The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 412 Family Treasure Map

Chapter 412 Family Treasure Map

Gao Jiuding felt a little bad. He wanted to hire a large number of people to help him return to Earth this time, but the current situation is that young people can't bear hardships at all!

They can't even stand growing ginseng on the earth, so they can go to the dark starry sky and stay for a few years, can they bear it?Won't be driven mad by the dark void?

"That boy, give me a copy of your map!" Don't think about anything else, a treasure hunt map is still needed, besides, after hearing so much, Gao Jiuding thinks it is reliable.

"You are?" He looked at Gao Jiuding suspiciously, he had never seen this person before!

"A low-grade spirit stone, right? After saving money for a year, I finally got a chance. This is today's harvest. Give me the map and the original. If I don't take it away, I will compare it!" Gao Jiuding said.

"You also met today's chance? What does that senior look like? Do you know where he went?"

"What? Do you want to sell an extra copy? That senior left early, so give me the map!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"Hey, chance, when will I be lucky again!" The man dejectedly took out a folded map and handed it to Gao Jiuding.

Like ordinary map formats, the hard cardboard is covered with a layer of plastic film, the quality is not bad, and many place names are clearly marked on it.

Just looking at it, Gao Jiuding realized that the target was in the mountainous area of ​​the Badaling Great Wall?Such an obvious target, still can't find it?
"This is the original picture. The parchment is waxed. Some news, it's thousands of years old! Take a good look, I'm not lying, this is really the ancestral land of our family, but there is nothing there now, just down the mountain A small village!"

"Nothing? Are you sure this is the target?" Gao Jiuding compared the map. The mountains and rivers in the original map are absolutely different from the new map, but the general direction of the mountains is still correct.

There are no landmarks on the original map. The place names on the new map are all relabeled. They have been clearly marked, and even the distance is clearly marked.

"I'm sure, this map can't be faked. It's more than 1000 years old, and it records our family's ancestral land. The ancestral temple is here, and the family tree inheritance is all in this ancestral land. However, this I can't find any ancestral land!" The young man looked dejected.

If he could find it, why would he sell it here?That was his family's legacy.

It's because he couldn't find it after searching for several generations. In his generation, if he can't afford it, he will take out some resources to practice. If he can find it, he may still get some benefits.

Gao Jiuding carefully examined the original picture, there was no hidden mark, and it was impossible to hide anything. Under Gao Jiuding's spiritual inspection, it was just a piece of ordinary parchment, and there was nothing unusual on it.

On this kind of parchment, if you want to leave some hidden information, you just need to use special potions, layering, etc., but under the scanning of Gao Jiuding's spiritual consciousness, nothing was found.

"Some miscellaneous notes left by my ancestors all said that the ancestral land is at this location. It was not one ancestor who left such records, but several. However, I don't know what happened, suddenly I won’t be able to find the ancestral land in one day!” The man explained with a wry smile.

After he explained this, Gao Jiuding was relieved. He handed the Lingshi to the man directly, and walked out with the map.

In the Dharma-ending era, many secret places have disappeared. Maybe this man's family's ancestral land is also in a secret place.

"Secret place, I don't know how to activate it!" Putting away the map, Gao Jiuding found a hidden corner and flew into the sky.

The place recorded on the map is not far from here. Gao Jiuding has nothing to do now, so he naturally wants to take a look. Besides, he also needs to find a place nearby to build a base.

Badaling is not far from here, and he will be able to fly there soon after driving the flying sword, but Gao Jiuding doesn't want to be so high-profile, so he entered the Xuanwu ship!
Controlling the Xuanwu, he flew stealthily to the Badaling Island, and soon found the marked point on the map.

Searched over and over again, but found nothing.

"Sure enough, the treasure is not so easy to find!" Gao Jiuding sighed, giving up his desire to hunt for treasure.

The secret place in Esai happened just in time for him, and he didn't know how Ma Rulong and the others locked the location of the secret place, and he didn't know how they triggered the secret place.

At that time, Gao Jiuding scanned the secret place very clearly, and found a position in the secret place, thus sprinkled the spirit stones, completely aroused the secret place, so that people could go in to collect the treasures of the secret place.

But here, it is just an ordinary hill, covered with green trees, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like there is a secret place hidden here.

"If there really is a secret place, it might have been discovered long ago!" The chance of a spirit stone is really unreliable!

Wandering around for a few times, the Panshan Highway is the highway to the Badaling Great Wall, and there are even traffic jams. Although this place is considered a wilderness, it still belongs to the boundary of the capital, and the population is still very dense.

"There are three villages around, but there are more than a dozen small hills. This place is not bad!" Gao Jiuding stopped and found a deserted village. There is not even a road here.

It is less than 500 meters away from the location of the cave marked on the map, but there are three small hills in the middle.

All the peaks here are not high, but they are continuous. It can be said that a small mountain is connected with a small mountain, which makes the environment here a bit complicated.

Gao Jiuding chose a hill with the most complex terrain and the most difficult to climb, as his base.

The next step is to set up formations to cover up his base, because this is an important place in the capital and around a densely populated place, Gao Jiuding can't do too much!
He can only use the maze and phantom to cover up the mountain, and he can't do anything else, otherwise, he will definitely attract a large number of tourists to watch, and at that time, he will have karma with countless people.

Countless people know about self-cultivation, and know that they also have a chance to live forever. Will they still be willing to be ordinary people?

From then on, all the crimes committed by these people because he knew they were cultivators would all be blamed on Gao Jiuding. This is cause and effect.

This is the territory of the Shenzhou Daoist League, not Africa, where the high-profile is easy to be calculated.

"Speaking of birds don't shit, is this place a bird doesn't shit?" After buying a formation, covering a few kilometers, Gao Jiuding began to inspect his own territory.

Returning to Earth this time, I don't know how long it will take to leave, so Gao Jiuding plans to manage this base well, at least when he leaves, he will leave a place for Song Yue to settle down.

When he came back this time, he was full of surprises, and he didn't expect that there would be so many ties.

But this kind of bond is what Gao Jiuding hoped for. Song Yue was his childhood dream. He was already desperate, but he didn't expect to suddenly become his wife and have such a cute little princess.

This kind of bond is probably what any man would like to have, and Gao Jiuding is no exception.

"It doesn't matter if there are few resources, just work hard to cultivate some!" After wandering around, Gao Jiuding was disappointed.

It is already very rare to be able to enclose a mountain top of more than ten square kilometers here, and he can't expect too much.

"Only a dozen rabbits were found!" Gao Jiuding could only smile wryly when he came to the Xuanwu and looked at the scanned image.

Although he knew that the resources here were poor, but Gao Jiuding still didn't expect the barrenness to be so low.

Fortunately, this is an important tourist attraction, and the mountains here are already continuous, otherwise, even a few trees would have to be transplanted to other places.

"Trees, birds, rabbits, is that a hedgehog? Weasels, skunks, not too bad!"

In addition to trees and small river ditches, there are some animals, especially birds and insects. Of course, there are some aquatic creatures in the water.

"The vegetation is lush, let's raise some sheep first!" Gao Jiuding was very disappointed that there were no large animals. Fortunately, he went to Africa before returning, otherwise he would have to go out to buy anything to breed.

Some long-horned hanging sheep were released. After thinking for a while, some zebras and giraffes were released. These are herbivores.

"The carnivores will not be released. If these herbivores multiply, they will be killed and eaten. By the way, some chickens, ducks and geese are needed. These things reproduce very quickly. At that time, some baboons and wild animals can be released. dog!"

Gao Jiuding calculated how to use the land below. The rabbits here have the strongest reproductive ability. Now that they are protected by formations, the rabbits inside will breed soon. At that time, carnivores will be needed to control them. total group number.

Of course, there are also some weasels and skunks here, which also eat meat, but the snake rats are the most eaten by them.

"We need to provide bodyguards for Song Yueniang and his wife!" Gao Jiuding had a headache. Gao Xianzhi didn't have any power to protect himself, not to mention encountering baboons and wild dogs, even giraffes might be hurt.

Don't think that a baboon looks like a monkey, so you think it has no attack power. Baboons still have some combat power, and they have no problem dealing with ordinary small animals.

Strictly speaking, baboons are omnivores, they eat both meat and vegetables.

"Uh, aren't you too greedy?" Seeing the released animals, especially giraffes, Gao Jiuding actually forgot that it was winter.

At this time, the mountains are desolate, and even herbivores don't have much food!
"Well, with the protection of the formation, the temperature is not low, how about some rain?"

Gao Jiuding logged into, searched for a while, and bought a small cloud and rain array plate!

This thing is prepared for planting spiritual plants. Cultivators also need rain to plant spiritual medicines.

 Thank you for the reward of 500 coins from the three brothers of The Third Cigarette, Whale Swallowing Thousands of Miles, and Yuchen Xiaocute. Thank you~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins. .

(End of this chapter)

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