The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 415 Yun's Ancestral Temple

Chapter 415 Yun's Ancestral Temple
Thinking of a dozen children surrounding me to be their father, there is happiness, but also fear!

"Don't think too much, take one step at a time!" Gao Jiuding hurriedly shook his head.

"Dad, Dad, why don't we deliver food to Mom? It will be cold in a while!" Gao Xianzhi shook Gao Jiuding and said.

"Go, let's go, our speed is very fast, we will be there in a while!" Gao Jiuding and the old turtle asked him to scan the hospital where Song Yue was, but Song Yue was still undergoing surgery in the operating room. Just forget about eating.

"Look, mom is busy!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Where are your grandparents?" Gao Xianzhi was still very filial, and immediately thought of his grandparents.

Gao Jiuding scanned around, but found nothing: "Nothing?"

It is very strange that Gao Jiuding's grandparents and parents were not detected by the radar. Aren't they in the capital?

"Impossible!" Gao Jiuding scanned again.

The space folding mirror radar has the effect of a monk's spiritual consciousness. As long as the target is clear, everything can be found. Of course, this needs to be within the scanning range.

But now, Gao Jiuding couldn't find his four relatives!

"Could it be hidden in the formation?" Gao Jiuding looked at the places marked on the map where spiritual energy gathered.

There are protected by formations, and some are deep underground, which is not a place that radar can scan.

"I don't know what I'm doing to help the Song family, but I even entered the secret base!" Gao Jiuding frowned, the more involved he was with the Song family, the more he couldn't leave easily.

Now with Gao Jiuding's strength, he can easily suppress the Song family, but Gao Jiuding doesn't know if there is any big family behind the Song family.

"Forget it, if the family is too troublesome, don't use it, anyway, the family business is the source of prodigal success!" Gao Jiuding immediately made a decision.

The family is naturally trustworthy, but it's hard to manage, you can't beat, scold, or even say a few words. If such people are brought in, they are just masters, so how can they work together?
At this time, Gao Jiuding decided that as long as he is a family member who wants to get his help, he needs to accept the test, and the test is very simple, without any supplies, go to the starry sky, as long as he can make a fortune, he will be considered qualified !

"Huh? Fall asleep now? It's easy to get sleepy after eating, this is really a good way!" After not hearing his daughter's voice for a while, Gao Jiuding lowered his head, only to find that the little man had fallen asleep on the sofa .

After tidying up her daughter and putting her on the bed, Gao Jiuding controlled the spaceship and flew to the base in the direction of Badaling.

Arriving at the base, Gao Jiuding let Gao Xianzhi's villa out, and landed on the top of a small hill. There was a flat land, and there were many huge pine trees around, just covering the villa.

"Turn it up in the future, this place is more advanced than the villa in the middle of the mountain!" Looking at the villa in the mountain with satisfaction, Gao Jiuding laughed.

After getting off the spaceship and walking into the villa, looking at his sleeping daughter, Gao Jiuding felt very satisfied.

"Cultivate, one day of practice, one day of skill, one day of no practice, a hundred days of nothingness; three days of no practice of layman; four days of no practice of staring."

Meditation and refining Qi no longer need Gao Jiuding's control. Now what he needs to practice every day is Yujianshu. On the basis of practicing Yujianshu, he can also enhance his spiritual consciousness. How could Gao Jiuding miss such a good thing.

Driving the flying sword, shuttling between the surrounding hills, fast and slow, flying and stopping, now Gao Jiuding is very proficient in Yujian.

After ten years of retreat, Gao Jiuding has laid the foundation behind him. Whether it is the common sense of cultivation or various spells, Gao Jiuding has grown tremendously.

"Warning, someone appeared above the base, suspected of spying on the base!" Just as Gao Jiuding kept shuttling through the mountains, the old turtle's voice sounded in his mind.

"Peeping the base?" Gao Jiuding was startled, and immediately flew back to the Xuanwu, and conveniently put away the villa in the mountain.

Danger or no danger, it was impossible for him to leave his daughter outside.

"Careless, I was actually being targeted!"

Looking at the real image of the radar, Gao Jiuding realized that he was really being targeted.

At this time, someone was actually driving a hang glider, circling around his newly established base, circle after circle.

"Do you want to shoot it down? He has tried several times, and he may rush into the formation!" The voice of the old tortoise sounded again.

Compared with the little fox, it is really too lazy. Every time it can only hear the sound, it will never see its figure.

"Let's take a look first, the psychedelic formation is not so easy to find, how did he follow us?" Gao Jiuding asked strangely.

He saw that the person driving the hang glider was not a monk, because he had no aura outside his body.

"The psychedelic formation cannot be easily discovered by others. The reason why it is being targeted is not the problem here, but our problem!" said the old turtle.

After thinking about it, Gao Jiuding understood that he was either chasing them, or that this person was staring at this hill.

"Could it be that this is really a treasure trove?" Gao Jiuding had already given up on treasure hunting, but now Gao Jiuding was interested again.

"Look, he's rushing to the base!" Just when Gao Jiuding was thinking about how to catch that guy, unexpectedly he came to the door automatically.

The maze can confuse people, you can't break into the formation, it's the periphery!

If you enter the sky above the maze and fall directly from above, how can you get out of the maze and get out of the maze by yourself?

This person has a very good mind, and he actually thought of using the hang glider to break into the formation. Fortunately, this is not a killing formation.

"Don't hurt him, just send him out!" Seeing that the man was about to fall into the formation, Gao Jiuding said.

The old tortoise didn't say anything, it directly controlled the formation, and with a slight turn, it moved the hang glider rushing towards the formation to the outside of the formation.

The man manipulated the hang glider and slid all the way down, landing smoothly among the vegetation.

It landed in an instant, the speed was too fast, the man was a little confused, but soon, an expression of extreme shock appeared on his face.

"No, the coordinates are wrong. The coordinates we chose are XXX XXX, how did they become XXX XXX? Sure enough, there is a problem, and it is more than 1000 meters cheaper!" After the man landed, he immediately discovered the problem.

He looked at the woods not far away, there was nothing strange, and then looked at the distance, no matter how it looks here, it looks ordinary, but it is a fact that the coordinates have deviated by more than 1000 meters.

At this time, the expression on this person's face became a little strange, with surprise, annoyance, and a trace of unwillingness!
"I'm afraid it won't be easy to dismiss this man!" The old turtle in the formation spoke again.

"It's obvious that he came here with a purpose!" Gao Jiuding also had a headache, he was obviously an ordinary person, why is it so troublesome?

He naturally heard the voice of that person just now. The person locked a coordinate and flew over in a directional way, but the formation shifted his landing location, which was naturally more than 1000 meters cheaper.

"Which senior is here? This is the forest of our Yunjiazhuang, please raise your hands high and accept the formation!" Just when Gao Jiuding was struggling, the man spoke again.

This time, Gao Jiuding really didn't know what to do. Although this person is not a monk, he knows the existence of the cultivation world!
"Maybe it's a verbal temptation!" the old turtle reminded.

Gao Jiuding didn't speak, he also wanted to see if the person outside was probing, maybe he didn't get a response, so he left.

"Although this junior can't break through the maze set up by the senior, the environment here has changed, and everyone in Yunjiazhuang can see it!" Without waiting for a response, the man spoke again.

"The nearby village is Yunjiazhuang, and most people in the village have the surname Yun!" The old turtle said again.

"What does that mean?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Senior, here is our Yun family's ancestral hall, we will not give up, please come out and meet each other, senior!" The man shouted again.

This time Gao Jiuding couldn't continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb: "The kid who sold us the map doesn't seem to be named Yun?"

"Surname Yan, a rare surname!" said the old turtle.

"It's rare, and there is such a strange surname?" Gao Jiuding looked at the old tortoise strangely. Although it didn't show its head, it knew everything. It was listening to the surrounding movements anytime and anywhere!
"Yan's surname is rare, neither "Hundreds of Surnames" nor "Thousands of Families' surnames are recorded. This is a surname based on things. It is recorded in "Customs of Customs" that fishermen living in Dongting and Honghu Lake have this surname." Old Turtle Said slowly.

"This is the north!" Gao Jiuding touched his chin and said.

"I used to live in the south. The point of the problem is not here. The point is that there is also the ancestral hall of the Yun family here. Is there any secret in it?" the old turtle reminded again.

Gao Jiuding said: "Let that kid in!"

Anyway, he knew the existence of cultivators, even if he entered the formation, it would not be counted as the cultivation information spread by Gao Jiuding, so the cause and effect of whether this person practiced or not would not fall on his head.

At this moment, Yun Mingwei was looking at the woods in front of him in shock. In the originally dense woods, a path suddenly appeared.

He is very familiar with the environment here. The trees here were sparse at first, but it turned into a dense forest just after a morning, and it is even more strange now. It was still a messy jungle of thorns, but suddenly, it changed into a forest. a trail.

The trail is surrounded by clouds and mist, only the road is clear. Is this the magic of the formation?

Although Yun Mingwei was surprised, he knew that this was his closest chance to the cultivation world!
Yun Mingwei stepped forward without any hesitation. Things like Ye Gong's love of dragons would never happen to him.

Xiuzhen is the yearning, sustenance, and dream of several generations of the Yun family. Now that he has an opportunity, how could he hold back because he is afraid of the unknown?
Walking along the way, Yun Mingwei was shocked. He has lived here for more than 20 years. Could it be that he doesn't know the terrain around him?
 Thank you~ Brother Awakened for the reward of 300 coins, thank you for the rewards of Aiza’s Zhadi, Fallen Angel Yuyi, Yuchen Xiaocutie and others!

(End of this chapter)

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