Chapter 385

From Gao Jiuding's point of view, crafting is the same as cultivation, which is a process of breaking through the limit again and again. Now the golden legs are obviously breaking through the limit non-stop. Although it can't become a treasure, it can continue to be strengthened to reach the level of a magic weapon. Ultimate is also very powerful.

One after another, the Immortal Talismans were smashed into the beautiful golden leg by Gao Jiuding, perhaps because the golden beautiful leg was too big, so each one was restrained and distributed independently inside the golden beautiful leg.

Twelve, 24, 36, and when it reached 36, no matter how Gao Jiuding looked, he couldn't find any gaps, so he stopped.

"36 laws and prohibitions? The number of small Zhoutian, this is definitely not a coincidence!" Gao Jiuding looked at the beautiful golden legs that kept spinning, no matter how hard he searched, he could not find the possibility of integrating into the immortal prohibition.

He knew that this was already the limit of this beautiful golden leg, if he continued to integrate, it would either cause a qualitative change, or make all the restrictions mutually exclusive and eventually collapse.

"Forget about this beautiful leg. After all, it is the product of the first formal refining, so keep it and keep it!" After quenching, Gao Jiuding took it out, holding the golden feet under the beautiful leg, and said with satisfaction.

He was very satisfied with this beautiful leg, especially the little feet, which jumped straight and felt good in his hands.

Caressing this smooth thigh, looking at the thigh hidden in the golden light, Gao Jiuding said that this will be his weapon in the future
Although there is a wicked taste in making this thigh, he really didn't expect that the cross-section of the thigh was covered by the golden light emitted from his whole body.

At this time, the whole thigh looks like a beautiful leg hidden under the golden light, not a broken leg like a fake model, but like a beauty wearing a golden cheongsam, with a high slit, revealing a leg, as for Other parts are hidden.

Gao Jiuding was also surprised by such a situation, especially after seeing its light and shadow effects.

Hold it in your hand, anyone who sees this beautiful golden leg will be in a trance, because this is palm dance.

Such a weapon is tantamount to having natural attributes such as charm, distraction, and weakness. Once such an artifact is released, who will compete with it?

After being happy, Gao Jiuding put away his beautiful golden legs and began to meditate. His nascent consciousness was consumed quickly in everything he did, especially promoting the circulation of true energy in his body, which consumed the most energy.

When he was about to collapse, Gao Jiuding simply went to sleep, and when he woke up refreshed, he started to mess around again.

Of course, in the process of refining ore, shaping, and even controlling the branding symbol, the process of imprinting on the embryo is all done by the old tortoise, and Gao Jiuding only needs to design the refining plan.

To be honest, Gao Jiuding only moves his mouth, and the old tortoise uses his hands. Now creativity is king, so this can be regarded as Gao Jiuding's crafting.

First, he tried to break through the 36 restrictions, but every time he failed, and then he refined some messy things, because these things were all fabricated by his wild imagination.

Of course, some of these things succeeded, while others failed.

However, even though he failed a lot, he still managed to come up with some interesting things, such as a three-storey attic he made using ground yellow stones, in which a large number of space folding symbols and wishful symbols were rubbed.

The consequence of doing this is that this three-story attic can be as large as the attic of the Sword Alliance Master.

It took more than a dozen high-grade spirit stones to refine the ground yellow stone, and the effect was really beyond Gao Jiuding's expectations.

The grade of Dihuangshi is not low, and the space it accommodates has more restrictions on folding. The space attic refined by Gao Jiuding has an internal space of over a thousand meters. That is to say, each floor of the attic has a A space with a length, width and height of 1000 meters.

"The most widely used magic weapon in the modern world of comprehension is the portable space, right? It's a pity that there is no Time God Domain, otherwise it would be awesome!" Gao Jiuding kept searching for information on, looking for information about space and time. trace.

There is very little information in this regard, and even if there is some, it is a paid item. At this time, Gao Jiuding discovered that there are actually some posts and videos dedicated to collecting high-grade spirit stones on

"Heaven and Earth Lingxiu List? Is there a fee?" Gao Jiuding looked at a high-ranking post, and it turned out to be a list. Aren't such lists all for public welfare?

After careful study for a while, Gao Jiuding finally opened the post to check carefully after paying for a high-grade spirit stone.

There are too many spiritual shows of heaven and earth recorded on it, spiritual veins, spiritual things, strange things, spiritual liquids, spiritual waters, spiritual pills, spiritual grasses, spiritual plants, spiritual stones, spiritual treasures, and spiritual mines. It can be said to be an encyclopedia of cultivation .

"No wonder you have to charge money!" Looking at the introduction with pictures and texts above, Gao Jiuding felt very satisfied.

The value of a high-grade spirit stone is enough, even if it is converted into a low-grade spirit stone, it is more than [-]. To spend such a high price, just to understand some spiritual things in the cultivation world, it is natural to cover everything.

Gao Jiuding realized that some of the so-called spirit objects he got earlier were really not popular after seeing this list of heaven and earth spirits. Even the ground-level Dihuangshi was ranked at the bottom of this list of heaven and earth spirits. Miscellaneous list.

This Heaven and Earth Spiritual Show List is different. Its classification standards are ordinary, rare and legendary, and it is divided according to rarity!

For example, the grade of dihuangshi is not high, not because the role of dihuangshi is not important, but because there are too many dihuangshi, and rare things are more expensive, so dihuangshi can only be kept out of the flow.

But at this time, Gao Jiuding discovered that the star iron and the wind-milled copper are all on top of it. This is a typical rare spiritual thing!
Especially the wind-milled copper, although the grade is not high, but because it is too important, too rare, and highly sought after, the price is very expensive, and its position on the list of heaven and earth spirits is relatively high.

And Gao Jiuding also has several good things in his hands, such as the Lingming stone, which is actually very rare, and the other is the sky blue flint, that is, the small stone that was swallowed by the old turtle, which actually ranks first in the world. The list is a rare rare thing in heaven and earth.

Fire blue stone, also known as blue fire stone, or some people simply call him sky blue fire stone, no matter how you call it, this is a strange stone that is born of earth and fire, and a strange stone that combines two attributes is absolutely rare.

And the most rare thing about this kind of stone is that it can let the old tortoise send its spirit, that is to say, with this stone, he can exist without the Dao Hong furnace.

Gao Jiuding looked at Da Dao Honglu, maybe there was a clone made by the old turtle himself inside.

The Xuanwu itself is of the earth attribute, while the Daohonglu controlled by the old tortoise is of the fire attribute. Now that it uses fire blue stones, it means that the old tortoise is of the earth and fire attribute.

"Uh! Has it been refined?" Gao Jiuding stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of him, he knew that he could only see it if the old turtle was willing to let him see it.

At this time, just like Gao Jiuding's refining tool, the scene inside the Daohong furnace was completely displayed before his eyes.

Gao Jiuding could clearly see that there was a little blue turtle floating in the golden flames, looking very carefree.

"Is it too small?" Looking at the tortoise the size of a fingernail, Gao Jiuding sneered.

"So, master, you still have to work hard. If you get me a bigger body, you can take me with you anytime in the future!" The old turtle's simple and honest voice sounded, but no matter how Gao Jiuding heard it, his words were not simple and honest. .

"What's the benefit of taking you out? You are not wanted by others, and you are forced to me. It will only be embarrassing to take you out!" Gao Jiuding said contemptuously.

The old tortoise was silent, probably because Gao Jiuding mentioned his sadness, others took the dragon, phoenix and unicorn to go out, the natural scenery, even if there is no dragon, phoenix and unicorn, a tiger, lion, nine-tailed fox or something, it would be very impressive.

But what is it with a turtle?Are you afraid that you won't be able to become a turtle?

No matter what kind of old turtle it is, people in the modern cultivation world don't like it.

It's not that it's not good enough, but that it's too good. There's no need to pick a short, ugly, poor one!
Finally, the old tortoise's voice was no longer simple and honest, and even brought a hint of cynicism: "I live a long life and see a lot. Also, my old man is a natural basalt shield. Is life-saving or face-saving important?"

"That's right, I don't know if you are useful now?" Gao Jiuding put away the contempt he showed on purpose, what if he hurts the old turtle's self-esteem, what should he do if he loses the chain at a critical moment in the future?
"You thought the previous refining was easy? Without my old man's knowledge and experience, how could you refine the materials? Can you refine a high-grade magic weapon without a single failure?

You log on to and search carefully to see who can refine a weapon for the first time and refine it into a space treasure?Not to mention that it can accommodate so many folding methods! "The angrier the old tortoise was, the more he talked, which allowed Gao Jiuding to learn more about the cultivation world.

Gao Jiuding expressed his satisfaction, but it was his specialty to be picky: "I have seen the method of refining weapons. What I just said was the Xuanwu Shield. What's the matter with the Xuanwu Shield?"

The old tortoise finally calmed down, and it seemed that he had gotten the point.

"My old man just slows down. Who told you to find too few fire blue stones? If there is a ten-ton or eight-ton one, I will directly enlarge it and cover you, so there is no need to move to defend?" The old turtle felt very wronged. , the slow movement is due to its bad talent, can you blame it?
Gao Jiuding rubbed his chin, feeling pretty good. Even if he couldn't defend his whole body because of his small size, it would be nice to be able to defend himself automatically. After all, it was a surprise.

"I can also make alchemy. This is the most important thing to you. Everything else is small. If it wasn't for this, do you think I would just enter such a boat? Even if I were a demon spirit, I wouldn't take it easily Your own life rests in the hands of others!" the old turtle said again.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins, thanks to Yuchen Xiaocutie and Shuxiangrenjia, a bookworm for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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