Chapter 269

"Touch!" Another spaceship that was too close was knocked out by the Fox.

Seeing the three spaceships piled together, the other spaceships maneuvered quickly like frightened rabbits.

"They are all veterans, but their movements are so skillful!"

"Just now it was because of the delay in the space jump, otherwise we would not have been able to attack the spaceship so easily!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Don't I know? Now that we can lock the three unlucky ships, it is our victory!" There was a strong smile in the little fox's tone.

The three spaceships were smashed to a fixed position by it. At this time, they almost collided with each other. Such three spaceships, as long as they are well controlled, have almost no ability to turn over.

"One million middle-grade spirit stones, please help!"

"300 million yuan, bastards around, are you watching this new ship rob us?"

"Don't forget, you guys are catching up too. If our equipment is robbed, such a new ship will soon be upgraded to level two, and then you won't be able to eat it all!"

"Bastard, what are you afraid of? This new ship is greedy enough to attack our three spaceships at once. Just ouch, this bastard hit us again!"

"Don't talk nonsense, our spaceship disintegrated after being hit a few times!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? We have a lot of ships, and those who are watching the excitement outside should look for opportunities to attack. The lesson from the past is in front of us. As long as we hit this new ship once, he won't be able to escape."

"Our three spaceships have attracted his attention, you must seize the opportunity!"

"300 million middle-grade spirit stones per ship!"

"Yes, each ship must give at least 300 million middle-grade spirit stones."

"Also, the spoils of our three ships will be divided into [-]%!"

"Okay, you bastards, hurry up and attack!"

"Touch!" The New Fox floated up and flew up a spaceship again, causing the guy who wanted to get out of the attack circle to hit another spaceship directly.

At this time, the New Fox rotated, flew in another direction, and directly hit the third spaceship that was trying to fly upwards.

"Maneuver, don't lose the opportunity!" Seeing that the three spaceships were attacked one after another without any counterattack power, the other spaceships also became anxious.

"Don't worry, as long as he doesn't lose the upper hand, he can't deal with our six spaceships at once!"

"Be careful approaching, as soon as you find that he may jump and walk, speed up the attack, and don't let him leave the battlefield!"

"Don't worry, my laser cannon has locked on to him, there is absolutely no way for him to run away, this is the price of greed!"

"Haha, this is a novice. If we weren't too confident in his new ship, we would have absolutely no way to surround him!"

The three spaceships are like butterflies wearing flowers on the periphery, doing fast maneuvers, such flying spaceships, even a little fox, can't lock and attack them.

Obviously, these spaceships will not compare the hull hardness of the Fox, but want to get close to the Fox, disrupt the attack rhythm of the Fox, and free the other three spaceships.

Their idea was very good. If only the spaceship New Fox fought alone, he would not even have a chance to escape at this time.

The current series of attacks by the New Fox happened entirely while the three spaceships were jumping through the space, just getting out of the space rift, and waiting for the torn space rift to heal.

The space coordinates chosen by those three unlucky ships were too close to the New Fox, and because they had just jumped over, they could not avoid the impact of the Fox, so they were seized by the little fox. They missed the opportunity, and now they can only Passively accept impact.

However, if the little fox wants to jump and walk at this time, it must stop flying and break the surrounding space before it can jump and walk.

But this kind of action also has a lagging process. During this process, the other three spaceships watching around are obviously not giving him a chance to escape.

So, now it has become the New Fox and the three surrounding spaceships, all doing fast maneuvers, afraid of being attacked by the opponent.

As for the other three spaceships, they can only passively accept the impact. At this time, it depends on who persists until the end.

According to the general situation, Gao Jiuding, who has only one spaceship, will definitely suffer. Even if he defeats the defenses of the three spaceships at this time, he has no chance to go up to collect the spoils.

On the contrary, with a slow movement, it is possible to suffer continuous attacks. At that time, let alone robbing the three unlucky ones, it would be good if he was not robbed by the other three spaceships.

However, things often have an accident, Gao Jiuding was being targeted, didn't he know?
Why did it take half a year to leave?Are you still waiting for your own fleet to form?

At this time, only six spaceships had caught up, and all of them were Tier [-] treasure ships. Gao Jiuding was a little disappointed!

"Close the Internet cafe!" Seeing that the other three ships had approached a dangerous distance, Gao Jiuding said.

"Anyway, I won't lose money. I still want to adapt to the performance of the spaceship! Carry out space jumps according to the established coordinates!" The little fox still felt a little regretful that he didn't launch a magic attack, but under the current situation, he really couldn't launch it. Prohibition on the spaceship for long-range attacks.

As soon as the little fox finished speaking, ten five-crystal battleships jumped out of the asteroid cemetery far away in the alliance base.

Jumping three astronomical units at a time, every time the space is a little more stable, the spaceship will jump again, jumping three times in succession, it only took five seconds.

In such a short period of time, the six spaceships would not respond at all, not to mention, they never thought that there would be a spaceship to pick up the new Fox.

Therefore, when ten five-crystal warships suddenly appeared beside them, the six spaceships were all stunned.

The three unlucky guys who were constantly attacked and couldn't find a chance to stabilize the spaceship were even more heartbroken.

And the three outer spaceships that were maneuvering also forgot to maneuver quickly at this time, they just wanted to get out of here quickly.

However, they were one step behind the ten five-crystal battleships around them!
The jumping positions of the ten five-crystal warships were cleverly chosen, and they immediately launched an attack before they stopped.

When the ten five-crystal battleships moved, the hearts of the three who wanted to stop their rapid maneuvering and prepare to jump in space became cold.

At the beginning, they still had extravagant hopes. What if these spaceships were also aimed at the New Fox?
Now it seems that no matter whether they are here for the New Fox or not, they are going to beat the rabbits and want to take them all.

These spaceships at this time all have a feeling of being called by dogs, what the hell, they hunt all day long, and today they are finally called by people!

The mentality of the people in the field is different, some are happy, some are depressed, some are afraid, and some are excited.

Gao Jiuding was happy, the first three spaceships attacked were frustrated, the next three spaceships that participated in the siege of Gao Jiuding were scared, and the ten beauties who just got a new ship and became captains for the first time were excited.

Gao Jiuding was delighted that it was a good start. His accumulation began to bear fruit, so he couldn't be unhappy?That's a good sign!

The first three spaceships to be attacked were angry at first, then hopeful, and finally depressed.

The three spaceships that participated in the back couldn’t help but be afraid. They knew what would happen after being robbed. Thinking of the spaceships that were robbed by them, they trembled with fear. Thinking about the result, they shuddered.

An Shenxiu and the others were very excited. At this time, they were definitely elated!
It used to be just a plaything that can be bought and sold at will, but now, they have stood on top of the vast majority of human beings and become the few who decide the fate of others!

With that in mind, and looking at the six spaceships that were fenced off like abused daughter-in-laws waiting to be ravaged by them, there was no reason for them not to be excited.

"Attack one by one, don't be shy!"

"Attention, attention, everyone cannot use magic attacks, all use physical attacks, it is best to let their spaceships keep rolling until they surrender!"

"Pay attention to the direction of the attack, try to attack a place, break the defense of the spaceship, they will be finished, and there will be no one left!"

"Many people are watching our actions!"

"Look at what's going on? We didn't do it first!"

"It seems that the big boss moved first!"

"Nonsense, the big boss is called to strike first!"

"Yes, these people have bad intentions, don't they let us fight back? We are forced to fight back, and we can destroy these spaceships!"

"People were killed too?"

"For that kind of stubborn and stubborn guy, you can kill him!"

"Yes, for the sake of safety, we can't let go of that kind of diehard!"

"There seems to be some rules in the air battle within the alliance, right?"

"What rules? You can log in to, as long as you are not within the coverage of, all rules are decided by the strong!"

"Forget it, there are still some rules that need to be followed. If we don't follow them, isn't the alliance certification that the big boss gave us in vain?"

"What are the rules? Why don't I know?"

"Open the hatch of the folding warehouse, or we will launch the final attack!"

A group of women directly broadcasted a broadcast. They communicated in plain text, and anyone with a heart in this airspace could listen to their discussion.

For this group of smart women, Gao Jiuding expressed his satisfaction. He has now stood at the commanding heights of morality. Even if he does too much at this time, the entire alliance can't say anything about him.

"We surrender, please abide by the rules of the alliance!" Soon one spaceship couldn't take it anymore.

This one was the first to be attacked. The standard of the spacecraft is very old, and I don’t know how they messed up. Since they have the money to buy a space folding mirror radar, why don’t they know how to modify the outer shell of the spacecraft?
 Thanks for the reward of 500 coins from Niju brothers, thanks to Yuchen Xiaocutie, Tang Bohu Shuanghuashuangyueshuang Qiuxiang, Whale Swallowing Thousands of Miles, Ten Years Late Crazy and other brothers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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