The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 388 plundering resources

Chapter 388 plundering resources
The real supernatural powers can be picked up at your fingertips. This is the power of supernatural powers!

Still the same sentence, unreasonable use of powerful Taoism, this is supernatural power, this is an instinct engraved into the soul, such an ability is naturally very powerful.

However, it is not so easy to fuse the supernatural powers cultivated by other people, and it is even more difficult to fuse the rune fragments left after the golden core is broken. Therefore, few people are willing to do this kind of chance thing.

However, after all, this is the easiest way to obtain supernatural powers. Thinking of the legendary "thousand hands and thousand eyes", Gao Jiuding's heart is moved. Isn't there a chance?What if he ran into it?If he really merged this kind of supernatural power, would it add to his merits and wisdom eyes?
Anyway, he can't use high-grade spirit stones now, so Gao Jiuding raised his hand decisively.

"Haha, little friend Sanqi is really lucky. He offered 1000 yuan for high-grade spirit stones. Has no one bid?" Seeing someone bid, Yu Xuanji burst out laughing.

"Today, the Sanqi brothers have the priority, so we won't compete." At this time, the sword leader said.

The old seventh member of the disbanded alliance will not have any priority, but as a new member of the alliance, he has this kind of preferential treatment. Although this auction is not held solely for Gao Jiuding, it also has such a meaning.

Gao Jiuding took another picture of a supernatural talisman seed. At this time, the scene became quiet.

"Third-line golden ginseng, watch the video and bid yourself!" After the scene became surprisingly quiet, Yu Xuanji became a lot more serious this time.

At this moment, the scene in front of Gao Jiuding began to change. Just now, it was a hall, but now it turned into a mountain forest, and a strange plant appeared in a bush.

The golden fruits with green leaves and red flowers are not big, only the size of bean grains, but they are very conspicuous because they emit golden light.

"Is it really a third-tier golden ginseng? I'll give you three thousand high-grade spirit stones!"

"four thousand!"

"Ten thousand, don't compete with our Chen family!"

"Ha, your Chen family has a big face? 1000 yuan high-grade spirit stone!"

"Twenty thousand, is there anyone competing with our Chen family?"

"Are you crazy?" Someone changed his face.

"Crazy? You have spent a lot of spirit stones. Now is our Chen family's chance to break your monopoly!" The Chen family said.

As the members of the Chen family bid, everyone fell silent!

2 yuan is a lot of high-grade spirit stones, not to mention, the higher the level of the battleship, the greater the consumption of high-grade spirit stones!

Don't look at these people wandering in outer space all year round, but they really don't have many high-grade spirit stones.

Of course, more people still keep the high-grade spirit stones to deal with accidents, or they have arranged for them to be used. At this time, there is no way to draw out so many high-grade spirit stones.

"Break the monopoly!" Gao Jiuding said with a little emotion.

Looking at the third-line golden ginseng, Gao Jiuding knew that it was an elixir, and it was monopolized by others as a high-grade elixir. What is a high-grade elixir?It is a panacea with good enough aptitude to grow for thousands of years.

How can such a panacea be monopolized?Without seeds, they would naturally not be able to grow them. Even if they had time, God's Domain would be useless.

"Twenty-five thousand yuan for high-grade spirit stones!" Just as Gao Jiuding was calculating whether he would also bid, someone else bid.

"Jian Zong, you battle lunatic, you actually competed too?" Yu Xuanji looked at the leader of the Sword Alliance with an expression of information. Her original name was Jian Zong.

"Why can't I compete? Look, don't say I'm bullying you!" After the leader of the sword alliance finished speaking, the virtual projection changed again.

Looking at the huge flying sword in front of him, Gao Jiuding couldn't believe it, especially when compared with the surrounding asteroids, the flying sword was so huge.

At this time, Feijian was passing through an asteroid belt, and its size was actually half the size of a planet. It was the comparison with that asteroid that made Feijian's hugeness appear.

In the void of the universe, one can still look at incomparably huge things, whose size can be imagined.

"Jianzong, your flying sword has been promoted to the third level?"

"Congratulations, our Shenzhou Daomeng has launched another third-tier warship!"

"Is it really level three? Jianzong, you haven't been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, have you?"

"That's right, Jianzong, you have a high-grade spirit stone, and you don't plan to be promoted to Yuanying, so it's wasted here, isn't it too much?"

"Are you stupid? Jianzong is a sword cultivator. She doesn't need spirit stones to condense the Nascent Soul. She only needs good materials to break through the realm of the sword fetus. Gathering the sword infant is serious!"

"Jianying, is it possible that this time offering sacrifices to heaven will allow a junior to break through first?"

"Junior, she will soon be a senior!"

"I go first!"

"I'm going to retreat too!"

"Young people nowadays are really not to be underestimated. I'm going to attack Nascent Soul!"

"You old guys, don't worry, accumulate more, and you can go further in the future!"

"If the foundation is not solid, the earth will shake and the mountains will shake. You have to think about it!" At this time, the leader of the sword alliance said with a smile.

"Have you laid a solid foundation?" Yu Xuanji asked, looking at the leader of the Sword Alliance.

"I didn't say to condense the sword baby now? These old guys are showing off their heads!" The sword leader said with a look of disdain.

"Then I don't worry about it. However, today's auction will end here. The next auction will include the Red Fire Bead, the Dust Bead, the Space God Stone, the Peacock Feather, and Jin Kuizhen's Words. Well, this time I will stop here. Let's go!" After saying that, Yu Xuanji disappeared.

"It's really cunning. Seeing that no one bids a high price in this auction, it just ended?" the sword leader laughed loudly.

Gao Jiuding was also speechless. This group of people should be regarded as the richest people in the cultivation world, but their high-grade spirit stones are all useful. Now that they are stimulated by the sword leader, they will definitely not waste high-grade spirit stones. In this way, No matter how good something is, it cannot be sold at a high price.

Looking at the dissipated projections, Gao Jiuding could only smile wryly, these are all treacherous and cunning people!
With the end of the auction, Gao Jiuding was excited because he was about to return home.

He bought everything that needed to be bought, and prepared everything that needed to be prepared. Gao Jiuding no longer hesitated, he directly ordered the old turtle to control the battleship to fly out of the airport, and entered the void of space again.

Looking at the spinning earth in front of him, Gao Jiuding quickly made a choice. His destination this time was still Africa.

After leaving Africa this time, he will definitely not go in a short time, so he must prepare some things.

For example, African orangutans, various monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, hippopotamuses and other animals, as well as various plants, all of which need Gao Jiuding to fill in the space pagoda.

Gao Jiuding has been regretting the lack of preparation last time for several years, this time, he must make it more comprehensive.

The spaceship quickly landed and came directly to southern Africa. In the jungle here, wildebeests and bison are the most abundant, followed by lions, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals, etc. that chased them.

Small herds of animals are not easy to find, but the buffalo herds and wildebeest herds during the migration process are easy to track, and as long as you find the buffalo herds, you will find other predators.

In this process, zebras and giraffes are windfalls.

Of course, when catching various animals, Gao Jiuding did not forget to transplant some cash crops.

Crops such as coffee, sugar cane, cashew nuts, spices, etc., as long as they come across, Gao Jiuding will transplant some.

This time Gao Jiuding was in a hurry to go home. He caught whatever he encountered. Among them, there were the most herbivores, such as antelopes, wildebeests, zebras, bison, etc., especially rabbits. It is fast, and is most suitable for the existence of meat as a carnivore.

Of course, the number of carnivores that Gao Jiuding caught was not many, each of which only captured a dozen pairs, and it was fine to let them multiply in the space pagoda.

Among them, the black rhinos were the least numerous. When Gao Jiuding was about to leave, Gao Jiuding unexpectedly found a colony of black rhinos. This time, he was not polite and directly wiped out a dozen or so black rhinos.

"This is really a treasure land!" Flying around Black Africa three times, catching animals as soon as they saw them, and transplanting a few unfamiliar trees when they saw them, Gao Jiuding only took a few hours to fill a [-]-meter-high space pagoda.

This space pagoda was newly cast by An Shenxiu and others in the past year. The materials used are all scrapped high-rise buildings recovered from the demon battleship.

The 100-meter-high tower has an internal folding space of 100 meters. An Shenxiu and others tried their best to create [-] layers of space.

The length and width are 100 meters, and there are more than [-] floors. Such a large space can still be filled. From this, we can see how crazy Gao Jiuding is in plundering resources this time.

And this is in Black Africa. Except here, Gao Jiuding has no chance anywhere else. If he really dares to plunder natural resources so wantonly, he will definitely be beaten by big forces.

A huge space of ten kilometers in length and width is 100 square kilometers, and such a huge space is separated by more than 960 layers, which is [-] square kilometers, which is [-]/[-] of China. How many resources to download?
"This time offering sacrifices to the heavens, there will definitely be bloodshed!" In southern Africa, in a forest that was flooded by floods, Gao Jiuding, together with the flood that filled the sky, entered the space of the pagoda.

He has done this kind of thing more than 100 times, because there must be more than 100 rivers in the 100-storey space.

"As much as you receive, you must give back!" Gao Jiuding, who had been prepared for a long time, directly released a large piece of crushed ore, the most of which was crushed ice, which was obtained from some ice planets.

These crushed ores were brought back on purpose when he returned to Earth, otherwise wouldn't it be too wasteful for the Xuanwu to be empty?

Not to mention the internal space equipment of the Xuanwu, but the outermost space of the Xuanwu has a space of [-] meters. It is a waste to keep such a large space.

 Thank you, Haha Fatty, for the reward of 500 coins from my brother, thank you ~ Brother Awakening for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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