Chapter 339
After the puppet flew out, it was directly suspended in the sky above a gold-eating beast. Just when Gao Jiuding thought it was going to swoop and hit the gold-eating beast, it shook its wings and a white mass , covering the gold-devouring beast.

"That's a kind of net-shaped spirit treasure, specially used to catch monsters!" Zhou Yushu said.

"Roar" the gold devouring beast struggled violently, but no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't stop the big net from enveloping it, and quickly shrank into a ball.

At this time, the puppet shook its wings again, and the big net flew towards the sky, and then the puppet, pulling the gold-devouring beast into the cave, disappeared without a trace.

Gao Jiuding asked in surprise: "Isn't this the first time something like this happened?"

Gao Jiuding adjusted the screen from time to time, and he found that the beast tide was caused by puppets, and puppets came out from other channels, but those puppets did not capture monsters, only the demon puppet just captured a gold-eating beast, and it was using a magic weapon captured.

"I've only seen it three times. Each time, the flying puppets used the net magic weapon to catch them. Every time they caught them, no monster could escape!" Zhou Yushu said with a little emotion.

"So powerful? Do you suspect that the flying puppet used Lingbao?" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"Well, take a look, this is the information exchanged by the Li family." Zhou Yushu resumed monitoring, took out her portable jade document, and opened a picture for Gao Jiuding to view.

Gao Jiuding was stunned when he saw it, because there was a treasure he was very familiar with.

Gao Jiuding swiped his fingers and took out a golden rope from the storage ring. This was the demon-binding rope given to him by the little fox.

In this picture, the four-armed puppet is using a demon-binding rope.

"This is a video!" Zhou Yushu opened a video file again, on which was the picture of the four-armed puppet catching a monster.

Facing the four-armed puppet holding the demon-binding rope, there was a huge centipede on it. Almost at the moment when the four-armed puppet released the demon-binding rope, the huge centipede, which looked very powerful and had a very hideous figure, was directly crushed dragged away.

Throughout the battle, the huge centipede had no power to resist at all, and was directly entangled tightly by the demon-binding rope.

"What are the characteristics of these captured monsters?" Gao Jiuding asked after closing the video.

"They are all very powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, they can't stop those puppets with magic weapons!" Zhou Yushu smiled wryly.

"What do you think?" Gao Jiuding had some ideas, after all, the little fox had already told him how this demon battleship cultivated spirit weapons.

"How can you think that those puppets are obviously harvesting the big monsters in the golden core stage!" Zhou Yushu said.

"Those monsters should be big monsters who have just entered the golden core stage, and it's time for them to breed spiritual weapons!" Gao Jiuding said with a light smile.

The demon-binding rope is obviously a spiritual treasure bred by the demon vine. The web-shaped spiritual treasure is probably bred by a spider-like monster. I just don't know what kind of monster is used to breed the spirit sword?

"Nursing Lingbao?" Zhou Yushu opened his bright red mouth in surprise, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but take a bite.

"I don't know what kind of companion spirit treasures these monsters can breed!" After biting for a while, Gao Jiuding sighed a little, the owner of this demon warship is absolutely generous.

"A companion spirit treasure? That's right, this hydralisk-like insect can breed weapons. We have seen spirit treasures similar to the flying thorns on the hydralisk!" Zhou Yushu said.

"It seems that the value of this demon battleship is definitely more than the current harvest!" Gao Jiuding said.

Zhou Yushu said while thinking: "It turns out that there are some things that we haven't arrived at first. According to some information we have obtained, combined with your deduction, we can figure out the origin of those spiritual weapons. Snakes should breed soft armor and chameleons." The same bug should breed treasures like invisibility cloaks!

Stone demons and gold-devouring beasts should all breed armor. Logically speaking, the horned mouse you got would not breed armor. It should be an exception, or that kind of armor has special uses, otherwise , definitely not as powerful as the armor bred by stone demons and gold devouring beasts.

There are also some other things, such as centipedes, which should be a kind of poisonous beads, and spiders, which are spider webs, etc. These are not certain things, and monsters breed spirit treasures, generally according to those monsters. Hobbies and hobbies have strengthened a part of my body. As for the step of strengthening, I don't know if I can control it. If I can control it, then the master of the demon battleship is too powerful! "

"Where did all this information come from?" Gao Jiuding looked at Zhou Yushu strangely, what did the little fox masters do?
Zhou Yushu said: "From the information obtained from those puppets, the magic weapons used by those puppets are various. Obviously, they have a large-scale refining method. We found that some golden core stage monsters that were killed actually melted in the end. , turned into a treasure.

Just like the ten thousand zhang vine, after a period of time after it is cut off, the ten thousand zhang silk in its body absorbs the aura of the whole demon vine and turns into a demon binding rope, so we speculate that these monsters, as long as they enter the golden core stage, will conceive Companion Lingbao! "

Gao Jiuding was speechless, so can he guess it?
If they can deduce it, then the people of the Li family should also know the situation here!

Seeing Gao Jiuding's surprise, Zhou Yushu smiled: "Actually, this is not an exception. You see, this phenomenon also occurs in the Demon Realm. If the most stone demon clan there is killed, they will get all kinds of companions." Life treasure!

Such as stone hammers, stone locks, stone gallbladders, armor, stone axes, etc. However, there has never been heard of stone demons bursting out spiritual weapons there, at most they can get some magic weapons, even treasures are rare! "

Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that he admitted that the ten beauties were very smart, but they couldn't be too smart. He could accept this explanation, otherwise they would be as smart as a monster.

"All the monsters here have accompanying spirit treasures?" Gao Jiuding looked at the hollowed out demon warship, saying that, they must not leave easily, this is a treasure house.

"No, monsters below the golden core stage have nothing. Only when they advance to the golden core stage can they form companion spirit treasures. Perhaps according to the living environment, the monsters here will strengthen a part of their body. When the pill is formed, it will form its own companion spirit treasure!
These monsters are specially kept here. As long as there are monsters promoted to Jindan, puppets will appear to capture them, without any exception. From this point of view, the command system here should not be completely paralyzed! "Zhou Yushu said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, that's right, this is the purpose of the owner of the demon warship to keep these monsters in captivity.

Then the question arises, the price of keeping these monsters in captivity is not low, so over the years, have all the spirit stones mined by the demon warships been swallowed up by these monsters?

The owner of the demon battleship, the monster he chose was too obvious. According to the distribution of the five elements, all kinds of spiritual creatures can be used.

The gold-devouring beast devours gold-type ores, the demon vine devours wood-type and earth-type ores, and even water-type spirits.

All the other bugs were attached to the demon vine, and the spirit pool inside the demon vine catalyzed all kinds of spiritual plants in the space of the demon battleship.

Those bugs lived on these spiritual plants, and some predators devoured those bugs to increase their cultivation.

It can be said that a complete ecological chain, or production chain, has been formed within the demon battleship, and the final products are all kinds of spiritual weapons.

It's terrible, Gao Jiuding is very clear about the difficulty of refining spirit weapons, and this unknown civilization can already mass-produce spirit weapons.

"Doesn't the spirit weapon condensed in this way need to go through the tribulation?" Gao Jiuding was still very puzzled, but the little fox didn't seem to want to explain this.

"When a monster enters the golden core, it will naturally pass through the transformation calamity, and the transformation calamity is not dangerous. After the monster passes through, it will be able to transform into a figure, and it will accompany the monster through the transformation calamity. It belongs to the absolute natal magic weapon and is closely related to monsters and beasts.

Generally, the companion spirit treasures of monsters are activated during this process. The companion spirit treasures have actually survived the calamity with the monsters, which is much higher than the success rate of the spirit weapon alone! "Zhou Yushu said.

"The catastrophe of transformation is not difficult to overcome? The owner of the demon warship has thought of everything!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but admire!
A pure spiritual treasure has just been conceived, so it doesn't have much wisdom at all. This kind of immature spiritual weapon has a very small chance of surviving the catastrophe.

It is much easier for monsters to cross the tribulation, especially the transformation tribulation, which is almost without difficulty.

The companion spirit treasure and the monster beast are originally one, even if they pass through the tribulation at the same time, it will not increase the difficulty. This is really a shortcut.

"Fortunately, there are not many monsters that survived the catastrophe of transformation, otherwise we wouldn't dare to provoke them!" Zhou Yushu said.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and said: "Be careful, the unicorn mouse I killed was seriously injured before, it should have escaped from the puppet's hands, we have picked up a loophole, such a good thing, can't Will always happen!"

"Don't worry, we'll run away if we encounter a golden core monster!" Zhou Yushu said with a smile.

"Well, that's how it should be. There's no need to fight those monsters. If you want a spirit weapon, just go to the central ruins to find it. Although the spirit weapon there is activated, it can still be obtained without the control of a puppet. Some!" Gao Jiuding said.

"It's not that easy. The last remaining buildings are guarded by puppets. With the spirit weapon, we have no chance at all. Also, dealing with monsters is not only for the spirit weapon, but also the demon soul!" Zhou Yushu said. .

"Hunting and killing monsters in the foundation building period? Do you know how to seal a demon soul of this level into Dao Hong Furnace?" Gao Jiuding naturally knew Zhou Yushu's thoughts, but sealing a demon soul is not so easy, at least it must be eliminated The memory of the demon soul, otherwise, how could the demon soul listen to you honestly?
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(End of this chapter)

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