tour guide, right?
"A medium-grade spirit stone and two catties of spirit vegetables are already a very sincere price!" Li Rusong gritted his teeth.

Gao Jiuding shook his head directly, if he could earn more, why wouldn't he earn more?
"Ten catties of spirit vegetables and eight pieces of medium-grade spirit stones are the lowest price. If you still want to take advantage, go find someone else!" Gao Jiuding was already a little bored, the richer he was, the more he was a vampire.

He didn't believe that Li Rusong's family didn't have a hand in storage rings. After all, the second-level craftsman he sent over was already able to make storage rings.

For such a person, their family must not be short of spirit stones, and they must not have idle food, so what is their usual job?Why don't you help them hug the Lingshi?
Now that he knew that the price of the storage ring was inflated, Li Rusong didn't remind him that this was the rhythm of wanting to continue cheating him, and if he could cheat him twice, he definitely wouldn't cheat him only once.

"Okay, I want a thousand catties a day, 80 yuan for the production of middle-grade spirit stones, can you supply it?" Li Rusong immediately placed the order.

"Barely able to supply!" Gao Jiuding didn't speak, but looked at Chen Kexin. Chen Kexin was not stupid, so naturally he wouldn't say this amount of supply, it was just a drizzle.

Gao Jiuding didn't know about the others. He only knew that the eggplants on the half-acre field could pick more than 1000 catties a day. Moreover, this kind of picking volume had lasted for several days, and it would continue for a longer period of time.

Others include cucumbers and tomatoes, which are more productive.

Take tomatoes for example. A tall tomato tree can produce tens of thousands of catties of fruit. In Lingtian, many tomatoes have turned into fruit trees.

The most important thing is that they don't occupy the second-level spiritual fields. Now those tomato trees have all been transplanted into the mountains. It can be said that the mountains and plains are full of these things.

Space plants have a tendency to become huge. Their most obvious advantage is high yield. Now Gao Jiuding transplants them in the mountains of the first-level spiritual fields, and they produce many fruits every day. They can be picked and harvested at any time. It can be picked up in a short time.

After dismissing Li Rusong, Gao Jiuding didn't intend to change the itinerary. That guy was crazy and didn't know what he was thinking. Naturally, he wouldn't pin all his hopes on Li Rusong.

"Boss, are those big families really so short of spiritual vegetables? Are they doing something big?" Chen Kexin asked after closing the video communication.

"It's really possible. Recently, many spaceship owners have been buying all kinds of supplies like crazy!" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"Then shall we still sell it?" Chen Kexin was a little worried. She was afraid that she would do something bad with good intentions. She would really use it at that time, but found out that it was dealt with at a low price. After all, there were too many pitfalls in the cultivation world.

"No matter what, we can't eat our spiritual vegetables. Now that the market is good, let's sell as much as possible!" Gao Jiuding had no intention of accumulating spiritual vegetables.

There are so few of them that they can't eat at all. Even if the price of the supplies will increase in the future, he can still make money by processing them now. In this case, why should he wait until later?

However, those people buy large quantities of supplies every day, and they must be thinking about sailing quickly, but where are they going?It is more particular, Gao Jiuding is only interested in this.

"Don't worry, those people don't necessarily lack spiritual vegetables, maybe there are too many people!" Seeing that Chen Kexin was still worried, Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"Too many people?" Chen Kexin was a little confused.

Gao Jiuding laughed and said: "Put a few more space pagodas in the spaceship, wouldn't the population increase? There are many people eating, and the space magic weapon planted is still the same, so naturally it is not enough to eat! Well, we are here, we are going where?"

"It's enough for the spaceship to stop at the airport. To hire people, you still need to let those guides lead the way. No one is more familiar with those low-level apprentices than them!" Chen Kexin said.

Gao Jiuding nodded. At that time, Chen Xiangyang seemed to have said that as long as he collected enough spirit stones, he would also sign up to learn some skills.

"Senior, do you need a guide? I am most familiar with the French base!"

"Senior, bars, nightclubs, KTV, if you want entertainment, you can definitely find me!"

"Are you stupid? Senior brought a beautiful woman? Did senior come shopping? Wholesale and retail are all available. If you want to shop, I am also familiar with all kinds of brand-name magic weapons and clothing!"

"Senior, senior, I am a know-it-all, just ask me, hire me!"

"Senior, do you need to buy supplies? I am most familiar with the prices at this stage!"

"Senior, do you need weapons or repair the spaceship? Our Shengguang Company is the largest spaceship wholesaler under this starry sky!"

"It's just you, from Shengguang Company?" After stopping several people's self-introductions, Chen Kexin confirmed one, and it was also from Shengguang Company.

Gao Jiuding took a funny look at Chen Kexin, this beauty doesn't dare to look him in the eyes now, this is a sign of guilt.

In fact, Gao Jiuding had sensed her mental activity long ago. Didn't he play an oboe with Chen Xiangyang earlier, which led him to Shengguang Company to buy a lot of equipment?

"Did you make a lot of money back then?" Gao Jiuding asked suddenly, these women are all drama masters!
"Ah? What?" Chen Kexin was startled by Gao Jiuding.

When Gao Jiuding saw her performance, he was immediately delighted: "You really can't be a spy. This kind of performance is not qualified. It seems that I really missed several billions!"

When Gao Jiuding said this, Chen Kexin felt even more embarrassed.

"Who knew we could cooperate so well?" Chen Kexin muttered with a laugh.

"I never thought that the cooperation would be so smooth? Why do you dare to take risks?" Gao Jiuding has always been curious about this point.

"Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. We have known your past. Even if you suffer a little loss, you will not be undone. Moreover, we also got some spirit stones when we bought the Bright Battleship last time!" Chen Kexin's face turned red, it seemed that I'm really sorry.

"It's okay, what's the relationship between us? Others can cheat me, so naturally you can, there's nothing to be embarrassed about!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand, pretending to be generous.

What else can he say?People can be fooled by cheating, how can he still blame Chen Kexin and the others for this?

This is a happy thing for relatives and enemies. Would Gao Jiuding do such a mindless thing?

Besides, Chen Kexin and the others didn't make much money, and Shengguang Company still made the most of it.

However, Gao Jiuding's heart hurts when he thinks of the 3000 million Holy Light spaceship!

(End of this chapter)

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