The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 316 Returning to the Ruins

Chapter 316 Returning to the Ruins
The current Gao Jiuding has no shortage of space to plant land. What he lacks is spiritual objects to increase the level of the spiritual field, such as five-color stones. It's a bit out of sight.

"Ruins?" While digging, Gao Jiuding encountered the ceiling again. At first he thought that the digging would not be possible, but he pierced through it with just one poke. This time the ceiling was obviously destroyed.

After a little cleaning, Gao Jiuding came to the ground. At this time, he saw a lot of damaged places around.

Gao Jiuding found that the surrounding scene was a bit familiar, didn't those dilapidated buildings look familiar?Isn't this the city ruins on the bottom floor?
Knowing that he came to the ruins, Gao Jiuding became more careful.

"What's that?" Came outside a half-buried cave, Gao Jiuding looked at the fragmented limbs with a strange expression on his face.

This is an extremely tragic battlefield. There are fragments of insect limbs everywhere in the battlefield. It is obvious that the mutated praying mantis has been dismembered.

"Sure enough, there is not only one adult mutant mantis!" After cleaning the battlefield, Gao Jiuding found at least a dozen corpses of mutant mantises, because he had collected at least thirty mutant mantises' blade arms.

"The previous beast tide was really not simple!" After clearing the passage, Gao Jiuding confirmed that the mutated mantis was retreating in the direction of the spirit pool.

However, they were obviously overtaken by the enemy, and the final price they paid was the genocide.

How powerful the mutant mantis is, Gao Jiuding has seen it with his own eyes, but the dozen or so adult mutant mantises here seem to have been dismembered without any resistance.

Gao Jiuding suspected that if the passage hadn't been destroyed, even the previous one wouldn't have escaped!
Such a strong mutated praying mantis population was wiped out so easily. If the other monsters didn't run away, their fate would not be much better.

"What caused the beast horde?" Gao Jiuding returned to the ruins after filling up the excavated tunnel.

There is not any monster here, which is not a good thing, it means that it is very dangerous here, Gao Jiuding became more careful.

After groping around, Gao Jiuding found that the place where he appeared this time was a small human living area!
The fortifications here are in place, at least [-] times better than his undefended spaceship.

However, what Gao Jiuding saw now were countless fortifications that looked like ruins, and the front lines were trampled and destroyed!

Standing a little higher, you can also see a large number of super weapon wreckage that has been turned into parts on the front line, and more of them are still torn and twisted by the huge force.

Gao Jiuding doesn't know weapons that are too huge, but there are also some war weapons he knows, such as tanks.

A large number of tank-like wreckage, more like being trampled by a huge force, sank deep into the soil of the position.

Here, you can see amazingly large footprints of giant beasts everywhere.

After discovering the footprints of the giant beast, naturally the wreckage of the giant beast was also discovered!
The wreckage of monsters can be seen here as well. Their wreckage is scattered here and there. Based on Gao Jiuding's judgment, it is not difficult to guess that after death, they became food for some monsters.

And human bones can be seen occasionally, but not many, which makes Gao Jiuding frowned. Not many, does it mean that humans have evacuated safely?
Wouldn't it be better if they were swallowed by fierce beasts?

Gao Jiuding didn't want there to be survivors on this demon battleship, because with survivors, the danger here began to increase sharply.

"I really don't know, what happened here? How could there be a large number of monsters invading the center of the spaceship?" Looking at the destroyed defense line, Gao Jiuding really couldn't figure it out.

With the strength of the demon battleship, how did these monsters get in?
Especially those huge monsters, could they fly physically in the universe?

"It's been trampled into scum, it's so miserable!" Slowly groping forward, Gao Jiuding knew that all the monsters here ran to the periphery of the ruins, that's why there is a dead silence here now, maybe it's because of him Opportunity.

Gao Jiuding didn't know why those monsters ran to the outskirts of the ruins, and was so frightened that they ran to the outskirts, but he wanted to seize this opportunity and try to get some gains.

The broken large war weapons, Gao Jiuding wanted them, and the broken walls, as long as they shone with aura, he would not let them go. Even the defense line was collected by him piece by piece, because those broken lines of defense, There is also this trace of spiritual light flickering, which shows that some of the formations on the defense line can still be used.

As he walked, he dismantled it, as long as he didn't make a big noise, Gao Jiuding would sweep away all the spirits he encountered.

This time he gained experience and stopped moving the passages with the spirit gathering array.

Because when he moved the spirit-gathering array earlier, it triggered a beast tide.

"It is impossible for humans to live in the area where the monsters have passed by." Gao Jiuding kept on guarding while collecting things.

From what we saw in front of us, it was not difficult to know that there must have been a beast horde, and then destroyed this place. Judging from the weapons that can be seen everywhere on the front line, it must have happened suddenly.

"The disaster came suddenly, and these people have no power to fight back, which shows that their strength is not very powerful!"

"The technology is very powerful. These weapons have existed for at least 400 years, but they have not been destroyed until now!"

Gao Jiuding found that some weapons were only slightly rusted, especially some sword weapons, which were only slightly corroded, which meant that they were still usable.

"Fortunately, there is no spiritual weapon, otherwise it would be dangerous!" He put away all the weapons he encountered, no matter whether they were broken or not, he wanted them, because even broken weapons had very precious materials for making them.

"I don't know how powerful these weapons are!" Gao Jiuding manipulated the mech and picked up a four-meter-long sword.

Waving this big sword, Gao Jiuding laughed. This kind of giant sword is most suitable for close combat when controlled by a mecha.

A four-meter-tall mecha, using a star sword less than one meter in length, feels a bit aggrieved!

However, the Star Sword is a flying sword refined and used for long-range attacks. If the situation requires it, the Star Sword can also be used as a melee weapon. Therefore, it cannot be too big or too long. If it is too big, Gao Jiuding will be useless. method used.

Back then, when refining the Star Sword, it must have been refined based on the principle of speed, cost, and cost. It was absolutely impossible to waste materials and refine a four-meter-long sword that was of little use.

"Tch! Touch!" Dragging the big knife, he directly cut off a broken wall, but at this moment, the big knife hit the skeleton of a giant beast.

"Didn't it be cut? Didn't it hurt?" Looking at the shattered wall, and then at the skeleton of the giant beast, there was no loss?This made Gao Jiuding's eyes start to shine.

"Good stuff!" Gao Jiuding quickly turned around and went back to the cave he drilled out just now. From here, he started to search again. This time, he already wanted everything he saw.

"It's best to scrape the ground three feet away, nothing can be left behind!" Gao Jiuding controlled the mech and sent the star sword, and began to cut everything around him, as long as it could be taken away, he didn't want to let go of anything.

Scraping the ground three feet also requires qualifications, and soon, a five-crystal pagoda that Gao Jiuding took out was almost filled.

The biggest advantage of the five-crystal pagoda is its relatively small size. This kind of pagoda, which is only the size of a palm, has an internal space of [-] meters in length, width and height. If one is filled, it is equivalent to collecting a million cubic meters of material.

But where does one million cubic meters go?Compared with this huge space with a length of 1000 meters, this gain is just drizzle.

"You can still see fierce beasts here, which means that the humans on the spaceship have not regained this area at all."

"Damn it!" Gao Jiuding stepped out of the line of defense and cursed.

Because he saw a ruined and ugly spiritual field, almost completely destroyed under the ravages of monsters.

As far as he could see, that piece of spiritual field was completely destroyed, and there were still some tall fruit trees left in it.

Although I don't know what the fruits of those fruit trees are for, but just looking at the dead branches of those fruit trees, which are still exuding a strong spiritual light, I know that these fruit trees are not simple.

"The spiritual energy over there is the strongest, and there may still be monsters left!" Looking at the destroyed Lingtian, Gao Jiuding was heartbroken, but he still didn't dare to go there, because it must have become a paradise where monsters gather .

The monsters are not stupid, they also know how to occupy a good place, it's because it's so good that it's destroyed so badly, right?

Avoiding the large spiritual field, Gao Jiuding walked forward for a few minutes!

Along the way, you can see the wreckage of some tanks and spaceships. Their direction is towards the rear. It should be that the evacuated army was chased by monsters again.

In the distance, human buildings can be seen. A huge group of buildings has appeared. More than half of them have collapsed.

Gao Jiuding had seen the situation here before outside!

The urban composition of a small living area is actually composed of a large number of functional space magic weapons, and these space magic weapons are large-scale space magic weapons, and there are a lot of them.

Countless large space magic weapons are dotted all over the space, occupying most of this space. From this, it can be seen how rare that piece of specially preserved spirit field is.

Based on the space utilization rate of this living area, that spiritual field is enough to arrange hundreds of large space magic weapons, so how much space must be expanded in this area?

The endless ruins became the eternal theme of this spaceship, which made Gao Jiuding feel extremely heavy.

How could such a powerful civilization, such a powerful spaceship, be destroyed so thoroughly?

Looking at the messy ruins here, Gao Jiuding's heart skipped a beat. He seemed to have guessed something through the ruins.

 Thanks to book friend 180623091754674 for the reward of 1000 coins, and thanks to the two brothers who are crazy and scholarly and nerdy for ten years late.

(End of this chapter)

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