Chapter 287
Don't look at those large spirit stones, only look at the fragments, the last ones are the real fragments, which were slowly accumulated by these women over three months.

Bit by bit, bit by bit, being able to accumulate more than 100 million cubic meters of mid-grade spirit stones is also a very remarkable thing.

"How could this be? Could it be that the zodiac disc is so rich?" Gao Jiuding was really lost.

In Gao Jiuding's mind, there are only a large number of numbers at this time, 700 million tons of medium-grade spirit stones, divided into standard spirit stones, how many years will it take for his fleet?

Just these odds and ends, that’s 400 billion!
This number seems very auspicious, he has encountered it twice, and this time it is used to calculate middle-grade spirit stones!
With such a large number, how could Gao Jiuding not lose his mind?

"We're also wondering, what we've gained in the past two days is so good, it made us a little uneasy, that's why we came back!" An Shenxiu said with a smile on his face.

Gao Jiuding frowned, the harvest of the last two days?There is no danger, but you can still gain so much, no matter how you think about it, it is not normal!
"It's a very strange phenomenon. After we discussed it, we always thought that there was a live thunder bee in front of us. He wiped out all the demon generals, and we just caught a loophole!" Chen Kexin said.

Zhou Yaxian analyzed at this time: "Actually, I don't think so. I think there should be better treasures ahead. Those big devils or generals found out, and they were attracted away. The rest are some low-strength big ones." The devil, and the little devil who didn't sense anything at all, this is the main reason why we picked up the leak!"

"Your analysis is very reliable. Apart from this reason, there is no other better explanation!" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"Why do you have such an idea?" Li Xitong hugged Zhou Yaxian's head and started to shake it, because when she said that, Li Xitong also thought she was right.

"Baby, how big is the baby that can attract all the devil generals and many big devils?" Chen Yuan's eyes glowed, and she said eagerly.

"You have to grasp the important point, the important point is this unknown baby, passing by here, and attracting many powerful demons away!" Beauty Zhang Yujing is right, this is the point.

"If these guesses are correct, then there is no need to guess what kind of treasure it is!" At this time, Gao Jiuding understood a little bit.

"It's not too far from the Oort Nebula, right?" Zhang Yujing continued.

Gao Jiuding took a look at this beauty who was usually not very conspicuous. She is very wise and stupid, and she can often get to the point.

"Inverse Star's speed shouldn't be so fast, right? It's only been less than a year, and it can run more than 2 astronomical units?" An Shenxiu said.

The intersection of the ecliptic disc and the Oort Nebula is more than 2 astronomical units away from the Kuiper belt. How can a planet run so fast?
Gao Jiuding did some calculations. In the past three months, he has jumped more than 2000 times and stayed more than 100 times. The average space jump is about [-] times a day. In other words, he is already two miles away from the Kuiper Alliance Base. Ten thousand astronomical units?
It is indeed not far from the intersection of the ecliptic disc and the Oort nebula.

"This one is not an ordinary inverse star, it also has a name called Demon Battleship!" After thinking about all this, Gao Jiuding spread his hands and explained.

Through the little fox, Gao Jiuding has learned about the demon battleship. This kind of battleship is a battleship built by a super civilization on a large planet in the second galaxy C of the South Gate. They are very aggressive. This kind of battleship was built for What is meant is to plunder resources.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was curious, since the demon warship passed by here, why didn't the resources on those asteroids be collected?But leave it to An Shenxiu and the others?

"Is there something wrong with this battleship? By the way, it must have fallen here after being attacked by the alliance fleet!"

Gao Jiuding suddenly thought of the trace that the ship was strangled by the huge rattan. It was through that trace that the little fox deduced that the so-called Inverse Star was a resource plundering ship produced in the C galaxy.

"What should we do? Follow up and see?" Chen Yuan was the most bellicose, she didn't look scared at all, but was very excited.

"Do you know how long Nixing has been in the past? Just catch up?" Zhang Yujing was very timid, and she was unwilling to take risks.

An Shenxiu said: "It's a demon battleship, remember this, even if it is likely to go wrong, we can't underestimate it!"

Zhou Yaxian said: "It's too early for you to worry. According to my speculation, maybe before we catch up, that anti-star will be attacked again!"

"How did you figure it out?" Gao Jiuding asked with great interest.

Zhou Yaxian said while thinking: "If I'm not wrong, Ni Xing, no, it should be a demon warship. It used to have the ability to jump in space, but now there may be a problem. If it doesn't have the ability to jump in space, naturally it will Will not come here in such a short time.

Therefore, if it is a demon warship, it is likely to jump over suddenly, or fly over at high speed, pass by the resource stars we mined, and quickly move away.

Such a thing will only happen when the demon warship is in danger to protect itself. Otherwise, it cannot be explained that it has resources and does not exploit them. Also, only in an emergency, those demon generals and powerful giants Only the devil will be attracted away! "

Gao Jiuding smiled: "Your analysis is right. There must be something wrong with that demon warship. At least it can no longer jump in space. In other words, it should be not far from here. We only need to separate it in the ecliptic. If you block it at the junction of the disk and the Oort Nebula, you will definitely be able to wait for it."

"Yes, I think so too!" Li Xitong said with a grin.

"Then what should we do now?" Chen Yuan asked with bright eyes.

"Rest first, we've been exhausted recently!" Chen Kexin said.

An Shenxiu also said: "Yes, let's repair it first and make full preparations. We were in the past, but now who knows, how many fleets are waiting there?"

"Let's have a big meal today!" Chen Kexin waved his hand and said very proudly.

"I can't eat seafood dinner anymore!" Zhang Yujing said with a smile.

"I'm sure you won't be allowed to eat seafood, but this time I'll let you eat delicacies!" An Shenxiu also laughed.

Zhou Yaxian smiled and said: "Don't brag, even if we robbed six spaceships, we didn't get any magic weapon of portable space. Where did you get the mountain treasure?"

Chen Kexin gave her a blank look and said: "You are a little clever, we don't have one, the boss doesn't have one yet? In the bamboo forest of the boss, there is bamboo fungus, one of the eight treasures of grass. There are also bamboo insects and bamboo rats in the bamboo forest. These are the three. It's delicious, I'll make you white jade lotus seed porridge and crystal lotus root, this is four dishes and one porridge, isn't it easy to make a big meal?"

"How do you eat bugs and mice?" Zhang Yujing was not happy. Among them, she was one of the few who had never been a soldier, and she didn't know the delicacy of these two things.

An Shenxiu was also a little disgusted. She had never eaten bamboo worms since she was a child. Of course, she had heard of bamboo rats, but she had never eaten them either.

"There are only a few dishes here? How can it be considered a big meal? We are still short of supplies!" Chen Yuan said a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, today I will get something you haven't eaten, such as razor clam, which is also a delicious dish, as well as cold jellyfish, delicious caviar, and turbot. It seems that we have never eaten turbot. No matter it is steamed, braised or grilled, it is a delicious dish.

There is also a braised dish of fish head. I have eaten this once and it is really delicious. Others like abalone, sea cucumber, geoduck, and various shellfish. Let’s make a hot pot. My homemade seafood sauce and chili sauce are very good .

Last time I grabbed a lot of seasonings, including seafood soy sauce and wasabi, and I got mustard sea cucumber for the boss. If you are still not full, then each of you will have a steak. When I grabbed the warehouse building, I accidentally got it. A lot of cold fresh beef! "Speaking of food, Chen Kexin's eyes also started to shine.

"Shanzhen is still a bit short!" Gao Jiuding said regretfully.

"The main reason is that our mountains are full of fruits and vegetables. There are no other tree species or animals at all. How about getting fried scorpions? Steamed centipedes are also fine. By the way, there are also bee pupae. You plan to eat them fresh." , or fry it? The ants are also very good, the ants in the space are getting bigger and bigger, that big rooster must be delicious!" Chen Kexin said with a smirk.

When she said that, other women naturally looked disgusted, but Gao Jiuding didn't know it. He had been in Africa for four years, what kind of delicious food hadn't he seen?

In Africa, people quarrel all kinds of bugs as snacks, rats and snakes are directly skewered and burned, and the skins are eaten directly after burning.

Talking, chatting, eating a meal for more than three hours!

Now these women are also very edible, even more edible than Gao Jiuding, because their speed of refining spiritual energy is faster than Gao Jiuding.

As long as any aura enters their dantian, the wood-burning knives in their dantian qi sea will emit a fire to burn the aura. Only a trace of the purest aura will be integrated into the wood-burning knife, and then through the wood-burning knife, a trace of more pure true energy will be spit out , wandering along the meridians of these women, turning into their true energy.

"Aptitude is indeed very important!" Gao Jiuding could only sigh secretly, he really wanted to experience the inborn Heavenly Spiritual Root, what kind of situation is it like to cultivate with such aptitude?
"Let's go, let's go, food and drink are almost done, let's all go to practice!" Li Xitong, who was so lively, was the first to propose the end.

"It's time to break up, and it's time for me to practice. After eating so much, I need to refine it quickly, or I will become fat after merging into the body!" Zhang Yujing said with a smile.

"Aura can still be integrated into the physical body? We don't have enough cultivation, how can it be integrated into the physical body?" Chen Kexin said.

(End of this chapter)

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