Chapter 405 All gone (three thousand recommendations plus more)

Seeing Gao Jiuding also put on clothes, Song Yue pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Shall we go to my parents' place for breakfast?"

"Okay, let your daughter-in-law show off!" Gao Jiuding also laughed.

It's already 07:30 in the morning, the old people get up early, and later, people have to finish their meals.

Gao Jiuding and Song Yue washed up hastily and walked out of the house.

As soon as he walked out of the house, Gao Jiuding saw a young man limping over.

As soon as he saw this guy, Gao Jiuding was overjoyed. When he was a mortal, he must have had the same reaction as Song Yue when he heard the sound of falling objects. But now, Gao Jiuding saw much more than others many.

For example, this limping young man must have been practicing flying with a sword in the small park behind.

This must be a novice, but if the control is not good, it will fall from the flying sword.

When the young man disappeared, Song Yue said strangely: "Xiao Zhang often limps, and I asked him to see a doctor, but he didn't. You see, until now, his condition has become more and more serious."

When Gao Jiuding heard this, he burst out laughing.

"What's wrong? Why are you so sympathetic?" Song Yue quit, and her face was a little red.

Gao Jiuding smiled and said, "It's really different for this woman to have a child. It turns out that senior sister is not so sympathetic!"

"Women are always soft-hearted!" Song Yue said with a white look at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding said in a low voice: "That kid was injured by a fall, just now!"

"Just now?" Song Yue didn't react for a moment.

Gao Jiuding said: "A falling object, with a plop, that is, he fell from the sky!"

"Ah..." Song Yue couldn't close her mouth in surprise, Gao Jiuding directly bit her bright red mouth.

After kissing fiercely for a while, Gao Jiuding walked out of the community quickly, hugging the blushing Song Yue.

This area is an old district. Just to the left of the community, there is a small market. It is usually used to sell vegetables, but it turns into a night market at night. In the morning, it is naturally a morning market. There are vegetables and fruits sold in the morning market, as well as breakfast. .

The two of them bought fried dough sticks, soy milk, millet porridge, and tea eggs. Of course, they also took some delicious pickles, and then walked towards another community not far away.

Gao Qinglin and Fu Wenjun live in a much better neighborhood than Gao Jiuding and the others. However, their house is not big, only less than [-] square meters, with two bedrooms and one living room. It turned out to be Gao Jiuding's grandparents The house seems to be vacant now.

Song Yue opened the door, and Gao Jiuding walked in first. At this time, the old couple had just returned from exercising and were waiting for Gao Xianzhi to wash up.

"Gao Xianzhi, do your own thing!" Seeing that Fu Wenjun was helping Gao Xianzhi wash his hands and face, Song Yue immediately spoke out.

"Okay, when Ganoderma lucidum was six or seven years old, I would wash his face!" Fu Wenjun immediately said, disdainful of her granddaughter being wronged.

"Mom, you are conniving!" Gao Jiuding quit immediately, how many years ago did this happen?Also, can we stop calling him Ganoderma lucidum?
"What's wrong? Could it be that what I said is not the truth?" Fu Wenjun gave his son a hard look. Is this kid helping his wife and opposing her?
"After ten years old, you will become a stepmother!" Gao Jiuding said coolly.

Seeing this kid's appearance, Fu Wenjun was furious: "If you talk about it, I will beat you. You are almost 30 years old, and you are still being beaten. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Gao Jiuding is speechless, this is definitely his own mother, the stepmother must avoid being noticed, she can't beat her son so blatantly!
"Okay, okay, hurry up and eat, eat, go to work, go to school!" Gao Qinglin saw that his wife was about to act like a demon again, and immediately said.

Since ancient times, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law have been at odds with each other. If there is no son by your side, it’s okay. If you are by your side, the two will start to compete for the son’s sovereignty.

Gao Qinglin, who had been taught a lesson in the early years, must not look at his son, and was also caught in a dilemma.

Gao Jiuding looked at his father feelingly, this is definitely his own father!

Gao Qinglin said: "What are you doing at my house so early? To make a living?"

I just thought that this is my real father, now Gao Jiuding is a little uncertain: "What is your home?"

"Ha, this is our home, if there is time to waste, why not think of ways to repay the loan!" Fu Wenjun said.

Gao Jiuding was at a loss, his family still had a loan?

"Now the house we live in is sold to us at a low price. I bought it with a loan. I will pay back a little every month!" Song Yue whispered.

Hearing this, Gao Jiuding's face turned dark. This is really a real mother and father. They actually sold their house to their daughter-in-law. They really did it!
At this time, what helped to take care of the children, what was so good to his wife and children, all gone, all gone!

"Dad, this is your gift. I forgot to take it out last night!" Gao Jiuding said, handing Dad a small bag the size of a palm.

"Hey, what is this made of? Handmade or knitted?" Gao Qinglin looked at the silk bag in his hand, feeling very strange.

"What knitting, it looks like embroidery to me!" Fu Wenjun stared at her son. If her eyes could catch fire, Gao Jiuding would have been burned to ashes long ago.

"This is mother's!" Gao Jiuding raised his head and looked up at the sky.

Seeing the more exquisite little pocket in his son's hand, Fu Wenjun grabbed it directly. As for the cheap food, she has long been used to it.

Of course, this is also to the son, because the mother has always given in before her son without a bottom line!
"You..." Gao Qinglin, who was still smiling just now, saw the small pocket in Fu Wenjun's hand, his eyes shrank suddenly, and his body was so stiff that he didn't know how to speak.

"What's wrong?" Fu Wenjun looked at her husband and said.

"This..." Gao Qinglin looked at Gao Jiuding with a complicated expression, his mouth seemed to be stuffed with hemp balls, and he couldn't speak anymore.

"It doesn't matter, I don't have a spiritual root. Can you blame you for being biased?" Gao Jiuding said carelessly.

"What?" Fu Wenjun also stared blankly at the elder son. Does he know the spirit root?
"Have you obtained the fate of immortality?" Gao Qinglin said with a sigh.

Seeing the appearance of his parents, Gao Jiuding felt a little puzzled: "What? You guys are not happy that I have obtained a fairy fate?"

"Is it something to be happy to get immortality without qualifications?" Song Yue gave Gao Jiuding a white look.

"Shouldn't you be happy?" Gao Jiuding's complexion became uneasy.

Gao Qinglin sighed again: "Your mother and I don't have spiritual roots. We know that there are immortals, but we can't cultivate. How many people can bear this kind of suffering that is visible but intangible? ? You have no qualifications, so how will you practice in the future? If you don’t have the resources for cultivation, what will you do?”

Fu Wenjun looked at Gao Jiuding worriedly and said, "Son, don't go wrong. The Dao League is very powerful. Anyone who breaks the law will be arrested immediately!"

Gao Jiuding looked at his parents speechlessly, it turned out that this was what he was worried about.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, Gao Jiuding has a lot of resources, otherwise he wouldn't have given you space bags!" Song Yue said at this time.

"Resources? Is this a Qiankun bag?" Both husband and wife looked at the small pockets in their hands.

"Storage bag!" Gao Jiuding said coolly, it could have been a Qiankun bag, but now there is only a small storage bag of one cubic meter.

"Where did you come from?" Fu Wenjun asked.

"With my ability, can I still grab the spirit stone?" Gao Jiuding rolled his eyes and said.

Gao Qinglin said embarrassingly: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, how can I practice without qualifications? Telling you, it can only be in vain!"

Gao Jiuding smirked and said: "I understand, I didn't say anything? I'm still honoring you!"

Gao Jiuding felt very uncomfortable. Of course, he wasn't dissatisfied with his parents, but he didn't like Gao Qiong. Now that he has a brother, most of his parents' love for him will definitely be taken away!
"Since you have obtained the fairy fate, let's practice hard. We are old and don't need these things. You take them back. The road to cultivation is long, and you will need them in the future!" Fu Wenjun immediately returned the space bag to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding took it, directly opened the interspatial bag, and took out the contents, all of which were some clothes and pills for strengthening the body and nourishing the body. Of course, there were also pills for detoxification and beautification, which were specially prepared for my mother.

Gao Jiuding didn't seem to see the guilt of the old couple, nor cared about their concern, he just kept introducing.

Gao Jiuding said eloquently: "These clothes are equipped with defensive magic circles, which can defend against ordinary impact and bullet attacks. These pills purify the impurities in the body. When your body is cleansed, I will find a way to get you a magic weapon, which can become a weapon repairer, you should think about it first and see what kind of magic weapon is suitable for you!"

After introducing things one by one, Gao Jiuding finally revealed his plan. There were still a lot of cultivation resources, such as Qi Refining Pill, Qi Bu Pill, Burning Pill, Explosive Pill, Foundation Building Pill, etc. Jiuding is well prepared.

From qi refining to foundation building, Gao Jiuding bought several copies of all the pills during the period, so that parents, grandparents, and grandma could practice. Of course, Gao Qiong was no problem!

However, they are gone now, who asked them to sell the house to their wives and children?Can't you borrow it?So what if you give me a house?
If it was the original, Gao Jiuding didn't have this extravagant hope, but the Song family didn't treat his family badly, whether it was parents, grandparents or grandparents, they should all be rich.

Just like that, how could Gao Jiuding be willing to give away too many training supplies at once, even if he treated his wife and children so harshly?

It’s not that I don’t want to give it, it’s that I don’t want to give it out, I don’t want to give it out now, I don’t want to give it all at once.

Give it all at once, so that they can get what they want?

With resources, parents will definitely help Gao Qiong with all their strength, and they won't get much benefit.

Gao Jiuding thinks that this is not a good thing, and it is better not to make them happy. When they are happy, Gao Jiuding feels uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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