The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 271 Pushed to Despair

Chapter 271 Pushed to Despair (6000 Recommendations plus more)
Last week, there were still more than 200 recommendations and less than [-], but today I still added more. I hope you guys will support me a lot!

Gao Jiuding understood after thinking about it, it's okay to hide in the cockpit and not resist, as long as they get out of the cockpit, it's a matter of whether they can keep Dao Honglu.

"Those refiners are very good, and they actually successfully developed the unmanned mecha!" The little fox actually showed a satisfied look at this time.

"Unmanned fighter jets were developed as early as 50 years ago. Small drones have long been put into the battlefield. Even unmanned tanks have been put into the battlefield for actual combat. Now they are just some unmanned drones. A, what's the matter?" Seeing more and more mechas breaking into the six spaceships, Gao Jiuding showed a smug smile on his face.

Whether it's because of the technical blockade or other reasons, unmanned mechas, or by mistake, unmanned robots, have not been used on a large scale in the cultivation world.

Regardless of whether they disdain to use it, or don't know how to use it at all, anyway, Gao Jiuding developed the unmanned mech.

A group of people with ulterior motives who keep wandering around you is a terrible thing!
If there is a group of people who know the basics and are willing to be close to you and protect you by your side, that is a great help.

An Shenxiu and the others have no other advantages, but they are very familiar with military affairs, whether it is materials, biology, or manufacturing.

With their help, is it difficult to make some self-propelled mechs?
The mecha is just a tank with a different shape, and for some schoolgirls, this is a piece of cake.

Gao Jiuding came up with this idea after seeing those experimental small demon refining pots. Combining with An Shenxiu and the others' hands-on ability, the current army of mechas came into being.

In the world of comprehension, you can buy a large number of puppets that walk automatically, so why not transform them into self-propelled mechas?Isn't this a combat robot?

The idea is simple, but it requires strong execution ability and sufficient resources and material support!
Gao Jiuding didn't have anything else, he just had the materials, the demon refining pot, which was just used for experiments, and he hadn't thought of how to use it. When he got the idea of ​​building a robot army, the demon refining pot turned into a demon refining furnace.

Since the Great Dao Hong Furnace can be used as a power furnace, why not the Demon Refining Furnace?
As long as there is enough power, the mecha will have no fighting power without human manipulation?

The power of the Demon Refining Furnace is not as powerful as that of the Great Dao Hong Furnace, but it is much stronger than humans. Have you ever seen any human beings that can activate the aura of thousands of low-grade spirit stones at one time to attack?

Humans should be equipped with exoskeleton armor instead of driving mechas to fight. Without the constraints of humans, mechas will definitely be able to explode with greater combat effectiveness.

And it is not difficult to do this at all. With the current level of intelligence, why does the mech need a human to drive it?
Exoskeleton armor is a defensive equipment used to protect human safety, so what is the mech?

Now that he saw the action capability and combat effectiveness of the mecha, Gao Jiuding was relieved, he was right.

The mechs don't need subtle operations, they only need powerful firepower and powerful armor-piercing ability. Therefore, Gao Jiuding equipped these mechas with two Vulcan cannons and two star swords.

The Vulcan cannon is a real hand cannon, with special large-caliber bullets, which are as big as bamboo shoots, and no one will object to small shells.

As for the Star War Knife, this is a top-level treasure that has the potential to grow into a spiritual weapon. It is all made of star iron. Just for these war knives, those refiners have wasted a lot of time. After all, they are earth-level materials and are not easy to refine!

It can be refined a little bit and used to make smaller weapons, and there is no problem at all.

With high-grade spirit stones, tens of thousands of star swords can be produced by refining a furnace of star iron, but refining treasures requires burning treasures, which is too expensive. Refined a batch, enough is enough.

Gao Jiuding, a persecuted delusional patient, now finally has a sense of security, and this sense of security comes entirely from his thorough preparation.

"The general trend is set!" Just when Gao Jiuding was deep in thought, the little fox spoke.

"It's settled?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"You have sent so many mechas with peak combat power in the foundation building period, who can stop your robbing pace?" What is unexpected is that he tends to toss around indiscriminately, and he really tosses out something extraordinary.

For example, now, this guy obviously doesn't have enough manpower, but he still dares to build so many warships.

Others don't know his details, but the little fox doesn't know?
Now those battleships are all empty shells, and the only combatants are those ten women.

Recently, that group of women recruited a lot of young miners, but those people were all apprentices who came here to learn technology, but few of them were willing to help them fight.

Of course, even if those people were willing, neither Gao Jiuding nor An Shenxiu would trust them.

It has to be said that Gao Jiuding was lucky that such a group of mobs actually drove six veteran monks to a desperate situation!

At first, the little fox thought it was lucky, but after thinking about it, he was terrified. Luck is also based on strength. If Gao Jiuding did not have enough strength, just like before, he would not be able to break through the cockpit of the victim. You won't get much loot, but now it's different, those people will lose the bottom!

Sure enough, as the little fox expected, those people quickly lost their resistance, because no matter how they resisted, those self-propelled mechas were fearless, and most importantly, they couldn't break through the mecha's defense.

Can't destroy the mech, and can't block the attack of the mech, how can this be played?
"Large computer equipment found!"

"Discover the Astrolabe!"

"I found the Jiugong array disk, but I didn't find the mounted magic weapon!"

"Radar found, suspected to be space folding mirror radar!"

"Found a suspected [-]D printer!"

"I found an automatic engraving machine!"

After breaching the cockpits of those people, the equipment of the spaceship was discovered, but the space equipment and weapons were still not found, not to mention the spaceship and mechs, not even the cannon.

"Search carefully, there is no way they don't have weapons!" Gao Jiuding gave the order.

"Enemy Ship No. [-] intends to hand over [-] holy light bombs in exchange for the spaceship and freedom!"

"The No. [-] enemy ship handed over [-] Light Arrow Talismans in exchange for the safety of the spaceship and itself!"

"You can't push too fast, this should be their limit!" When those guys handed over their weapons, it would be tantamount to giving up resistance completely. If they forced them again, it would be too much, because they would really jump over the wall in a hurry.

At this level, if Gao Jiuding continues to persecute, those peeping forces around will definitely jump out. Even at this time, a large number of spaceships have surrounded Gao Jiuding's fleet.

Gao Jiuding glanced at the surrounding void. There are many hidden spaceships, blatant spaceships, especially those hidden spaceships, each of which exudes a powerful spiritual light, which makes Gao Jiuding take a few extra glances.

"Can the invisibility array be used like this?" Gao Jiuding mobilized the radar, but he didn't find those spaceships hidden in the void, but his eyes clearly saw those spaceships with powerful auras.

After carefully checking the reactions of the surrounding spaceships, it was obvious that none of them knew about the existence of those stealth spaceships. If so, could he sneak attack them instead?
Here, the invisibility circle is activated, hiding not far from the battlefield, it must be malicious. For such a spaceship, Gao Jiuding doesn't like it!
"Boss, those people have made an oath of heaven, and they don't have middle-grade spirit stones in their hands!" Just as Gao Jiuding was thinking about how to calculate those hiding mice, An Shenxiu reported again.

"I swear that there are no more spirit stones? There are not many, are there not enough? Is there always a few million?" Gao Jiuding said dissatisfied, those guys, until now, have not seen the coffin without crying?

"Boss, they said that there is nothing left, and everything has been thrown into Da Dao Hong's furnace!" An Shenxiu's voice came from a little frustrated.

Gao Jiuding was also speechless, did he really intend to fight to the death?Those guys are really veterans, and they do everything without leaking.

"Materials, let them hand over most of the supplies. Only in this way can we be sure that they can't continue to track us, or they will destroy their spaceship!" Can't cure them.

This time it was An Shenxiu's turn to be silent. She was still inexperienced, and she still had to remind her by the boss, which meant that she hadn't adapted to the law of the jungle in the starry sky!
This made An Shenxiu a little angry: "Hand over the supplies for three years. If not, we will destroy your spaceship and retreat. We are acting in accordance with the alliance's practice. We are ensuring that the fleet will not continue to be attacked by enemy ships. Don't force it." We made it this far!"

The owners of the six spaceships all have mmp in their hearts. Is there such an alliance practice?Are we forcing you?What you are doing now is too extreme, step by step has pushed us into the abyss of despair!

What else can they say at this point?The price that should be paid has already been paid, how about working hard at this time?With whom?
Looking at a powerful mecha not far away, the six spaceship owners all showed bitterness. They had no choice but to compromise.

Then there was another round of wrangling, but no matter how much it was, at least 100 people had three years of supplies, and they couldn't afford it.

Soon, An Shenxiu reported again: "Boss, each spaceship handed over three storage rings, enough for a hundred people for three years, and some offensive weapons, [-] Light Arrow Talismans, [-] Holy Light Talismans , [-] chain lightning symbols, [-] holy light bullets."

"These old foxes haven't handed over any weapons that are really powerful enough to deal with spaceships? Forget it, prepare to close the team, we should leave!" Gao Jiuding looked at the more and more spaceships around him, feeling a little dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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