The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 395 Exploration and Discovery

Chapter 395 Exploration and Discovery (500 Monthly Ticket Plus Updates)

When I was young, many people thought that Gao Jiuding's younger brother Gao Qiong was a girl, but now, Gao Jiuding saw a real female version of Gao Qiong, how could he not doubt it?
"Gao Xianzhi, you're bullying the kids again, it's over, I'm going to call your mother over!"

"Teacher, they say I'm a liar!"

"Aren't you a liar? I have been teaching here for several years, and I have never seen your father!"

"Dad, teacher, look, that's my dad, dad."

When Gao Jiuding was studying the little girl, he didn't expect that the little girl turned her head when the teacher said it, but saw him instead.

And what's even more astonishing is that she actually called Gao Jiuding Dad!

Gao Jiuding turned around suddenly, there was no one behind him, the person calling was not someone else, could it be him?

"Father, why did you come back? Don't you love me and mom?" The little girl ran to Gao Jiuding's side in a few steps on her short legs, and grabbed the corner of his clothes familiarly. question him.

Gao Jiuding was really confused this time, does this little girl still have this kind of magic trick?
At this moment, he had already begun to suspect that this was his father's illegitimate daughter, no, it should be his mother's illegitimate daughter, because this little girl was obviously more like his mother!
That's not right, if it's an illegitimate daughter, how could she blatantly put it in the kindergarten in her own community?

"Dad, have you come back from Africa? Did you bring big potatoes? I heard from my mother that the big potatoes grown on our farm are the best. Dad, Dad, did you hear that? I want to eat colorful potatoes. Mom said you I have been studying the cultivation of colorful potatoes for years!"

The little girl was obviously very excited. She pulled Gao Jiuding and kept asking, making Gao Jiuding and the kindergartener honest, a little at a loss.

"Are you really Gao Xianzhi's child's father?" The teacher was in his twenties, with a youthful face, and he didn't know how to hide his emotions.

Gao Jiuding lowered his head, looked at the little girl carefully, and asked, "Where's your mother?"

"Mom has gone to work. She often has surgery, and when she starts surgery, she forgets to pick me up. Look, it's late again today!" The little girl pouted and complained.

surgery?Doctor?Gao Jiuding thought about it and said, "Song Yue is often late?"

"Yeah, Doctor Song is too busy!" the teacher said.

Gao Jiuding's eyes widened, but there was no expression in his eyes. She was really Song Yue's daughter, but how could her daughter call her father?

If you grow up like this, you should call yourself dad, right?This name looks like Gao Qiong, so naturally it looks like my mother, like my mother, isn't it just like him?
Gao Jiuding's brain is a bit chaotic. He is not very familiar with his own face, but he is too familiar with his parents and brothers. The appearance of this little girl is a perfect Gao family gene.

"No!" Gao Jiuding put his arm behind him, and with a movement, a drop of blood-red blood essence appeared on his finger, and then, the blood essence melted away, forming a complicated pattern in an instant.

After 12 and a half years of retreat, Gao Jiuding has learned a lot, including many spells about refining blood. Of course, at that time, he majored in the blood slave seal, which is the blood tracing technique, a very simple technique. Spells, usually have no effect, but now they are used again.

When that drop of blood turned into a blood talisman, Gao Jiuding's true energy urged, and the blood talisman instantly submerged into Gao Xianzhi's body.

The speed was too fast, ordinary people naturally couldn't see it, and even Gao Jiuding could only see a trace of blood.

Gao Jiuding looked at all this in shock. The blood tracing technique, as the name suggests, is to use his drop of blood to find someone who is related to him by blood. fusion.

"It's really my daughter?" The feeling of being connected by blood is not deceiving, he feels it very clearly.

After confirming the blood relationship, Gao Jiuding immediately thought of the night Song Yue left.

That day he had a sexual dream all night, and the object was Song Yue. In the past few years, Gao Jiuding often recalled that dream that was a bit hazy but felt very real.

"Are you really Gao Xianzhi's child's father?" Gao Jiuding's expression kept changing, which aroused the teacher's suspicion.

"Teacher, this is my father Gao Jiuding, Gao Jiuding who keeps his promises. He is a farmer in Africa, where he raises many animals and grows a lot of vegetables." The little girl kept talking non-stop. He also needs to understand himself.

"You are Gao Jiuding? The eldest son of the old Gao family?" The teacher already knew the identity of Gao Jiuding at this time. After all, the situation of a beautiful woman like Song Yue is the focus of other people's gossip. Naturally, she also knows something about Song Yue. Condition.

"I'm Gao Jiuding. By the way, if Song Yue doesn't come, don't my parents have time?" Gao Jiuding's expression was not very good at this time, no matter whether the little princess was his daughter or not, his family members were too worried. Are you irresponsible?

"Grandpa and grandma went to the old man's house, and they asked my uncle to pick me up, but my uncle obviously forgot about me!" The little princess pouted again, with an unhappy expression on her face.

Gao Jiuding was very sure this time, this little princess definitely belonged to his family.

"Then, let's go home?" Gao Jiuding hesitated for a moment before asking.

The kindergarten teacher opened the school gate and sent the little princess out.

On the fair skin of the little princess, flushed with excitement, with big eyes and long black eyelashes, she looked at Gao Jiuding blinking and blinking.

Gao Jiuding opened his arms, and the little princess immediately threw herself into Gao Jiuding's arms.

"Father, do you miss me?" Gao Jiuding was still in a daze as he carried the little princess into the community. He was a little surprised when he returned home this time and received such an expensive gift. No, it was a little scare!

However, the shock was the shock, Gao Jiuding was in a good mood, you know, Song Yue was his childhood dream!

It can't be said that every night of his youth was dedicated to her, but there must be a lot of it.

Looking at the white and tender little girl with an excited face, this evidence is too strong, it looks exactly like my younger brother when he was a child!
"Song Yue, you are really a bullshit!" Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth, did he want to teach Song Yue a lesson?

Suddenly ran to Ethiopia and brought back a precious daughter?If he doesn't come back, will he never know that there is still a daughter?

"Dad, Dad, you're home, why don't you talk?" After being shaken by the little girl, Gao Jiuding finally woke up.

"What's wrong? By the way, we don't have a key, how can we get in?" Looking at the familiar anti-theft door, Gao Jiuding really wanted to go in, but he couldn't just kick it open, right?
"No, I have the key!" As he said that, the little man pulled out a necklace from his neck, and there was a key hanging under the necklace.

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless, how busy these people in the family are!

Holding her daughter in her arms, watching her open the door very purely, Gao Jiuding followed in silently!

Compared with his family, his father seems to be more irresponsible. After all, he hasn't been back for eight years.

"Dad, I want to take a shower!"

"Dad, I want to change clothes!"

"Dad, why are you so stupid? My skirt is over there!"

"Dad, come and change the water for me!"

"Dad, add water!"

All of a sudden, Gao Jiuding became busy. That villain is not taking a bath, but playing with water, right?No, this is playing with Dad, she has already ordered Gao Jiuding to turn around.

Looking for a sense of existence, this is looking for a sense of existence, Gao Jiuding understands the joy of the little girl, and also knows that she is still a little uneasy!

"Dad, comb your hair!"

"Dad, I'm hungry!"

"Dad, what is this?"

"Father, this red fruit is really delicious!"

After combing her daughter's hair, braiding it, and serving her a piece of shrimp and fruit after dinner, Gao Jiuding had time to miss his youth.

It is really not easy to take care of children, Gao Jiuding is a bit at a loss when faced with various problems.

Finally, the little girl's attention was attracted by other things. She was watching TV in the living room at this time, and it seemed to be a guy named Maji, who was constantly making jokes.

After watching the cartoon, the little girl no longer pestered Gao Jiuding, or forgot to pester him, which made Gao Jiuding feel empty, as if he had lost something.

"It's really strange for kids these days. They actually like to look at numb buttocks. What's so good about rubbing buttocks? The strangest thing is that this kid's name is rubbing buttocks?" Gao Jiuding, who felt deeply hurt, could only walk away silently. into his bedroom.

The old house at home had three bedrooms and one living room. It used to be the parents' room, and he and Gao Qiong each had the room. Now it may be his room that has changed the most.

It used to be just a big boy's room, but now it has become a lot more feminine, almost half of it is imprinted with Song Yue's traces.

Feminine slippers, feminine towels, and very cute and furry toys, these are either Song Yue's or the little princess's.

"Hey, Song Yue is really a coward, actually wearing this kind of transparent black silk?" Opening the closet, Gao Jiuding immediately saw some eye-catching things, especially various special equipment.

"Uncle, you're dead!" Just as Gao Jiuding was exploring and discovering wretchedly, Gao Jiuding heard the door knock, which meant that Gao Qiong had returned.

"Ah, I'm sorry, baby, I really have something to do. Besides, I'm not too late!" A familiar voice sounded, this was the first time Gao Jiuding heard Gao Qiong's voice after his voice changed during puberty.

Thinking about it now, Gao Jiuding is also a bit of a jerk, after all, he is a younger brother, and there are family members here, so he really hasn't come back for eight years.

Even if all the wealth of the family is given to Gao Qiong, can he give up everything here?

"Fortunately, I have prepared a lot of gifts. It's not too late to make up for it now, right?" Gao Jiuding felt a little guilty when he thought of his parents and brothers helping him with the children.

(End of this chapter)

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