The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 354 Break Through Easily

Chapter 354 Break Through Easily
The stalactites that melted into the water fully melted into Gao Jiuding's body from every part of his body.

This time it was not swallowed, so the spiritual energy transformed from the stalactites did not fully enter the dantian, but after continuously washing the body, the remaining part entered the meridians and merged into the dantian.

Obviously, those disappearing spiritual energy merged into Gao Jiuding's physical body, and this effect was what he wanted.

A drop of stalactite is really nothing to the current Gao Jiuding. Soon, this drop of stalactite that melted into the water was absorbed by his body.

Without the heavy coolness, Gao Jiuding did not continue to invest in the stalactites, but operated the Jiuding magic skill to refine the spiritual energy that finally entered the meridians.

The zhenqi circulated for a big circle, successfully digesting the spiritual qi in the meridians, which increased the zhenqi in Gao Jiuding's dantian qi sea.

This is a good thing, it means that his body can increase the true energy again, which means that the use of stalactites to wash the body just now has increased the amount of true energy in the meridians in his body.

After cultivating to the peak of the eighth level of qi training, the meridians in his body have reached a certain limit, and he can no longer continue to improve his true qi.

At this time, the true qi in the dantian qi sea has increased again, which shows that his body has been strengthened and the true qi capacity has been increased.

This is what Gao Jiuding wants. As long as there are no side effects, Gao Jiuding will continue to strengthen it until the stalactites have no effect on the body.

At the beginning, only one drop of stalactite could be smelted at a time. After several times of smelting, he felt that there was no problem, so Gao Jiuding began to increase the number of stalactites.

From two drops, to three drops, to five drops, to thirty drops, to fifty drops at a time, at this time, every time Gao Jiuding smelted stalactites, Gao Jiuding felt as if his body was covered with a layer of cold and heavy armor.

When the armor disappears, a huge stream of spiritual energy will be added to the meridians of the body that are constantly being washed away, and every time, Gao Jiuding can easily refine this huge stream of spiritual energy.

After another practice, he had already consumed two large gourd stalactites, but his body seemed to be a bottomless pit, and he could still smelt more stalactites.

This made Gao Jiuding have to sigh, the potential of the body is really infinite, it depends on how you develop it.

Popping out of the bathtub, he looked at the hourglass on the bookshelf not far away. Less than three days had passed, and after these three days, his cultivation base had increased by a full half. Explain the effect of fusion spiritual things.

One must know that the true qi in his body was refined with the help of An Shenxiu and other women, but now he has used spiritual energy to wash and nourish his body, and his cultivation base has increased by half again out of thin air. What is the effect?
"Exercising is indeed the right way!" With such a powerful effect, Gao Jiuding strengthened his cultivation path.

The body sank into the water again, and Gao Jiuding started a new practice. In such a narrow space, he must not let himself be idle, otherwise he would be upset and irritable, thinking wildly.

This time Gao Jiuding poured out half of the gourd stalactites, almost 100 drops, so many stalactites, just touching his skin, began to scramble to blend into his body.

"Eh?" A trace of true energy flowed into the meridian, Gao Jiuding moved a little bit, and felt the meridians in his body loosen and tighten, and then he could no longer feel any pressure.

After cultivating to the limit, the meridians in the body are always full of true qi. Only when the meridians are strengthened, will they expand a little space and continue to increase the capacity of true qi. This time, the meridians have a bit more room for expansion.

Feeling the sparse true qi in the meridians, it has changed from the rolling water of the Yangtze River to a trickle.

Gao Jiuding encountered such a situation more than once. He knew very well that his cultivation had broken through to the ninth level of Qi training.

There was no sign, no difficulty, and no feeling of breaking through. It just happened so smoothly and naturally. This can be said to be the easiest breakthrough for Gao Jiuding.

Breaking through so easily brought Gao Jiuding endless surprises, but the more than 100 drops of stalactite have not been absorbed, so Gao Jiuding can only calm down and continue to practice.

More than 100 drops of stalactite passed through every corner of the body and merged into Gao Jiuding's body. Only those that entered the meridians would he refine them. If they remained in his body, he would ignore them. The body absorbed the spiritual energy , will naturally be strengthened!

At this time, Gao Jiuding was no longer changing the way to push the aura in the meridians to flow quickly, but sat and watched the earth spirit stone in the sea of ​​qi in the dantian, absorbing and refining the aura naturally.

Time passed again, Gao Jiuding had completely digested the medicine in his body, he stood up, reached out to wipe the ring on his finger, and a pill appeared outside his body!

The moment the elixir appeared, it exploded immediately, forming a ball of water the size of a fist, which suddenly approached his body and turned into a water curtain that spread all over his body along the skin of his body.

Gao Jiuding took a step forward, passing through the water curtain, and in the process, the water curtain took away all the dirt on his body, making his body emit bursts of fragrance immediately.

This is body purification elixir, it has no great use, it is used to decontaminate and purify the body, in layman's terms, it is a elixir for bathing.

Breaking through the neck bottle this time, the meridians swelled and shrunk, and too many impurities poured out of the body. Simply taking a bath would definitely take a lot of time. Gao Jiuding didn't want time wasted on eating and bathing.

"It's the middle of the ninth level of Qi Refining. Although the cultivation base is completely produced by the power of medicine, it is still in the late stage of Qi Refining. As long as the Dzogchen is completed, you can proceed to the next step of cultivation!" Gao Jiuding looked at the hourglass beside him.

It feels like it's been a long time, but at this time, it's only been four days, and the cultivation base has increased by one level in four days, isn't it very fast?
"We need to push our cultivation to the level of Qi Refining Great Consummation as soon as possible!" Gao Jiuding looked at the empty stone gourd. After consuming so much stalactite, it was worth pushing his cultivation to this level.

Only a little more than four days have passed, and there is still such a long time, he still has plenty of time to practice!

"Take it slowly!" What Gao Jiuding lacked most now was resources, since the stalactites are still useful, then continue to take them.

The following days will be quite boring. Gao Jiuding will take a bath every day. He will take a bath non-stop. hit the south wall.

"Hehe, it's finally consummated!" After an unknown amount of time, Gao Jiuding felt his body touch the bottle again.

I went out to look at the hourglass. It has been a month. This time is not too slow, but it is not too short. Interrupted and pushed to the ninth level of Qi Refining Dzogchen.

This time, in the process of strengthening the body, the cultivation base was also enhanced, so that the body and true qi grew simultaneously, and the future troubles were naturally minimized.

"It's a pity that I don't have many talismans. Otherwise, I can bring a few more beauties in for a weekend break!" As long as Gao Jiuding is free, he will naturally think of the women outside. Gas, but also refined and purified once.

Such a good thing must have been overthought, the sword lord, it is impossible to leave such an obvious loophole for people to exploit.

The cultivation of Time and Space God Realm is the benefit of disbanded alliances, and it is impossible to benefit too many people, otherwise no one will cherish it.

Without the temporary talisman that recognizes the master with a drop of blood, it will be eroded by time. In other words, if you stay in the Time and Space God Realm for ten years, you will consume ten years of life. What is the difference between this and the acceleration of time?
In this way, the Time and Space God's Domain is not so attractive, and now, Gao Jiuding spent ten years here, his lifespan is only reduced by one year, which is equivalent to nine years of lifespan, which is the most precious.

The cultivation level was no longer increasing, and the body could not continue to absorb the stalactites for strengthening. Gao Jiuding began to prepare for foundation establishment.

"Now I can only try it with Zhuji Pill!" Although he had no idea, Gao Jiuding was not afraid of failure because he had the capital to start all over again.

He took out a small jade bottle from the Qiankun bag, and poured out a black elixir from the jade bottle, this is the foundation building pill, each 10 yuan low-grade spirit stone, Gao Jiuding bought [-] pills at once .

What he is currently practicing is the outer alchemy method, or the method of taking food. To put it bluntly, it is drug addiction. This kind of cultivation has great hidden dangers. Even if he refines Qi and takes a foundation building pill, he will not be able to build basic success.

After confirming this point, Gao Jiuding will use the Foundation Establishment Pill. Although taking one at this time will not be able to establish the foundation, it can push his cultivation level higher again.

Gao Jiuding is very clear about the role of the Foundation Building Pill. It can increase the chance of a monk breaking through the bottleneck by [-]%, and it can also repair the meridians and provide a lot of spiritual energy.

Qi-practicing Dzogchen monks took the Foundation Establishment Pill, naturally aiming at increasing the chance of foundation establishment by [-]%, but what Gao Jiuding needed was to restore the meridians and the large amount of spiritual energy contained in it.

The aura contained in a Foundation Establishment Pill should not be able to sustain the meridians in the body, but as long as the meridians cannot be exploded, after such a powerful aura baptism, his body meridians will be forced to expand once, this is Gao Jiuding's attention.

Sitting cross-legged, he quickly swallowed Zhuji Dan.

Sure enough, the huge spiritual energy filled the meridians, causing the meridians to expand and continue to expand, but it just didn't burst the meridians.

This is the value of the Foundation Establishment Pill. When it provides a huge aura, it can also repair and strengthen the meridians. It is because of this that Gao Jiuding can bear the huge aura of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Maybe it's because the true qi in his body still has room for improvement. When a Foundation Establishment Pill is completely refined, he won't even break through to the Foundation Establishment stage, and he will not even let the true qi in his body reach the Great Perfection.

Before taking the Zhuji Pill, he had achieved Dzogchen, but after taking it, it was completely refined, so it was not perfect?This is the expansion of the meridians in the body!

At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to take other medicines, but planned to grind his time with water and slowly accumulate spiritual energy.

 Thanks to Qiqian Xingyu, book friend 20180827095259010, Yuchen Xiaocutie, book friend 20180901031807831 and other brothers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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