The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 349 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 349 Meeting Ceremony

Gao Jiuding glanced at the little fox sadly, this ship spirit is a traitor, a traitor, a big traitor, and he will have to replace it no matter what.

If this is the enemy, isn't he finished?Therefore, a new second-tier battleship must be put on the agenda.

"Your spaceship is too crude!" The beauty with the ponytail walked into the spaceship and frowned as she looked at the empty cockpit.

Gao Jiuding looked at her speechlessly, then his eyes fell behind, and several people walked in behind.

An immortal Taoist, an elegant long-distance running scholar, a delicate little girl with a Xiaojiabiyu look, a mature beautiful woman and a tough man.

The temperament of these people is very unique, Gao Jiuding can clearly feel it just by taking a glance!
There is only one acquaintance among them, that is the little girl from Xiaojiabiyu, she is the strange flower who drives the stove, Gao Jiuding should have confirmed this a long time ago.

"You guys, your noses are really sharp!" said the ponytailed beauty who arrived first.

"Haha, we have waited for the lord for a while, otherwise we would have made a move long ago!" said the tough guy with a tough body and sharp edges.

"That's right, if we hadn't been waiting for your lord, we should have left by now!" Wen Ya scholar said with a smile, shaking the fan in his hand.

"I believe you are a ghost. I didn't expect to come here in a few months, and the scent of blood was ignited. We are disbanded. How many years have we not added new people?" Tie Lan looked at the blood cauldron not far away, thinking a little does not belong.

"Isn't this an increase? Let's talk about being happy today, Lao Qi, take a look at your meeting gift!" At this time, the smile with the temperament of a mature woman said sweetly.

All eyes were on Gao Jiuding, and only then did he say in surprise, "Me? Old Qi?"

"The seventh person who ignites the fragrance of blood is naturally Lao Qi!" Tie Lan said.

"Since you are qualified, don't hide it!" the tough guy said.

"Since the sixth child has also spoken, then you take out the batch of wind-milled copper and let them see it!" Tie Lan said again.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he had hidden a batch of wind-milled copper, and Tie Lan knew it best.

"Don't be afraid, we won't steal your things. Since you have joined the alliance, you must show enough potential, otherwise" Tie Lan reminded again.

Gao Jiuding understood a little bit, if he doesn't show some strength, he will be looked down upon by others!
Looking at the scrutinizing gazes of the other people, Gao Jiuding didn't know what was going on, his current position was unstable.

For these seniors, they don't care much about the advanced spiritual objects, because in the long years, they can always find some, no matter how special the spiritual objects are, they are likely to find them.

However, wind-milled copper is different. No matter how much they find this kind of strategic material, it will not be enough.

As for whether the wind-milled copper will be robbed, Gao Jiuding no longer thinks about it.

It is definitely not possible to snatch his things, besides, Gao Jiuding's strength is not the same as before.

Before joining the alliance, it might have been possible, but now it is absolutely impossible.

Having made up his mind, Gao Jiuding calmly took out a storage bag and handed it directly to the beauty with ponytail in the front, who is also known as the leader.

After leaving the Fox, he didn't lack anything that should be brought out.

The beautiful woman with ponytail opened it and took a look, then passed it to the Taoist priest behind, the Taoist priest passed it to the scholar, the scholar gave it to the beautiful woman, the beautiful woman gave it to the soldier, and finally it was in the hands of the little girl.

After the little girl got it, she shook her hand, and she released a piece of wind-milled copper in the storage bag. The wind-milled copper was more than ten meters high and tens of meters long, and it was more than 2 tons.

"not bad!"


"The number is quite large, and the strength of our scattered alliance will increase a little!"

"If you guys are willing, the strength of our scattered alliance should have increased long ago!"

"Okay, okay, people don't kill the world for themselves, we don't want to talk about each other, we are all the same, now let the newly joined seventh brother make contributions!"

"You can't just let him contribute, can you?" Tie Lan said with a smile as he looked at the people who were discussing a lot.

"That's natural, we'll bleed a little!" the young woman said with a smile.

"The wind-milled copper is enough to build a high-end Dao Hong furnace. If a first-class Da Dao Hong furnace is built, it can make two hundred crocodile-class mining ships!"

"I came to the base alone, and found so many wind-milled copper, and ignited the fragrance of blood, he is the old seven!" said the beautiful leader who was stepping on the flying sword.

"Since the leader has agreed, we naturally have no objection!"



"Lucky boy, agreed!"

"It's a pity, there are only so many. It would be great if there were more, and I agree."

"There's a lot of nonsense, you don't agree with it, it's okay, everyone is burning blood!"

"Tie Lan must have accepted bribes, otherwise this kid could ignite the scent of blood so easily?"

"What's wrong with accepting bribes? You can accept bribes if you have the ability and popularity!" Tie Lan said with a smile.

"Is the boss a relative? I saw that little fox, no wonder he came here!"

"Boy, where did you find the wind-milled copper? Wouldn't the boss give it to you?"

Gao Jiuding looked at the non-mainstream people who were discussing a lot, the temperament just now had completely disappeared, and the gossip on his face at this time could be seen by anyone.

"I really want to give it away!" The beautiful woman who was stepping on the flying sword, who was also the leader of the scattered alliance, said.

"I'm just kidding, even if I want to give it away, I can't find so many!" The immortal Taoist sighed.

"This is a bit boring, Lao Qi, this is my meeting ceremony, and there will be a date later!" The tough guy with a resolute face threw out something, turned around and left.

"This?" Gao Jiuding looked at the tattooed apple in his hand, not knowing what to say.

"Phoenix-patterned Yuanyuan fruit can strengthen the blood, a rare treasure, and most importantly, it can be cultivated in large quantities with seeds. The sixth son has a heart!" The leader expressed satisfaction with the gift of the sixth son.

The beautiful woman also said: "This is my meeting gift, there will be a date later!"

After finishing speaking, the beautiful woman also turned and left, and Gao Jiuding had a delicate stone gourd in his hand.

It looks like a stalactite, but it is cold to the touch. Although it is only the size of a palm, it is heavy, and it feels like it weighs dozens of catties.

"These guys, pretend to be cool? The mysterious stone marrow gourd is also sent out? Boy, please keep it well. This is a fusion spirit in the foundation building period. It bleeds like they didn't come to them first. It seems that I have to express it well." up.

My meeting gift is a second-tier battleship. If you provide the materials, the spirit stones for building the battleship will not be accepted. Don’t think I’m stingy. I use earth-level materials to cast spaceships, and what I consume is high-grade spirit stones. I know you don’t have high-grade spirit stones. Shi, this can be regarded as a guarantee for you! " Tie Lan, who was still squatting there studying the wind grinding copper, suddenly said.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!" Gao Jiuding's mind became active, and he could be dissatisfied with being able to provide mysterious-level spiritual objects, treasure-level gourds for monks in the foundation-building period?

As for warships made of prefecture-level materials, Gao Jiuding urgently needs them now.

He doesn't need to take care of the Fox, but the second-level Dao Hong furnace that Tie Lan refines also needs a matching spaceship shell.

He has to think about this spaceship. Now he only has mechas made of earth-level materials, which is obviously not safe. If there is a second-level warship made of star iron, can the Fox be eliminated? up?

If Tie Lan can once again be allowed to refine eight ninth-tier treasures, Daohong Furnace, for free, then the performance of this new ship will surpass that of the Fox.

"Since the two of them have sent the medicine, then I'll give you a magic banner for protection!" Before Gao Jiuding returned home and shot it, the elegant scholar also spoke. While talking, he threw out a small The flag, the whole body of the flag is black, it is the magic flag he said.

Holding the magic banner, Gao Jiuding thought of those people who flew out from the purple palace just now, it seemed that each of them was wrapped in such a big black banner.

"These boys are really good at counting iron cocks. I'm not that stingy. I happened to find a Yin-Yang element magnet when I went out this time, so I'll give it to you!" The Taoist looked at Gao Jiuding and threw out a stone.

Gao Jiuding took it, and immediately felt a kind of force above it, or a magnetic field. This fist-sized stone has a strong repellency. Is this Yin-Yang Yuan Magnetic?
Just for a while, the scene that was still a little lively became deserted, except for the lord who was always staring at Gao Jiuding, there was also Tie Lan who was still pondering over the piece of wind-grinding copper.

After a while, the leader smiled lightly and said, "They all work from the outside to the inside. How dare you practice from the inside to the outside? You have ambition. If that's the case, I'll do you a favor!"

As he said that, the leader took the Yin-Yang Yuan Magnet from Gao Jiuding's hand, and with just a light grip, the Yin-Yang Yuan Magnet turned into powder and floated on the ground.

At this time, Gao Jiuding could clearly see that two black auras formed a circular mist and hovered over her hands.

The beauty leader said: "Using the earth spirit stone as the natal magic weapon, plus the yin and yang yuan magnetism, it is considered qualified, huh? You actually bought a Linglong Pagoda? It's a good idea. It's suitable to use it to suppress the yuan magnetism, so I will help you." in the end!"

The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is hidden in Gao Jiuding's dantian qi sea at this time, and the natal magic weapon, the earth spirit stone, is clearly seen by the leader, which makes Gao Jiuding a little creepy.

"Linglong Pagoda is well trained, but its cultivation is a bit weak, so be careful, if you push it too hard, you might be pumped out!" the leader said with a smile on his face, looking at the nervous Gao Jiuding.

After finishing speaking, the beautiful leader waved her hand, and the nine-story pagoda in Gao Jiuding's dantian Qi Sea fell into her hands.

 Thank you brother zhanren1 for the reward of 500 coins, thank you for the cute little Yuchen, the madness who was late for ten years, and the bookish brother of Shuxiangren for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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