Chapter 324
"It's strange, how come there are so many spirit swords here? Since there are spirit swords, there must be monks at the Golden Core stage who bred them. But if there are monks at the Golden Core stage, how could they perish so easily?" An Shenxiu wondered. the way.

"Who knows? Maybe someone has a special way to refine the spirit sword?" Gao Jiuding said.

"That's probably the case. Otherwise, a building on the outskirts wouldn't be equipped with a spirit sword to guard it!" An Shenxiu said solemnly.

"Regardless of whether there is a special method or not, we can't catch them. Those people should all perish!" Gao Jiuding said.

"It's good to perish. If we don't perish, we don't have a chance. Only when they are all dead, can we find them and inherit them!" An Shenxiu said with a smile.

"There are too many things, who knows where the inheritance is? Let's search as many buildings as possible, and then we will search slowly!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Attention all, drones are invading from three sides, the countdown starts, ten. Start!"

"Buzz!" Forty or fifty drones flew into the square almost at the same time!
This time the flying speed was very slow, and the distribution of drones was very scattered, which was more conducive to observing the situation.

"嗤嗤嗤" Flying swords came out of nowhere, and when Yin Rushui and Li Xitong couldn't react at all, they split forty or fifty drones in half.

Those flying swords are like flowers in a mirror, like a moon in the water. They look a little illusory, but they are full of power. They split the drone with just a flash, and turned around with ease, returning to the stele again.

"So many? How could it be Feijian? If it's all spirit swords, then what's the point?" Yin Rushui murmured after a while.

"It's really not a flying sword, and it's even more impossible that it's all a spirit sword!" Gao Jiuding was really helpless, he could see clearly that it was definitely not a flying sword, it was probably a powerful sword from the flying sword, a kind of The condensed sword gang is like a flying sword, just like a real sword gang.

"That's right, it's not the flying sword, it's not the sword energy, it's the method of condensing energy into a gang, the method of sword cultivation in the foundation building stage, it's not that powerful in theory!" An Shenxiu said.

Gao Jiuding frowned. Indeed, if he just condensed his energy into a gang, a monk in the foundation-building stage could do it. If he really had the combat power in the foundation-building stage, he wouldn't be too powerful!

Thinking of the solid sword light like a real flying sword, Gao Jiuding felt that this attack would not be so simple!
"Splitting light into shadows? Turning thousands of swords into one sword? Only in this way can it conform to the characteristics of spirit swords!" Gao Jiuding's expression became serious.

If it is splitting light and transforming shadows, it means that a sword can split into countless swords. It can be said that it is a sword gang, or it can be called a flying sword.

This technique of splitting light and transforming shadows already belongs to a small supernatural power. The split flying sword is like a clone of a spirit sword. It has most of the power of a spirit sword, but it is not an entity. This kind of split sword light, speed Faster, more nimble, and scarier!
"That's right, it's impossible to have dozens of spirit swords, so it can only be a spirit sword, a supernatural power that has been differentiated!" Wu Qingxian said.

"What should I do?" An Shenxiu asked.

Gao Jiuding took out the mecha he was driving, and said, "One last test, use my mecha, anyway, it's not far from being scrapped!"

"Then try!" An Shenxiu said.

Gao Jiuding had already been transferred to the star mecha controlled by the little fox, now he only needs to transfer all the equipment in this mecha that is about to be scrapped.

After only an empty shell was left, Gao Jiuding controlled the original mecha and touched the square.

"Chi Chi Chi!" As soon as it reached the edge of the square, the mecha was attacked by three sword lights one after another.

This time, Gao Jiuding and the others saw it more clearly, why the star mech is also the defense power of the golden core level, even if it is the same golden core level spirit sword, it is impossible to split its defense with one sword!

Now it has withstood three attacks in succession, and these three attacks, the first two sword lights did not split the shell of the star mecha!
Looking clearly at the dissipated two sword lights, Gao Jiuding was able to confirm that it was indeed not the spirit sword itself that attacked the mecha.

Naturally, the flying sword will not be consumed. Therefore, this is indeed a supernatural power derived from the spirit sword, similar to the supernatural power of splitting light and transforming shadows. However, although this is a sword shadow condensed from a sword gang, its power is extremely powerful. Extremely powerful.

Even the mecha made of Xingchen Iron cannot support the attack of the three sword shadows.

The mecha parked on the edge of the square, its internal facilities, have been completely destroyed, especially the spiritual energy transmission channel, which has been completely cut off.

Of course, splitting light and transforming shadows is not without its weaknesses. For example, it can only attack indiscriminately, and it is not difficult to attack the vital points of the star mecha, so the power equipment of the star mech is not damaged.

"The furnace for refining the demon has not been destroyed, so the loss is not too big, so bring it back!" Gao Jiuding said with a sigh.

The mecha controlled by Li Xitong sent out a blast of flames, and the Star Mecha was successfully pulled back. This time, it did not trigger the sword shadow's attack.

"There's no other way, even if we send out a spaceship, there's nothing we can do about it!" An Shenxiu said helplessly.

"Let's go, don't waste time here!" After Gao Jiuding finished speaking, he turned around and left. The spaceships in their hands were not as powerful as the Star Warship's defensive power!

Now even the star battleship can only support two attacks, what's the use of staying here?

Since staying here will not gain any benefits, it is better to go to other places to grab more things.

He believed that there was no way for him to break into that hall, and it was impossible for the Li family to break in either.

"That hall looks familiar!" After walking for a while, Gao Jiuding remembered that he seemed to have seen the same hall before.

"I also look familiar!" An Shenxiu said.

"It's similar to the boss's hall!" At this time, Zhang Yujing said.

"My hall?" Gao Jiuding thought for a moment, his only hall seemed to be the one he got on the Ethiopian plateau, and when he thought about it, it really looked alike.

"Even if they look alike, it's nothing, right? What's the use?" Li Xitong said.

"Maybe it's useful, maybe it's useless. The buildings are much the same. Just like these buildings, they are not much different from the many pagodas we built!" Yin Rushui said.

Gao Jiuding and the others chose a building with a flash of spiritual light again.

The restrictions inside this building are still in operation. Such a building is likely to be dangerous, but danger also means rewards.

Gao Jiuding said: "It's useless. I haven't researched that hall to understand what it is used for. There is no folding space, and it doesn't look like a functional building. In that secret place, there is such a lonely building. A hall seems to be completely useless!"

Gao Jiuding studied it several times, but he didn't understand it. In his opinion, the only value of that hall is the formation runes inscribed on it.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't understand the formation and the runes, so naturally he couldn't study and understand what the use of that hall was.

"Don't worry about it, I'll test this building!" An Shenxiu came near the building and said.

"Be careful, if you enter the 20-meter range, you may be attacked!" Gao Jiuding carefully scanned the building in front of him. He had already searched for everything that could be taken away. At this time, it was only within 20 meters of the building. clutter and piled up around the building.

"Boss, when you cleaned up the garbage around you, didn't you check what was crushed?" Yin Rushui asked.

An Shenxiu controlled the mech to approach carefully. When she came to a distance of 20 meters, she had to clean up the garbage accumulated in front, otherwise she would not be able to find the entrance of the building.

"Most of them are construction waste, and some are metal blocks, which seem to be partition materials inside the building, or they are daily necessities. There should be nothing good in this building!"

Gao Jiuding called up the map, and there was a detailed mark of the building on it. What was found here, Gao Jiuding recorded it very clearly, and there is a video left.

During the process of Gao Jiuding cleaning up the garbage, all the video records were left, especially for some buildings destroyed by him, every part was taken in high-definition video, this is because there are formation runes on these walls, even if the formation is scrapped , the runes on the surface still exist, these are precious materials, Gao Jiuding naturally will not let them go.

"It may be the living building, and there is no spirit sword guarding it!" An Shenxiu was obviously relieved after entering the 20-meter range and not being attacked.

Although there is no one inside the star battleship, this kind of armor is their strongest defensive weapon. If it is destroyed, it will be difficult to replenish.

"Be careful, this unknown civilization has many means, there is no spirit sword here, maybe there are puppets, anyway, I don't believe there are no guards here!" Gao Jiuding said.

"It's probably a puppet. I have scanned some humanoid objects!" An Shenxiu said.

"Be careful, it's best not to touch the objects around it!" Gao Jiuding said.

An Shenxiu smiled and said: "I think so too. If it is really a puppet, it is likely to be suppressed by these rubbish. If it is accidentally released, it will be another trouble!"

"It seems that there is not much danger. Let's split up and clean up all sides at the same time. When the time comes, we will directly cut the foundation of the building!" Gao Jiuding said.

The other women went to the other side to clean up the garbage around, while Gao Jiuding kept staring at An Shenxiu's mecha.

An Shenxiu was very cautious, when she was ten meters away from the humanoid object she scanned, she avoided that position!
After putting away everything around her, she put the two humanoid objects, together with the surrounding garbage, into a space pagoda.

"This pagoda is really useful, but it's a pity that it still needs spiritual material training!" Putting away the possible threats, An Shenxiu was happy.

Gao Jiuding ninja didn't roll his eyes, and didn't want to provide spiritual material training, so could he let the pagoda grow by itself?
 There are still 50 monthly tickets plus more!
(End of this chapter)

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