The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 344 Exit of the Zodiac Disk

Chapter 344 Exit of the Zodiac Disk (600 Monthly Pass plus Change)

Today is the 28th, and there are two days left before the end of this month. Brothers, let’s see if there are any monthly tickets.
Now this projection-like body is very important to the little fox. If it is damaged, this part of its soul will be really lost.

After confirming this point, Gao Jiuding naturally followed the little fox closely. As long as the little fox didn't want to lose part of his soul, he naturally had to ensure the safety of the teleportation hall.

"Let me do some research. There should be a star map here. Without a star map to determine the teleportation location, no one dares to teleport casually!" The little fox started to walk around, and as it moved, formations were activated everywhere.

Gao Jiuding kept staring at the little fox. The formations it inspired were all in the main hall, and they were not large formations, but sub-formations.

"This hall is more complicated than we imagined!" Li Xitong exclaimed.

"There are so many formations superimposed, but they don't affect each other. What a profound attainment of formations is this?" Wu Qingxian said in shock.

"I just don't know, those old antiques on the earth, do they know what a star map is?" Chen Kexin asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, many star maps we use now are drawn by those old antiques in your mouth!" An Shenxiu said with a smile.

"That's right, astrology was developed from the ancient star charts. In this regard, you can't underestimate the ancients!" Yin Rushui also said.

"So what if you can draw a star map? Could it be that they can build a teleportation array on an alien planet? There is no corresponding teleportation array, but such a hall is useless!" Zhang Yujing said.

"If it's useless, why did the ancients build this teleportation hall?" An Shenxiu asked with a smile.

"Ah? That's right, if you don't know the situation in the alien world, where are the cultivators who escaped from the earth after the Dharma-ending Era?" Zhang Yujing asked with a cute face.

"This is the control center!" Gao Jiuding was the first to discover the peculiarity of a wall. There was a place on it that actually displayed a star map.

"There really are star maps in ancient times!" Chen Kexin exclaimed.

"Please pay attention to the key points. The flashing red dots on the top should be where they can be teleported, right?" Zhou Yaxian said.

An Shenxiu immediately said: "Li Xitong, copy the star map immediately, compare it with our database, and see where those are!"

"yes! my sir!" Li Xitong immediately took out his personal jade certificate, took pictures, compared the data, and the result would be soon.

"This star map is perfect, and it is very different from what is circulated in the secular world!" Li Xitong exclaimed after only a little comparison.

"It turns out that it is the theory of the center of the earth. The ancients believed that the earth is the center of the world. They know what is going on in the solar system?" Yin Rushui, an engineering woman, said.

"He walked out of the earth thousands of years ago, so don't you know what the solar system looks like?" Li Xitong despised Yin Rushui, a pure academic bully is too annoying.

"Are you sure it's the ancients thousands of years ago who walked out of the earth?" Gao Jiuding asked amusedly.

"The earth has existed for billions of years, and intelligent creatures have a history of tens of millions of years. Who dares to say that there is only 5000 years of civilization on this planet?" Wu Qingxian said.

At this time, Li Xitong said: "That's right, isn't this a slap in the face? You see, the red star closest to the distance obviously represents a demon battleship. These two star marks are almost overlapped. It should be the nearest The two teleportation arrays!"

"Are you sure from us, together with other teleportation arrays?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"I'm sure, and I can even do an experiment to see if the teleportation array on the opposite side can work!" Li Xitong said excitedly.

"Little fox, turn off the teleportation array!" Gao Jiuding suddenly shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, no one will teleport over hastily. It's not like you don't know about the space teleportation of warships. We just teleported here and were dizzy. We can easily take him down, no matter what kind of creature he is or how strong he is. High!" The little fox said confidently.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, if you teleported a Nascent Soul-level monster, how would you take it down?
Even if there is a golden core monster, it can easily turn us into scum!
"Don't talk big, close the teleportation array immediately!" Gao Jiuding said coldly.

Gao Jiuding has not been paying attention to the teleportation array for a day or two. He knows very well that if he can see other people's coordinates, others will also be able to see their coordinates!
The two teleportation arrays pull each other, as long as they can connect to other people's teleportation arrays, they can be teleported there!

"The teleportation array is closed, but as long as you want to use this teleportation array, others will naturally observe it. This cannot be avoided!" said the little fox.

"How can we hide our space coordinates?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"No need to hide, it's not your own teleportation array. When teleporting, it is easy to go wrong. For example, our teleportation array has been activated for no reason. We can force it to close or exert influence. In this way, the guy who teleported over , it’s unlucky!” the little fox chuckled.

Gao Jiuding breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he can block the teleportation exit, that's all. As for framing others, forget it!
"How can it affect other people's teleportation?" Li Xitong asked suddenly.

"It's very simple. When you see the teleportation array is activated, you are also on the teleportation array. Just throw something at random. The teleportation must be one-way. Two-way will collide on a line. What do you think will happen then?" The little fox said with a smile.

"High-speed impact? Space tearing? Falling into space turbulence? Or space collapse?" Li Xitong said with bright eyes.

"Spatial explosions are possible!" The little fox rolled his eyes: "Don't think about space shattering. During the transmission process, there are many situations that will cause space shattering. However, as long as you encounter such a situation, don't think about picking up space debris. , let’s think about saving your own life first!”

"Is teleportation so dangerous?" Zhang Yujing asked with a look of fear.

The little fox said: "Of course it's dangerous, but if you want to be safe, it's easy to expand the teleportation array to form a star gate. At that time, you can use the spaceship to teleport. At that time, with the protection of the spaceship, even if you encounter space turbulence, you can use it." The spaceship broke through the space and flew out safely!"

"Our teleportation hall, can we teleport the spaceship?" Gao Jiuding asked expectantly.

"This is going to be tested. In principle, as long as the teleportation array is big enough and the aura can support it, you can teleport anything. If the aura is insufficient, you may be thrown halfway!" The little fox said indifferently.

"If you want to harm someone, it's really easy!" Gao Jiuding said helplessly.

"So, the destination of the teleportation must be a place you are familiar with. It is best to reach an agreement and open the teleportation array with each other, so as to ensure safety!" said the little fox.

Gao Jiuding nodded and said: "Well, this is not bad, if the enemy can teleport over here casually, it would be too dangerous, now study these teleportation coordinates carefully!"

Gao Jiuding signaled Li Xitong to zoom in on the star map to see where those red stars are. Is it possible that they are teleportation points that no one else has discovered? Just sent it.

"There is only one place that may be unowned. This must be the hall in the demon battleship. Also, this is the location of the earth. Don't worry, there is another teleportation point on the earth.

The distance here is not too far. It should be the intersection of the ecliptic disc and the Oort Nebula. If I guessed correctly, it should be the general logistics base set up by the alliance! "The little fox pointed at the red stars and analyzed them.

"There are four teleportation points in total, two on our side, one on the earth, and one at the exit of the ecliptic disk. So, can you jump directly to the outer edge of the Oort Nebula from the earth?" Gao Jiuding thought thoughtfully.

"No, is there a problem with the teleportation point of this demon warship? We can find it, but we can't find the other two teleportation points?" Zhou Yaxian asked suddenly.

"That's right, if someone else had discovered it long ago, how could we have any business with this demon warship?" Li Xitong said.

"Because we are too close, the two space coordinates will pull each other, determine the other's coordinates, and if the distance is a little farther, we will definitely not be able to perceive it!" said the little fox.

"Can we teleport into the hall of the demon battleship?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Definitely not, because the teleportation array in that hall has not been activated. However, the function of the hall is still there. Otherwise, we would not be able to find it. It is easy to teleport in. As long as someone enters and activates the teleportation array, you can Teleported to each other!" said the little fox.

"You mean, we were able to discover that teleportation point because that hall is still in operation? So our hall here is attracted to it, so that we can determine each other's coordinates and teleport to each other?" Gao Jiuding said.

"Yes, the star map where the coordinates are located is just like our main hall. It is mounted on the teleportation hall, not on the teleportation array. The hall on the demon battleship must be damaged, because the spiritual energy is insufficient, and the formation method If it is closed, others will not be able to find him, but we can find out because the Fox is also on the demon battleship!" The little fox explained.

"Understood, when the hall is fully activated, others will be able to discover it!" Gao Jiuding said.

"I don't know anything else, I just know our coordinates, someone must have discovered it!" An Shenxiu said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, not knowing what the little fox was thinking, but knowing that the coordinates would be locked by someone, he easily activated the teleportation array.

"Only by turning on the teleportation array for a long time can you discover the teleportation point in a more distant place!" The little fox glanced at Gao Jiuding and had to explain.

Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that the little fox was probably looking for the teleportation point in his hometown.

"Don't think about it. If there is such a teleportation point, maybe the hall in the demon battleship can be contacted!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Can you break into that hall?" the little fox asked dejectedly.

"It's fine if you can break in!" Gao Jiuding said cheerfully.

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(End of this chapter)

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