The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 437 The Bell of Gao's Lingxiu

Chapter 437 The Bell of Gao's Lingxiu (100 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

"Who is Xiaohong? Haha, it doesn't matter. After Grandpa Zeng teaches you boxing, you can eat it after you learn it!" Gao Qingming said cheerfully.

"Xiaohong is Xiaohong!" Gao Xianzhi was still unhappy.

"Xiao Hong is always a red-haired baboon!" Gao Jiuding just came out and said.

When he said this, the two old men were speechless. Feed this top-quality fish maw to baboons?What breed is your baboon?It was worth such a waste.

"It's too wasteful!" Gao Qingkui couldn't help but said.

"It's not a waste, it's just some ordinary fish maw!" Gao Jiuding chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, it's not a waste. Anyway, it's not the maw of big yellow croaker or yellow-lipped fish. That's the best!" Gao Qingming was even happier when he saw Gao Qingkui's appearance.

Gao Jiuding was also very happy. He finally made his grandfather feel aggrieved for a while, but this was enough. Can he really hold grudges against the grandfather who brought him up?
"Even if it is produced by ordinary big fish, it is worth 10,000+!" Gao Qingkui still can't let go, even if the thing is not his own, he is not willing to waste it like this.

Generally, pure large yellow croaker fish maw is seven to eighty thousand to eighty thousand a catty. Of course, it is not uncommon for this thing to be hundreds of thousands per catty, and there are also a lot of tens of yuan per catty.

These Gao Jiudings were made by Chen Kexin, and they are usually only eaten by him. They are the best, at least they contain some spiritual energy, otherwise Gao Jiuding would not restrict Gao Xianzhi from eating them.

Among the isinglass, the swim bladder of the yellow-lipped fish is the most famous. When Gao Jiuding was young, he heard that a fisherman in the south found a large yellow-lipped fish that washed ashore. The fish maw was given to Taizu.

It is not clear whether Taizu wanted Gao Jiuding or not, but it can also be seen from this that the isinglass of the yellow-lipped fish is indeed a nourishing holy product, and it will soon be known as the king of the isinglass.

Of course, even ordinary fish gelatin is not cheap, especially dry products, which cost hundreds of thousands or millions. Even for ordinary products, there are many more than 10,000+ per catty.

The reason why Gao Jiuding made this thing is mainly because the flower maw nourishes the kidneys and essence, nourishes the tendons, and it is also the main refining material for the kidney-tonifying essence pill.

Gao Jiuding really never thought that his grandfather could really make alchemy, because the pill of nourishing the kidney and benefiting essence is already considered a real panacea, even higher than Bigu pill.

"Okay, I think you've gone mad!" Because of Gao Jiuding's face, Gao Qingming couldn't stop mocking Gao Qingkui, so he could only end the topic.

The family sat down and talked about their life and work this year, their happiness and troubles around the table.

Gao Jiuding just listened, but he felt very happy. Compared with the pitch-black starry sky, compared with the small and dark space, this scene is what he wanted most.

Ordinary, comfortable, quiet time!

In the afternoon, everyone else went to see Fenyu, only Gao Jiuding and Gao Qingkui were left at home.

"Grandpa, this is a gift for you!" After returning home, he never saw grandpa, and Gao Jiuding's gift has never been sent out.

"Forget it, it's not easy for you to get something by yourself, let's practice hard!" Gao Qingkui looked at this grandson who was brought up by himself. Man, Gao Qiong has spiritual roots, so he is helpless.

Their Gao family has fallen, and they simply don't have the ability to support their two grandsons to practice. Not to mention his grandson, even his own brother, can't they just be ordinary people?

Is it really a good thing to see my brothers and sisters leave me one by one?
Who doesn't want the whole family to live forever?But is this possible?
"Take a look, I think you will like it!" Gao Jiuding ignored Grandpa, but opened the gift box.

Looking at the ganoderma that was the size of a child's fist, Gao Qingkui looked surprised: "Ganoderma? I mean, ganoderma with spiritual energy? Is this really a panacea?"

"Ganoderma lucidum is the easiest medicinal material to cultivate. As long as you are not too unlucky, you can always absorb some spiritual energy. These two are not bad, and they absorb a lot of spiritual energy!" Gao Jiuding said with a light smile.

After being happy, the expression on Gao Qingkui's face became very complicated: "Do you know your original name, why is it called Ganoderma lucidum?"

"Is it because of Ganoderma Lucidum?" Gao Jiuding's expression became very strange.

Gao Qingkui smiled wryly and said: "This is just one of the aspects. Do you know our family history? Forget it, you must not be very clear. According to what I know, there are ten generations. Ten generations are single-passed. Ke, Xiu, De, Dian, Yong, Ji, Yuan, Qing, Qing, Zhi, your generation is the tenth generation, and now the No.11 generation has also grown up!"

"I am a Zizi generation?" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"Yes, originally you should be called Gao Zhiling, Gao's Lingxiu's favorite, the immortal grass of the Gao family, because the name is not very pleasant, so in the end it was changed to Gao Lingzhi, Gao Qiong should be called Gao Qiongzhi! "Gao Qingkui said with regret.

Every child of the Gao family is born with their hopes placed on them, but not all children are suitable for cultivation.

"One Ganoderma lucidum, one Yuzhi, Qiong is a beautiful jade!" Gao Jiuding also sighed very much.

Gao Qingkui smiled: "When you grow up, you insist on changing your name. You think the name Ganoderma lucidum is too delicate, too weak, and you can say it well. Jiuding is the most important weapon in the country, a divine weapon. This name is unbearable for ordinary people, and parents generally can't bear it." I dare not give my child such a name, I am afraid that I will die if I can't afford it!"

At this time, Gao Qingkui looked at Gao Jiuding with a more complicated expression. As his grandson, he was really self-sufficient.

"You originally meant that a man should not be able to eat Jiuding, but should also cook like Jiuding?" Gao Qingkui asked.

The name Jiuding was too heavy. At that time, Gao Qingkui was very reluctant to change his grandson's name, but a child in the rebellious period really couldn't make sense!
"Man, if you can't live, you can eat it, and if you die, you can cook it!" Thinking of these words, Gao Jiuding's expression became very complicated.

No matter if he was in Secondary School or his ambition, he knew at that time that he had lost his status as an heir, and his family would no longer love him so much. That kind of loss brought about a strong rebound, which made him set up this great ambition!
"You did a good job. Are these wild ganoderma lucidum? You cultivated them yourself? Very good. Although grandpa can't pass on the family inheritance to you, he will definitely not hinder your path!" Gao Qingkui said seriously.

"It's impossible for me to steal my brother's things!" Gao Jiuding was taken aback, and then expressed his opinion.

It's okay to lose the support of the Gao family, and he doesn't lack the resources of the Gao family.

Besides, his grandfather's so-called Gao family was just him and Gao Qiong, because they were the only two monks in the family.

"Okay, it's good if you have such an idea, let's not talk about it, your Ganoderma lucidum is growing well!" Gao Qingkui said happily.

A strange look appeared on Gao Jiuding's face. After a while, he really wanted to see what his grandfather's face would look like!

Gao Qingkui's eyes were fixed on the two ganodermas at this time: "Ganoderma, ganoderma, the one with the aura is the ganoderma, in fact, the ganoderma is a mushroom, there is no aura, and the ganoderma that cannot absorb the aura is similar to wood.

Have you eaten the ones that you can often see on the mountain?Those are actually Ganoderma lucidum, which can only be drunk in wine, and can only be used as medicine after being boiled out of their medicinal properties. They cannot be eaten directly at all, but the real Ganoderma lucidum is different. "

"Grandpa is an expert in traditional Chinese medicinal materials. If you say yes, it is naturally good. I have a medicine field. I just want grandpa to look at it and give me some guidance!" Gao Jiuding said, stood up, and came to grandpa, with his arms around on Grandpa.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the two of them disappeared into the air immediately, and at this time a small and exquisite pagoda appeared in the house.

The pagoda is crystal clear, like glass, shining with golden brilliance. This appearance is already a real pagoda. The original mud-like appearance has completely disappeared.

This is the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. As his skill gradually faded away, although Gao Jiuding still couldn't fully exert the full power of this pagoda, he could control it like this with ease.

Gao Jiuding brought his grandfather to the third floor of the pagoda, which is the spiritual field that was developed later!

There are some tall trees around the Lingtian. These are the baobabs that Gao Jiuding originally transplanted.

These trees are now growing bigger and bigger, and their ability to absorb water has also been greatly enhanced.

The baobab tree absorbs water, and Gao Jiuding made a small hole in the trunk to let the water flow into the spiritual field. Part of the water in the spiritual field is absorbed by the elixir, and the other part is absorbed by the baobab tree. cycle.

There is no fire vein here, or even a fire vein, so naturally the water cannot be evaporated and circulated, so Gao Jiuding thought of this method.

When the water source flows, it brings infinite vitality.

Therefore, although the spirit fields here are not as good as those spirit medicines in the space of the first floor pagoda, they are still growing very well.

Gao Jiuding has no shortage of resources, and the spiritual fields here are all paved with five-color mud and five-color soil, forming a large second-level spiritual field.

Without spiritual veins and five-color stones, this place can only be a second-level spiritual field, but even so, a second-level spiritual field of more than one hundred acres is still very shocking. For example, Gao Qingkui was completely shocked at this time. I can't speak.

"This is the Ganoderma lucidum field, Grandpa, how about my Ganoderma lucidum?" Across a paddy field, there is a Ganoderma lucidum field hidden in the shadows, densely covered with countless Ganoderma lucidums.

Ganoderma lucidum grows very fast. In this second-level spiritual field, its growth rate is twenty times that of the outside world. It is only planted for more than a year, which is equivalent to more than 20 years of outside planting.

For more than 20 years, some Ganoderma lucidum grows very big, and some are still so small and exquisite!
"You planted all these?" Awakened by his grandson's words, Gao Qingkui asked in disbelief. "

(End of this chapter)

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