Chapter 298
"Is this the feeling of weightlessness?" Gao Jiuding moved his arms, feeling more relaxed.

The original feeling of being restrained is gone now, even the feeling of restraint that clings to his body is gone. Now he, together with the mech, feels a little floating.

"In a weightless environment, how to control the balance?" Gao Jiuding thought, and the mecha immediately lost control.

"Bump!" The mech directly hit the wall of the practice room.

"Too much power! Excessive force!" The mecha kept rolling, and Gao Jiuding couldn't control it at all.

However, if you don't control the mecha, it will keep moving. It will be bounced by the wall from one side, and after hitting another wall, it will be bounced back again.

If the angle is wrong and the direction of the force is deviated, the mech will roll over, hit the ground, and then rush to the ceiling.

"Well, there are propellers in all directions!" Feeling that he might not be able to stop at any time if he didn't do anything, Gao Jiuding could only endure the dizziness and began to fumble to control the mecha.

After getting used to it for more than half an hour, Gao Jiuding, who was dizzy, finally knew how to control the mecha.

Carefully control the power output and slowly stabilize the mecha.

In the state of weightlessness in a vacuum, with a slight push, the mecha will form a quick response. Therefore, in a vacuum, the action force and reaction force must be controlled.

It took a while for Gao Jiuding to master the balance. After all, he uses his mind to control the mech. As long as he understands the control method of the mecha, it is not a problem to just do a good job of balancing.

"It's a little uncomfortable, but under the state of vacuum and weightlessness, it's easier to do various movements!"

"Touch!" Gao Jiuding rushed forward and quickly smashed on a target in front of him. It was a test wall made of geomagnetic stone, specially used for Baibu Shenquan.

"Bang bang bang!" As long as Gao Jiuding had an idea, the mecha would move quickly.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was having a lot of fun, because he was flying. Although the mecha had no wings, it was easy to make flying movements in the weightless environment.

Compared with the gravity environment, there are too many attack moves that can be made in the weightless environment. Rolling attacks, spinning attacks, and various tricky directions can all be turned into powerful attacks.

Without the influence of gravity, the powerful power brought by the power furnaces on various parts of the mecha greatly enhanced the attack power of the mecha.

Perhaps it was because he had practiced too much Baibu Shenquan. Gao Jiuding felt that he could easily control the aura output of the mecha, and hit a hundred times more attack power than before.

"Using spiritual materials to make mechs is really great!" Feeling the unimpeded output of spiritual energy, Gao Jiuding was still very satisfied with his combat effectiveness.

Star Iron can perfectly output aura, which greatly enhances his attack power.

"Boss, you are amazing!"

"Wow, how is it possible to control it so proficiently?"

"It must be mind control!"

"How long have you been training? Don't you feel a headache after doing such a complicated movement?"

"Four hours!" An Shenxiu finally ended the discussion.

Gao Jiuding stopped moving, and the mecha was suspended in the mid-air of the practice room. Now this kind of movement has become his instinct. After all, the thinking controls the power furnace through the sensor, and the reaction speed is too fast.

"Is everything all right?" Gao Jiuding said.

"The activity of the demon vine has weakened, so we should be able to test it out!" Li Xitong said.

"Let's go after a short rest!" Gao Jiuding said.

After practicing for more than four hours, his spirit has been exhausted a lot, and he is a little sleepy at this time!
"You can't try it yourself, just send out a mecha." An Shenxiu said.

"Can the mech deal with the demon vine?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Try it and you'll know, even if you lose a few mechas, you won't be allowed to take risks!" An Shenxiu said helplessly.

"Haha, let the little fox go out, it has rich experience!" Gao Jiuding was amused by these women, when did Gao Jiuding take risks!
"It will take at least four hours, go to sleep!" the little fox said.

"Four more hours?" Gao Jiuding asked strangely.

"These demon vines have a certain amount of wisdom. They just feel a little bored now, and they haven't completely given up absorbing spiritual energy. Just wait!" said the little fox.

Now that the little fox said it, Gao Jiuding naturally wouldn't object. He went back to the bedroom and set a time. Gao Jiuding woke up after only four hours of sleep.

When he returned to the control room refreshed, the outside had completely quieted down.

"The Li family has already taken action!" An Shenxiu said.

"They will lose a few mechas, just like what you planned just now!" The little fox said angrily.

"Haha, I was really entangled!" Gao Jiuding turned on the radar, and immediately saw something that he liked to hear.

The few fleets of the Li family, after feeling that the demon vines relaxed their siege on the spaceship, couldn't bear it any longer. They all sent mechas to test, but just as the mechas stepped out of the spaceship, they were surrounded by the already quiet The demon vine that came down got entangled.

The strength of the mechs cannot be compared with the spaceships at all. As long as they are entangled by the demon vines, it is impossible to break free.

"Look, they will definitely not be able to come out in a short time!" The little fox gloated.

"Short time? What do you know?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Obviously, these demon vines are for plundering resources. As long as they can be absorbed, they will absorb them. Only those that cannot be absorbed will be pulled into the spaceship and broken down by other processes in the spaceship!" said the little fox.

"So, if we wait here and don't move, those demon vines will send us inside the demon battleship?" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"It depends on how much the demon warship has been damaged. If the damage is too severe, there will be no such program. If the damage is too light, we will be in danger!" said the little fox.

Gao Jiuding looked at the struggling mechs, the more they struggled, the more demon vines were attracted around them.

"Are these demon vines attracted by spiritual energy?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Yes, after absorbing the aura, the remaining materials will be decomposed, just like our mining. In fact, the main function of this demon warship is mining!" said the little fox.

"Can these demon vines be controlled by someone?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"You don't need to control them, just use their instincts!" said the little fox.

Gao Jiuding fell silent. These monster vines will plunder when they find the aura. First, they pull on the spaceship to absorb some aura. If the absorption is not clean, they bury themselves in their roots and slowly absorb it. This is their instinct. As long as they understand It, practitioners can take advantage of this to carry out mining.

"Boom!" While Gao Jiuding was meditating, the spaceship was attacked again, but this time he didn't want to crush the spaceship, but pulled the spaceship and fell into a deep pit next to it.

"Don't start the spaceship, don't struggle, if you can't absorb the spiritual energy, these demon vines will leave naturally!" the little fox reminded.

There is a gyroscope on the spaceship to maintain stability, even if it is constantly pulled by the demon vine, it can maintain its balance!

But if you want to maintain balance, the spaceship needs to output aura, so you will be discovered by the demon vine. With the aura that can be absorbed, the demon vine will never leave.

The spaceship with a length of [-] meters was entangled by thick demon vines, dragged and fell into the deep pit. When it arrived here, what Gao Jiuding saw was completely different from what he saw outside.

"Cave? Outer warehouse of the spaceship?" At this time, there is a huge space outside the spaceship, which is the same as the space in the outer warehouse of the Fox.

Gao Jiuding realized in an instant that both sides of the Fox were folded spaces, and only a hole appeared in the sky above. Scanning from above, this demon battleship was only [-] kilometers long, but the two sides of the Fox now stretched out again. A huge space.

"The folding circle is still working!" The little fox was visibly relieved.

"This shows that this battleship has not been damaged much!" Gao Jiuding sighed. This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing. The good thing is that the harvest may be more, and the bad thing is that it is likely to be more dangerous.

"The spaceship can't move, or the space folding formations will affect each other!" The little fox reminded.

"The space collapsed? Is it dangerous? You must control the spaceship, and don't let those demon vines be pulled into the folding space!" Gao Jiuding immediately became nervous.

"It's not as good as a tiger's lair, how can we get a tiger cub? Don't be afraid, the two folding spaces have a repulsive reaction, otherwise our spaceship would have been pulled into that folding space!" The little fox said with a smile.

"The demon vine has left, why don't you enter the tiger's den?" Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately said with a smile.

The little fox rolled his eyes and said, "The danger hasn't come yet, let's talk about it later!"

"Danger yourself will come to your door?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"That's natural. The demon vine wants to digest us, but the builder of this battleship doesn't think so. What they need are materials, and someone will decompose the materials they need!" The little fox kept adjusting the radar, searching wearing something.

Now Gao Jiuding directly shared the perspective of the little fox, watching him keep exploring the surrounding area.

"So big?" The radar scanned the space, and it was easy to get a panoramic picture.

This asteroid-like warship looks only [-] kilometers in size from the outside, but when it falls into the interior, it is found that the internal space exceeds seven to eight thousand kilometers, an expansion of dozens of times.

"This is still seriously damaged. If it is a complete body, the internal space must be at least more than [-] kilometers!" said the little fox.

"Well, the space in those places with pits is a bit distorted, and the space folding circle there is destroyed!" Gao Jiuding also saw clearly the situation of the entire demon warship through the radar.

"The main body of the demon battleship should be [-] kilometers long, and the first layer of folding space should be [-] kilometers!" The little fox replied while scanning the situation in this layer of space.

"One hundred kilometers? Isn't it a spaceship with [-] kilometers? The internal space should be folded to [-] kilometers, right? Now there are less than [-] kilometers left?" Gao Jiuding said.

 Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins from the Devil King Brothers, thank you for the reward of 500 coins from the cute brother Yuchen, and thank you to the crazy brothers who are ten years late for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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